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Owned by The Boss Ch. 01

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After the gov’t legalizes female slavery, she obeys.
915 words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/28/2021
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The female slavery laws went into effect, today and my entire body seemed on high alert of that fact.

My hands wouldn't stop shaking as I dressed for my interview, today. It was at a reputable law firm, one I knew I barely had a chance for. But, now that females weren't allowed to work outside of the home and our rights had been seemingly ripped away before our own eyes, it didn't seem to matter if I attended the interview or not.

I didn't have the right to work my own job or have my own money, unless my father allowed it.

And with how many times he'd asked me about the breeding farm, I was sure he wouldn't.

The breeding farm. I shivered at the thought of going to where my older sister, Ivy had gone.

She didn't obey, Anna. You'll be next if your not smart.

My fathers words were on repeat within the recesses of my mind, always a constant reminder that I really, was under the hand of our old belief based government, now and if I wanted to see my next birthday, I would have to obey.

As if that was something I had ever struggled with.

I wasn't sure why, but ever since I was a young child, I had been naturally submissive and always wanted to please my father, my boyfriends, even my teachers.

I was a straight A student all of high school, never wanting to let my teachers down.

I was my fathers favorite, albeit youngest child and now that he not only had the church's beliefs to hold over me, but the new law- I didn't see another way.

The new law stated that men had a right to make use of a woman if she made herself available, whether that be purposeful or not.

The law also stated that every woman aged eighteen or older would attend a mandatory Natural Submission course before the end of the coming year. Any women that refused to obey and abide by these new laws would be sent to what we called The Breeding Farm, a run down estate on the southern border of our town that housed the nonconformists and the women that were forced into that place almost never survived the following year.

My sister hadn't.


"Oh!" I was jolted in place as a pair of large, male hands reached around where I stood on the train into the city, a heaving chest pressed right up against my back as his hands roughly cupped my breasts from behind, long, workmans fingers slipping between the globes as he squeezed firmly; letting me know he wasn't about to let me go, anytime soon.

"Please, sir. I'm just going to a job interview."

"That doesn't matter, now, does it?" His fingers pinched my nipples as he moved in closer, his mouth against my ear, now.

"Your property of the state. Your rights have been taken away, as has your free will-" biting my earlobe hard enough to sting, he groaned in my ear as he rubbed a seemingly rock hard erect ion against my skirt.

"You can't say no, can you?" Pushing me into the empty seat in front of him, I kept my eyes low, on the considerable tent in his pants that I knew I would have to alleviate before he would, hopefully, let me go.

My submissive side came out, then, wanting to please him even as my mind told me not to.

"No sir, I can't say no."

A triumphant smile covered his face before he reached down and freed his cock from the confines of his slacks, the tip brushing against her chin as it was released.

She risked a peek back up at his face as he guided the tip of his large, swollen knob to my lips and instantly regretted it.

"Eyes down, slave. Open up."

Nodding, I opened my mouth and he eased his hardness into my mouth; his tight hold on my head unyielding as he sunk his shaft into my mouth, the mass of it causing me to gag as he pressed further, still.

I had never done this before and my first time, it was here?

Against my will?

Resigning myself to my fate, I opened my mouth wider, letting him fuck his cock in and out of my mouth in quick, desperate jabs, his groans above me the only clue he gave me before I felt him cum down my throat; forcing myself to swallow it without even tasting it; a little mercy, if anything.

"A good slave." Petting a hand down my hair, he continued to thrust gently into my mouth as I cleaned him with my tongue, ensuring he wouldn't stain his boxers when he finally did let me go.

"That's it, baby. One last kiss before you get off." I kissed the tip of his now soft member as he begrudgingly pulled out of my now sore, lipstick smeared mouth, patting me on the head once before he moved toward the trains doors as my stop was called.

Hastily, I grabbed my purse from the floor below me and used a napkin to wipe at my dirtied mouth, knowing the ramifications if I failed to get to this interview on time.

Tardiness was one of the rules I had to live by, or else corporal punishment would become a close friend to me.

And I did whatever I could to avoid it.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This type of story actually I would hope would be placed in the Sci Fi category, as the main premise , which is largely fantastic (the genre) is the whole justification for all events. Who is not consenting to "the law", here?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Too short!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great job, please continue to write but be mindful of keeping it first person throughout 😁

44chicken44chickenalmost 2 years ago

Great story. Perhaps a bit short and you might look into help with editing. But please keep writing! I’d love to read more.

MaitrePolMaitrePolalmost 2 years ago

Surely just the tip of the iceberg of submission that lives in you. Get on your knees and admit it

Maître Pol

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