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Wife Draws Cards-Nine of Clubs


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"OK, here is how it is going to go. From here on out you are to do what I or the guys in my crew say. If you want to quit, your safe word is 'red.' If you say 'red' whatever is happening to you will stop and you will be free to go. Tomorrow morning your husband will take you to have your nipples and clit pierced," Paul said.

"Your slow word is 'yellow' and if at any time things get too intense you can stop the action for thirty seconds by using your slow word. You will be allowed to use the slow word twice," he continued.

Paul finished by saying that from then on Ann was to address him and any member of his crew as "Sir," and to do what they said without question or hesitation

"Do you understand what I just told you, Paul asked.

"Yes," Ann meekly replied.

Paul reached out and took Ann's left nipple in his fingers, squeezed it hard and twisted it saying, "Yes what?"

Ann cried out at the abuse of her nipple and quickly said, "Yes, sir."

"Very well then," Paul said, "Let's get started."

Paul turned and started to walk away and said to Ann, "Follow me."

Ann obediently followed Paul down the hall. He led her into his master bathroom and she gasped when she saw the enema bag hanging from the wall. Ann later told me that she did not know what to expect when Paul said he was going to prepare her and thought he would just fuck or otherwise use her before taking her to wherever her anal gangbang was going to take place.

"Over here," Paul said as he motioned to a spot on one of the rugs.

Ann walked over and stopped. "Get down on your hands and knees," Paul said. Once Ann was on the floor Paul pushed her shoulders down and positioned her so that her ass was sticking up in the air.

"Spread your cheeks and show me what we are going to be fucking tonight," Paul said.

Ann slowly reached behind and pulled her ass cheeks apart. My heart skipped when I saw how lewd she looked with her ass open and exposed the way it was.

Paul saw me looking and said, "Take a good look because her little asshole is not going to be that little when we are done with it."

Paul then got a tubular metal bar from the countertop that had four leather cuffs attached to it. He took the bar and put Ann's ankles into the outer cuffs and locked them in place. He told Ann to put her hands through her legs and he then cuffed her wrists to the inner two cuffs. She was now fully restrained and had no choice but to remain in her ass up humiliating position.

But Ann did not as yet appreciate how humiliating things were going to get.

Paul then took a tube of lube and greased up Ann's ass forcing first one then two of his long fingers into her nether hole. Ann grunted at the invasion.

Satisfied that her ass was sufficiently lubed Paul then took a double balloon bardex nozzle off of the counter. I could see Ann's eyes widen as she had never seen one before. Paul saw the look on her face and said as he held it in front of her, "The larger balloon goes inside of you and then we inflate both. Once they are inflated whatever solution I put inside of you will stay there for as long as I want it to."

While he was saying this he inflated both balloons and Ann whined when she saw and understood what would soon be inside of her.

Paul deflated the balloons and got behind Ann. He slowly forced the larger balloon into her ass and when it was seated properly he closed the valve and began to pump the bulb. Ann was silent for the first two pumps but said "oh" with each of the last three pumps as she felt the balloon expand. Paul then closed the valve on the outer balloon and then pumped it to its maximum. Ann groaned as the two balloons tightened towards each other effectively sealing her up.

Quickly Paul stood up and got the hose and connected it to the nozzle. When he was satisfied everything was tight he said to Ann, "Try and relax as much as possible, you are going to feel very full."

He then opened the valve and the solution began to flow into Ann. She grunted when she felt the first blast of the warm solution flowing into her bowels and as the flow continued she started to groan. Because of her ass up position the flow was unimpeded and she started to fill up quickly.

We could see that she was getting uncomfortable and Ann started to beg and plead with Paul saying, "Please, Sir, no more. I cannot take any more."

"Actually you are only about half way and there is still over a quart to go," Paul said.

"Noooooooo," Ann whined and pleaded even louder.

Paul stopped the flow for a moment and said to Ann, "You can always use your safe word. I talked with your husband and he is in a no lose situation. If you go through with the black anal gangbang he gets to watch and see you used as a cum dump. If you use your safe word he gets to have your nipples and clit pierced. I also win because regardless of what happens you are going to do a bdsm scene with me at the club later this year."

I knew that Ann realized what her two alternatives were but when Paul explained them to her this way I think she really understood how bleak her two choices were.

"OK, here we go again," Paul said and he opened the valve again.

Ann immediately grunted and kept grunting and moaning as her bowels filled to capacity. She did not beg or plead however so she must have decided that going through with her anal gangbang was the better alternative.

We finally heard the sound of the bag reaching empty. Paul shut the valve on the hose and said, "Now we will just leave that inside of you for a few minutes."

He and I went into the kitchen to get a beer and left Ann in the bathroom. Ann later told me that she felt very uncomfortable as she was cramping almost constantly and felt incredibly full. She also felt totally humiliated being restrained as she was with the bardex nozzle sticking out of her ass.

Paul and I finished our beers and we returned to the bathroom.

He walked over behind Ann and released her hands from the cuffs and then did the same to her ankles. He helped her to her feet and then showed her how to release the air in the balloons and then said, "We will give you some privacy for this part. Wash up the nozzle and shower when you are done."

We walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind us.

Paul and I were on our third beer when Ann finally walked into the kitchen. She was naked except for her black CFM heels.

"How do you feel, Ann," Paul asked.

"Exhausted," Ann said and then as Paul reached for her nipples, "Exhausted, Sir."

"Well, you may want to have a drink in any case," Paul said and Ann asked for a vodka tonic.

After another round Paul looked at his watch and said, "We better get going."

Ann thought that we were leaving and said, "What about my coat, Sir?"

Paul said, "We're not leaving yet. We are going to go into the bathroom for your rinse. We want you nice and clean because the boys are all tested and do not have to use condoms some of them may want to go from your ass to your mouth."

Ann shuddered at these words and I thought she may call a halt to things but she somehow held herself together.

Ann later told me that she decided to try to get through the anal gangbang by getting through each step one step at a time. She said that what was most disconcerting was when Paul threw another unexpected step into the process which he did more than once.

We filed into the bathroom and Ann waited nervously shifting her weight from one leg to the other. Paul did not keep her waiting long as he pushed her down over the counter, lubed up her ass and slipped the larger balloon inside of her. Ann did not make a sound as apparently she was getting used to having things invade her nether passage.

Paul closed the valves on the inflation bulbs and put the one for the inside balloon into Ann's hand and said, "Give your self five good pumps."

Ann started to pump slowly and eventually got to five. She thought she was done but Paul said, "One more."

Ann whimpered but gave the bulb one more squeeze.

Paul took the first bulb from her hand and put the other one into it and said, "Same thing."

Ann slowly pumped the second bulb five times and gasped as she felt the balloons press together separated only by the ring of her ass.

"Get the bag off of the wall," Paul said to Ann.

Ann shuffled over to where the bag was hanging and took it down from the hook. She walked over to the sink with it and Paul said, "Run the water until it gets warm and then start to fill the bag."

Ann turned on the tap and in a few minutes the water was getting warm. "Set it for whatever temperature you like," Paul said, "After all, it is going inside of you."

When Ann had set the taps to what she thought was a comfortable temperature Paul told her to start filling the bag. She put the opening under the tap and the bag slowly expanded. I don't know what the capacity of the bag was but the bag itself was much larger than the standard two quart bags that you can buy in any drugstore.

Ann held the bag under the tap and you could tell she was getting more and more apprehensive the bigger it got. "Please, Sir," she said, "That's enough."

Paul took the bag and held it up. It bulged ominously. He hefted its weight and said, "That is not even as much as you took the first time," and gave it back to Ann to hold under the tap again.

You could see Ann pleading with her eyes as the bag continued to expand and finally Paul said, "That should do it."

Ann turned off the tap and Paul handed her the stopper which she screwed into the opening. He next gave her the hose with the valve on it and she attached the hose to the stopper.

You could tell that Ann felt humiliated not just by the fact that she was going to have to endure a second enema but by having to essentially prepare it herself.

"Hang it up," Paul instructed. Ann walked over to the wall and started to hang the bag on the hook she had taken it down from.

"No, use the other hook," Paul said.

The other hook was about eight or nine inches higher on the wall and Ann, even in her four inch CFM heels, had to stretch to reach the second hook. It took her three tries before she got the bag on the hook.

"The second hook will make the pressure higher," Paul explained, "and the weight of the extra water will do the same. Because you should essentially be empty from the first enema you should be able to handle it but it will still be uncomfortable."

Ann understood what Paul was saying and you could tell she definitely wanted out. I thought that any second I would hear "red" and be calling to schedule her piercings. Despite her misgivings I had to give her credit. Ann just stood there with her head down and shoulders slumped. The end of the bardex nozzle jutted obscenely from her ass and the inflation bulbs hung between her legs. You could see that she was going to give it her best shot to get through this.

Paul nodded at Ann and said, "I think you know the position."

Ann knelt down on the rug, lowered her shoulders to the floor and pushed her hands back between her legs. Paul quickly had her ankles and hands cuffed to the bar and then connected the end of the hose to the nozzle. Everything was ready.

The silence was broken by the click of the valve being opened. The water started to flow and Ann let out an "ugh" as she felt the higher pressure from the weight of the extra water and the higher position of the bag start filling her.

It was not long before beads of perspiration appeared on her brow and she was starting to moan and whimper. The flow continued unrelented and you could actually see her abdomen distending as the water made its way deep into her bowels.

Ann's started to open and close her hands into a fist and her toes would curl and release as well. She started to beg and plead with Paul to stop the flow but her entreaties were for naught.

Paul took a small vibrator off of the counter, switched it to maximum and pressed it to Ann's clit. "Maybe this will help," he said.

Ann let out a shriek and said, "Nooooo."

Paul kept the toy pressed against her clit and despite her restrained position you could see Ann desperately try to move herself away from it. She was not able to move away and her clit continued to be stimulated while her bowels continued to fill.

In another minute or two we heard the sound of the bag emptying and Paul announced that Ann had taken it all. I am not sure if Ann heard him over her moans and whimpers.

Paul said, "We have to wait a few minutes like we did last time."

I thought we were going to go to the kitchen for another beer but he said, "Ann it was rude of us to leave you alone last time. We will stay around this time and keep you company."

Paul reached up to the countertop and took down a fairly substantial vibrator, I'd estimate eight or nine inches and pretty thick. He took the tube of lube and put a good amount on the vibrator and spread it around. Ann could not see what he was doing because her shoulders were pressed down on the floor and her head was turned away from him.

Paul took his hand and found Ann's pussy and slipped his finger inside. He worked it in and out a few times and Ann did not really react as she was preoccupied with dealing with the fullness in her bowels. Paul withdrew his finger and positioned the vibrator at Ann's pussy. He shoved it in with one firm stroke and said, "This will keep you company too."

Ann shrieked as she was already full from the enema and actually managed to move, more like lurch, a few inches forward in a desperate attempt to get away from the hard plastic toy now lodged deep inside her pussy. Paul pushed it back in to the hilt and turned the speed to maximum.

Ann started to pant and moan and her moans got louder and louder. Despite her full bowels the vibrator was stimulating her and it would not be long until she came.

Paul started to saw the vibrator in and out of her cunt and Ann's moans continued to increase in intensity. For a second it looked like she actually tried to hump herself back on the vibrator but being restrained as she was she was not able to move very much.

From my vantage point I could see her toes curling and her hands opening and closing. I knew she was very close to cumming. Paul continued to thrust the vibrator into and out of her pussy. Ann finally just screamed, "Oh God, I'm cumming," and exploded into an orgasm as violent as any I ever saw her have.

Paul pulled the vibrator out of her cunt, patted her on the ass and said, "OK, babe, we will let you go now." He uncuffed her wrists and ankles and we again left her alone in the bathroom.

About half an hour later Ann padded into the kitchen. She was naked except for her CFM heels. I was actually surprised that she had remembered to put them on but this woman continued to amaze me with her toughness and resiliency.

Paul had a vodka tonic ready for her and she shakily brought it to her lips. You could tell that Ann had a rough couple of hours and we all knew that more tough times lie ahead.

Ann came over and sat down next to me and I put my arm around her shoulder and idly fingered her right nipple. It hardened almost immediately and I knew that despite everything that had been done to her Ann was still smoldering under the surface.

We sat and talked for a while and then Paul looked at his watch and said that it was time to go. I asked where we were going and he said that he had arranged with the owners of the sex club that was closed for their vacation to use it. Ann immediately perked up and asked me if the rule about only a third of the goal being able to be satisfied at a single session at a sex club would apply and I said that it was a technicality about whether it applied since the club was closed and that I would give her the benefit of the doubt and waive that rule for tonight.

Ann appeared to like my answer and finished her drink.

Paul got his car keys and said that he would drive and opened the door down to his garage. Ann got up and walked down the stairs to his car never once asking if she would be allowed to wear any clothes. As I said, an amazing woman.

Paul put Ann into the passenger seat in the front and we were off. She just sat there calmly even when he reached over and parted her legs so that a trucker that had stopped next to us at a traffic light could get a better look.

It was almost as though Ann had decided that since she was off to have nearly a dozen black guys fuck her in the ass what difference did it really make if some truck driver saw her naked.

As we got closer to the club Ann's demeanor changed from the confident to the less so. She reached her hand to the back seat and took my hand in hers and held on tight. I could tell she was thinking and worrying about what was going to happen to her when we got to our destination.

We got to the club and Paul pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car. I got out and opened the door on Ann's side and she stepped out without hesitation, took my hand and walked towards the door. Naked as the day she was born except for her heels Ann walked deliberately across the parking lot to meet her gang bang crew.

Paul opened the door to the club and stepped inside. Ann and I followed. It took us a few minutes to get used to the darkness and then we moved to the middle of the club. Ann could hear approving voices as the members of the crew saw her naked body stroll into the center of the club.

Paul raised his hand and the voices stopped. He said, "Let me introduce you to Ann our gangbang anal slut for this evening," and he gestured towards Ann. I could see Ann shudder at his words as if the reality of what she had agreed to do had finally fully hit her.

Ann looked over at the bar area and saw ten guys standing around in several small groups. Including Paul that meant that her gang bang crew would be a total of eleven.

All of the guys were black with skin tones ranging from the lighter to the truly black. All appeared to be in shape and ranged from about 5' 10" up to around 6' 4" in height. You could tell that all of them were looking forward to fucking Ann in the ass and possibly in her mouth and pussy.

Paul then explained the bet that Ann and I had made and said that Ann had to have at least nine guys cum in her ass for her to win and get her new car. If she failed for any reason she would have to have her nipples and clit pierced. Hearing this the guys realized that they would not have to hold back and you could hear comments like, "We are going to tear up that tight white ass."

"Ann has two safe words," Paul said. "The word 'yellow' means that whatever is happening stops and she gets a thirty second break and 'red' means that the whole scene stops. Ann can use the slow word twice," he continued.

"Once the scene starts Ann has to do everything she is told by any of us and her only way out is to either finish the scene or use her stop word. The scene starts now and Ann is ours until one in the morning," Paul said.

I glanced at the clock behind the bar and saw that it was just 8PM. Ann was going to have a tough five hours.

Ann knew from talking with Paul and looking at his crew's web site that all of the guys were hung, a solid seven or eight inches with a few almost nine and very thick. The guys also all had great stamina and could fuck long and hard. We also learned later than many of them took Viagra or one of the other ED drugs before scenes like this. Those drugs in younger guys had the effect of making their erections even larger due to the increased blood flow and allowed them to get hard again sooner. Apparently those drugs have become popular in the porn industry for those reasons.

The guys started to strip and soon a group of four of them surrounded Ann. Even in her 4" heels the guys dwarfed her and she looked so tiny and vulnerable standing among them. The contrast of her pale white skin against their darker complexions was also stunning.


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