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Warden's Wife Pays His Debt Ch. 05

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Tormented warden forced to endure unbearable new reality.
9.5k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/22/2019
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This story is posted on the Literotica websitethe author does not give permission for it to be reposted or reprinted anywhere else without consent. This chapter picks up right where the fourth one left off...I am confident you will enjoy it as a standalone, but I encourage you to go back and read chapters 1-4.


Standing uncomfortably in her sexy black baby doll, Liv Rawlins stared in shock at the scene in front of her. Her typically confident husband looked fearful and sullen sitting on their living room sofa, his good arm handcuffed to the wrought iron backing of the designer couch—his other, the one he couldn't lift, resting limply in his lap. The young wife was painfully aware he was likely using that limb to obscure the stainless steel cock cage encasing his shriveled penis. The only other item adorning his body was a large red ball-gag stuffed deep into his mouth. The two of them made eye contact and each could see in the other's expression just how serious a situation they found themselves in.

Their moment of realization was interrupted by escaped convict Mylo Dickenson's booming voice. "It's good to see the two of you finally reacquainted, it's been quite a while. In fact, come to think of it, the last time you were together, we were all still inside the confines of that shithole prison you run chief." Mylo laughed, "A lot has happened since then, we broke out, you pissed yourself and your wife and I spent a long night in bed together!"

The warden stared at the rapist through hate-filled eyes.

"Don't do this you sick son of a bitch!" Liv interrupted insolently.

Mylo laughed, "Me sick? I really doubt a sick man could have performed so admirably last night. You, of all people should know. I mean, could a sick man really make a woman cum so many times in one night?"

Mylo watched as the warden glanced in his wife's direction only to see her eyes drop in obvious shame.

"Baby, why don't you come on over here and sit in my lap," Mylo suggested to the hot WILF with a big shit-eating grin on his face.

In spite of her loathing, an unsure expression formed on hers as she contemplated whether to push back or succumb to his request.

"C'mon honey, I don't bite...uh...well I guess that's not entirely true, but that hot little number is covering up most of the evidence, isn't it..." Mylo laughed again as he looked over in the warden's direction for effect. The escaped convict turned back to her and patted his lap.

After several excruciating ticks, Liv Rawlins slowly moved in his direction. Mylo felt blood flowing to his cock as he brazenly ogled her sexy body. Both men could see the alluring jiggle of her natural d-cups underneath the skimpy lingerie. The warden's eyes widened with every step she took in the rapist's direction. His wife was soon standing in front of the filthy pig, back turned to him. Grant pulled at his restraints as his muffled cries filled the room.

Mylo had already tuned him out while his cock gradually inched down his thigh—it had been a long time since he had felt so in control. And while his memory of all those joyous experiences from long ago had faded somewhat in his forty something incarceration-eroded brain, he couldn't recall ever being in a more perfect situation than the one he found himself in now.

He patted his lap yet again as he stared up into the nervous face of the gorgeous wife. He could only imagine the shameful torment she was experiencing. The only saving grace from her perspective was that her husband hadn't physically watched any of the unsavory things the two of them had done together over the past 24 hours.

That was about to change.

Liv Rawlins slowly descended into Mylo Dickenson's lap. The prison escapee's muscled arms and oversized hands guided her lean body into place until her hot ass was nestled in his lap and she was facing her husband. The convict took a big whiff of her thick hair, immediately recognizing the combined scent of perfume, smoke, and perspiration.

Grant Rawlins could read the pained expression on his wife's face but was powerless to do anything about it. He couldn't believe how delicate her shapely body appeared against the backdrop of the sociopath's muscled physique. The warden then noticed Mylo's huge cock extending out of his shorts and lying dangerously on his powerful thigh. His eyes grew wide as he stared.

Mylo observed the abhorrent gaze. The detestable criminal nonchalantly gripped Liv Rawlins' hand and moved it to his cock. She tried to pull away, but he held it there and spoke forcefully in her ear. Grant couldn't make out what was being said, but finally when Mylo removed his, her small hand remained in place.

"Okay folks, we have a lot to discuss here! Wait, stroke it baby...yeah nice and slow for now while we talk!"

The warden watched helplessly as his wife's demure fingers moved ever so slowly across the exposed skin of the convict's rutted penis. The delicate digits appeared to shrink as the phallic expanded in her grip. "Yeah, that's better," Mylo groaned. "Now we can get down to business. It looks like the three of us are gonna be held up here for a while, so we're all going to have to make the best of the situation." The rapist grinned as his hand found the outside of Liv Rawlins' toned thigh. I'm willing to do my part! But as for the two of you, as soon as you accept who makes the rules and you learn to adhere to them without question, the better off you're both going to be. Is that understood?"

They stared into each other's frightened eyes, hesitating for several seconds before nodding hesitantly.

Liv could only imagine the humiliation her husband must have felt with the big red ball gag stuffed in his mouth and a stainless steel cock cage circling his penis. She had purchased the cage a few years previously as a kind of playful joke while the two of them were down for a party weekend in Vegas with friends. While walking down the strip after a long day of drinking by the pool, a show, and then separating from their friends, Liv naughtily suggested they slip into an adult novelty store.

Grant had been after her for some time to let him buy her a large dildo. The idea had excited her, but she had feigned resistance as she hadn't wanted to come across as overly excited about it. But she was. However, on this night, she had plenty to drink and was feeling particularly naughty when they entered the store. After a lot of back and forth, they eventually settled on a thick black veiny 7" toy (the same one Mylo had tossed aside and referred to as "this little fucker"). As part of their negotiations at the kink shop, Liv had suggested, almost jokingly in her mind, that if Grant was so adamant about her having a big dildo, that he must agree to wear a chastity cock cage on occasion while she pleasured herself with it. She was surprised when he actually agreed.

In the years since, the dildo got a lot more use than the chastity cage, but on occasion Liv would demand that he wear it for naughty weekend play sessions at the beach house. Neither of them would have ever imagined the shameful cage becoming a permanent part of Grant's attire, as his captor now required.

Mylo's deep voice interrupted Liv's thoughts, "Mmmm good. So getting back to the rules...they are pretty fucking simple, my big cock needs as much enjoyment as it wants, whenever it wants 24/7! And since I'm not a fag, that leaves only one of you to provide that pleasure!" The Rawlins' gulped simultaneously. In addition to the stress created by Mylo's statement, Grant couldn't help from peering again at his wife's fingers as they slowly rubbed the lunatic's incomprehensibly big dick as it rested dangerously on his leg.

Mylo continued, "I took a little time this morning prepping the room next to the master to be your little hideaway chief. I found some cable in the garage which I was able to secure to the bed frame in your new room. When you're in there, you'll be able to move as freely around the bed area as your cable-cuffed wrist will allow. I also left a bucket so you don't have to piss yourself again." Mylo laughed. "I would suggest you learn how to do it through that little slit in your cage or you'll have a stinky mess on your hands. And once a day you'll be given a chance to take a shit, you better make use of the time or you'll be waiting 24 hours till the next opportunity. Is that clear?"

The warden glared at Mylo through hateful eyes before nodding almost imperceptibly.

"How is he going to do any of that? He can barely move with his injuries!" Liv complained, serious displeasure in her voice as she studied her husband's displaced collar bone poking against the skin of his crushed shoulder.

"So feisty! Wow, I love it! But sweetie you need to channel that energy for when you're riding my horn the next time! Meanwhile, I'm sure your little hubby will figure it the fuck out." Mylo responded as he used his other hand to grip a thick chunk of her hair. He pulled her head slightly backwards before he spoke threateningly, "We'll talk more about his injuries later, but first you need to relieve the pain in a much more important body part. I'm talking about the discomfort I'm feeling in my nuts from not having been relieved for a while. Your little hand feels pretty good, but not as good as your married lips. Slide off the couch onto your knees and take off my shorts."

Her husband immediately pulled on his restraints as panicked sounds erupted from his throat again.

Mylo laughed while stroking her hair in an obvious attempt to further incense the helpless warden.

"Please don't do this!" The hot wife pleaded.

"On your knees bitch!"

"Here? Now? Can we at least go in the other room?" She begged.

"Absolutely fucking not slut! Trust me, we'll be spending plenty of time in that bedroom, but I think the warden deserves to see some of what we're up to. It would be really unfair for him to only get to listen! Don't you agree?"

"Please My...uh...Mr. Dickenson..."

"That's pronounced Dick-is-in bitch! Remember we went over this last night! Of course you can call me Stud, Master, or Savior when you're screaming out to me in ecstasy, but the rest of the time it's Mr. Dick-is-in! Is that clear?"

Liv hesitated before answering in an accepting tone, "...yes."

"Yes what slut?"

"...yes...uh...Mr. Dick-is-in."

Warden Rawlins redoubled his efforts trying to free himself as the degrading banter angered him desperately.

That rage was nothing compared to the feelings he encountered moments later. "I told you to get on your knees!" Mylo shouted, a definite impatience now in his tone. The warden's scared wife descended between his muscular legs. "Okay, now pull my shorts off...careful to maneuver them around my crank." Mylo lifted his ass off the chair as Liv awkwardly slipped his boxers down to his ankles. He kicked them off with a satisfied chuckle. His huge cock lopped over the edge of the chair but was obscured from the warden's view by his wife.

In spite of what she was about to do, Liv hoped they would remain in this position. Her husband wouldn't witness it directly this way—and better yet, she wouldn't have to see his reactions.

"Take that big cock in your mouth." Mylo directed as he held it out to her.

Liv Rawlins shook her head. In spite of how many times she'd sucked it the previous night, apprehension paralyzed her now. Mylo casually reached down and grabbed a big clump of her thick hair again. "Don't start gettin' all rebellious now slut, you sucked this thing like a whore last night!"

"That's a lie you bastard!" The strong-willed wife argued.

"Oh yeah? Then how did so much of my jiz make it into your stomach that you had to hurl?"

"You forced me to swallow it...and there was so much!"

The comment swelled Mylo's psyche. But her husband listened in pained disbelief. His wife's initial response buoyed his desolation, but her follow-up reaction painfully confirmed that regardless of whose version was correct, the woman he loved had incomprehensibly consumed a great deal of the rapist's semen.

Mylo laughed, "Okay if that's your story...but today's a new day, you should have plenty of room for a new batch bitch! These big balls have been churning for a while now, so I hope you're ready."

Liv Rawlins' recollection of how much cum Mylo's huge testicles produced each time he ejaculated entered her thoughts. She had gulped down as much as possible each time he came, but never was she able to consume even half of one of his voluminous loads. In fact each time he erupted, her gag reflex kicked in and large amounts of the viscous fluid spilled from her lips and splattered on her tits.

Liv's thoughts were interrupted by Mylo's gravelly voice. "Okay baby, shimmy on your knees to the right as I swivel the chair that way. We want the chief to have a good view don't we?"

Her earlier thoughts now crushed, she gazed up at him through hateful eyes before obeying his order.

For the first time since seeing Mylo's glistening cock outside his office the previous afternoon, the rapist's massive dick was now on full display in front of the warden. It hung menacingly over the largest set of balls he had ever seen, which themselves now hung off the front cushion of the chair and bounded against it as the convict maneuvered into position. Grant disbelievingly estimated Mylo's thick cock had to be every bit of nine inches long and was clearly not yet fully hard. The enormous package looked completely incongruous against the slight features of his wife's beautiful face which was now only inches away.

"Chief, it seems incredibly ironic that we find ourselves in this position doesn't it?" Mylo didn't wait for his reaction, "I mean, twice a day for the past six years I've had to relieve the pressure in these big nuts by checking out fat chicks, faggots, or conjuring up images of past pussy. All of that thanks to your sorry ass!" The brazen convict gripped his fat cock and brought it to Grant's wife's lips. "But now I get to fuck your wife's beautiful mouth while you watch. I think you'll be surprised at just how good she is at making me cum. I have to say, I always kind of thought that dumb sluts gave the best blowjobs, but your smart doctor wife might make me rethink that theory. Of course she has much more to learn, but trust me fucknut, she's gonna get plenty of practice!"

Grant pulled frantically at his restraints while his wife begged Mylo one final time to go in the other room.

"Bitch, put your lips on that cock right now or I'll rip that gag from your husband's mouth and make him suck me dry!"

Liv Rawlins' acceptingly leaned forward and opened her mouth as wide as possible. Her succulent lips wrapped around the engorged purple head that had already occupied the same wet climes a half-dozen times in less than 24 hours. Mylo's head fell backwards. "Oh fuck yeah...Mmmm baby...suck that big fucker just like last night!"

For the next five minutes Liv Rawlins' stretched lips circled the rapist's oversized head while her husband watched in agony. But to her credit, she consciously made no effort to pleasure her captor additionally with her tongue or fingers. Mylo patiently let her wallow around in an attempt to not stimulate him further. Of course after 18 years in prison, she could have simply kissed it over and over and his balls would have bounced together in joy. But her halfhearted performance now clearly wasn't in keeping with the prowess she had demonstrated the previous night in her drug and booze induced performance. Her current efforts weren't acceptable—something would have to change.

"C'mon bitch you can do better than that. Take it deeper and use your hand to stroke it slut. You obviously remember how I like it!"

Grant Rawlins cringed again at Mylo's demeaning dialogue directed at his wife.

Liv reluctantly moved one of her hands to Mylo's rutted shaft. Although still shocked at her obscenely stretched lips, Grant was immediately taken aback by the way his wife's extended fingers failed to circle its circumference—amazingly the digits were several inches from doing so. He watched, tormented as her small hand began subtle up and down motions on the convict's cock in tempo with her mouth. Her wedding ring sparkled brilliantly against the slickened backdrop.

Mylo buried one of his large paws in the back of her hair and forced her face downward on his shaft. He had been impressed at how deeply she had taken him the previous night and now he couldn't wait to show her piece-of-shit husband what she was capable of.

But instead, she resisted.

She pulled her head from his shaft. "It's too big, you are gagging me, I can't take it any deeper! Please, can we stop?"

Mylo had had enough—it was time to remind her there would be serious consequences for insubordination and/or unenthusiastic efforts. He pushed her out of his lap and moved quickly over to the fireplace. He grabbed the firewood poker roughly from its stand and turned angrily back in the Rawlins' direction.

Liv screamed as she observed the abject fury in the convict's eyes. Her husband pulled frantically at his restraints. Mylo moved back in front of her, his slick cock still arcing menacingly over his balls as she cowered and bawled from her knees. He noticed that her new positioning exposed her deep cleavage, showing off her big tits as they bounced heavily beneath the skimpy lingerie. "Slut, you are going to learn that anything less than complete submission and unbounded enthusiasm will result in consequences for you and/or your piece of shit husband!" Mylo pivoted quickly and whacked the warden squarely on his swollen, dislocated knee cap. The proud prison leader shrieked like a little girl in incomprehensible agony.

His wife screamed as tears streamed down her face, "Please don't hurt him, I'll do what you want!"

"Oh you bet you will cunt, but you need to realize I'm not going to tell you twice!" Mylo growled as he manipulated the iron bar in his hands until the blunt end was driving into the warden's broken ribs at a high rate of speed. The warden screamed again in pain.

"PLEASE STOP!" Liv Rawlins pleaded. "I promise I will do better, I'll show you!"

A sinister smile formed on Mylo's face as he lined up the pointed edge of the poker with the warden's shattered shoulder. "What did you say slut?"

"Please stop, I will do what you want. I'll do better...I'll make you feel better!"

"You fuckin' better bitch! If not, I'll stick this poker so far into his shoulder they'll need a wench to get it out! Are you ready to suck it like you did last night?"

She nodded her head—shamed however to acknowledge in front of her husband that she'd pleasured him much more enthusiastically the previous night under less threatening conditions.

Mylo moved over in front of her, now with a club in each hand. He dropped one on the floor and fed her the more dangerous of the two.

Liv Rawlins, respected medical professional and administrator opened her mouth and started sucking the convict's cock like a whore. Mylo stood no more than four feet in front of the warden with his cock in one hand and the back of his wife's head in the other. "Now we're getting somewhere...Mmmm yeah...suck that big cock." He groaned while flopping his thickening hose around her gorgeous face.

Grant watched in shock at the fervor by which his wife took to her task. Saliva dripped from her lips as she slobbered slutishly on the thick tool while both her hands aggressively jacked it off. Wet smacking sounds filled the room. "Aaahh...that's more like it!" Mylo gasped. "That's the slut I remember from last the warden how much you love sucking that big fuckin' cock!"


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