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Font of Fertility Ch. 07


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"Um," I said, possibilities flashing through my mind. "Maybe you three could line up on the edge of the bed with your asses in the air, and I could fuck each of you over and over until one of you makes me come?"

The three girls all grinned and Lauren slapped my ass before stepping onto the bed on her knees. "Now that sounds very hot."


Thanks for reading.

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AyyarAyyar3 months ago

I found this story while waiting for the author to return from hiatus on a different one. Mostly I've been pretty happy with it, but this chapter was not enjoyable. The torture of Annalise just should not be interspersed with fun times at the baxley grant house. Each could be good on its own but the mood whiplash the reader receives from the tonal shift blindsided me. I was unable to do more than skim the last 3 pages because I couldn't mentally distance myself from what I had just read about Annalise to get back to fun sexy times.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I fu ked 8 different girls for years daily and never got as tired as this kid. What's his problem. Go eat and drink and come back and fuck. Simple

Lee2012Lee20125 months ago

Ok, dude. Tag-team butt-fucking three chicks is mind bending But enough of the cliff-hanging teasers on Annalise. Iโ€™ve tapped her as my fav mage, but youโ€™re losing my interest as Iโ€™m an ADOF.

YourNeighbourYourNeighbour6 months ago

So the proclamation he made a few days is already broken.

He either fucked his spell and set no consequences for going after his word, but let'sbe honest he wasn't told he could or should. Or if he had his fairy around maybe he would know his proclamation has been broken. But since he's a horny with 3 beautiful girls on his mind all of his responsibilities just went under his radar. I just hope no one gets permanently harmed for his oversight, or worse.

I must admit I skimmed through the second half of the chapter hoping for more about the plot.

NirosuNirosu8 months ago

Going through this ch I got caught up on the father broke the proclamation what is the consequence?

So magic proclamations mean literally nothing, like there is no magic to inherently holding it or anything?

Backlash or hit from breaking a proclamation in the magic world... I honestly started skipping to see what the inherent consequences were to breaking a rule or law set by magic...apparently nothing?

Like at the very minimum the magic should have informed him to the rule being broken

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is a great story or series but what the hell was that insert about dad and pruning shears cutting her neck about that was so random it doesnโ€™t need to be there

ZephyrwhirlZephyrwhirl10 months ago

I have to agree with the comments of wolfbeckett.

He has the power, but doesn't care one bit about it. He is supposed to be in charge, but Laura has all the power. He needs her approval or involvement in every act.

WolfbeckettWolfbeckett10 months ago

Okay I've really liked the story thus far. However. This chapter was a serious downgrade for me. The author writes the erotic scenes really well and I enjoy reading them, but the problem is that it's impossible for me to enjoy them because of my concern about Annalise being tormented literally in real time as all the sex is happening. Also, the fact that Jeremiah keeps on putting off speaking to his advisor over and over and over again is pissing me off. He comes across as way, way, WAY too unconcerned about this new magical world he's discovered. What should be the biggest revelation of a mind screw in his life he puts off learning about because "lol I'm tired some other time". For these reasons the story is causing me more anxiety than enjoyment.

6King6Kingalmost 2 years ago


JeryarbJeryarbalmost 2 years ago

Use magic to help Lindsay stay faithful to the circle

jcus0511jcus0511almost 2 years ago

Smashing story hot & revived energy after a break by the author.

tinfoilhattinfoilhatabout 2 years ago

It's been 7 years since a new chapter has been posted. Maybe one of the other authors, who helps finish incomplete stories, can take this where it should go. I really hope that happens, since this is a great story.

BreakTheBarBreakTheBarabout 2 years agoAuthor

It's been a long time (seven years!?!) but I am back to writing Erotica!

FoF Ch. 8 has been submitted to Literotica - you should expect it in about 3 days to a week from this comment if things work at the usual speed. If you want it faster, and want to read my other stories, you can also check out my Patreon, where Chapter 9 is also posted to Patrons.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love the story but this is not a place to end it. To many loose ends and future possibilities.

GhostWraithGhostWraithabout 2 years ago

Great story, I really hope your coming back to finish or continue it. Tis cruel to leave us hanging

Eddie_EhrlichEddie_Ehrlichabout 2 years ago

This is a great story with a very good setup and some worldbuilding that could spawn far more then we see right now. I remember reading this a few years ago and decided to read it again. When I saw the little notes about being updated just months ago I was really happy. Do you have any plans on continuing this story in the near future? I think you could really wrap this up (without closing the book completely so to say) with just one more chapter. But leaving us hanging with Annaliese is just mean.

daves_not_heredaves_not_hereabout 2 years ago

OMG! We need more! What happens after this? You left us hanging!

I did vote 5 stars for each chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Honestly, I thought it was great. I've enjoyed the series. Wish there were more, feel like you left us hanging.

AlittleWeirdAlittleWeirdabout 2 years ago

Great story but it would be even better if there was another chapter.

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBBabout 2 years ago

Ok, as this is another unfinished story and I really hate those. 1*

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBBabout 2 years ago

What is the timescale for more chapters please?

servant111servant111about 2 years ago

Love this have spent a great deal of story time fleshing out some great characters plus you have given us a great beginning for a magic culture framework that just begs for an extended group of follow ons. You literally have the framework for a really great novel here with a little reworking. I suggest you get to firming up your metastory outline and GET TO IT!!! This one has the potential to be a really epic fantasy roleplaying novel worthy of the best like Michael Anderle or Judith Berens best magical sagas.

I look forward to the continuation of this great series!!!!

Of Course...5 stars

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFireabout 2 years ago

Guess Annalise is justโ€ฆ.fucking dead by now

rjsully7rjsully7over 2 years ago

Sorry but you have so much unanswered. What happened to Annalise? What happened to his seat meeting, the girl at the mall?etc,etc,etc!!

Irish687Irish687over 2 years ago

This is a great series.. please bring us more of it....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Would love to see more of the Annalise and Emily part

SniperkingSniperkingover 2 years ago

I think someone stole the story and put it on amazon as the life bringer's harem

anubeloreanubeloreover 2 years ago

Hoping the author is actually planning to post the chapter 8 he said he'd posted on his Patreon. This story was enjoyable...I just remember hating that it ended without resolution. I'll have to reread it now.

RobjustRobRobjustRobover 2 years ago

Definitely wish there was more. At least to take care of the botanist.

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 2 years ago

Great start to an unfinished story...


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dick move not resolving Annalise arc. Otherwise 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

such a shame that we didnโ€™t get to see the continuation of this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Still fun to read but getting to end of life.

Authors seem to all be caught up in the same parts of a tale.

Anal has to be included in all Literotica stories & everyone seems to be in a contest to see who can write the raunchiest story.

Not necessary. Write to make your characters real. A great story is one where. A few days later I canโ€™t remember if I read it, watched it, or lived it, & I think I actually know the characters.

There are some out there!

Bill S.

blkuserblkuserover 2 years ago

Damn totally enjoyed this story was disappointed that there was not another chapter to address the Botanist

FeotakahariFeotakahariover 2 years ago

I hope you know that people are still reading and loving your stories even now.

milfhunter777milfhunter777over 2 years ago

It was wonderful! Though I am curious to see how that 'Plant $+>|}' is going to get his come uppin's. HE-HE-HE

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

On dec 2020 the author updated his bio saying he was thinking of coming back but now it's 2022 .........

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a great story, but its a dam shame you could leave us hanging on the storyline for 10 years. Please help out your readers and continue the chapters.

No1holywoodNo1holywoodover 2 years ago

Shame that this story was never completed

Dream59Dream59over 2 years ago

You went on to something else and just left an entire storyline, incomplete.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So... It's 2021. Please post what you have if you have anything so we can give you motivation to keep going.

dbsidedbsideover 2 years ago

28 days later from the last comment, I'm lost, abandoned, starving to hear about the a-hole dad!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

2 Questions: Has anyone successfully reached out to the author, BreakTheBar? It has been 5 years since he has released a story, feels like he may need some motivation. Also, after 5 years, it feels like we may have to Game of Thrones this and pick up the ball for George RR Martin. Not sure what policy is here, but Iโ€™m sure the community would be open to it if we stuck to the writers style and donโ€™t go rogue. Very tempted to do this myself.

HemmingswayHemmingswayalmost 3 years ago

What a waste. I mistakenly thought this story was completed. Another potential Lit gem left abandoned.

Diecast1Diecast1almost 3 years ago

where's they next chapter. A very good story . AAAAA++++

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please tell me you will finish this. I actually skipped the the last sex scene hoping there was more with Anna. Its such a great story and I want the Dad to get his god complex shoved up his ass and lose all he has ever made. Maybe let Anna become the curse he feared so much, it would serve him right.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I absolutely loved this series and want to read more! I just hope you don't go any darker than you already have with the conflict your are building with Anna and her dad. I hate stories that are wonderfully fantastical and full of rich world building only to see them ruin it all by making a horrid villian that does things that really take you out of the story. I really hope Anna's dad gets his and bad!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I wonder what happened to the Author BreakThe Bear, for there has been nothing written/released since 2016, the last chapter in this series was released in 11/2015.

Will Jerry find out about Abigail's situation and rescue her in time and what will he do to her father for defying him ? These are things people want to know...

toddjlertoddjlerabout 3 years ago

Hot Hot! Hopefully you return to this!

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Poor Anna!!! You left her getting waterboarded for 6 years!!! WTF!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Good story. But why didn't you finish the story line

PornGoddess2PornGoddess2about 3 years ago

Oh damn.

Six years now?

Gotta find out what happens with Annalise, at least.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Don't need to be the best story/line but finish it.

Nothing's more dissapointing than unfinnished business.

(Also for the writer/creator)

All other is said from the previous comments.

cindyp1976cindyp1976about 3 years ago

I really have loved the story so far and see where you posted 5 years ago that you had a lot of ideas on the rest of the series. so why haven't you finished it yet ? you haven't even finished this story and I really want to know why he didn't know that that girls father violated his proclamation for him not to be able to harm his family you would think that he would be alerted immediately. also how did he kill them when he is supposed to be blocked magically from doing it. I would think he needs to cast a spell so he knows if someone he cares about is in danger and one so he will know if when gives a judgment it's not followed he will know. It might also be helpful if magical families are tracked and kept an eye on so that situations like that girls don't happen and mentors not from their family are set up for any magically gifted child so they can learn and control their powers. please finish the story I think 5 years is long enough to finish writing it don't you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Awesome. Need more annlise what is going on...

Tom5616Tom5616about 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this โ˜บ! Hope to read more! What happened to Annlise? More please ๐Ÿ™!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Since this story was written back in 2015 (today is 2021) I suspect the author has moved on and doesn't care about all of the loose ends they left. I really liked the story and would like to know what they were thinking of the Council of the Seats.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

There are too many things left hanging at the end of Chapter 7. We do NOT have closure on important characters like Annalise, her sister, her mother and father, on Odama, on the council of the Seats, etc. or on issues. like the magazine The magazine cover with Lauren on it and the story supporting the photos of Lauren was a major turn off. It destroys the power/magic that are at the base of the story and the desire to keep the dick power secret. It kills the story. Since the Jerry proclamation is not enforced, it ruins the idea of the power of the magic and it has a major impact on the effectiveness of the council of Seats. Somehow, it feels like the author has given up on the story and wants out of this plot altogether. It sounds like story suicide.

Please ask someone with deeper knowledge of English to reread and correct the numerous mistakes included in this story. It would be nice to have a story where the author and proofreader know the difference between there, their and they're.


Aussie1951Aussie1951over 3 years ago

Very disappointed and I certainly agree with tiercenpts comments. Like he stated five years is a long time since the last chapter and you better be dead and fucking buried, thatโ€™s the only excuse Iโ€™ll accept for not continuing on with this amazing story. itโ€™s a shame really itโ€™s one of the best stories Iโ€™ve every read.... โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ

Taco76310Taco76310over 3 years ago

Just read your story and it was great. Would have been great without the sex just implying what had happened. Do want to find out about whatโ€™s happening in Arizona. She was and is a great character.

SiodisSiodisover 3 years ago

Absolutely outstanding series, cannot wait to see what's next!

lovedefactolovedefactoover 3 years ago

Awesome series but you've left us in limbo! Please continue

tiercenpttiercenptover 3 years ago

I was kind of put off now in the last Chapter.

Yes, it is a very good story also because Jeremiah was written as a throughout good guy in most all of his decisions.

but there was out of 6 pages written maybe 1 1/2 of story within everything else was "just" sex.

Especially with a Plot like with Annelise, so her mom got killed, what about her Sister??

I thought there'd be more about him discovering his magic powers and preparing for the Council meeting etc. etc.

kinda disappointed...

& now we've been waiting for 5+ years

In Literotica terms, the Story is dead and very likely not to get continued..that leaves a bad taste in my mouth tbh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Please continue this and your other stories.

They are worthy of your attention, as you are a very good author and storyteller.

CJRobbinsCJRobbinsover 3 years ago

Gotta say, I am LOVING this series and it's not just for the erotica of it. The overall story, the conflicts in the background, and the Lord that is yet to be fully explained all manage to flow together to keep people hooked. Looking forward to the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

More coming??? Great story but leaving us hanging...more please!!!

BrianOrr1BrianOrr1over 3 years ago

This is absolutely one of the best series on Lit! I have loved every single chapter! I think the thing i love best about this whole series is that the protagonist is genuinely a good man. Jeremiah is finding his way as best he can and mistakes are of course a part of that, but he never hides anything from his girls. He is up-front and truly is trying to take his duties as The Seat seriously.

My favorite stories on this site are ones where the good guys truly do win, and where wholesome and kink don't have to be mutually exclusive. This series checks all the boxes.

Authors and artists are entitled to and have earned the right to tell the stories the put out into the world how they want and when they want. If this is all of this wonderful series we ever get, I will be happy I got to appreciate the art we did get. However, I truly hope that you choose to continue this narrative. There are so many interesting and thrilling avenues this story could go down merely to tie up any loose ends already written, let alone all the new craziness inherent with being a Seat. Wonderful story, you have a gift, don't ever stop!

Ramjet57Ramjet57over 3 years ago
OK, You wanted to write an entire set then release it all.

I Truly hope you are near complete as it is now 6 years since we got a piece of FoF and there is a major fix needed for the Ass that calls himself a God and his daughter satan, He needs a good ass kicking soon. He is a minor magi not a God and what he has done requires a BIG HARD fix.

wish_thinkerwish_thinkerover 3 years ago

Wow! Please please do not stop this, I am really anxious to read what happens with Annaliese (sp?). So many other things, important ones, need to be addressed!

Even more members in his harem for strength

Punishment of Annaliese's father

Information, learning from his mentor

Meeting with the councilors

College-living together

And more of course, all of which you are aware of naturally. Do you publish/write anywhere else? Wish you the best in your future writing, you are really good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Looking for More...

THIS has absolutely been one of my favorite reads on Literotica!! I was not sure about the sci-do bit when I first saw the story come up, but it has turned out to be exciting...even more, though, IT HAS BEEN FFFUUUNNNNNN TO READ!!

Please, bring us more, at your "leisure", so you take time to edit it a bit more (enough said about that!) Looking forward to seeing more, sooner than later...CHEERS!!

plzurseekerplzurseekerover 3 years ago

I don't usually read stories in this category, but for some reason I clicked and I'm glad I did. This is hands down one of the best series I've read here and I can't wait for the rest!!

netgnosticnetgnosticover 3 years ago

Annalise's mother has been murdered, her sister is in mortal danger, and you've left her hanging like that well into a sixth year now. Not cool. Why did you start a big subplot at all, when it seems like you've lost interest in this? Maybe just edit it out. Please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So you're "thinking of coming back?"

Wonderful! I hope you come back to this - it's one of my favorites on the site!

Fire_HazardFire_Hazardover 3 years ago
I saw your update...

And I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say "I would love for you to continue this story". I don't want to push you into anything, or seem demanding, but I've been hoping you would continue this story for years. I first read it just as this last chapter came out, and I've never given up hope it would continue one day. I'm glad to see you haven't forgotten about your fantastic stories, or the audience would enjoys them, and I'm excited to see what you do in the future. Welcome back, and Happy New Year!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Please donโ€™t tease us

Saw your update! Has my Christmas wish possibly come true? Truly, youโ€™re my all time favorite author on lit. Hereโ€™s to hoping for a continuation to Font of Fertility

aBrokenSwordaBrokenSwordalmost 4 years ago

Stories this compelling are few and far between. I sincerely hope that we will one day see the continuation of it.

And while I'm sad to have run out of your work here, I would definitely consider following your endeavours elsewhere. If you have any published work or a Patreon page, please let us know. I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to support your work.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 4 years ago

Absolutely great story loved the dialogue, and the story telling. Really needs more though. Great work.

MogelbaumMogelbaumalmost 4 years ago

The story is really nice and all but the fact that the seats just speak words is legit laughable.

Even funnier is that those words are just empty with no meaning, just empty threats. Our mc would never check if the father really abode by the judgment or not. It feels redundant. And that the story will never be finished is even worse.

FlightdocFlightdocalmost 4 years ago
Another unfinished story...what a waste of time!

All I can say is I am very disappointed! Great story line and character development...but itโ€™s been 5 years since your last chapter submission. I hope you are not ill or having medical issues. Maybe writerโ€™s block? Whatever the issue, I hope you finish this series...but I doubt that will happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Another abandoned story - I hate it.

So sorry I ever started this non-fertility novella. No logical conclusion when one key character is in mortal peril, is frustrating. Cliffhangers are not cute. Zero stars.

Vik6509Vik6509almost 4 years ago

Great story! Keep up the good work.

RamazaRamazaalmost 4 years ago

So, this is my second time reading through this story, and there is so much promise in it. The last post to the story is from 5 years ago, will there be more coming or has the writer stoped posting here on Lit? Does anyone know??

crmdpdcrmdpdabout 4 years ago
Well done

Thank you for such a well crafted, enchanting story. I join the others who hope to learn what becomes of the foursome, and Annalise.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This was great

I hope you get a chance to come back to this story. I could read this forever.

phoenix23ninjaphoenix23ninjaabout 4 years ago

It is likely incomplete because he has been busy. He modified his profile or a story October 9, 2019, 8 months ago. While I don't know details, I've talked with him a bit and trust he wouldn't just leave us hanging like this without good reason

vernon71vernon71about 4 years ago
now I know

know I know not to read any more of your stories after seeing how you left this one -feel sorry for you -such talent gone to waste

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You're killing us, man

If you don't want to write any more in this series, can you please just edit this last one, and take out the scenes with Annalise? It's a lot better if future readers can just imagine that she's okay and that her father complied with your proclamation. But this cliff you left her dangling from ...

Dick move, dude.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wow loved it.

I love how this is written, are you still working on other chapters or have you given up publishing stories? Itโ€™s been 5 years since the last instalment and 4 since you last published on literotica. Just wondering if your still out there.

MerumeMerumeover 4 years ago

Having been a long time lit reader, I usually will go to the last chapter in a long series and check the comments to see if it actually is finished. Sadly i did not do that this time and am super salty

KevinSaxKevinSaxover 4 years ago

Great story but I hated Lauren the entire time I was reading this story

S_FoxS_Foxover 4 years ago
Left Hanging

This is no way to treat your followers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

add another disappointed sigh about the story being left undone. BTB, you've got genuine talent, your dialogue is real and engaging, you've delineated a fascinating world remarkably quickly, and I hope you write more someday.

And that CLIFFHANGER, god damn!

WayPast21WayPast21almost 5 years ago
More, please

I've enjoyed your other offerings, but Really look forward to your continuing this one. Thanks for your words and blood, so far.

Tkennedy1124Tkennedy1124almost 5 years ago
PleasE give us more soon!

Need to know what happens to Annalise, and what happens when the 4 go to college.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Please finish

Oh my, the young girl being held by her father!

Please publish more


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Any Updates?

Does anyone have any updates? If the author abandoned it, I would love for someone else to pick this up and run with it! <3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Absolutly Loved it!

But needs more! This series has soooo much potential, I hope you will eventually get back to it.

GHreaderGHreaderabout 5 years ago
You can't stop here...

What a fun story, but you have to rescue Annalise !

Thank you for sharing your stories.

buddah222buddah222about 5 years ago
Hoping for more

Just like the rest of your commentators I hope that you continue writing this series It is fantastic and is quite enthralling hope that any health problems resolve themselves soon and that you're able to continue writing

anonintexas1999anonintexas1999about 5 years ago
Miss you and your works

This was a great series. So are your other works. I hope you are well and hope to discover you writing again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I need more

I REALLY hope you finish this story! God complex dad needs an ass kicking if ever one was needed, and Annalise's mom is dead? NO!

akus42akus42almost 6 years ago
Please complete this

Did you really quit writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Almost 3 years. Have you quit writing altogether or gone on to a different site? Your story lines are great and I would very much like to see more. Please continue.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Timeโ€™s a wasting, bro!!!!

Letโ€™s go!!!! That last chapter was fucking hot!!! Made me wish I had a magic dick! Well done, Iโ€™m waiting for more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
more ... need more!

Cant wait for the next chapter. Really want to know how he handles Annalise's evil Dad.

cantgetenough2cantgetenough2about 6 years ago
Great Start

Thanks for the fun story.

Hope you have some time to publish more.

IantonaiIantonaiover 6 years ago
Cool story, bro

I'd buy a completed version for 7.99 or so if it was released on amazon or some other format. I bet many other fans would do.

WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkeyover 6 years ago

I read all 7 chapters you have up here..... Fuuuuck! I need to know what happens next!! I know you said you weren't going to post any more until you had the entire thing finished but it's been nearly two and a half years! That's a hell of a cliff hanger.

Anyway, I liked the story so far. Like a Harry Potter for grown up Perverts. There are simple mistakes peppered here and there, duplicate words, wrong words, words missing and the odd misspelling but it's not too bad and again could be solved with a good proof reader before publishing.

I hope you're still carrying on with this story and it gets published at some point because the story deserves to be continued.

diablo8xdiablo8xover 6 years ago
Love your characterizations

I really enjoy the characters you set up for your stories, from My eyes are closed, through Technically we are estranged to now the Font.

I am really hoping we can get more of this, as I am really looking to know more of how the story goes. Especially once Jeremiah finds out about the result of his Judgement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Like everyone else said, more chapters! This is just leaving us hanging.....

banditobanebanditobanealmost 7 years ago
When will get more?

This is a great series. And I'm bummed there hasn't been a new chapter in years. When will get the new chapters you mentioned, it's really sad when a great series like this doesn't end but keeps fans wanting more.

Malkav907Malkav907almost 7 years ago
like everyone else already said

more please

Timtom12Timtom12almost 7 years ago
Just one more hit

That's all we ask, just a little bit, maybe a chapter a year? That's all we're asking for, it's not much, right?

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 7 years ago
Hmmm... thought I posted to this before...

So I would like to see some more chapters...

I suspect that though the "proclamation" didn't stop our fire mage's father from killing his wife (technically, she could be considered as NOT being part of his "family"), there SHOULD be some effect given for his having hurt Annalise... maybe at the least there should have been the equivalent of a page to Jeremiah kind of thing...

After all, can't have people going around thumbing their noses at proclamations, can we now...?

Course, it's been more than a year since you last posted a story... not looking good for the likelihood of another chapter...

I'll just have to let myself know the murdersome father dies soon, and Annalise and her sister end up OK... likely the sister ends up with one of the older brothers and Annalise some how ends up with Jeremiah.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
great story

.. Are there going to be anymore?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

More please..... I read something somewhere of him baling with the gardener?

VikingQueen19VikingQueen19almost 7 years ago
Talk about blue balls...

I neeeeeed more, I got all the foreplay and no orgasm

anonintexas1999anonintexas1999almost 7 years ago
love this series

please continue

gcs66gcs66almost 7 years ago
Please finish

don't leave us hanging

DrewauDrewaualmost 7 years ago
Adding to the chorus asking for more!

Really enjoyed them so far, but need completion!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Absolutely the best.

By far my favorite story on here. I would love to read more!

auhunter04auhunter04about 7 years ago

What about the little fire mage. Loose end you need to tie up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Just wish you would have finished it

ErrantZebraErrantZebraabout 7 years ago

Let me add to the chorus of people heaping praise on this incredible series. It's been years and years since I've read anything approaching this quality, and I can't wait to read the rest of the stuff you have posted. Not enough can be said about how nuanced and believable all of your characters are. Despite all the supernatural elements of the story, everything feels absolutely plausible and just so real.

And that's all ignoring your endlessly creative and hot sex scenes. I was worried that the foursome that ended this chapter would end up feeling rote and repetitive, but I couldn't been more wrong. Each of your scenes feels so unique and involving. It's almost like watching all of this actually happen.

I hope you're not discouraged by the negative comments complaining about the story being unfinished. Did they not read the end of your author's note? I know from experience how long writing a story like this can take to get right. Even if it's years from now, I'm choosing to hold out hope that we'll eventually see the conclusion to this amazing epic. When it does finally come out, I'll be there, ready to read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Please finish the story

I have been reading this series and love how you have worked in the whole magic thing and Sisters, but it still leave both mothers and he still need to save Annalise and make her Father pay for breaking the Proclamation and then he has access to Annalise family as well, so you have so many options not to mention that Stacey has already talks about a whole rowing team :)

so please continue with the story

SBarak1SBarak1over 7 years ago
It's a real shame

It's a real shame you haven't finished the story. I have really enjoyed it up to this point and would really like to see you finish it please.

bigbearz9bigbearz9over 7 years ago
You are a quitter


Story interrupts.

JoelTorridJoelTorridover 7 years ago
Left hanging...

Well that was an amazing story but you left it hanging. I'm guessing that since you haven't added a chapter since 2015, you have no intention of doing so. Maybe someone else could pick up where you left off...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
please please please finish the story

Please please please finish the story I want to know what happens after the first judgement the aftermath of it you have left the story at the most intense cliffhanger..... ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You havent updated via this site or email in months. I wish you'd improve that as well as continuing your stories. In the past you said youd complete this story. I hope you keep that promise.

ThelvynerThelvynerover 7 years ago
Brokethebar? More like failed to even see the bar.

Another asshole author who abandoned his work. On a side note, what kind of sick fuck goes from torture and death straight to a sex scene and back.

MikeB58MikeB58over 7 years ago
Please Write MORE!!

C'mon dude, this is a great series, don't let it die!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
One of my favorites

This is one of the most well written stories on this site. I beg you to return to these characters! It would be a true shame if this story remains unfinished forever.

Over_StimOver_Stimover 7 years ago
Sorry to see this story orphaned

Really enjoyed my time in this world with these characters.

Sorry to see that it appears to be orphaned.

If you ever get the chance to extend.

Then I will be back to visit.


Pmc75Pmc75over 7 years ago

Ok so great story plot and more

The audience loves it

But what happened

Hope your well

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very impressive

I firmly believe you should put all this into a novel. You are an awesome writer. You spend time developing each character and their relationships. This is good writing. I have thoroughly enjoyed the series and look forward to more. It would be awesome if one day a producer would be brave enough to make this into a movie. Can you imagine?

Lobosolo51Lobosolo51over 7 years ago
Second time through . . .

OK. This is my second time reading this series, and I love it. But when are you going to continue? You have done some very good character development and started some good plot development - I want more - please.

No1holywoodNo1holywoodover 7 years ago
Please finish

This is good. Please finish the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Big Loose End

You can NOT leave this hanging with Annalise in such danger! For God's sake, rescue her!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Amazing stories! This has been an enticing series to read!

I started reading and did not want to stop. You've done great keep it up!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

please wright more, its a great story, and i cant wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
One simple word.


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