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Master's New Toy

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Slave's prep for body modification reveal.
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I was 19 years old when Master took possession of me; my body, soul and mind were immediately his to do with as he pleased. I came to him as a young, nubile female piece of meat that, over time, he formed and sculpted into the totally submissive, permanently sexually stimulated device for providing orgasmic release that I am today.

I barely remember those first months in Master's clinic where his doctors performed transforming surgeries and administered hormone treatments. Much of that time I spent in a narcotic stupor but the end result was nothing less that phenomenal.

Through hormonal treatments I was made permanently hairless, not even an eyebrow hair. My teeth were removed; my lips were injected with collagen and silicone, and a half-inch thick, three-inch diameter ring was implanted into my lips, permanently holding my mouth open in a perfect 'O'. My lips were then dyed a brilliant red.

Through further hormone treatments and silicone injections, my breasts were ballooned to an amazing 88HHH. It took several weeks to reach that final size and they remain firm with no sign of sagging.

Another ring, identical to the one implanted in my mouth, was implanted into the sphincter muscle of my rear passage, holding my anus permanently open.

Internal surgery was performed to redirect my urinary tract to join with my rectal passage and ultimately connecting both waste tubes to a valve opening inserted at my perineum. I've been on a liquid and intravenous diet ever since.

Yet another ring was implanted into my inner labial lips keeping my vagina open. My outer labia were injected with collagen and silicone so they always appeared to be swollen and excited. My clit was also injected until it was stretched and swollen to a length of four inches, making it appear as if I had a small, stiff penis as well as a perfectly fuck-able pussy.

Some months after my initial internment in the clinic, when the healing process had completed, two interns arrived in my room and performed the final preparations for my presentation to the Master. He had invited his closest friends and esteemed guests to a reveal party.

The interns carried two large duffel bags filled with the devices that restrict and adorn my body to this day.

A stiff, red leather posture collar was buckled around my neck. It stretched my neck terribly and forced my chin high into the air, making me appear very snooty, as I had to look down my nose to see in front of me. The stiffness prohibited any movement so I was only able to see where I was able to roll my eyes.

They pulled my arms behind me and strapped them into a back-prayer arm binder. I couldn't help but grunt and whine as they laced it up tightly until my elbows were pressed together. A strap at my fingertips was then securely buckled through a ring at the back of the collar.

Elastic straps attached to the arm binder were pulled around to the front and used to root cinch each of my breasts. The straps were eventually pulled so tight that they were no longer visible when my breasts swelled and buried them under the discolored flesh.

A harness of several leather straps was buckled over my head, with the last strap positioning a small, black rubber bulb into my mouth. One of the attendants attached a squeeze pump to the outside of the bulb and began pumping and didn't stop until my tongue was painfully pressed down and my cheeks bulged around the harness straps.

My breasts were then carefully fitted into wire mesh cages. The straps attached were pulled tight to match the root cinching already in place. When the caging was complete, the flesh of my breasts was bugling through the mesh openings, overflowing enough to completely hide the wire. The mesh was tightly wrapped and forced my breasts to protrude forward like twin torpedoes. The mesh ended in a circular opening just behind my aureole, which forced the tips of my breasts to swell out in what appeared to be separated balls. Little rings were clamped around the bulbous nubs of my nipples. Then the attendants worked together by grabbing the ring, stretching the nipple out and wrapping a tight metal coil around my nipples until they stood straight out by about three inches, topped with a swollen purple ball of nipple flesh.

My clit then received the metal coil treatment. When they finished, my clit was compressed to a swollen bulbous knob atop a shiny column of glistening metal.

Last came a tripod-like device, a triangle of four-foot rods with wheels at the joints. My feet and calves were strapped to the form-fitted braces at two of the joints. From the third joint rose a thick shaft topped with two long, thick dildos that were unceremoniously crammed into place within my ass and pussy. Their full lengths were forced inside me until the clamps at their bases could be locked onto the rings implanted in my flesh. A hose was then connected to the valve opening between my legs and a collection bag was hung from my left nipple.

I had to bend slightly forward to accommodate the shafts within me. To compensate, a strap from the elbow of the arm binder was attached to the base of the thick shaft and tightened until I was forced into a perfectly upright position that made the invading dildos press my inner passages into unnatural and very uncomfortable accommodation.

Still, as that last strap was secured and I found myself completely immobilized, impaled and lewdly displayed, a wave of orgasmic pleasure swept through me as never before. This was certainly what I was destined to be: a completely controlled sex slave, made to provide pleasure for others and deriving my own pleasure from the extremity of the control forced upon me.

Well attached to the rolling tripod, I was wheeled out of my clinic cell and down a very long corridor, passing innumerous doors, some open, some closed, behind which I could only imagine what the possibilities for sex slave variations might exist. We stopped at the end of the corridor in front of an elevator door. When the door opened I almost fainted from orgasmic frenzy.

The facing wall of the elevator was a mirror in which I saw my trussed and controlled body for the first time. Every detail of my imprisonment was visible in crystal clarity: my swollen, quilted breast meat tipped with glistening, elongated nipples that throbbed in time with my thundering heart beat; my purplish, protuberant clit pointed stiffly outward, and if I strained the muscles there hard enough I could make it wiggle up and down; the head of the dildo invading my pussy made a visible lump in my lower tummy as it pressed inexorably against my flesh; my arms bound uselessly against my back as if they didn't even exist; each and all of my orifices plugged and stuffed to over-stretched capacity; wiggling my toes had suddenly become an erotic experience; then I came as I watched a crystalline drop of pussy juice ooze from between my cunt lips and splash noiselessly on the floor.

This was my dream of total submission come true. I was prepared to provide Master whatever he wished.

The elevator ride seemed long. I don't know if there were many floors to be traversed, if the elevator was slow or if it was just my imagination as I stared, transfixed by the apparition in the mirror. My body was quaking internally in anticipation of being presented to an audience in such a controlled state.

Finally the elevator stopped and the door opened.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Avoiding the obvious mislabeling of the story there are good and there are bad points. The good is that the writing flowed smoothly and the descriptions were vivid. I read from start to finish and was not put off my anything - a rarity as so many stories are written by people with no sense of story flow who have no clue about grammar. In short, this was well-executed and not difficult to enjoy.

The bad: Much of this tale was very derivative of other erotic horror. That's not a bad thing in itself unless you fail to add to it or make it your own. That's where you failed. Where the changes could have been highly erotic the story read like a laundry list of surgical procedures. Frankly, it left me rather dry. Additionally, there were certain changes that would have led to very unpleasant outcomes - infections and the like. Those were not addressed in a satisfactory manner and took me out of the story.

Also, the happiness of the converted slave was entirely unbelievable. From the start, and without any established relationship, the girl was changed. In the end she was happy with immobility and objectification. Even the most insane individual would have been mortified. Finally, check out how bras are sized. Your sizing made zero sense and took away from my enjoyment of the tale.

H. Dean

LBCNLLBCNLalmost 3 years ago
very hot indeed!

The only thing I did not like about this story is....that it is just too damn short!

Go on, write more and preferably longer chapters...please :)

lucienponylucienponyabout 3 years ago

trop de transformation.ou est la suite!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wonderful and fascinating :)

I absolutely loved this story and sincerely hope there will be additions made to it!

So hot...omg :))

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Holy Crap

What kind of psychotropic drugs were you on when you wrote this *thing* I didn’t get very far into this before skipping to the end.

This is DEFINITELY NOT BDSM, it fails on SAFE and SANE possibly around the time when she had all her teeth removed and underwent ridiculous unnecessary surgical procedures that no reputable doctor would ever agree to, I didn’t even hang around long enough to clarify whether or not it was consensual.

If any of this is a reflection on your state of mind then get help.

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