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Lucy's Film: Family Fun Pt. 02


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Betty drug Melody into the room by her hair. Betty knelt her in the center of the room. She went to the dresser to retrieve her whip. Her back was turned, as she issued her command to Melody.

Put your hands behind your back. Hold your wrists."

Betty returned to stand over Melody.

"Yes mistress."

"Fucking bitch. Slut. Whore. You were fucking right in front of me. Bitch.

Betty used her whip on Melody, as she cursed her.

"Please mistress. You ordered me to fuck him. I did it for you."

Betty slapped Melody. She was furious. Her eyes glowed in her anger.

"Lying fucking bitch. Were you blindfolded? Could you see me in the room?"

"Yes mistress. I could see you in the room. My eyes were not covered."

Betty slapped her. She glared her anger at Melody.

"You did not caress me with your eyes."

Betty slashed Melody across her tits. She moved down to lash her stomach.

"You did not fuck me with your eyes."

Betty slashed Melody on the insides of her thighs. Melody screamed in pain with each lash.

Betty glared with menace in her eyes.

"Bitch. You gave it all to him. You gave me nothing. You will pay."

Betty pulled Melody up. She pushed her over onto her hand's and knees.

Betty laid stripes across Melody's back, ass, and thighs. Betty masturbated as she did. She vibrated with her need. Betty lay back on the bed. She pulled Melody up between her legs as she pushed a pillow under her ass.

"Show me your tongue, bitch."

Melody pushed out her tongue. Betty smiled. Use your tongue. Little slave."

"Yes Mistress."

Melody used her tongue in the service of her mistress. She masturbated as she did. Betty pushed Melody's head down to her asshole. Melody played her humiliation to the camera.

Betty came in waves. She was visibly engulfed in her passion. She was vocal in her pleasure. Betty shook with pleasure. She allowed herself no time to rest. She put Melody onto her knees in the middle of the bed.

"You gave everything to my brother. You'll turn your first trick for me. He will not have you as a whore before I do. You'll always be my whore."

Betty pulled a stack of money from the drawer. She handed it to Melody.

"I'm buying your asshole. And, your mouth. Roll the money up. Put it in your cunt. Nothing else is going in there tonight. You will get no pleasure, from me tonight."

Melody lowered her head. She obeyed her mistress. Melody pushed the roll of bills into her vagina.

"Yes mistress."

Betty grinned as she approached melody with the dildo and the lubrication.

"Grease it, and yourself up. I'll use my whore's ass."

Melody greased up the dildo and her asshole. Melody presented her mistress the shiny latex erection. She bent over with her ass in the air.

"Yes mistress. I'll be your whore. I'm your ass slut whore."

Betty fucked melody for her own pleasure. She masturbated as she fucked melody's ass. She had to pause to shudder through her orgasm. She returned to her violation of Melody's ass. Melody orgasmed for the camera. She made sure that her hair was away from her face as she looked back at the camera.

Betty pulled the dildo from Melody's ass, then violated her mouth with it. She found another orgasm as she did.

Betty threw down the dildo. She slapped Melody.

"Give me my money bitch. I'm your pimp. You'll always give me the money you make selling your ass."

Melody was crying as she pulled the roll of bills out of her vagina. She knelt up onto her knees. She held the money out to Betty.

"Here's your money, mistress. I'm your whore."

Betty smiled as she lay back on the bed. She pushed Melody down to her proper place between her legs. Betty licked off the money, as she orgasmed.

Lucy let them relax for a moment, then stormed onto stage.

"You little bitch. You planed to change my script. You did it a ahead of time. You put the money on the set."

"Yes Lucy, I did. My lines were better than yours. I didn't ask your permission. I became my role. I'll become my role again, as soon as the cameras are reset. Betty turned, and walked off stage.

Jim was already reseting the cameras. Lucy felt totally out of control. Fear crossed her eyes. She turned to the bar, to make sure that no one saw the fear in her eyes. Her cast did not need her. They could film alone. They held the all talent they needed among themselves.

Frank could demand it. He was strong enough. Lucy calmed herself. She watched Betty and Melody recreate the scene. Lucy was amazed to see Betty's passion appear to be as high, as it was in the first filming of the scene. Lucy had real talent, in the two women before the camera.

Jim reset the cameras in the big bedroom. Everyone was tired. Lucy was proud of the cast, as they recreated the scene. Lucy was pleased.

"There will be no performance upstairs tonight. Sleep in. We'll start about noon. You all did well."

Lucy walked up to Betty

"You are right. Your lines were better. That is not the issue. You'll check with me, before you make any changes."

"Would have you allowed it, if I had?"

"Lucy thought about it, as she drank her drink. Betty knew that she would answer in her own time. Lucy drank and paced as she thought.

"Yes Betty, I would have. I really believe I would. The movie is more important than my ego. Go to bed. You worked hard. You did very well."

Betty took Lucy into an embrace. She kissed her deeply. Lucy received the kiss, and returned it.

Everyone slept deeply. There were no sounds of passion, in the communal bedroom that night.


Their wake up was slow and easy. Everyone had their coffee and breakfast before they drifted together. Lucy was in her corset and heels. Jim was in street clothes.

Everyone else was naked under their robes. All of the cast had their hair brushed, and their makeup done. Frank had learned how to do his own.

"From this point on, I'll be able to show you where we are on the story board for each scene. That will allow you to see where we are in time. Adjust your relationships accordingly. Tonight we film two more major scene's. Two days off. Then we film the last two major scenes. Keep fresh. Do not slip into routine."

They worked through the day. It went well. After dinner, Lucy called them together.

"The two scenes we film tonight, will be in the living room. They will include all four of you. The first scene will be your first night together, after Frank has established complete domination of all of you."

Lucy handed out the scripts.

"Frank in a robe. Betty in a corset. Melody and Sally, you'll wear heels stockings and garters. Film call, one half hour."

Lucy drank and masturbated. She knew, she was not completely in control. It seemed somehow alright to her. She would keep directing.

"Sally and melody, you both are completely defeated. Melody is excited by her enslavement. She serves her mistress. Sally, you are not pleased. You are miserable in your enslavement. You wish you could save your daughter. You know you cannot. You detest being under the domination of a man... Frank, you know that you need Betty, when you face me. She has been dominated. Tonight you will see to her pleasure.

The scene opened with Betty serving drinks. Frank sat on the wide couch. Melody and Sally were on their knees. They both wore their wide leather collars. They were both in self bondage, as they knelt. Frank spoke with an air of humor.

"Tonight we will have so much fun. Good family fun. Drink your drinks. I do love the new women in our family."

Betty knelt beside Frank. Sally and Melody, drank the drinks Betty had served them.

"Master they look good on their knees. Mother was so thoughtful leaving us alone to get to know our new slaves."

"Sally, come kiss your new family"

Sally crawled to Frank. Betty sat up on the couch beside him. Sally lowered her head.

"Yes Master."

Sally took Frank's erection into her mouth. Frank let her suck him for a while.

"Kiss Betty. Call her mistress."

Sally crawled to between Betty's open leg's.

"Yes Mistress."

Sally lowered her head to Betty's open vagina. Betty looked over at Melody. Melody was caressing Betty, with her eyes. She sent kisses to her. Melody's attention was totally focused on her mistress.

Betty found a satisfying orgasm, from Sally's mouth and active tongue. Frank stood over Sally. He used his whip, to kiss her body.

"You have kissed everyone, except your daughter. You do not want Melody to feel left out, I'm sure. Melody come set beside your mistress."

"Yes master."

Melody was smiling. She sat down next to Betty, opening her legs. Her eyes, and mouth, were for her mistress. Sally was crying. She was repulsed at being made to violate her daughter. Frank used the whip without stop.

"I'll beat you, until you do."

Sally was crying as she lowered her head to Melody's open vagina. Sally used her mouth to raise Melody's passion. Melody gave her passion to Betty with her hands, mouth, and eyes.

Melody found a noisy orgasm. Frank knelt behind Sally. He fucked into her open vagina. Sally was mad at herself. She was raging with passion. She fucked back onto Frank's erection. She continued to lick Melody. Melody served her mistress, and her master, with her words.

"My slut cunt is dripping. I am coming like a street whore. I love my mother's tongue in my cunt. I love to fuck. I am my mistress' slut, and her whore."

Sally did not want to respond to Frank's erection. Her vagina took control of her hips as she fucked. She put her orgasm into Melody's vagina. Melody gave it all to Betty.

Frank pulled from Sally. He jacked off in front of her face. He ejaculated his semen onto Sally's face, and Melody's pubic hair. Frank took his erection to Betty's mouth, as it softened. He left Sally's cum covered face open to the camera.

"Sally you did so well kissing melody. We are having so much fun as a family. You must get closer to your daughter, mother dear. You have fucked every woman in the house. Except Melody. We will fix that tonight. You'll fuck Melody while she serves her mistress with her tongue. Betty will get off much better, if there is passion coming from her slaves mouth. I'll kiss you with the whip until my sister gets off."

Melody slid onto her knees. She dipped her head to her mistress' open vagina. Frank handed Sally the dildo.

"It will slip right in. Your daughter is a slut. She's hot, serving her mistress. She is a natural born cunt licker, just like you are. Fuck her now."

Frank used his whip on Sally as she cried. She cried as she obeyed her master. Frank found pleasure in his dominance. His erection was full. He slipped it into Sally's vagina. He fucked and whipped as he watched Betty come to her pleasure. He brought his orgasm on. He finished his pleasure by flooding Sally's face with his cum.

Frank looked down at Sally. His voice was hard.

"Now you'll serve me in your bed. I'll have your ass in your bed. My sister will have your daughters ass in her bed. You, and your daughter will serve us naked tomorrow. We still have one more night of family fun before Lucy gets home. Then we'll have real family fun with the whole family."

"Cut. Good job. Take a short break we will film the second scene in one half hour. Here are your scripts. The only costume change, is the color of your stockings. Betty find a red corset, stockings, and heels. Don't lose track of your present costumes, we'll film in them again tonight."

Lucy drank and masturbated. She felt left out. She missed being in front of the camera.

Lucy call them together for their coaching.

"This is your last night before Lucy gets home. You'll enjoy your slaves. You'll find your pleasure with each other. The slaves are like toys to play with. You'll share them with each other. Keep track of the sequence. We'll film it again as soon as the cameras move. There is little dialog, and lot's of action. Each of you, enjoy both slaves completely. Make sure the slaves find pleasure in their service to you. You must own them completely before the night is done."

The scene opened to an empty living room. Frank walked out of Lucy's bedroom, leading Sally behind him. She was naked, except for her buckled heels and purple silk stockings.

Her hands were bound behind her back. She wore a wide leather collar. Frank held the leash, that snapped onto her collar. Frank wore only his silk robe. He carried a whip in his hand.

Betty entered from her room, leading Melody. Melody was dressed, as her mother was. Her silk stockings were rose red. Her wide collar was also leashed.

Betty wore a bright red corset. Her heels were buckled to her ankles. Her heels sparkled in the light. They were wet with Melody's saliva. Betty walked up to Frank. She dropped to her knees, pulling Melody down with her. Betty bowed her head.

"I serve my master. I offer my slave for my master's pleasure. I offer myself for my masters pleasure."

Frank pulled Betty up to him. He kissed her deeply.

"You are such a pretty slut, sister. Tonight, we'll share the pleasures of our slaves. We'll have so much fun."

Frank pushed Sally to her knees before him. Betty had left Melody on her knees before her when she stood up. Frank took Betty into his arms, as he kissed her deeply.

"We'll have our slaves mouths. They'll raise our passion. We'll share it."

Betty and Frank, sat back onto the couch. The pulled their slaves to them. Frank took Betty into a passionate embrace as Sally took his erection into her mouth. Melody served her mistress with her tongue. She smiled as she watched the passionate kiss between her mistress and her master.

Melody wanted a kiss like that also. Melody was in love with her role. She was a slave in her heart. Sally was not happy with her role. It was evident in her face. Mostly, she did not like the look of lust, and devotion, in her daughters eyes.

Frank pushed Sally from him as he pulled Melody to him. He handed Betty the leash, that held Sally in bondage. Betty pulled Sally to her.

"I love your tongue as much as I love my slaves tongue."

Betty pulled Sally's head up, then slapped her. Betty was grinning broadly.

"I love your tongue. I love your daughters ass. I love to fuck your daughter. She is such a devoted slave."

Betty slapped Sally again.

"You bitch, had better get devoted to me. I'll beat you until you cannot walk if you do not smile when you suck my cunt. You smile when you suck my mothers cunt. Don't you?"

Sally was crying. Her tears were real. The movie was becoming too real for her. She cried for her daughters violation. Her plastic smile was good enough for Betty.

"Yes mistress. I smile when I suck your mothers cunt."

Betty let Sally pleasure her vagina. Frank pleasured Betty's mouth. His kisses were full. His hands roamed Betty's body as if it belonged to him.

Frank pulled Sally back to him. Betty took Melody for her pleasure.

"Use your slut mouth on me slave. Excite me with your tongue and your words."

"Yes mistress. I love to suck your cunt. I love it as much as my mother hates it. My slut cunt drips when I suck your pussy. I'm your slut. My slut mouth loves the taste of your passion. I serve my mistress with my tongue."

Frank could see the disdain in Sally's eyes. The look of disdain rose Frank's lust higher. He found pleasure in fucking Sally's unwilling mouth. He shared his passion with his sister. He loved seeing the lust in her eyes as her slave obediently served her vagina.

Frank and Betty kissed, and fondled, like a newly wed couple. Frank rose to his orgasm. Betty poured the lust of her orgasm into Frank's mouth. Frank pulled his erection from Sally's mouth. He spread his cum across her face with pleasure.

Frank rested for a moment. He pulled Melody over, to kneel next to Sally.

"Lick my cum, from your mothers face. Tell her how much you love to lick my cum."

Melody was smiling. She found pleasure in defying her mother. She loved the look in her mothers eyes when she talked like a slut. Melody looked deeply into her mothers eyes. She smiled as she licked the cum off her face.

"I love to lick my masters cum. I love to see it dripping off your face. I love it when my mistress puts your tongue to my cunt. I cum like a slut when you lick me."

Sally cried from deep inside of herself. She was her role. Her daughters complete submission was as as distasteful to her as her own submission. Frank and Betty shared their pleasure as they watched.

Frank stood up, pulling Betty up beside him. Frank spoke with lust in his eyes.

"Beat your slave while I beat mine. We'll make them like it. They'll orgasm for us. They'll show us their passion. It will be so much fun."

Betty lashed Melody with pleasure. She took pleasure watching Frank lash Sally. She found much pleasure seeing Melody masturbate as she lashed her.

Betty was raging with lust. She took Frank into her arms. She shared her lust with her brother. She was delirious in her passion. She found a small orgasm as Frank filled her mouth with his tongue, and his lust.

Frank pushed Sally onto her back. He pulled Melody over to kneel between her legs.

"Your mothers passion has not raised. Make her drip with it. Make her cunt wet for my cock. Make it as wet as your slut cunt is."

"Yes master."

Melody knelt between Sally's legs. She smiled at her mother as she cried in her shame.

"Mother. Your cunt does not drip for your master. You'll drip for him. I'll make you drip for my master. You'll drip from my tongue. Or, you'll drip from my masters whip. I've seen his whip raise your lust. I'd love to see it again. It excites my mistress. I love my mistress."

Melody used her tongue on Sally. She used it like her mistress had taught her. She brought Sally's passion to her, even as Sally tried to keep it from her. Sally's vagina joined Melody in her violation. Sally's eyes were still sad as her vagina took control of her body.

Frank held Betty close. He kissed her deeply.

"Do you love having a slave?"

"Yes master. I do love having my slave. I love her tongue. I love to see you fuck her. She gets hotter for me, after you have had her."

Frank smiled with deep pleasure.

"So will your mother. She'll lick you like she licks the slut as my feet. She'll lick you with pleasure after I fuck her ass. Now we'll fuck our slaves. We'll drink the lust from their eyes. We'll fill them with our passion, until they scream out their pleasure for our entertainment. I love family night. It's so much fun."

Frank pushed Melody from Sally. Betty took control of her. Frank knelt between Sally's legs. He stroked her open wet vagina.

"I see you love your daughters tongue as much as my sister does. You'll fuck me. You'll do it now."

Frank sank his erection into Sally. Betty used the dildo on Melody as they both masturbated.

Frank used his erection, and his whip, to raise Sally's passion. The whip kissed her lightly. The pain from his lashes brought Sally's passion up. She began to fuck Frank with her whole body. Sally and Melody found their orgasm together.

Frank and Betty kissed, and fondled, each other as they watched their slaves lost in their lust. Frank kept up his demanding assault of Sally's vagina. She could not hold back her orgasm. She came in waves of passion like her daughter was.

Frank covered Melody's face with his cum. He smiled deeply as he commanded Sally.

"Lick your daughters face like you lick my mothers cunt. Drink my cum. Smile when you do."

Frank used his whip to demand Sally's complete compliance. Sally no longer fought her submission to Frank and Betty. She followed her orders. She had become their slave. She, and her daughter, served their master and their mistress.

Frank and Betty shared their pleasure, with their hands and mouths. Betty lowered her head to Frank's soft cock.

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