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WVC Ch. 29: The Gym 01

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After his workout, the girls help him take a shower.
15.9k words

Part 29 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/23/2014
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Many thanks to 12yknot for all his editing and proofreading help.


Waking up with a hard-on was nothing new these days, and last night's e-mail outlining the adjustments in my gym workout only made my arousal more pronounced. Brooke and Mya were to assist me. I couldn't imagine two more unlikely Club members to share a scenario with me. Although they had become marginally friendlier since my formal training had begun with Erika, they still maintained their distance when I saw them during my regular workouts at the gym. Blonde and muscular, Brooke was the more aloof, sometimes barely acknowledging my presence while her Asian partner occasionally smiled.

Usually, I wore a pair of gray jersey shorts, loose in the leg and baggy in the crotch. Not wearing a jock strap under them, as I'd been instructed to do in the e-mail, would be a problem. Without any support, my loose cock would be quite visible beneath the thin cotton. And then I realized that it wouldn't matter. Since I was to follow my workout with a shower in the communal area, I would be completely nude there anyway.

When I checked my computer, I was surprised to find another e-mail, also from the Philosophy Department.

"Revised scenario --

On Thursday at 4:30, Brooke and Mya will assist you with your gym workout. Wear your normal workout clothes, but not your jock strap. Bring a change of clothes as well as your black rubber cock ring. Continue taking your blue diamond shaped pills and the herbal supplements today and Monday. You are not to ejaculate."

No Erika?

Obviously something had changed overnight, and I was at a loss to guess what it was. I was tempted to call Erika and see what had happened, but I wasn't sure that was allowed. So I didn't. I certainly didn't want to jeopardize my chances to get in the Club at this late date.

On that Thursday, April 30, my classes went by quickly and I returned to my room to change. Normally, I carried my workout gear in a small gym bag, changing and showering in Coach Turner's office. Given the circumstances today, I decided to carry my street clothes and pulled on the shorts and faded t-shirt I usually wore to lift weights. I was almost out the door when I remembered to retrieve the rubber cock ring I was supposed to bring.

Crossing the campus was something of an adventure. Walking with my thick cock flopping loosely inside the shorts attracted more than a few interested looks. Carrying the duffle bag in front of me helped to shield my crotch from view as I hurried to the gym complex.

Entering the hallway, I turned left into the large open workout area instead of veering right to Coach's office and the pool. Usually, I went right to work, ignoring the female bodies grunting and straining as they worked, but today was different. Feeling more than a bit awkward, I set my bag down by the wall and scanned the room for my assigned partners.

A lot of familiar faces were there since 4:30 in the afternoon was close to my normal time to work out, but it seemed that the floor was more crowded than usual. I figured that being toward the end of the spring semester, the coeds were concentrating on getting prepped for the summer bikini season. Across the room, I spotted Mya waving at me. The two Club members were near the mats that served as the stretching and warm up area.

As I made my way through the throng, I saw that she and Brooke were clad in more revealing clothes than I was used to seeing them wear. The muscular blonde wore a tight pair of dark blue shorts that clung to her rounded buttocks and disappeared into her crotch, outlining the plump lips between her thighs. A loose t-shirt covered her upper torso, but beneath the thin cloth, the swaying of her heavy breasts was apparent.

Mya wore an equally revealing pair of shorts, a hot pink pair that contrasted nicely with her skin and did even more to display the fleshy curves of her pussy, the stretchy fabric giving her a distinct camel toe. My cock started to fill and thicken as we shook hands and chatted. The flashes of shiny metal embedded in their tongues startled me. I'd forgotten that they both had studs. I tried not to stare, glancing uncomfortably away, only to have my eyes land on the firm breasts that jutted proudly out against the Asian girl's cut-off t-shirt. They were marvelous, high and full and topped with prominent nipples that were dark brown and quite obviously erect as they poked proudly against the thin cotton. Realizing that I was staring again, I looked away and found Brooke grinning at me.

"Like what you see?"

She'd caught me gawking at her partner, and I started to mumble an apology, feeling a continued stirring below my waist.

"No need to apologize, Bill. She does have a magnificent body, doesn't she?"

Mya beamed, arching her back slightly to emphasize the thrust of her superb mounds. Nodding like an idiot, I felt my cock stretching down the length of my inner thigh.

"Like you, we dressed specifically for the occasion. And like you, neither one of us wearing anything beneath our workout clothes. Well, except for these."

Waiting for me to shift my gaze from her lovely partner, she deliberately cupped her hands under her breasts. Once I looked directly at her, she lifted her rounded globes and offered them to me. Jouncing them lightly in her palms, she showed me just me how full and heavy they were.

"They're so large that I need a little support."

Keeping her dark brown eyes fastened on me, she released her grip so she could reach down and pull up the bottom of her loose t-shirt to demonstrate. Her sports bra was white, the stretchy material sheer enough so that her oversized areoles were clearly visible. Pinkish brown and at least nearly two inches across, each sported a shiny metal ring. My cock continued to fill, pressing against the slackened front of my shorts. Still watching me, Brooke propped the hem of her shirt on the upper curve of her heavy globes and cupped them once more.

"You don't think they're too big?"

"No, Ma'am. I don't."

I swallowed, feeling the pole between my thighs twitching, distending the gray cotton into what must be a noticeable tent as it continued to grow. With nothing to restrain my swelling cock, I'd be fully erect in a matter of a few seconds. And it would very obvious.

"I think they're beautiful."

Finally breaking her stare, the busty blonde looked down at her impressive chest as she slid her hands higher, taking each thick nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

"I always felt they were too big."

Mesmerized by her actions, I watched as she pinched those generous buttons into stiffened points, and then used the nipple rings to gently tug on them through the thin cloth. She looked up, waiting for me to respond.

"No, Ma'am. I think they're perfect."

Hoping to hide my developing hard-on, I started to turn away, but the cute Asian stopped me, grabbing me by the arm. Smiling as she glanced down at my burgeoning crotch, she forced me to keep my hands down at my sides, her silver tongue stud sparkling as she spoke.

"That's nothing to be embarrassed about, Bill. Developing an erect penis while looking at her body, - that's a high compliment to Brooke."

Stepping closer, she arched her back and aimed her pointed breasts directly at me, the rigid nipples nearly touching my chest.

"Although my tits aren't nearly as big, I hope that you'll pay the same tribute to me."

Below the ragged edge of her cut-off tank top, the flash of tawny skin on the soft under curve of her breasts revealed that she wore nothing beneath. Her magnificent mounds needed no support. My cock twitched again.

"Mya, I think you have a gorgeous body."

Her pretty face shone at my words, and then she glanced down at the tent in my crotch, checking to see if was telling the truth. Evidently, my swollen bulge satisfied her that I was.

Suddenly, I was aware that several coeds had become quite interested in our trio. One very tall redhead in particular seemed to be gazing steadily in our direction. Athletic with bright blue eyes, she had smallish breasts to go with a pair of incredibly long legs. A tiny smile played across her lips as her gaze flickered up to my face. Ignoring the attention we were attracting, Brooke dropped her baggy t-shirt back in place and took charge.

"Okay then, let's get you started. Don't you warm up on the floor?"

Despite being oblivious to my presence during previous workout sessions, she must have been paying attention. Or maybe the Club had supplied the information? I didn't have time to dwell on that thought as I plopped down onto the cushioned mat.

With my legs straight out in front of me, I began to stretch my hamstrings and lower back muscles. Mya joined me on the mat as Brooke pulled up a small stool to sit down beside us. Surprised, I looked up at the muscular blonde.

"You guys aren't going to work out?"

Grinning, Brooke answered for them both, shaking her head as she smiled.

"Nah, we've already finished."

Leaning over to me, Mya lowered her voice and raised her eyebrows.

"We're just here to 'supervise'."

So I warmed up under their open surveillance. After months of usually being the only male in the gym, I'd become accustomed to being watched. But their being so close and making no pretense of doing anything else was a little disconcerting. I also noticed the tall redhead and her workout partner, a stunning brunette who was nearly as tall as her friend and much more voluptuous, both paying close attention to my routine.

Finished with the initial phase, I separated my legs and leaned over for more stretches, hamstrings and groin muscles this time. Scooting around on the floor mat, Mya positioned herself right between my spread legs. I'd almost forgotten that I wore no jock strap until she looked down, focusing on the gaping leg holes of my baggy shorts. Thankfully, the length of the material on my thighs was long enough to cover my thickened cock, but just barely.

"Do you need me to help you stretch?"

There was a distinct glint in the Asian's black eyes. I'd never stretched with a partner.

"How do mean?"

"Here, let me show you."

Mya kept talking as she slid forward, unfolding her bare legs.

"Brooke and I do it this way all the time."

Positioning the bottom of her tennis shoes on the inner part of my ankles, she took both of my hands as she carefully spread her supple legs.

"It's a really good stretch for your inner thighs."

As she eased her thighs apart, I watched the pink cloth disappear between the plump folds of her pussy. And then she carefully leaned back, gently pulling me after her.

"Let me know when it's enough."

I nodded as I leaned over her crotch. Pulled snugly between her thighs, the form fitting material had grown considerable darker, probably from the moisture oozing from inside of her. She was right. It was a good stretch. That was far enough, but before I said anything, I took a deep breath and caught a whiff of her. My cock jerked inside the shorts, threatening to escape while my legs were splayed wide.

"That's enough, Mya."

There was a respect in her eyes as she let me up.

"That was really good, Bill. I didn't realize men could stretch that far."

I felt Brooke looming over us before she spoke.

"Not every guy can stretch that far. Just this one. Sit-ups next, right?"

The short haired blonde really did know my workout sequence. I nodded and Mya retreated, casting a glance down at my crotch. Carefully, I closed my thighs and bent my knees, carefully hugging them to my chest. The stretch had almost been too much. With a perky eagerness that was hard to resist, the cute Asian asked.

"Can I hold your ankles while you do your sit-ups?"

Normally, I didn't bother, counterbalancing my upper body weight by extending my legs. But how could I say 'no'?


With youthful enthusiasm, the black haired girl knelt in front of me, waiting for me get into position. As I clasped my hands behind my neck, I slid my tennis shoes out toward her and she grabbed my ankles. And before I could start the first set, she pulled my feet apart, wider than I usually kept them. Between my open knees, I looked up at her questioningly.

"I just want to make sure I have a good grip."

Dropping her mischievous black eyes, she gazed right up into my exposed crotch. Leaning forward so the loose top fell away from her substantial chest, she gave me at least as good a view of her hanging breasts as she had of my slowly swelling cock. Keeping her gaze between my spread thighs, she whispered.

"And a good view."

I thought about stopping to reposition my cock and balls, adjusting the shorts to make certain they stayed covered. But I didn't. And with the very first repetition, my thickened cock fell out, emerging unhindered along my left thigh. I started to stop and adjust my position, but the pretty Asian squeezed my ankles and shook her head.

"Don't stop just because your penis is visible. Keep going."

After a momentary pause, I nodded and continued the set, trying to concentrate on the exercise and ignore her wide eyes. The repetitive motion caused more of the shaft to snake out from the leg off my shorts, lengthening further down my thigh so that her warm breath washed over my bare cockhead. Brooke had pulled her stool closer so she could peer intently between my spread legs as I huffed and puffed. She wasn't the only interested observer either. The tall redhead hovered behind her, her blue eyes popping wide when she spotted my exposed pole.

Finished with my first set, l lay back on the mat and caught my breath. Mya never lifted her gaze, staring raptly at my slightly distended cock as I rested. I could feel it well further under her steady scrutiny, stretching lazily down the inside of my left thigh.

"You have such a lovely dick, Bill. I know I'm not supposed to call it that. It's supposed to be referred to as a 'penis', but none of the girls call it that except when we're in a scene."

"Mya. That's enough."

Brooke's voice had more than a hint of warning.

"Oh, all right. But it's just gorgeous."

"Start the next set, Bill."

Without a word, I began again, grunting softly with the exertion. The second series of repetitions went quickly as a couple more coeds stopped to watch. With her companion close behind, the redhead inched closer, craning her neck to get a better look, peering over Mya's shoulder down at my uncovered pole. The stiff points of erect nipples were prominent beneath the thin cotton of her workout top.

"He's got a really big cock, doesn't he?"

Rising from her stool, Brooke stepped behind the redheaded girl, glancing over her shoulder down between my spread legs.

"Yes, Tina. He does have an exceptional penis. Let him finish his workout but stick around. You may get to see more."

With a parting smirk, Tina retreated a short distance away to observe, her shapely companion close behind. The tall redhead looked like someone I should know but didn't, at least not yet. Whispering to her partner, she nodded toward me as we continued the workout.

"Another set, Bill? Or are you ready for the leg lifts?"

I was beginning to think Brooke knew my routine better than I did.

"Leg lifts."

As other girls lingered nearby, I was getting self-conscious about the gradually burgeoning cock hanging out of my shorts. Mya let go of my ankles and before I began the next exercise, I reached down and tucked the exposed knob back inside.

With my hands behind my neck, I started the set, lifting my shoulders up off the mat while twisting my torso with each repetition so I could touch my elbow to the opposite knee. I closed my eyes and counted, concentrating on the exercise and trying to ignore the girls around me. I could feel my cock moving back and forth inside my shorts, the constant friction of the soft cotton against the sensitive bulb causing the shaft to grow thicker.

Stopping to catch my breath, I felt the blood continuing to pulse below my waist. Certain that the swelling was visible, I kept my eyes shut and started a second set. Once I finished, I lay there for a moment catching my breath before Brooke's voice interrupted my reverie.

"Ready for the leg extension?"

Opening my eyes, I nodded as I scrambled to my feet. As I took the few steps to the leg machine, I could feel the heavy pole between my legs swinging loosely inside the shorts. A few more observers had joined the audience, but as I scanned the feminine faces, I didn't see anyone that I knew.

After moving the pin to adjust the amount of weight, I climbed up onto the leg extension, careful to arrange my shorts to cover the thickening cock that threatened to emerge down my leg. Both Club members watched closely, glancing between my thighs even as they positioned my body. Brooke made sure that my hips and lower back were firmly against the supporting pad while the curvy Asian arranged my thighs, her soft fingers lingering on my bare skin. Smiling, Mya asked.


Feeling the heat starting to rise in my face, I nodded as I began the set. The two girls made certain that my muscles were fully engaged with each rep, although I think they were just using it as an excuse to tease me. Brooke slid the palm of one hand across my abdomen while the other pressed against my lower back, whispering encouragement in my ear.

"That's it, Bill. Keep breathing."

Her fingers slipped beneath the bottom edge of my loose t-shirt, finding the taut skin of my stomach and the elastic waistband of my shorts.

"Breathe into my hand."

With her palm flat against my lower abdomen, the muscular blonde pressed firmly, her little finger dangerously close to the bulge in my crotch. Mya hovered near my knees, lightly running her nails up and down the tops of my right thigh, tickling the surface of the quadriceps muscle I was exercising. As I continued the set, she moved up my leg with each rep, sliding higher along the inside of my thigh until her fingers brushed the hem of my workout shorts. My cock continued to expand, stretching down the upper portion of my left thigh, inching toward freedom.

Finished with the first set, I stopped to catch my breath but neither one of my partners halted their hands. While the shapely Asian continued to trail her fingertips up and down my right thigh, catching the bottom of my shorts and lifting them higher with each stroke, Brooke began to rub my stomach, little circles that grew bigger until she was massaging my lower abdomen, just above my pubic mound.

Looking up, I realized that the number of girls gathered nearby had grown. Although most still made a pretense of exercising, Tina and her friend had stopped completely, making no effort to conceal their interest. I hadn't really gotten a good look at the brunette, but since she was standing beside her workout partner, I had a better opportunity to appreciate her stunning figure.

"Ready for the next set?"

Nodding to answer Brooke's question, I tried to concentrate on my quads and not the brunette, but my eyes kept drifting back to her well-toned legs and the full breasts under her sleeveless crop top. The scoop neck leotard she wore below did little to conceal the rounded globes, the swells of tanned flesh disappearing beneath the dark red top.

As I worked through the second set, her brown eyes kept flicking up and down, from focusing below my waist back up to meet my gaze, a faint smile on her full lips. I could feel my cock continuing to lengthen down my thigh, and with Mya's persistent help, I expected the slowly engorging bulb to emerge any second. Just as I felt cool air blow across the taut surface, I finished the set and swung my legs off the machine, forcing the shapely Asian to remove her hands. She giggled.

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