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Barefoot Girls Love Playing Games Ch. 03


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Amy's moan causes my cock to flex slightly, and it kisses her lips, and she looks down for the first time at the task now laid out in front of her... Unlike with Kelly, I was not sure if she has ever even sucked a dick before... She just looked so innocent, and even now she was hesitant. My body was burning... waiting for Amy to make a move. She finally does... lowing her head slightly, and then slowly, she drags her little tongue the length of my shaft! I close my eyes as my body quivers at the pleasure ringing through my body. I open them again to find that Amy is spinning her body, with light pushes from Kelly. She raises her leg and plants her foot on the outside of my head. I get a beautiful view of the small slit nestled between her legs at it comes closer to my face. I am surprised to see that she is clean shaven! I had not really thought about the idea of her having hair until I could see her, and realized that she does not have any.

Perhaps being a little shy about how quickly this situation had escalated, Amy does not bring her body right down on top of me, She plants her other foot neatly around my head, but she holds herself several inches above my face. I can feel her soft legs on either side of me shaking slightly, and I realize she is still very nervous. Being pretty much unskilled in anything like this, I just let my body do what it is craving. I bring my arms up to softly come around to rest on her lower back... I do not want to scare her... But I am super horny at this point. I reach a bit more and lightly grasp on her ass. Its odd, I am so aware that I am doing all of this, but it is not affecting me the way I think it should... I give her body a gentle pull, willing her to bring her small slit onto my face. I still feel her quivering, but she calms slightly, and I feel her letting go of her reserves... She wants this as badly as I do. As she lowers her body on me, I realize for the first time that I really have no idea what I am doing... but I stopped caring quite a long time ago now. The moment her lower lips are in range, I pull me head up and kiss her pussy.

Amy moans very loud and I hear Kelly make shushing sounds at her, I however like what I am tasting and feeling. I can remember very clearly what kissing her lips felt like over three years ago... Her pussy lips are so much softer I can't even think of something to compare it to. I run my lips over the outside, kissing over and over, feeling her body shake as I kiss longer and focusing on her clit. I look down for a moment to try and see her face. I am not even surprised to see that Kelly appears to be talking with her, telling her still to shush and not making any noise. I get a sudden shockwave of pleasure and Kelly's hand wraps around the base of my cock, and a further jolt as she plunges it inside her mouth. Her lips bring me back to life and I start dragging my tongue all over Amy's pussy, she shakes slightly but is keeping herself quite. I thrust my tongue inside, wanting to please her as best I can and bring the side of Amy out I caught a glimpse of after Kelly stopped playing with her. I am surprised at how difficult it is to press even my tongue inside of her. I am not sure about her clit at this point, but I keep bumping it with my chin, and I slowly pick up on the fact that she likes it when I do.

As Kelly dives down my length for the fourth time and then I feel her lips come off me, The bursting feeling inside is begging for her to continue, but right away I feel a lighter grasp take hold of me. I know that its Amy's, and that knowledge starts driving me crazy. I bring her clit to my lips and start quickly darting my tongue over it. She jumps slightly and I feel her squeeze her hand. I hear Amy's voice whisper, her head turned down to look at my face buried between her legs.

"Holy... fuckin fuck Mac.. Oh damit." She says, and I feel her hair tickle at the tip of my pulsing member. When her lips make contact I can't help but to buck upward toward her. Her lips were barely pressing on my head, but when I jump I push myself a few inches into her mouth... She responds my moaning again and starting a shallow bobbing motion. Her lips are much tighter on my shaft and I can actually -feel- her sucking on me! This new technique is the best by far, I start feeling myself getting ready to burst far too soon. I start kissing and licking, trying to read her body, what makes her moan and jump, and focus on that. But I just can't hold off long enough... When I try to bring my body away from her, Amy's sucking gets faster and deeper.. I can't get away... I feel my orgasm come to the tip. I don't stop eating her, if anything I pick up my speed.

All at once I fire off hard, letting it rock my body, and I feel Amy jerk in surprise. She pulls away at first, but dives down again, as deep as she can, letting me fire off, I feel her moan longer and deeper as I cum. Her thighs squeeze tight on my head, and her body suddenly vibrates right as I feel my last drop get sucked out of me. she pulls her lips off me... and then plunges again... I Keep kissing lightly and hear a voice, I am a little shocked to hear that its Amy's cute tones, not Kelly's "Oh my god Mac that was amazing, and you taste nice too! thank you!" She says and I still feel a set of lips sucking hard on me, Kelly must still be sucking away...and slowly... I feel that my erection is not going away... in fact... I feels like my body is rebooting faster than my computer! I let a little noise of my own touch Amy's lips, she makes a kind of cooing noise at me in return. Kelly's voice comes quickly as she pulls me out of her mouth.

"Mac, I bet you don't but, do you have a condom?" she asks and goes right back to sucking me back to full erection. I feel myself blush that she would ask just like that, and with Amy still mostly sitting on my face.

Speaking of, Amy backs herself off of me, with the sex crazy calming down after cumming maybe she is getting nervous...but she is looking at Kelly right now so I can't get a good reading on her.

"Um, yeah no, I did not think this was on my um.. schedule." I say with a laugh. Both of the girls give a giggle. I look up at Amy and smile at her. She smiles back, "Hey um... thank you too...that was- oh fuck." I say as Kelly suddenly swallows me all the way to my base. I can't help but put a hand in Kelly hair as I look down at her for a moment.

"Good for both of us I guess huh?" Amy says, and her voice is much closer. I look up to see her face is right next to mine. I am a little shocked at how quickly she moved. She is leaning to one side so she can face over me. I want to kiss her... right away I want to kiss her...but... something about the fact that one of her friends head's is currently bobbing in my lap and making little slurping sounds on my cock... makes it feel a little bit wrong to do something I want to have meaning. Kelly takes my chance anyways with her next words, unsticking my cock from her mouth with a slight pop.

"Hey Amy, come sit here ok? I want you to give him a footjob while I take my turn ok?" She says and pats where she is sitting. Amy looks over and giggles.

"Give him a what? A foot, job?" she says and looks confused. Kelly smiles.

"Its exactly what it sounds like!" she laughs, and Amy shyly moves over to where Kelly is, after giving me a another flash of her eyes of course. Kelly has brought me to a burning hardon at this point. I look at the two of them, as they giggle and Amy puts her panties back on before sitting, and Kelly is taking off her own...just two girls... taking turns sixty-nining with a guy under a dining room table... no big deal. My head is so fuzzy at this point that I am smiling at everything.

As Amy sits, Kelly quickly gets her in the right position. Amy pulled her legs up, and placed her feet on the floor between my legs. Oh man tonight was going to be one to remember for sure.

"Ok so you just put your feet around his dick and pump it, easy, and don't worry I will be helping you." She whispers, and quickly moves toward me. Both me and Amy are literally just being directed at this point. Kelly giggles and looks at me, "And yes I am hurrying because I want to cum before Maddison finds us here!" she says, any my mind starts to remember all the important information...what if my sister -did- find us like this... Aaaand I feel something soft and slightly cold surround my shaft.

I look down to see a small and pale pare of feet caped in purple around my cock. Amy wiggles her feet slightly, and my mind forgets everything except for one thing...Amy was giving me a footjob... and as Kelly leans in to wraps her lips around my cock yet again... I can honestly say I have not wanted to have sex more than right now. I really wanted to have sex with Amy, and the close call with Kelly earlier... honestly I would love to be inside her too...well inside her besides how I am right now, diving in and out of her mouth... Kelly is leaving a lot of saliva this time... And I know why momentarily. As she pulls off me again, she had lubed me up nicely, letting her saliva pool on Amy's feet. She grabs hold of lightly to Amy's ankles, and wills her to start a kind of pumping motion around my hardness.

Amy giggles, thinking what she is doing is pretty odd, but she seems so relaxed that she will do just as she is told. I feel her soft soles sliding easily around my shaft, I watch her toes grasp as best they can around me... Oh this was heaven. Kelly quickly brings her legs over top of me and before I know it I have another face full of pussy to contend with. Kelly is much more wet then Amy's was, and she does not just hover over me, but sits fully on my face... smothering me with her ass and pussy, her legs wrapped around me. I feel Kelly's warm body all around my head as I start to kiss and thrust my tongue, I can barely breath through my nose, but at the present moment, I just don't care. I feel Amy bring her soles up and down me, pumping me, and I hear Kelly moan. "Oh fuck... right there..."

As she leans down I stay 'right there' and lick faster than before. Once again I slip into ecstasy as I quickly feel the back of Kelly's throat again. As the two of them keep me in a suspension of lust I can't truly begin to compare any other part of my life to. I happily please Kelly with my tongue and let the girls tease and pleasure me in return. I want so badly for Amy to just push Kelly back and mount me... I want to be inside her and pleasure both of these beautiful girls at the same time...but Amy's feet just keep pumping me in time with Kelly's blowjob... I hear a clicking now and again, but I cannot focus on it as my orgasm begins to mount...It has taken longer... and I have felt Kelly vibrate on my lips more than once.. time just seems to be melding together.

"I'm cumming Kelly." I say, this time with no shame, my mouth and nose covered in her body and juices. I feel her quickly stop her sucking, but, she starts jerking me quickly along with the soft soles of Amy's feet. I am slightly disappointed that she does not let me cum in her mouth again, but I -am getting very tired at this point. I burst in her hands, and she lets Amy milk me slowly...spreading my cum all over her toes. Amy seems amazed by the sticky warm goo on her toes, and spreads is slowly around, as if playing with it. Kelly climes off me to the side and keeps her eyes on Amy's feet...I see her pull out a phone, and snap a picture of Amy's dirty playing with her feet. MY Phone! She had been snapping pictures of herself and Amy while I ate her out! Omg this girl was such a slut! But like... in a good way. I feel my member give a feeble twitch As Kelly sucks two of Amy's cum covered toes into her mouth and snaps a Selfie, looking dirtily into the flash. My body feels dead to the world, the drink has caught up in full, and both me and Amy look ready to pass out right here and now. Only the beautiful green eyed vixen seems able to still laugh and play around.

Life is funny I guess. I mean... really. For 21 long years... well really more like... oh I don't know more like 9 or something, I could not get girls to even look at me. These girls included! I had been around this same group of girls quite a few times over the years. 'What happened?' I find myself wondering as Kelly gives Amy a poke in the side... Kelly's long legs brushing Amy's pale body. Amy, my crush Amy, wiping my cum off her toes that Kelly had not managed to lick off and giggling drunkenly as Kelly pokes her. This is the stuff of dreams... I mean, my virgin cock had been in three beautiful girls mouths tonight, two of them had also cum... or finished or whatever, all over my face. I glance at Kelly again, who is sitting down now with her legs open, duck facing at my phone with her legs open, from the looks of it trying to get both sets of her lips in the same picture... on MY phone... Amy does not seem to like the idea of being all over a guys phone, she ducks to the side when Kelly tries to get her in the picture. They giggle and I laugh at there playing around. They both look over at me... Just a wile ago I had flinched at the idea of taking my shirt off in front of these girls... Now hear I am, the two beauty's looking over at me, my manhood out and limp from over use...shirtless with my pants hanging off one foot... If my back was not stinging from my tattoo I would think I had to be in a coma type dream.

"Come on, Amy, let's get a pic with him!" Kelly says, and sidles over on one side of me. Kelly... this girl was quite the hidden gem.. I never would have known her to do any of the things she has done tonight... she set up me and Amy... not that I am complaining. it all happen so fast. Amy smiles and wiggles her way over, one side of her shirt still off her shoulder. The two girls sidle up to me, Kelly puts an arm around me, pressing her chest into my side, Amy moves over and leans over me slightly, grinning shyly. I look at Kelly, Smiling wide and gleaming at the camera, Amy, smiling with no teeth and blushing... 'Luckiest guy alive' will be the name of this picture! I smile for the flash and me and Kelly laugh... I felt so at ease I look at Kelly and she is looking into the phone at all her pictures, and as I turn to Amy...I feel a set of lips come pressing lightly on my own. I feel my eyes try to pop out of my head as I see Amy's closed eyes and purple streaks of hair up close. It feels like three years ago... I close my eyes and kiss her, sweetly, truly, I feel like this could be just us under here...I see a flash through my eyes and both me and Amy look over at the source. Kelly is grinning and lowers my phone. We all smile wide... Just as we hear a voice.

"Hey I saw a flash on the porch!"...Its Erica, again my heart jumps... busted!

"What?! REALLY?! That's outside! I said no outside! Oh my grr... I swear!" And THAT is my sister! Super busted!

Kelly, Amy and myself all dive for our pants. Kelly tosses Amy her's and starts to scramble into her own, there is no way we have enough time, if they are at the door we have like 3 seconds. I hear the door jiggle as I try in vain to kick my pants on...being drunk makes life much harder... I then hear a banging, and Eric's voice.

"Huh? Its locked?" She says, sounding confused. Maddison arrives at the door and gives it a kick or kit or something.

"what the fuck? Mackenzie I swear if you're in there you had better come out now! The porch is totally outside and locking the door is total bullshit!" she says angrily. I thank the stars above that that old door has saved my skin! That door is old as heck and if you close it to fast it can lock...Amy must have locked it by mistake. I look over to see Kelly helping pull Amy's pants on and she nods at me to let them in... She still looks a bit panicked but smiles at me. Amy is bright red but still manages to grin.

I come out of my hiding spot, still shirtless (I blame the drink) and walk sheepishly over to the door. I am honestly hesitant to open it... the little daemon on the other side looks ready to claw my eyes out... I stop on the other side and look through the glass at her. She is glaring at me so hard I wonder if the glass will shatter. Her red hair is tussled like she had been frustratingly tossing it looking for so long, and she is chewing her lip in annoyance. Erica is standing behind her, and she is eyeing me like I am in a cage she is about to break into... The two girls come out of hiding behind me, knowing the game is up. Maddison looks pointedly at the doorknob. Saying plainly to open up...

"I look around me, all four girls were looking at me, Amy fondly, Kelly amused at my predicament, Erica cockily, and Maddison furious... tonight was the best night of my life...but...was this like... a treat right before something bad happens, you know the saying... 'Whenever you gamble my friend eventually you lose.' I'm not sure who said that...Might have been Qui Gon Gin from star wars... but either way... as I unlock the door... I feel like something really bad was going to happen soon, and as the door swings open... and I lock brown eyes with Maddison... I have a feeling it's going to be centered around my sister.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You spell curious not curios

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Oh wow

Thank you so much for this story.

maddictmaddictover 7 years ago

Feet can be so very much like pussy. Hot story by the way, glad our boy stopped being shy and show the girls a good time. Getting busted never tasted sweeter. Mostly you push her feet back to spread her legs, you don't have to lick toe jam if its presence bothers you use your thumbs to massage the bottom of her foot and keep pressing her feet back to expose her pussy. In the right possistion your foot is between her legs, guess what your big toe is for and you have two of them......... enough aboutme.

Time for our hero to try again with the new arrivals !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
so good

You are a talented writer. Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Pleasantly surprising!

I'm really quite surprised that I've actually been reading this, hehe. I started and saw the foot fetish thing and I thought, meh, then I saw the girls pulling him into a drinking game and I thought, ugh! Not another cliche' spin the bottle/truth or dare story!!

Lol, needless to say I've been enjoyably surprised at every turn. Even the weird foot fetish has turned out hot! The drinking game is unique too!

...I'm thinking he should have stayed under the table till she left and then the three of them bolt for another hole to hide in! I bet his lack of a shirt will play in pretty soon, and of his sister doesn't smell pussy juice all over his face then something is wrong, lol!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Foot Convert

Your story series is so hot. I may end up with a full blown foot fetish by the time you are done with me. I'm trying to figure out how to get a foot job for myself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

This is most definitely the best series I've read. I applaud your penmanship and excellent story telling skills. Super sexy.

ScarredRavenScarredRavenabout 8 years agoAuthor
Part 4

Yes indeed there is a part 4 and I even have someone who will look it over for me all lined up. However the holiday season is proving very busy this year so I promise it will be out soon, but it -is- taking longer then I would like! Thanks again for the support anyone who rates or comments!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

This has been a fantastic series. Definitely, fantasy for me over the years. Please keep writing. I hope we haven't seen the end of Mack, Amy and their foot fetishist friends.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great job!

Kelly's character is amazing.

Dream girl for me - and for many others, I'm sure.

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