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A MIL's Care Ch. 01

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Son-in-law and grandkids move in with BBW mother-in-law.
1.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/14/2022
Created 01/14/2015
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Eleven months ago my wife passed away tragically, leaving me to care for two kids on my own. Being the only breadwinner, I was forced to sell the house and ultimately move in with my wife's mom Deb three months ago. Deb and I have not always gotten along but after not bring able to afford the house she stepped up and allows us to move into the house her and her deceased husband built. There was plenty of room, it was honestly too much home for her alone and she loved the idea because she would be able to be around the kids more.

The arrangement was great for the both of us, in all honesty it worked out better than I had anticipated. Having to raise the kids actually brought us together more. As she was retired she picked them up after school and cooked dinners for the family. If it wasn't for her presence I don't know where I would have been.

On this specific evening I came home late from work, Deb was just getting the kids to sleep. She still managed to keep dinner warm for me. I thanked her, kissed the kids as she read them a story, and took my dinner to the down to the den.

It was my own private get away where I would watch TV, read a book, or just drift away for a mid afternoon nap on weekends when possible. The Lakers game was, it just kind of droned on as background noise,i really wasn't interested.

Sitting in my recliner I finished dinner and put the plate in the table to my left and sort of let my mind wander. I was horny and hadn't touched another woman since my wife. I could feel my cock throbbing so I decided to pulled my shorts and boxers down. I took my cock in my hand and gently stroked. I missed the touch of a woman, the sensations filled my head. My imagination taking over completely. The minutes must have passed by..

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Brian!"

I immediately bolted out of my fantasy and tried to cover up. Deb was standing in front of me with a cold beer in hand. She looked to be as shocked as I was.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Deb. I didn't even hear you coming down the stairs."

"No, it's my fault. I don't ever come down here. I know it's your 'man cave' but I thought you could use a beer. You looked so tired when you came in."

I couldn't believe she hadn't left already. She kind of looked unsure of what she would do next, ultimately taking a step forward and handing me the beer then reaching down pushing the lever forcing me to sit upright.

"So.. Have you.. Umm seen anyone since my daughter?"


"Thats admirable of you. I'm not sure how to say this, but.. Umm, there's no reason for you to stop."

I was taken back by what she was saying. Deb has never been inappropriate with me, never stepped over the line yet here she was. She pulled off her t-shirt revealing her full figured body. Standing in front of me for a second, almost as if she was unsure what to do next as if she was out of practice. She let her sweats fall to the floor and took a step forward.

She was a heavy set woman with wide hips, ample thighs, and heavy breasts. Even in saying that, she head proportions that always did catch my eye. Some men would say she was fat, others curvy, but seeing her before me caused my cock to go rock hard. She was perfectly imperfect.

She kneeled at my feet and reached up for my shorts, undressing me slowly while maintaining eye contact. There was a nervousness in her hands, along with a sense of confidence in her eyes that she must have once owned while in her prime.

She leaned forward and took my cock with her hands, slowly stroking. I tried to speak, feebly trying to ask if she was sure. The words never really came out. She pulled me so my ass was on the edge of the chair and spread my legs. She slowly liked up the shaft.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed her mouth. She took the head and sucked. Pacing herself as she eased herself down the shaft. After I was completely wet she sped everything up. Using her hand to trail up and down as her mouth worked me to bliss. My hips started to match her speed then she stopped, just held my cock with both hands.

"Not just yet, baby."

Her voice held a more sentual tone. One I hadn't heard from her, ever. I wanted to fuck her mouth. I wanted nothing more than to use this woman. In my raw state of arousal, who she was nearly slipped my mind. She was just a piece of flesh that a wanted to fuck. The thought of who she was finally flashed to the forefront. My mother in law..

Some part of me held an ounce of guilt but I was caught up in a torrid storm of lust. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down to my throbbing cock. She started sucking me again, going deeper than before. I could feel the tightness of her throat squeezing away my control.

She must have sensed the approaching orgasm again, she pulled up with a devilish grin in her face. I had never seen the sexual side of her so I was surprised.

"I'm here to please you. I know it's been a while so just enjoy it, we can fuck later."

My cock as slick from her saliva, so she seemed to glide along the surface of my cock with ease.. She picked up pace, using her hand to squeeze harder as she drove her mouth onto me as far as she could go.

The slurping and gagging noise filled my ears and pulled at the last bit of control I had left. I had my mother in law sucking my cock like a common whore. A grunt and a moan rushed out from my throat.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum, Deb!"

In a hurried breath, between strokes she muttered.

"Stand up, have your way with me!"

I rushed to my feet and grabbed two handfuls of her hair. Looking down at her saliva coated mouth and hands, I started to shove my cock into her, fucking her mouth violently. Just a short bout but extremely intense before I finally exploded.

She pulled herself off my cock and stroked me hard allowing me to cum all over her face and full chest. After finally coming down from my peak I fell back into the recliner and looked at the mess that my mother in law currently was.

She smiled then stood up to get dressed. I had no words for her. The high of orgasm returned me to reality, where was this supposed to even go. This had to be a mistake.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up with a shower. My room will be unlocked when you're ready."

With my cum on her face she turned around and made her way up the stairs. My cock was already throbbing lightly. Could this actually work out, is this even ok?

Part two coming soon.

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Plywood2385Plywood23855 months ago

Spelling errors are ruining a great story, use Grammarly.

dirtyomandirtyomanalmost 9 years ago
Good Start !

I hope this story is based on the actual deed. lol I have had 4 MILs & all were ugley old bitches. But sis-in -laws have been very good too me.

I enjoyed this story, & hope we have more to read very soon. Like your hero here I like older, "Fluffy" women too. Anything over 55 is just right for me. My present Lady is 69, & will be 70 in 2 months.

Thanks for a good 1 page read, enjoyed it very much.

tabbymidnitetabbymidnitealmost 9 years ago
very very hot

Looking forward to see how they take the next step seeing as this was so arousing. The pleasure is going to be over the top. I am sure

chocolatesistachocolatesistaalmost 9 years ago
I liked this a lot!

I hope you have more for us soon...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Good short story

Can be a great situation for both. Often circumstances force people together and they make the best of it.

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