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A Bizarre Twist

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Where does fantasy end and reality begin?
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I write erotic fiction for fun. I mainly get the ideas for my stories when I lie awake at night and am unable to sleep. I let my mind wander and think about some of the people I know, particularly wives of friends of mine who I find attractive. I then let my mind make up erotic situations that might be possible and would result in a sexual story.

If the stories I dream up give me an erection, then they may be the basis for one of my fictional submissions. But often, my stories have some basis in actual fact.

Several years ago I wrote a fictional story about my wife's former boss. My wife Lindsey had previously worked for Marty, who owned a home remodeling company. She worked in his office, which was in an industrial complex rather far from the beaten path. Normally it was just the two of them in the office.

To Marty, everything had sexual overtones. The promotional material he used for his company always had pictures of naked women or breasts. His favorite phrase was "Wanna play with a stiff cock?"

I know on one occasion, he went off for a golfing weekend, and brought back a stack of pictures of his vacation. Interspersed within these pictures were photographs of him naked. He showed Lindsey the pictures and was delighted with himself when she came upon his nude photos. She, of course, expressed great shock, but he convinced her to look at the rest of the photos, which contained more pictures of his cock.

On other occasions he would leave copies of his nude photos in her desk drawer and she would come upon them when she went to pull out a pen. She would tell me about these times when she saw the pictures of his cock.

I found the stories to be a rather titillating. It is rather erotic to think of my wife looking at pictures of her boss' cock; it was even more stimulating for me to fantasize about her playing with his cock.

A couple of times I asked whether they had ever taken their clothes off while they were alone in the office and she said of course not. I told her that I didn't believe her. I know Marty, and I know that's the kind of thing he would pull just to get a rise out of her - like coming out of the bathroom without a stitch of clothes on, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

I also know my wife well, and she is something of an exhibitionist and would not back down from an opportunity at one-upmanship if the opportunity arose. She'd drop her top at a moment's notice just to trump his attempts at exhibitionism. The thought of Lindsey and Marty shedding clothes as a prank in the office turned me on, even if it was just a fantasy.

Just after we were married, Lindsey told me that after we had gotten engaged she started a relationship with a male friend and that they frequently bathed together, obviously stark naked. This relationship went on for several months, unknown to me. She insists she never fucked him. I suspect she was telling the truth, because she has always professed a desire for faithfulness.

But I was sure that she had given him blow jobs or hand jobs. Twenty-year-old members of the opposite sex simply don't bathe together without somebody having an orgasm. And Lindsey had always told me that while she hadn't fucked many guys before we were married, she had certainly given her share of blow jobs.

I asked her directly one time whether she had ever given her friend a blow job during their naked bathing, while we were engaged. Her response was, "I don't think so."

You "don't think" you gave a blow job to someone? It seems to me you would probably remember whether you gave a bathing buddy a blow job while you were engaged to someone else. It's not something that just slips your mind. It was pretty clear to me that she had sucked his cock when they bathed together nude; she just preferred not to admit it.

But the fact is, if she got off on sucking his cock back when we were engaged, great. When she would tell me the stories about being naked with her friend, bathing, while we were engaged, it gave me an erection.

I don't know why, but something turns me on to fantasize about Lindsey sucking off another man's cock, particularly her doing so at the very time I was, perhaps, writing her a love letter. We would often make passionate love after she told me the stories about her bathtub friend, because it turned me on so much. I don't know why it does, it just does.

Getting back to my story, I told her that if she and Marty had stripped down to bare skin while she was working, I wanted to hear about it, because the thought was extremely sensual to me - that I might be at work, working my tail off, while she's diddling around playing touchy-feely with her boss.

I said it wouldn't surprise me if you gave him a blow job in the office from time to time. While I believe Lindsey wouldn't be fucking other men, she's always said that giving a blow job is no big deal, and I wouldn't put that past her. But she would always deny that anything happened

Finally, after having several variations of the same conversation over several months, when I would tell her that the thought of them groping each other in their office was sexually stimulating to me, Lindsey admitted she had given Marty blow jobs on more than one occasion.

She told me that the first time, he had hidden another picture of himself naked in her desk drawer. When she opened it and saw the picture, she turned around and looked at him. He was standing right behind her and his pants were on the floor, and his penis was at half-mast. He said, "Touch my cock."

She said she doesn't know why, but she reached over and put her hand and fingers around his cock. She told me it was because she thought, "It was so, so big!"

She told me he immediately began to get a full erection. She said she was fascinated with his dick. It was so hard. He said, "Lick it," and she told me again she doesn't know why, but she did. She started sucking the head of his large cock and she told me she immediately became sopping wet.

He said, "Pull down your pants and let's fuck."

She told him she would not do that, but she told him she would suck him off. She said she licked the head of his cock and ran it in and out of her mouth for quite a while. She told me he came in her mouth, but she did not swallow.

After that, every once in a while, he would ask for a blow job and, if she felt in the frame of mind, she gave it to him. She told me she hadn't previously admitted it to me, because she was afraid I would be upset.

But the thought of her sucking his big cock, over and over again wasn't upsetting to me. To the contrary, it turned me on. Again, I don't know why, it just does. I told her that when she told me about her sexual encounters after the fact, it made my dick hard.

Just like her stories about bathing naked with her friend when she and I were engaged, hearing her stories about her boss was a great turn-on, especially since I was simultaneously working hard to provide for her and probably sitting at my office, thinking lovingly about her while she was gratifying someone else. After she told me about sucking his cock, we would always have a night of wild sex.

Eventually, due in part to conflicts between Lindsey and Marty's wife, she moved on to a new job.

Occasionally we would revisit her sexual encounters with Marty. I'd ask her to tell me again how it happened, and it would get me horny all over again. She would always tell me "You know I like sucking cock, I'm sorry, but I love only you".

I told her not to be sorry; hearing what she did was incredibly erotic to me. I would always say, "Let's go upstairs." We would go upstairs and I was so turned on by her story that we would fuck for hours. For me it's an aphrodisiac, better than Viagra. Thanks, Marty.


The above story is fiction, although some of it is true. Marty does turn everything into sexual innuendo. He did intersperse pictures of himself naked in his golf trip and plant the pictures in her desk.

But the part of him removing his clothes and Lindsey giving him a blow job was all made up in my head, a fantasy that I found particularly arousing. I love my wife, but I like to think of my wife sucking another man's cock.

So I made up a story about my fantasy, and maybe it's just a fantasy. It seemed erotic to me to think of them groveling together, simply because she had seen pictures of him naked.

I hadn't shared my attempts at sensual fiction with my wife, thinking that she'd find it odd. But, after I wrote this story, actually, quite a while after I wrote the story, I decided to share some of my erotic fiction with my wife. She liked some of the stories I wrote; others she didn't like so much.

But, when I showed her this story to read, she read it once, quietly, and then read it again. She turned a bit white. I had told her that most of my stories were based on some true facts, but that I had embellished them to make them more sexually stimulating.

After she read this story a third time, again, very quietly, she still looked rather ashen and looked up at me and said, "I never thought I would be telling you this. I thought I would always keep it a secret, but you've got this story right. Marty and I did get naked together, many times, when his wife wasn't around.

"Only I didn't suck his cock, I simply played with his balls and gave him a hand job. We kissed and rolled around on the sofa together. We touched and groped until we reached orgasm, just like in fifth grade.

"I loved playing with his big dick, and it was very sensual to have him playing with my snatch. I didn't realize that you would find this to be such a turn on. He did play with my tits and licked my nipples, and he ran his fingers between my legs. I can't believe you wrote this fantasy that is so close to what really happened."

When she told me this, I was stunned; I found it to be an incredible turn on. I had spent hours in bed fantasizing about my wife sucking his cock, playing with his balls, having him finger her pussy, French kissing her; in fact most of it had happened. Hearing it gave me such an erection that I was immediately ready to come.

Just like hearing the stories of her bathing buddy (the guy she can't remember whether or not she gave a blow job), this story gave us the opportunity to have some real quality time together. I love my wife.

Sometimes fantasies can have a real basis in truth. It also gave me my next fantasy, I want to watch them do it again, only this time while I am there, the seeds to my next story.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I see your stories were 1-bombed. All the 1 votes were from one religious retard making multiple Anonymous visits along with fake bios under the handles

26thNC, Harry inVA, thecarolinadreamer, Lakeeriegoatguy, KittyCampbell, Mattenw, ShadowRosie, Impo_64, WarGamer, also possbly Rw43, Odiouser and Patillie among others.

This person votes multiple 5's to put a mediocre author in hall of fame for his revenge stories cutting off nuts etc., and then 1-bomb's good stories that express sexuality or cheating.

You will find repetitive comments from this person across 50% of the writers/stories in the LW category - "idiot", "garbage", "sewer", "fag", "worst writing" etc. - how can they all be the worst stories or worst writing?

In one of the bios and comments this person claims he was cucked twice but I suspect he never had sex with a woman at all and his comments express a lot of anger towards women, calling them garbage cans.

By the way, this person is a Trumpite running the same play book as Trump and his child molester fakes like Matt Gaetz - they claim to represent 90% of the people as a "majority" but it is just one person trying to destroy the world.

I would not have characterized myself as a Democratic voter, but for the next couple of elections I will vote against all the Republicans. That's the best way to vote where it makes a difference.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Now thats a woman thats a lying skanky whore. Bravo.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

If you were honest, you'd just admit that you are a cuck. Your wife is a lying whore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Needs a second chapter

Needs a second chapter with some sort of consequences or this is just crap. The scores say it all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Honest man?

More like fag man.instead of writing,he should just go park behind the local perverts book store

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