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Webslut Madison Ch. 25

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Madison signs up for fetish site.
7.2k words

Part 25 of the 32 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/04/2016
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Within a couple days, Madison's life seemed to return to normal. Or, at least, normal for her. She continued wearing revealing clothes, but she didn't post anything on social media. Everything was normal until a couple days later, when Alyssa sent her a text and invited her to join a fetish networking site.

"What's this?" Madison asked.

"It's a website. You can connect with other people like you. Into humiliation and degradation and exhibitionism."

"Oh, that would be awesome!" Madison didn't even know anything like that existed.

Within twenty minutes, Madison had created a profile. She uploaded a few pictures - mostly the same ones she had uploaded to the porn site, a couple of bikini pictures and a couple in slutty outfits and then some nudes.

"Hi. I'm Madison," she began on her main page. "For a while I've had fantasies about being totally exposed and ruined forever. I've don't a decent amount already but always looking to do more. My biggest fantasy is to do things that are really risky and get my name out there and become famous for being a slut."

"I'm also into degradation and humiliation. I love being called slut, cunt, whore, bitch or any other names that reflect who I really am. Talk nasty to me, I love it! And I like anal, having my face slapped, occasionally having sex with people I'm not supposed to want (think: old, fat, other girls, strangers) and trying to wreck my throat permanently. LOVE exposing my body for all to see and being told what a stupid whore I am for liking it so much!"

I have lots of filthy fantasies, too many to list here! Come on by and talk about them with me! Or just stop by and slut shame me if that's your thing, the nastier the better! I get off on it! Basically, the more humiliated I feel the harder I cum. Or if you really want to get my attention, let's talk about exposing me everywhere and everyone I know finding out what a slut I am! They'll never look at me the same!"

Madison saved it and just sat there at her computer, wondering what would happen next. She started browsing profiles, looking at pictures. Some of the things she saw shocked even her - pictures of guys dressed up as sissy maids, videos people drinking piss, a girl who called herself a free use slut and put in her profile that she would have sex with anyone that wanted her, no questions asked. She saw sluts, slaves, masters and mistresses, and more.

It didn't take long for the first messages and comments to come rolling in. Some were a little more innocent or even complimentary, others were not.

"Mmmmm your pussy looks delicious, can I bury my face in there?" One guy said. "Meet me in an hour!" Madison wrote back. She reached her hand into her jeans, the thought of fantasizing with the guy starting to arouse her.

"Wow. You have a perfect body!" One said.

"That ass looks like it's begging to be abused," she read. "Abuse me, sir!" She wrote back.

"Such a dirty little fuck toy slut," the next one said.

"I know it! Thanks babe, love hearing how slutty I am!"

Madison kept scrolling through the comments. It was a good mix of compliments and guys telling her she was a slut, with a few others mixed in. Then the DMs started coming too. This was a little different, mostly guys asking if she was available to fuck and if she wanted to meet, or writing a two-page elevator speech (which was probably canned, she thought) telling her how they wanted to own her body and that they could give her something nobody else could. Probably mostly fakes, she thought.

One of the comments suggested that she set up a FAQ page where people could ask her questions and she would answer them. Another asked if she was open to receiving tasks, dares, or suggestions for things she could do - for example, ways she could tease her nipples or ways she could expose herself in a daring way. These ideas she liked, she'd save them for later, she thought. But she had to go to class, so she closed the computer and left.

That day, Madison wore a level 1 top - nothing too revealing, it was basically a short cropped hoodie and a pair of leggings. She did let her thong hang out in the back, though. Nothing out of the ordinary happened in class, either - of course, guys and girls were staring, but at this point, in early February, she was a month into dressing like a slut 24/7 and stares were part of the norm.

Sitting in class, she couldn't wait to get back to her apartment and jump back on the website. But when she did, she was shocked. She had a few more photo comments, a few dozen messages, and even more likes. Unbelievable!

Madison barely read the comments, she just didn't have time. She responded to one or two that really got her attention, that was all. Same with the messages. And then she went to work on her FAQ.

"Someone suggested I set up a leg where I will answer questions about myself. I'm just trying to keep all the Q&A in one place and not have to answer the same questions over and over. Ask me anything'! I'll answer everything within reason!" She posted it and waited for comments.

Madison also posted a task/dare page. "College slut looking for tasks and dares. Make me feel like a nasty little slut for you! If I like it, I'll do it. And nothing boring! I've already worn my butt plug to class, "forgotten" to wear panties under my skirt, and written humiliating things on my body, so please make it interesting!"

Soon, the questions started rolling in on the Q&A, and she started to reply.

Q: "How many guys have you slept with?"

A: "Depends. Full anal/vaginal with just guys? I'm guessing 20 to 25. But at least 11 or 12 in the past year alone. And I've blown a few more and had sex with a few girls."

Q: "When did you first realize you were a slut?"

A: "Probably my third year of college when I started posting risqué photos on the internet"

Q: "what's the sluttiest thing you've ever done?"

A: "depends, but probably getting fucked by 7 guys in the same night. 6 guy gangbang followed by one more after

Q: "What to you find attractive in a guy?"

A: "Assertive, takes what he wants, humiliates me, calls me nasty names. Uses me. That matters more than looks or age or even cock size."

Q: "How many girls have you slept with?"

A: "at least 2 or 3 that I can think of at the moment

Q: "What's your favorite way to masturbate?"

A: "Plug in my ass, clamps on my nipples, dildo in my throat in front of an audience."

Q: "How many people have seen you naked?"

A: "In person? Probably 200-300. Probably as many as 400 have seen just my tits. Online? God, who knows, could be as much as a million. Wow, I sound like an exhibitionist freak!"

Q: "I read your profile. Have you ever been exposed to a friend or family member?"

A: "Just a couple friends. They both fucked me after, different occasions."

Q: "What toys do you have?"

A: "three dildos, nipple clamps, plug. Maybe I should get more?"

Q: "What are you wearing now?"

A: "cropped hoodie, about four inches of my stomach exposed. leggings with my thong sticking out so everyone can see. Wore that to class today."

Q: "Do you consider yourself a sub, slave, slut, or something else?"

A: "I'm not owned and don't consider myself a slave, but might consider it someday. I'm definitely more sub than not and tend to submit to whoever I'm sleeping with. But mainly I consider myself a slut."

Q: "When was the last time you had sex, and what happened?"

A: "like 3 days ago, with a girl after class. I ate her ass and she ate my pussy, it was amazing!"

Q: "Have you ever tried watersports? Been peed on, peed on someone, wet yourself? Tasted/drank piss?"

A: "Nope. Ewww to the drinking part too. That's too much for a sweet girl like me ;)"

Q: "Do you enjoy pain?"

A: "Sort of, not for the pain itself but more for the humiliation and degradation aspect of it. Love having my face slapped. Don't mind being spanked. But I don't want to be beaten or anything."

Q: "What's your biggest fantasy?"

A: "being completely and permanently exposed as a webslut and having everyone I know or ever will know find out about it."

Q: "what state do you live in?"

A: "Illinois"

Madison was rubbing her pussy at this point, aroused by revealing so much about herself to complete strangers she would never meet. However, she decided she had enough of the questions for a while and switched over to her dares. Reading them, most of them seemed pretty boring despite her caution against boring her. They wanted her to wear nipple clamps to class, to spank herself ten times. Some wanted her to flash her tots at her window, some wanted her to blow a random guy.

"I've done basically all of these in one form or another. I wore clamps under my graduation gown (bachelors degree, I'm a masters student now). Flashed at windows. Flashed in auditorium. Blown multiple strangers. Any others?" She was starting to see the problem - they had no idea what she had been up to for the last couple years and were either treating her like a total newbie, or going too easy on her, or, in the case of the guy that wanted her to shove her head in a public toilet to humiliate herself or put a bowling pin in her pussy, gross or weird. She decided to add some more to her profile.

First, she went to her main profile and updated it. It was time, she decided, to embrace her Webslut Madison identity here.

"I'm already fairly exposed. I have lots of amateur porn videos and pictures on the net. I'm known as Webslut Madison. Find my videos and photos. It's not hard. Send me a message and let me know you've seen me online. It makes me super excited! Or tell me what your favorite video was! Also - for people trying to dare me, you might want to check that out to get an idea of what I'm into and what I've already done."

Then, she navigated over to her dares page.

"Update: I'm getting basically two kinds of dares here - some are boring (no offense). I've already done a lot, really. Just look up Webslut Madison (that's me!) and you'll see what I mean. Just trying not to have a bunch of people daring me to do things when there's already a video online of me doing basically the same thing.

The other kind of dares are the weird/gross kind. I'm not drinking piss, licking toilets or eating anything that has been in my ass. Sorry to disappoint, but ewww! And I'm not putting bowling pins or other unusually large objects in any of my holes. They wouldn't fit anyway! Just because I'm a slut and I like being used doesn't mean I'm loose and worn out, and I'd like to stay tight so I can please cock! ;)

I suggest looking over the Webslut Madison material, I really want dares on how to humiliate myself, degrade myself, and expose myself. So I can get off to it! Not hurt myself, stretch myself, permanently disfigure myself, end up in the hospital, or bore myself to death!

Thanks! Best dare today gets a video of me doing it uploaded here!"

Madison then navigated back to her Q&A. She started to touch herself as she again exposed herself - in writing - to strangers.

Q: "what are you studying?"

A: "I'm getting my masters in education."

Q: "Where do you like a guy to cum?"

A: "In me, on me, in my mouth. Or while he's looking at a picture or watching a video of me online! I don't care, just cum! I do like to swallow it though."

Q: "Have you ever worn adult diapers?"

A: "nope. Not my thing really"

Q: "Can you reply to this and degrade/insult yourself?"

A: "not really what this is for! But while I'm typing...I'm a slut. A filthy, dirty slut who is begging to be exposed and objectified. I'm a nasty little whore and I'm begging for more!"

Q: "Where do you go to school?"

A: "This is a little creepy. Although if you really want to know the answer, I think it's in one of the Webslut Madison videos..."

Q: "How exposed have you been in the past? Do you genuinely want to be exposed or is it just a fantasy?"

A: "I'm presently very exposed, but it can get much worse (better?). Just do an internet search for Webslut Madison. And I used to think it was just a fantasy but now I realize I crave it and I can't live without taking it as far as it can go..."

Madison started to rub her pussy more forcefully after typing that. "Ohhhh," she moaned. "Won't you help me take it as far as I can?"

She got up and made a sandwich for dinner, ate, and showered, before coming back to the computer wearing just a bra and a pair of panties.

"You say you always dress like a slut. How about taking daily photos showing us what you're wearing to class?" A darer suggested.

"Definitely can do this!" Madison wrote back.

"I dare you to strip down in an empty classroom at your school and make a little intro video for us."

"Wow, not bad. I'll think about this!" Truthfully, Madison was already aroused at the thought of doing it. She knew she would need some help, but she thought maybe Alyssa would help her with it.

"I like the idea of you writing Webslut Madison on your stomach and wearing it to class so the whole class finds out about you. So I'm daring you to do it!"

"I have thought about this for the past three days nonstop! And I want to do this soooo bad before school is over in a couple months! Probably have to have a few drinks to get my courage up first, but I know I need this! :)"

"Get a tattoo that says 'slut' so you are permanently marked as what you are."

"This is such a hot idea! Probably will remain a fantasy at least for now. You know, just in case I grow out of the phase I'm in and stop being a slut!"

"I dare you to post nude pictures to your social media accounts."

"Ummm no, not trying to get banned."

This time, the person submitting the dare posted again just moments later.

"Ok, you want exposed, right? How about you just post something like 'I'm a slut, come use me' or 'I'm Webslut Madison, please expose me everywhere' and leave it up for 15 minutes and then take it down?"

"I did something similar a couple times already. That's how 2 of my friends found out about me and then they both fucked me."

"Ok, then how about you leave it up longer? Or permanently? Or give someone on here links to your social media so they can post it and tag you when you least expect it?"

"God, that's fucking hot. Maybe. I don't want to do it myself though. I really just want someone to take over and give me no way out and no chance at a normal life anymore."

"Ok well if you're interested let me know."

"I'm stroking my clit right now thinking about it. Makes me sooooo horny! So risky! Not sure if I could actually bring myself to do it but I want it so bad!"

Then another dare came in. "I dare you to post pictures of your ID (drivers license and school IDs) to your account here so anyone can see."

"Wow. Sounds a little risky and probably really stupid to do that. I'm in!"

Madison stood up and located her wallet inside her purse. She pulled out her drivers license and quickly snapped a photo of the front. She used the camera app to put a black mark through the day and month of her birthdate, and through her address and license number as well. But her picture, full name, and birth year were all clearly visible, as well as her state of residence. She then grabbed her campus ID and snapped a picture of that as well, blocking out her student ID number but leaving the rest intact.

"God, this is probably really stupid," she thought. "Someone gets a hold of this and - fuck! I don't even know! But I guess not knowing is the best part!"

Madison stroked her pussy as she logged in to the website on her phone. Moments later, both photos were uploaded and viewable by all members of the site. Madison sat back and smiled, stroking her pussy through her panties. "Ohhhhh God, what if someone sees me and recognizes me? God, that would be so hot!" She decided then to go back and add captions to the photos: "expose me for real?" She put on her drivers license photo. And on her college ID photo, she wrote "if you recognize me from real life, please let me know! I find the idea of that so hot and I'd probably have to do some crazy things to keep your big mouth shut ;)"

Madison looked and she was up to 300 followers already. She decided to make another post. "Expose me?" It was titled.

"Anybody want to find my personal social media accounts, you could have a lot of fun with me there..."

A moment later, she navigated back to her dare page. "How about a picture of your thong sticking out while you sit in class with a plug in your ass?" One dare suggested. She replied that she would try, and went over to her Q&A again.

Q: "Have you ever slept with a professor?"

A: "No, but I would if one of them tried."

Q: "Have you ever tried a tack bra or binder clips on your nipples?"

A: "nope. Might try the binder clips though, ouch! :)"

Q: "Do you think you'll get exposed to the degree you crave? Like all your friends, family and classmates finding out you are a huge Webslut?"

A: "Yes!!! I've accepted that it's going to happen eventually. I don't know exactly when and I don't want to. Part of the fun for me is the anticipation, or else I'd just go ruin myself now!"

She stroked her pussy as she picked up her phone again and texted Alyssa.

"Hey babe, loving this website!"

"Awesome! I can see you're getting quite a bit of attention!" Madison smiled. She almost forgot Alyssa was on the site, but she was glad Alyssa seemed to understand.

"Yeah - you might have seen a couple dares I sort of accepted, just wondering if you could help me with those?"

"Maybe, depends. What do you need me to do?"

"The easy one is just take a picture of my thong coming out of my jeans in class tomorrow and send it to me so I can post it."

"Sure, will do! What's the other one?"

"To film me stripping down in an empty classroom and giving a little intro speech."

"Wow, Madison! Ummm..."

"Please? I don't want to disappoint but I need someone to film!"

"Maybe, if you do something for me."


"For now, I just want you to go on the site and post asking folks to expose you and repost your pictures on the web. Ask them to post the links to where they posted it so you can see. And I can see. And I'll film your nasty little strip tease."

"Yes, Miss ;)" Madison wrote back. She hopped back on the computer and started to post. "Expose me everywhere," she titled it.

"Please post me anywhere you want, like other websites, and send links to my exposure in this post so I can see myself getting more and more fucked and ruined!"

Madison's phone went off. She picked it up, it was Alyssa. "What are you wearing tomorrow, slut?"

"Tight low-rise jeans, thong. A level 3 shirt."

"Good. See you in class!"

Madison put her phone down and went back to her computer.

"I dare you to post links to your social media on your page," one poster said.

"No thanks. If you look hard enough I'm sure you can find it anyway. I do want to be exposed but I want someone to have to work for it, to really want to ruin me."

"Here's a task for you," the next one said. "Print out a photo of your body with Webslut Madison written on it and hang it up in the men's room at your school library!"

"Ummmm hot? But I'd rather have someone do this for me. And I'd never know because I'm not going to go in the men's room, right? Any takers?"

Madison flipped over to her Q&A:

Q: "ever had sex in public?"

A: "yes. Backseat of car, at the park...good times!"

Q: Do you like having sex with strangers?

A: "Yes!!! It's risky but so exciting and definitely makes me feel like a slut! Like it when they slap and degrade me too! I've been kinda bad about this lately actually..."

Madison decided she'd had enough for one day and soon went to bed. She didn't even masturbate. God, she was so excited and she tossed and turned but did not sleep well. She was too excited about being exposed even more, about interacting with the people who were fantasizing about her in a whole new way.


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