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TDofF Birth of a Succubus Ch. 05


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Seline shook her head, 'The truth is, this is what happens more often than not. That is why there are multiple Queen-Mother potentials. For those that reject or for some other reason do not become Succubi and accept their role, those foremothers are forever part of their Chosen until she dies.'

'So, why do you think I have an enemy,' Jo asked, bringing the conversation back around to her tattoos, 'For your information, these tattoos were a gift to myself and my Lover as a symbol of our sisterhood, and she has exactly the same tattoos!'

'Really,' Seline mused, 'That is strange. She didn't appear here as you did...'

'Well, what will happen to her then,' Jo asked, starting to feel worried.

Seline set her greatsword down again and pointed first at Josephine's head and declared, 'Spirit.'

Pointing at her chest, or more directly to her heart, she announced, 'Soul.'

And then, Seline pointed at the tattoo on her pubic mound, or it could have been her pussy or uterus and said, 'Power.'

Looking into Jo's eyes, Seline finished, 'The tattoos sealed your Soul and your Power and forcibly ripped them from your Spirit, or mind, and then cast your Spirit out of your body and into a Soultrap leaving the Soul and Power behind for another Spirit, most likely one of your Aspects, to control. How you wound up here, I don't know, but if this has happened to your Lover...'

Jo began to sniffle and then cry for Megan, but she was also scared for herself as well, so asked, 'So which am I, the spirit, soul or power? And, is there any way to fix this?'

'Yes,' Seline answered with a reassuring nod and smile, 'You are the Spirit, the mind, of yourself, and there is only one way,'

Jo waited for the rest of the answer but Seline made her ask, 'Well?'

Seline's smile turned mischievous as she purred, 'You and I must become One!'

Jo guffawed, 'One what?'

Seline's smile never wavered, 'One person. You are the first Human, Nymphilli, Chosen Queen-Mother to ever visit me here, and somehow you are very much like me! Maybe that is why and how this happened. Either way, you are the first in hundreds of generations to ever see me, and if we join together, you... we... will become very powerful! As one person, you will have all of my power at our disposal to force our Spirit back into your Soul!'

Jo looked at Seline with uncertainty written all over her features before she asked timidly, 'Will I still be me?'

'Yes,' Seline answered matter-of-factly, 'You and I are very much the same at our cores. So, when we join together, what is you will still be you and I will be added to you!'

'And I can't return to my body without your help,' Jo asked disbelievingly, 'What do you get out of this?'

Seline shook her head 'No', 'Not without my help... and, 'What do I get out of this?' I get freedom... Look around... Do you see anyone here?'

'No,' Jo mumbled.

'Exactly,' Seline agreed with a nod, 'I have been here for millennia, locked away in this Temple and I am ready to get out and about.'

Jo looked down, wrapped her arms around her breasts and let out a reluctant sigh before looking up at Seline, 'Okay, I guess I have no choice.'

Seline smiled and nodded, knelt down in front of Josephine, and let her hands hover over Jo's pubic mound, heart, and head. As Jo watched; a small golden pea sized orb was pulled out of her heart and pubic mound, while a large golden softball sized orb was pulled out of her head.

Pointing to the orbs of golden light Seline explained, 'These small orbs are the echoes of your Soul and Power, and this large orb is your Spirit.'

Taking a step back, Seline then used 3 hands, hovering over her own pubic mound, heart, and head as Jo's mouth slowly fell open as she watched 3 giant roiling orbs of bright white light, a size that would dwarf a large 2 story house, were pulled out of Seline's uterus, heart, and head. Seline lifted each massive orb up into the air and let them hover above their heads as she knelt back down next to Jo and asked, 'This is me, my spirit, soul, and power. This is your last chance to change your mind. Stay here with me for all eternity, or, unite with me and we will become One and return to your body.''

Jo looked up at the massive balls of energy and her heart fell. How could they ever really become one person? Everything that was her was so small in comparison to Seline. With a sad smile she nodded. She was unable to voice 'Yes' she was ready to be absorbed into the much greater entity that was Seline.

Seline nodded in agreement, but she noted the girl's sadness so with a single finger tip she tilted the girls head up as her 3 other hands took hold of Jo's orbs and whispered, 'Watch this!'

Seline took the small echoes of Jo's power and soul and held them out before the giant white orbs that were her power and soul. When they were hovering in place she moved to the giant white orb of spirit and held out Jo's small golden softball sized orb, and explained what she was doing, 'Your scared that you are just going to be absorbed by me and there will be nothing of you when we return to your body... You are indeed right to be fearful of that because I could do that if I wished... But, I do not...'

As Jo watched, Seline made a pushing motion with her hands and all 3 golden orbs began moving into the giant white orbs. The white and gold began to pulse as Seline's power and Jo's power fought to dominate the other, but even as they pulsed the golden orbs moved deeper and deeper into the white until they were at the very core of Seline's orbs of spirit, soul, and power. Finished, Seline turned back to Josephine and knelt down in front of her and took Jo's hands in her 2 primary hands and mumbled in exhaustion, 'Whew, that was harder than it looked! But, it is done now! Yes, you are right to be afraid of being absorbed by me; but now, as our spirits, souls, and powers mix and unite; whatever we become, you are at the center! You are at the core of the person we will be!'

Jo smiled and shook with fear while Seline pulled her into a motherly hug. Upon that giant gold disc, in a realm no one is ever supposed to find, the world turned to white as 3 gold and white orbs fell from where they hovered above Jo and Seline and in a blinding white flash they disappeared...


'Argh,' Jo moaned as she slowly came to. Wherever she was, the ground felt hard beneath her. She was laying on her side, her hair fanned out behind and above her head, and it was with a grunt and stiffness that she opened her eyes and pushed herself up to sit on her right thigh and ass cheek while supporting herself with her right hand and arm, 'Where am I?'

Her head felt fuzzy and she couldn't remember for the life of her where and what she had been doing just moments before.

She felt... wet...

Looking down at her breasts, they were covered in white goo, 'Argh, fuck me! What the hell?'

She felt heavy, her breasts seemed larger and heavier, her stomach felt so full and bloated! Pushing herself up she stood up straight just in time for her guts to gurgle ominously...

Looking around in a panic she didn't really have time to notice the gold disc she stood on before running into the tall grass...

'Oh my fucking God, that was gross,' She mumbled as she stumble back to the disc, crouched over and holding her belly for comfort, 'What the hell is going on?'

Looking at her cum cover body she began trying to wipe as much of it off as she grumbled, 'How the fuck did I get covered in this... stuff? And, where the fuck are my clothes?'

When her heel landed on the gold disc, She looked at it and saw the gold runes and the huge female ankh image with her face. Moving to the center she knelt down and traced a finger across the lips and down the jaw, from long cow's ear to chin, before she mumbled, 'Where the fuck am I?'

Standing up she looked out at the ocean of green grass. Looked up at a starry sky with an awesome view of the galactic band and a big bright moon twice as large as a harvest moon. It shed enough light that she could see the rolling green grasslands as clearly as day, and that was when she saw the Temple.

The hillside she stood on was very high up, a seemingly impossible height because she could tell right away that despite the colossal size of the temple, it was hundreds of miles away.

For the third time she whispered, 'Where the fuck am I?'

Looking down at her cum covered breasts, she reflexively scooped up a large pool of the white stuff the was collecting in her cleavage and was about to sling it into the grass when she for some reason felt a deep sense of déjà vu and brought her hand up to her nose to smell it.

It smelled like cinnamon, and then without even thinking she licked most of it off her hand and tasted the cum just before swallowing it!

A memory sparked!

A distant ethereal memory of a man with strawberry hair, aqua-green eyes and pale white skin. She remember dancing with him and Megan, of eating dinner, of laughing and talking, and then she remembered his hotel room. Her skin goosed at the memory of his touch on her skin as he disrobed her. Of the hot lustful glint in his eyes when Megan and she turned to face him naked as can be, and she remembered the taste of his cum as he fucked his dick in her mouth and dumped buckets inside her!

'Owen,' She mumbled to herself as she licked the rest of the cum off her hands leaving her lips glossed like frosting.

A change in the air warned her that she wasn't alone, and she turned in time for 3 figures materialize in front of her.

The first one in the center walked forward and introduced herself, 'Greetings my Chosen, I am Hathor.'

Hathor was a beautiful Minotaur that looked exactly like Jo. That is, she looked exactly like Jo except that she had long thick, very human, thighs and calves, that arched forward and then back to long rear cannons and finally ended in split golden cow's hooves. She also stood 8 feet tall, and her human face and head had long golden horns sticking out of each side just above and behind each cow's ear. Her horns curved up and were as wide from tip to tip as her shoulders. Hovering above her head was a large round disc, it was 1 inch thick, and it's diameter was equal to the width of Hathor's shoulders. Below the disc, her hair was long and thick and grew around her horns and was pulled back to the nap of her neck before being braided for the rest of its length to fall all the way to her hooves.

Looking further down, Hathor was proportional to Jo's measurements except that since she was 3 feet taller so obviously everything was larger and thicker, from her shoulders, chest, and breasts. They were as large as small wine barrels!

Only once Jo saw the three... hybrid/humanoid females, did she realize that she had a faint memory of being bloated until her breasts were as long as her arms and her belly so gravid she looked like a Mother Earth fertility idol, but now she was back to her old normal body measurements, before having sex with Owen and her breasts grew 4 cup sizes!

Looking back to Hathor, she had a gravid pregnant belly, broad hips, and thick thighs. Jo almost missed seeing her tail happily wag behind her because it was nearly the same color as her hair, a golden strawberry blond. The excited swishing nudged her long braided hair to the left and then to the right as her tail whipped back and forth. Jo noted that her tail was long, at least 5 and a half feet long, and the spade-shaped tip was covered in fine golden hair at least a foot long.

'This is Ashtoreth,' Easter introduced a younger Minotaur to her left.

It was obvious that Ashtoreth was much younger than Hathor, where Hathor looked like she was 30 to 40 years old, Ashtoreth was visibly 15 to 20!

'And, this is Isis,' Hathor said, finishing the introductions as she gestured to Isis.

Looking quickly at the last female Minotauress, Jo assessed her age to be somewhere from 50 to 60 years old.

Looking back at Ashtoreth, Jo reckoned she was her height, 5 feet 5 inches, she had the same thick thighs and calves that ended in delicate cannon bones and white cow hooves with golden tips, and her spade-shaped tail tip was covered in the same golden hair. As for Ashtoreth's hair, looking back up at her, Jo saw the young Minotaur was shaved on the sides of her head leaving just a golden mane running along the top and down the back of her head. Her golden blond hair was long and braided so that it fell down her back to the bottom of her ass cheeks, and her horns stuck straight out from her head being just 4 inch long nubs. Above her head, was also a large white disc, it's diameter that of her shoulders, and its face being more than just an intricately detailed freeze of the moon.

Ashtoreth, Hathor, and Isis all had the same hazel green eyes she had, but their irises took up their entire eyeball with no visible whites. Also, they all had wide rectangular pupils.

Ashtoreth was the most like Jo, firstly by being the same height, and the next being that her bust was only slightly bigger. Where Jo was a 36M, Ashtoreth was a 36O with breasts that looked like missiles sticking out from her chest and ending in large pink nipples. Ashtoreth's breasts were taunt and firm even though they were so large, and there was no sag from stretched or torn cooper's ligaments. Where Jo looked like she had very large long watermelons for breasts, Ashtoreth looked like her watermelons were the size of 7 gallon buckets, and Hathor's breasts looked like her's were the size of half ton wine barrels, and Isis' were the size of 1 ton wine barrels!

'Hello, my Queen,' Ashtoreth introduced herself excitedly, 'I am Ashtoreth! I... am the Aspect of your virginity! I am the one that guided you to George! Wasn't he wonderful?! And now, Owen?! Is he not dreamy? I just want to fuck him until I scream!'

Jo laughed with Ashtoreth, 'I did scream!'

Ashtoreth laughed heartily and with every laugh her abdominals tightened into a beautiful 4 pack. Her waist was 30 inches and her hips were broad and thickly muscled, and a large bubble butt greatly expanded hip measurement to at least 44 inches.

'Please, we don't have much time,' Hathor raised her voice over their laughing, 'My Chosen, we are your Aspects, but we are Queen-Mothers of the past as well! Once we have lived our mortal lives our spirits are banished to Tartarus to await a Succubi or Nymphilli child to be born from our lineage that is of the same spirit as we are. When that girl is born we choose to be bound to her for the rest of her life.'

'So what's so important that I need to know this now,' Jo asked in confusion.

'Just this,' Ashtoreth answered, 'Succubi and Nymphilli are usually solitary women that usually don't have many human friends and never have other Succubi friends!'

'Really,' Jo answered, immediately thinking of Megan, 'Why is that?'

'Because,' Isis answered in a grandmotherly tone, 'Most Succubi and Nymphilli are selfish evil creatures only concerned with themselves. You must be cautious of your friend Megan! She has the namesake Easter, and we knew her well to be a selfless and loving Queen-Mother, but we don't know anything of her other Aspects...'

'Especially her Aspect of death,' Hathor interrupted, 'Some Aspects of death are psychopathic killers, others are narcissists, and some are so completely bipolar that the only thing you can anticipate is that the Aspect of death will only serve her own interests.'

'Really,' Jo asked as she looked at Isis wondering which she was.

Isis was a beautiful older Minotauress. She stood 9 feet tall, and where Ashtoreth was the visage of youthful vitality, Isis was the embodiment of matured grandmotherly knowledge and experience. Her hair was platinum white, and grew around her long white horns as wide as her shoulders and curved up around a disc hovering above her head until her tips reached the 2:30 and the 9:30 positions on the white moon halo. Like Ashtoreth and Hathor, Isis' hair was gathered at the nap of her neck and braided for it full length. However, where the younger Aspects let their hair fall straight down their backs, Isis pulled her braid over her right shoulder so that it fell down between her cleavage.

It was apparent that under Isis' massive breasts, her obliques and abdominals were rippling muscles, of course she'd have to be super strong to carry the weight of her massive breasts. Below her waist were equally strong, heavily muscled hips thickened with age and muscle measuring 60 inches. Her legs were like Hathor and Ashtoreth's only thicker and ending in white hooves. Unlike either Hathor or Ashtoreth, however, Isis had massive white wings like angel wings, each 20 feet long!

'I am not a typical Aspect of death,' Isis answered my unasked question.

'Then what are you,' Jo asked.

'You are a Chosen Queen-Mother,' Isis answered, 'Even Ashtoreth, who represents virginity is an expression of new life and super abundant feminine fertility, pregnancies, and the ability to nurse babies! Hathor's is the Aspect of Motherhood and is the very embodiment of fertile pregnancies and the ability to nurse many babies. I, however, am the embodiment of over abundantly fertile grandmothers who have given birth to generations of babies and feed multitudes from my very body! I am the embodiment of foremothers, of midwifery, and I am the Matriarch of bountiful breeding!'

'So you are more of the Aspect of aged wisdom and fertility,' Jo summed up, 'Rather than an actual harbinger of death.'

'In most respects, yes,' Isis answered, 'My blessings allow even older women out of their prime birthing years to become fertile and have babies, but I also am the comforter of the old women long past their prime, helping them to come to terms with their diminishing influence and help them see that their wisdom as a foremother is their calling in their final years.'

'So you are the Aspect of old age,' Jo answered.

'Yes, that's an oversimplification, but yes,' Isis answered.

'So you are not an evil psychopathic killer,' Jo asked.

'No,' Isis answered, 'I am the furthest thing from it.'

'Isis is not the only one that is good either,' Hathor added with a loving daughter smile for Isis, 'However, there is never any way to know who you are dealing with when dealing with Succubi and Nymphilli. So you must use caution.'

'I will,' Jo answered, 'But, I know Megan, she is my sister, and my lover. There is no one closer to my heart than her, and there is no one I know better!'

'That may be...,' Hathor objected.

'Are you not aligned with my overall personality,' Jo interrupted impatiently.

'Yes,' Ashtoreth answered.

'Then Megan's Succubi Aspects should be closely aligned with her personality, right,' Jo asked, pressing her point.

'Yes,' Isis answered, 'But...'

'But nothing,' Jo interrupted, 'I know Megan! I have nothing to fear from her! She is my sister and my lover!'

Ashtoreth, Hathor and Isis all looked at eachother and sighed in resignation before they answered in unison as they curtsied, 'Yes my Queen-Mother.'

'My Queen,' Hathor said hesitantly, 'I must tell you that your lover, Owen, is a very special human male with super abundant potency. He is a very rare male, and he has already impregnated you, but even more than that, his sperm is filled with powerful life force! Life force that feeds and nourishes Succubi, filling us with power and enabling you to embrace your full potential.'

'What do you mean,' Jo asked.

'You are very close to changing, and once you do every daughter you have will be a full blooded Succubus,' Isis answered.

'Not all Succubi can have Succubus children,' Jo asked.

'No,' Hathor answered, 'Only the 12 Succubi Queen-Mothers can give birth to full Succubi children. Easter, the Snake Queen of Eggs of the House of Gorgon, is one such Succubi. I, Hathor the Cow of the House of Juno, as well as Ashtoreth and Isis were all once Queen-Mothers.

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