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Mistress Caroline

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A mid-aged doctor meets his dream girl.
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Chapter One

No one really knew her. At work, in the billing department of the local hospital, she saw person after person, day after day, but never knew any of them. Her "colleagues" around her had cubicles also so there was very little socializing. At lunch she ate her salad on the bench in the memorial garden, alone.

She was basically nondescript in her appearance. Short sandy hair, glasses, a cute figure that she hid under loose fitting blouses or bulky sweaters. Very little makeup. Nothing that would say "look at me." She worked out regularly in the hospital health center. She swam laps in the pool when no patients or therapists were using the facility. After work she went home, fixed a glass of wine, took a shower, fixed her makeup, put on a long black wig, got dressed in leather, which included a mask that shielded her identity and turned on the cameras in her home studio. Yes, simple Carol became Mistress Caroline, each night at 10 and for the next three hours, gave orders, dogged her viewers and in general, ruled with an iron fist and whip all the while racking up the dollars on her viewers credit cards. They paid for her to dominate them. And paid a lot. Her income for the last three years had been in the mid six figures.

Her regulars, both men and women, are called swine. To be in that group one must rack up a lot of hours, and money. swine are given a special code which allows them the privilege to participate in the Direct Hour, from midnight to one am, the most degrading debauch hour on the internet. Through her cams she demanded her swine edge themselves, cram any number of items up their ass or pussy. All swine were public to each other. She would direct a swine to piss on himself and stream it to all the others, each one hoping they would be next. Always eager to please Mistress Caroline.

Dr Leo Bounds was the new head of orthopedics at the hospital. The citizens had opened their arms to the new doctor in town. He wasn't particularly friendly and was even a bit gruff but his reputation and resume were impeccable. He had bought an old rambling ranch style home on the outskirts of town. Rather secluded, and he liked it that way. The house included several bedrooms and bathrooms, a large family room and open kitchen. The previous owners had used the bonus room as the man cave. There was a large shop in the back that had been used as a wood working shop.

On occasion, Dr Bounds had to interact with the people in the business office, but he, like so many others, didn't notice mousy Carol. Until one day in the cafeteria when they were introduced. He was cordial but moved on quickly.

However, Carol recognized him. He was a swine that went by the name your servant and she had had plenty of use for him over the 2 years he had been a member. Yes, the gruff, head of orthopedics, was a closet pig-boi, a dirty, swine who had obeyed her every decadent command.

Friday night. Most people her age were hitting one of the bars in town. Trying to hook up. That was not the case for Mistress Caroline. She knew what she would be doing.

Ten o'clock comes and the lights come on and the two cameras are activated and she begins her nightly ritual. "Good evening, swine. Tonight I am feeling particularly horny. Now that can be good...or it could be bad. A little pain now and then is good for you. Now let's see who is online.

Rancher Randy...I didn't think you had the balls to come back. Did you get the plug I told you to get?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Let me see it."

As instructed, rancher randy produced a 9 inch, spade shaped butt plug and proudly showed it to her.

"In your ass, swine!"

With no lube rancher randy proceeds to push the plug up his ass, whimpering as each inch was inserted.

"Shut up bitch. Always crying. You are pathetic. Stay there I'll come back to you"

"Bareback, let me see your balls."

The camera swings to his clean scrotum.

"Why aren't they bound? Are you trying to test my resolve?"

"No Mistress."

"Slut girl. Nipple clamps now. Don't stop tightening them until I tell you."

"Yes ma'am."

And so it went. One of the reasons she was so popular was because she neglected no one. If you were online you would get your turn.

At midnight the regular feed is shut off and the Direct Hour comes up.

"Tonight I see we have seven brave souls. I think I will cap it here. I am feeling especially bad tonight and you seven will benefit."

She turns to her computer, pushes a few keys and now all seven see each other.

"Dog fucker...strip. Now bend over and show tiny pecker what he could have if he only had a dick. Don't you jerk it tiny. Let everyone see why you are a miserable failure when it comes to life.

Pussy girl...did you save all your piss today?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Pour it over your head. Drench yourself in your own piss."

Pussy girl obeyed. Everyone obeyed or they lost Direct Hour privileges.

Finally she got around to your servant.

"Next week you will receive a package from me. It will be delivered to the main post office under general delivery. I will send you the code to pick it up when I mail it. You are not to open it until I tell you too."

"Yes Mistress."

"Now take the nine tails and give yourself twenty five licks on your ass!"

Of course he followed her instructions, forming little whelps on his back side.

"It's time, swine. No sex this weekend. No masturbation. Butt plugs on Saturday. If you can stand it. I will be back on Monday. Fuck off, swine.

And with that the cameras are turned off.

Chapter Two

The weekend went as usual. Laundry, grocery shopping, football on the SEC Network, a call from her sister, church choir on Sunday. Pretty routine. Typical of Carol's life. The one that she worked hard to establish. She lives off her hospital salary and deposits her real salary in a numbered account in the Caymans. She is twenty-seven now and plans to disappear at thirty-seven with a boat load of cash. Besides, at thirty-seven would her swine still be interested in her?

Monday was typical. People came into her cubicle and people left. Some unhappy with their bill, others celebrating the birth of a child. At lunch she went to the garden. There are days when she masturbates, if no one is around. On this day, she really wanted to be alone but someone was sitting around the curve when she arrived. She went to her bench and pulled out her lunch. She was disappointed she couldn't get off. She was horny!

About fifteen minutes into her lunch break, the man who was there stood up and turned toward Carol. It was Dr Bounds. Interesting, she thought. As he threw his garbage in the can, she crossed and uncrossed her legs revealing her shaved pussy to the doctor. She never looked up and ignored him totally. As if she was totally unaware.

Dr Bounds couldn't help but see her display. He stood at the garbage can a little longer, hoping for another view . His dick got hard. He had to leave. Go back to his office and forget about the "accidental" show...or masturbate.

Carol finished her lunch and went back to her cubicle, laughing on the inside, knowing the good doctor saw it all, and was probably obsessing over her beautiful pussy.

Her day breezed by, but she couldn't wait until the Direct Hour. She couldn't wait to mind fuck your servant.

The Direct Hour arrived and eleven swine were online including the doctor. Tonight was going to be brutal for him. She played with the other ten. Humiliating them, getting them to drink from the toilet all for her amusement and those who had paid handsomely to watch it all. Everyone was involved except your servant. He sat there, head down, knees apart hands on his thighs. Had she forgotten about him? Had he displeased her? He knew better than to say anything.

At 12:59 she turned to your servant and said "I hope you enjoyed the show. Get the package tomorrow."

With that, she was gone. Cameras off. Lights out.

Tuesday noon, Dr Bounds was in the same area of the Memorial Park to eat his lunch, hoping to get a glimpse of that lady with the shaved pussy. Of course he couldn't remember her name, only that pussy. He was obsessed with that brief moment. Carol opted not to show.

He made a quick trip across town to the main post office. He gave the lady behind the counter the code and she gave him the package. Following Mistress Caroline's instructions, he dared not open the package.

Midnight finally arrived and the doctor and eight others were in their normal places in front of the screen, all naked and kneeling with hands on their thighs. "Bitchroy, turn around, your disgusting body is an insult to us all. Face the wall, bitchroy!"

For an hour she went through her bag of tricks, insults and humiliation seemed to be her theme tonight. At one she signed off. The doctor still had not opened the package. At 1:02 he received an email.

Log back on now using this code. 3776MYIWyWH8! You have three minutes to comply, or you will be forever banned.

A bit confused, but comply he did. He went back to her vanilla looking site then typed in the code. Her image appeared on the screen.

"You piece of shit. You made it in with time to spare. Here is the way it goes. You run your card for $100 for a private hour. If you agree, run the card. If not...maybe I'll see you around sometime."

He swiped his card.

"From now on you are not your servant but rather Mistress Caroline's servant. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress Caroline."

"Open the box." She paused while he unwrapped the brown paper. It was a wooden box that looked, perhaps, like a humidor. He lifted the hinged top revealing three items, each with its own cubby.

"On the left is a cage for your cock. You will attach it right now." It took him a second or two to figure out the metal and rubber contraption. Finally he managed to get the metal cage on his cock and the rubber ring around his balls. A slight smile appeared on his lips. "Now take the lock and lock that little boy pussy of yours up." Click. "Look up."

He did as he was instructed and his breathing went into over-drive when he saw her dangling the only key to the lock.

"That's right. I will send you the key just like I sent you the package...when I feel like it. As your dick gets hard, the cage will only let it extend so far, causing, what I've been told, a very uncomfortable situation. You will not attempt to remove it. Should a problem arise, you may message me through normal channel. Am I clear?"

"Yes Mistress Caroline."

"Open the box on the far right." It was a butt plug. A spade shaped rubber plug, her favorite shape because it eased in but once the whole thing was all the way in, the ass muscles clamped around base, locking it in place.

"Do not worry servant. You have until next week at this exact same time to be able to take the whole thing. At that time, you will insert it in front on me. Am I clear?"

"Yes Mistress Caroline."

"The third box is not to be touched. Am I clear?"

"Yes Mistress Caroline."

"You are the easiest piece of meat I've ever dealt with. I am sure you hide behind some sort of bravado during the day, but a 125 pound girl can get you to whimper like a puppy. You are pathetic."

"Yes Mistress Caroline. Thank you."

Click. Gone.

Wednesday was overcast so she took her lunch in the cafeteria. She picked a quiet corner, opened a book and acted like she was not paying attention. She spoke to no one and no one spoke to her.

Since she had a few extra minutes, she slipped out of her work shoes and put on some tennis shoes and walked around the halls of the sprawling hospital, taking the stairs at the end of each hall. On her way back down to the first floor, she thought about stopping and getting off. She was horny. And she loved the fact that she wore no panties. Sweet, nondescript Carol is a horny ass bitch. But there are cameras in the stairwells. Mistress Caroline wouldn't mind, but Carol couldn't do that.

As she reached for the door to enter her area, it opened in front of her and startled her a bit.

Dr Bounds came busting through and bumped into her. "Excuse me. I was in too big of a hurry."

"No worries, doctor," she said as she brushed by. She didn't look back but could tell he watched her walk down the hall. She knew.

But she did wonder a bit if he recognized her voice. No way he suspects her. But one thing she was sure of, that cage was making him uncomfortable right now. She smiled as she sat in her chair in her cubicle.

Chapter 3

As the rest of the week progressed she made herself even more scarce than normal, avoiding all public areas in the hospital. She took her lunch in the break room in her area. She knew that he would be looking for her, the lady with the shaved pussy. She wasn't hiding, she was being aloof. It was exciting for her to know that he was a kinky perv and whether he knew it or not, they were in a cat and mouse game and she was the cat.

As for her nightly activities, they went on as normal. Men and women swiped their cards at ten and the humiliation began. The doctor continued to pay each night. It was obvious to everyone he had been caged, but no one dared ask about it. They were as pathetic as he was.

Her rates were steep, $50us for the two hours from 10:00-12:00, $100 for the Direct Hour. So if you you logged on for the full three hours, you paid $150 per night. Monday through Friday would be $750 a week. She averaged eight swine a night bringing her weekly income to $6000. The high price kept "lookie-loos" away. You had to be seriously into what she had to offer and have a lot of money.

Money wasn't her own motivation, she truly loved being Mistress Caroline. She discovered her love of BDSM while she was involved with one of her college professors. The professor was a submissive and taught Carol how to be Dominant. She instructed her in the fine art of the mind-fuck, letting Carol practice on her. Ropes, paddles, devices were all in their nightly lesson plans. The professor got what she wanted and Carol had a whole new world opened to her...a world where she was the ruler. She and the professor remained close even after graduation. Occasionally, she pops up in her herd of swine. Mistress Caroline shows her no mercy when she does.

While she thoroughly enjoyed her nightly sessions, she missed the personal contact of one on one play. On the rare occasions that she takes a vacation, she heads directly for the sex dens in Memphis, New Orleans or Dallas where she practices her craft on eager submissives.

He, on the other hand was not having that great of a week. He discovered that regular slacks showed the out line of the cage, blue jeans rubbed. Only surgery scrubs felt good and since he was head of orthopedics scrubs seemed normal.

Finally, Tuesday rolled around and it was time for his solo hour.

"Bend over and let me see that ass. I really hope you haven't practiced." But he had been and he picked up the enormous rectum wrecker and began to insert it. She giggled a rather coquettish little laugh as he moaned more and more with each inch. It took a few minutes but it was almost all the way in.

"Stop." He did. "The next three inches are going to hurt a bit. If it gets to be too much, well, that's what you pay for."

As he pushed the last inch in, his ass muscles clamped shut around the base. He screamed and collapsed onto his elbows. His breathing was rapid. She allowed him to get adjusted before giving him his next directive.

"I can't believe you allowed yourself to do that, simply because I instructed. Have you no backbone. You have a dick but you aren't much of a man."

"Yes, Mistress Caroline."

"Now...sit on your butt."

Oh crap he thought. This is going to hurt. He did as he was instructed. As the plug rammed his prostate, his already hard cock, trying to reach its full potential was pressing against the unforgiving cage. His balls were purple, full of his manly fluids. "Now bounce gently on the floor." Oh, it drove the plug deeper and just attacked the prostate. He wanted to cum. His breathing went crazy. "Stop!" Gladly. He leaned back on his elbows. Trying to regain his composure. " Mr Business Tycoon, Mr I'm the fucking boss. Look at you now. If only the junior executives and the girls in the office could see you now. Whimpering like the pussy you are. You are a fraud and you know it. Just another whore only you pay me.

"Now just sit there a minute. You can do it."

"Yes, Mistress Caroline."

"Our hour is up so the next few minutes are on me. Open the box and remove the little package." He did. Moving was causing him pleasure pain. The urge to cum was building again.

"You will see there is a Bluetooth controlled butt plug. You will download the code I have provided and insert the plug in the morning. My controller will relay to yours and I can control when and where the vibrator activates. I also can control the intensity from any where in the world. Am I understood?"

"Yes Mistress Caroline."

With that she turned off the cameras and he was left staring at the empty screen. Tears were in his eyes as he removed the massive hunk of rubber from his ass.

The next morning, as instructed, he inserted the business end of the vibrator up his ass. It was as long as the butt plug but not nearly as thick so it went in much easier. Just walking provided a rather nice sensation.

Once at the office, he went about his daily routine. At no time did he forget about the plug in his ass. And wondering when it would activate.

She, too, went about her routine only she was feeling especially horny and couldn't wait to give the good doctor a jolt. Around noon, she saw him in one of the computer rooms leaning over the desk of Mrs Masden, the office manager and decided now would be a good time to try out the device. Through the window she could see how he jumped when she gave him his first jolt. Mrs Masden looked at him in a curious way. Carol loved it and walked back to her cubicle giving him another quick jolt.

After about an hour, she decided it was time to give him a major shot. A long one this time. She regretted she couldn't see his reaction. Two minutes in, she shut it off. Satisfied. And him? He has hard as he could be. The cock cage and ring were constricting his cock attempting to reach its maximum length and girth. It had been over a week since he shot a load and he was miserable. Miserable and stimulated at the same time.

That evening, he looked tired. Whipped. His hair was a mess. She continued to include him in all the activities making no reference to his ass plug.

After about three weeks of caged cock and round the clock ass and prostate torture he was sent the key with instructions to remove the device during their private session that night. When the time came she allowed him to remove the cage. He felt relief but was also a bit disappointed.

"On your back," she said. "Now masturbate"

Gladly he thought. At that time she ran the vibrator to three-fourths power. He writhed on the floor as he played with his dick. He was getting close. "Stop." Reluctantly he obeyed. She shut off the vibrator.

"Look up." To his surprise Mistress Caroline was lying naked on her bed, rubbing her clit ever so gently. "Do you like?"

"Yes Mistress Caroline."

"Would you like to touch me? Would you like to finger my pussy? "

"Yes, Mistress Caroline."

"What State are you in?" She asked knowing the answer.

"Mississippi, Mistress Caroline."

No response but she ran his juice up ass causing his dick to jump.

"Do not cum, but play with yourself until I tell you to stop."

"Yes Mistress Caroline."

She started to orgasm. She screamed and convulsed all over her bed. He was turned on like never before! He wanted to cum or stop! But couldn't do either.

"Stop." She whispered. Her breathing returning to normal. "Put the cage on now! Send me the key. I will see you tomorrow."

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