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Jack and Jill's Parallel World Trip Ch. 03

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Jack learns of some of the punishments in this world.
2.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/26/2018
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Jill held down on his wrist and a holographic screen shot out of it.

"Alright so here's your phone and the app is down here," said Jill, pointing down.

"Ok," said Jack, tapping on the app that said "Malone".

A bunch of different options turned up on the screen such as viagra, pubic hair, cum taste, and many more. Jack tapped on viagra and a tick appeared next to the selection and all of a sudden Jack's then flaccid penis became rock hard. He then turned it off.

"So what's cum taste?" He asked.

"Well it changes the flavour of your cum for when a girl or guy swallows it of course," she said, tapping on the icon and showing a list of flavours like strawberry, pineapple, coca cola, bubble gum, and lime. Jack picked pineapple and his balls tingled for a moment.

"And pubic hair?"

Jill smiled "I think I'll let you figure that one out," she said.

Jack eagerly pressed it and was greeted with the option 'remove'. He pressed it and immediately felt a burning sensation on his crotch. It got to the point where it actually started to hurt and he got up to go throw some water from the kitchen on it when his pubes vanished in a puff of smoke. He put his hand down there and found that it felt smooth. He had tried to shave his pubes once when he was younger but it ended up feeling like he had a cactus down his pants so he never tried again. This felt good. He looked at Jill sitting there naked and saw that she had done the same to her vagina.

"Wow it's so cold. How did I ever put up with this as a kid," he said, scratching the bare spot. "It'll grow back right?".

"Of course but I think you'll like it better this way. Now I think it's time you got back to school bro," she said.

"With pleasure," he said, leaving the house and going straight back to school. As he approached the school, he saw Lyla Banks sitting down out the front of it studying.

"Hey Lyla," he said, smiling.

"Hey church boy, what's going on?" She asked. She was still naked and it was still so weird for Jack to see so many of his classmates not care about being naked.

"It's Jack actually. I wanted to apologise for before".

"Apologise? For what?" She asked, putting down her book and leaning forward.

"Well you got in trouble for having sex with me. I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry about that," he said, a little embarrassed.

She giggled "it's ok. Being your first was way worth the punishment," she said.

She stretched her arms out and yawned before looking back to him.

"I am pretty tired though and we still got two hours until our next class. Do you wanna come have a nap with me?" She asked.

Jack was suddenly aware of how tired he was. Having sex multiple times in one day and running a boot camp that even the best athletes from his world couldn't do took a lot of energy out of you.

"Wait a minute I thought these chips gave us a ton of energy?" He said.

"They help with stamina but they can only do so much and teenagers and kids are encouraged to sleep often because our bodies are still growing. Now cmon Jack, let's go," she said, walking up the stairs.

They walked through the hallway and Lyla put her books back in her locker. They then walked to the back of the school and stopped before a room that said "relaxation chamber, over 18's only" and the two walked in.

The room was gigantic and circular with a dim light illumiating the place slightly. It was in a donut shape with a small hot pool in the middle with about 12 naked teens relaxing in it. On both sides were a bunch of cushions on a soft, mattress-like floor. There were two signs in front of them that read "no sex" pointing to the left and "sex permitted" pointing to the right. They could hear some intense moaning coming from the right.

Ordinarily Jack would have joined the others having sex but he was very tired. Lyla led him over to the no sex area where many where either sleeping or reading a book by a dim light. He also found that the speakers were playing relaxing music that drowned out all the sounds that were going on elsewhere in the chamber and also a perfume like smell wafted through the air creating a calm atmosphere. He lay down in an empty spot and Lyla got down with him, resting her soft head on his chest and pressing her naked body against his.

"Hey Jack?" She asked.


"What's life like inside the church?" She asked, moaning playfully and nestling herself into his chest before yawning.

"It's pretty shit. We don't get to have sex nearly as much and you have to wear a condom," he said.

Her eyes shot open and she looked up at him "what's a condom?".

"It's a bit of thin latex that goes over the dick to prevent cum from going in a woman," he said.

She once again nestled into his chest and closed her eyes "you're right. That does sound like shit".


Jill sat on her couch as Rita ate her out with Sam doing her from behind. She was well practised at it and her tongue was able to get into all the special places and tend to them as well as keep her stimulated. Rita's head was also bobbing against Jills stomach as Sam pounded her from behind. Soon enough he came inside her and a few minutes later Jill came as well. The two started panting and Rita just stood on her knees with her hands on her hips.

"Alright babe, blowjob?" Asked Sam.

"Are you serious? I didn't have an orgasm and you want a blowjob? Get down and stick your tongue in me!!" She yelled, getting down and spreading her legs. Sam rolled his eyes and got down, putting his mouth to her vagina and sticking his tongue in. Rita started to moan in pleasure. Jill sat down beside her and Sam looked up from between Rita's sweating, black legs and soon enough Jill felt his thick hand move up her inner thigh and enter her vagina.

"So your brother must be enjoying his first day out of the church," said Rita.

"Oh I know he did. Did you see the hard on he had when he trotted on back to school?" Replied Jill.

"I remember my 18th birthday. Me and all the guys and girls from school had an orgy in my lounge. Sucked a dick for the first time and ate a pussy for the first time. Was a...good day!!" Said Rita, orgasming at last.

"Yeah. The first day I got out of the church I had sooo much sex. When I was there I only ever had sex with one guy and having it unprotected with so many others was amazing," she said, moaning as Sam's playful fingers moved in and out of her.

Rita then pulled his hands out and got on top of her. The two girls made out as their hands explored each others bodies. Rita moved down and started kissing Jill's breasts as her own hands then moved their way into her vagina. Jill then looked over at Sam who was just awkwardly sitting there with a big hard-on as he wondered what to do as he waited.

"Hey babe why don't you go make us some food? We're pretty hungry," said Rita.

Sam looked a little disappointed but got up and walked into the kitchen.

"So when do you go back to your world?" Asked Rita.

"Next week. That's all the device is good for. You should take me up on my offer and visit my world with me," said Jill.

The two stared at each other for a while before bursting into laughter. Rita was the only person in this world who Jill trusted to tell her secret to. She was also the first person she met when testing the machine. She taught Jill everything about the world.

Of course the idea of Rita visiting her world was ludicrous. She had a doppelganger in Jills world.

"Tell me again about myself from your world?" She asked.

"Well you're regarded as a bitch by the whole neighbourhood," she started.

Rita simply nodded.

"To my knowledge you've only ever had sex with guys," she continued.

"Geez that sucks," said Rita.

"And Sam is your only boyfriend and you only have sex with him," Jill smiled.

"ONLY him?!?! God no wonder everyone thinks I'm a bitch. I mean I love him but I can't imagine anyone would just have sex with only one person the rest of their lives. Anything else?"

Jill thought for a moment "oh yeah. When Jack was 14 he got caught by you spying on you taking a bath and got grounded for a month".

The two once again stared at each other before laughing hysterically.

"Hell, if your brother wants to JOIN me in the bath he can".

The two laughed again.


Jack was stirred from his sleep by the light being turned on and something soft being thrown at him.

"Wakey wakey you two. Time to get up and get dressed," said Mr Smith.

Jack looked down and saw his clothes from before all clean. He groaned at the prospect of putting his clothes back on. Lyla seemed to have the same idea as she snuggled Her naked body into Jack to prevent him from getting up, moaning playfully.

"Really Lyla? You wanna push it after the stunt you pulled in PE today? You are this close to getting detention young lady," he said, angrily.

That seemed to get Lyla. She sprung up immediately and began pulling her panties up past her legs. She looked over at Jack and frantically motioned him to get dressed and he did. Soon the two of them were fully dressed but neither of them were happy about it.

Across the hall Ashley and Tony were starting to get dressed before they were stopped by Mr Smith.

"Don't get dressed you two. You're in big trouble," he said, menacingly.

Ashley stared at him puzzled "what for?" She asked.

"You and Tony just had sex in the no sex area again correct?"

Ashley and Tony's eyes widened "I-I-I swear I thought we were in the right place. Please don't do this sir," he pleaded.

He grabbed them by the arms and led them out of the room as they screamed. Jack started over towards them but was stopped by Lyla.

"What's gonna happen to them?" He asked.

"Maybe it's best if I show you," she replied.

They followed Mr Smith and The two out of the room and down the hall where there was a big glass cage with chains inside it. Ashley and Tony were then put inside and their feet were bound tightly at the bottom whilst their arms were bound above her head. They faced each other. She had tears in her eyes as Mr Smith got out his phone.

"Please sir don't do this. We honestly thought it was the sex area" pleaded Tony.

"There are clear signs in the relaxation chamber that tell you where the area is and this is the fifth time you've done this," he said, pressing a button on his phone and shutting the door "see you in three hours".

Jack watched as Ashley struggled in the cell tossing and turning as her legs were crossed as if she were desperately trying not to pee. Upon closer inspection it seemed as though her vagina was increasingly wet. Tony's penis grew very hard as he tried without luck to get to Ashley.

"What's happening to them?" He asked.

"Mr smith activated the Malone App on their phones to make them insatiably horny. The only thing they want right now is sex but they're tied up in that cage. If they were out right now they'd absolutely jump the nearest person and rip their clothes off without a word. Neither of them can masturbate with her hands tied up like that either," said Lyla.

"But why the cage?"

"So the others can see what happens when you disobey the rules. If you think this is bad you should see what actual prison is like," she said.

Ashley was panting heavily as her nipples stiffened and a liquid began to seep from her legs as Tony's dick became so hard that veins were popping up on it. Tears rolled from both their eyes.

It was weird seeing Ashley and Tony together. In Jack's universe Tony was a weird, pervy kid who had been in trouble numerous times for either spying on girls in the locker room or just plain touching girls in inappropriate places to hit on them. Jack guessed that living in a world where everyone's naked and you can have sex with anyone made his behaviour somewhat normal. Jack was also surprised to see that Tony also had one of the biggest if not THE biggest penises in the class.

Whilst Ashley was always the superficial bitch of the school and was always bullying people including Jack so he actually felt a twinge of Joy watching these events unfold.

"Cmon, we better get to class," said Lyla, grabbing his arm.

They resumed class. First up was science and then history which had very little difference than the classes in his world. He looked around to his classmates to see that most of them were as bored as he was. Jack strangely noticed that he was taking in information a lot better. Mr Smith explained the periodic table of elements and Jack found that after 5 minutes he could name every single one without fail.

The bell rang after three hours indicating home time and Lyla and Jack went to watch Mr Smith release Tony and Ashley. He pressed a button on his phone from the outside and their bounds were released causing them to fall to the floor. Mr smith then turned the app off on their phone.

The two of them stood up slowly and looked around the glass cage like a couple of chimpanzees being released into a new enclosure. Their eyes then focused on each other and widened. They jumped into each other and Tony started thrusting like crazy. The two moaned in joy as they fucked like they'd never fucked before and it didn't take long for both to cum. Tony fell out of Ashley and both began writhing with joy as liquid poured out of both their genitals. Tony's cum shot back onto the glass right in front of Lyla.

Mr Smith pressed another button and water sprayed from the roof cleaning them both. Then multiple unseen fans came on and dried them with hot air and the door opened.

"Right!! Now don't do it again," he said, walking away.

Ashley and Tony just nodded between pants and went to their locker to get their stuff.

Lyla and Jack did the same and once they were outside, Lyla began stripping. Jack did the same.

"So we have tomorrow off school and a lot of the girls didn't get a shot at you today and still wanna fuck you so we were all going to meet up at the river and then go to my house for some fucking. Wanna come?" Asked Lyla, as if she needed to.

"Sure, let's do it".

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Please don’t stop this series, it’s one of the best concepts I’ve read on this site!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago


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