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Exhibitionist & Voyeur Stories

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Peephole to Heaven Ch. 01

 — A first-time voyeur's sins. by g77701/10/043.74

Peeping Aint Easy

 — When you end up getting more than an eye full. by Succubus_tamer03/10/204.31

Peeping by the Pool

 — Sometimes peeping results in wonderful dividends. by Boxlicker10110/13/054.12

Peeping Can Have Its Advantages

 — She peeps then gets pulled into the action. by themarquise01/16/074.38

Peeping in the Shadows

 — Field worker enjoys watching couple's anniversary party. by rodbod10012/10/034.05

Peeping into Window

 — Peeping Tom gets caught. by Brian658809/26/244.60HOT

Peeping Jane

 — Female voyeur finds you irresistable. by akfetish08/03/084.05

Peeping Jonathon

 — Jonathon gets creative to uncover her mysterious idenity. by vontauber09/26/043.40

Peeping Lena

 — Husewife spies on her young hunky neighbor. by Leslie06/15/014.35

Peeping Martin Ch. 01

 — Telescope makes for interesting neighborhood. by Gabbycat04/22/043.97

Peeping Martin Ch. 02

 — Voyer's fantasy becomes a reality. by Gabbycat06/28/044.49

Peeping Neighbor

 — A boy gets to know his new neighbors, two voluptuous vixens. by penismyquill05/12/193.89

Peeping Neil Ch. 01

 — He gets a glimpse of his neighbour. Lucky? Intended? by PaulieCelt10/03/123.84

Peeping on Jennifer Ch. 02

 — Sister's antics get her watched. by JRob03/04/054.28

Peeping Ron

 — He watches his wife with another man - & enjoys it. by tonidelasalle01/15/074.10

Peeping Shaun

 — Sarah looks for stress-relief with her sexy nosy neighbour. by mightypinkdms06/26/074.31

Peeping Thomas!

 — Mary gets her revenge! by Amisit__Scintilla05/13/234.41

Peeping Tim

 — Tim gets caught peeping on his beautiful next door neighbor. by JoeVartos05/11/204.54HOT

Peeping Tom

 — Man peeks in on sexy Black neighbor. by mustanger7up04/12/033.99

Peeping Tom

 — Cop investigates peeper by English Bob05/23/044.30

Peeping Tom

 — Cab driver gets an(other) eye full. by ReverendAnimal06/16/103.95

Peeping Tom

 — Next door neighbor gets an eyeful. by gene_ericson03/15/164.33

Peeping Tom

 — New apartment offers plenty of views. by Frankenstein196207/11/204.65HOT

Peeping Tom

 — Asuna invites Satomi and I to sleep over, but Craig shows up. by EmiTsuruta09/12/204.00

Peeping Tom

 — Exposed and unaware. by DaveTusk196102/09/244.51HOT

Peeping Tom - the Two Girls Pt. 01

 — Peeping Tom watch girls fuck, and get ready. by Drcock66612/25/214.27

Peeping Tom Ch. 01

 — Tom Matthews moves into a new and interesting Condo. by Many Feathers06/23/114.59HOT

Peeping Tom Ch. 02

 — Tom enjoys the uninhibited lifestyle of his neighbors. by Many Feathers06/25/114.52HOT

Peeping Tom Ch. 03

 — Tom finally meets the rest of his neighbors. by Many Feathers06/26/114.51HOT

Peeping Tom Ch. 04

 — The worse case of blue-balls ever! by Many Feathers06/28/114.44

Peeping Tom with shared wife

 — Peeping Tom in threesome. by jamesmason195904/17/234.42

Peeping Tomasena

 — A female peeping Tom. by Chrissie3903/22/084.58HOT

Peeping Tomasena Ch. 02

 — Female voyeur in trouble again by Chrissie3904/13/084.63HOT

Peeping Tomasena Ch. 03

 — Female flasher at it again. by Chrissie3905/17/084.68HOT

Peeping Tomassina Ch. 01

 — Caught the girl next door peeping. by ifyourewillingatgmail09/21/234.60HOT

Peeping Tomassina Ch. 02

 — I make my confession. by ifyourewillingatgmail09/27/234.75HOT

Peeping Tomassina Ch. 03

 — I think I'm gonna get some. by ifyourewillingatgmail09/28/234.64HOT

Peeping Tomassina Ch. 04

 — It's DESSERT Night. by ifyourewillingatgmail10/02/234.67HOT

Peeping Tomassina Ch. 05

 — Days of our lives. by ifyourewillingatgmail10/24/234.64HOT

Peeping Tommy

 — Tommy gets caught with his pants down. by Deborah03/18/014.19


 — He watches her satisfy herself. by minifun03/27/034.30


 — Mark and Marise are on a date in the red light district. by Marise7411/20/244.31

Peer Wellness

 — A peer wellness specialist helps clients with their issues. by head2fat01/13/193.77

Peg's Blind Date

 — My, you're a tall drink of water. by BabyGirlPrecious08/22/094.44

Peg's Midnight Marauder

 — Revised story of Sleeping Beauty. by BabyGirlPrecious08/22/094.24

Pegged for a Purpose Ch. 02

 — The wife's purpose is achieved. by got2try06/27/214.60HOT

Peggy & The Coach

 — Two people get together for hot sex. by The Coach 46908/12/044.38

Peggy At The Window

 — Sometimes it pays to work late. by jack_straw11/16/054.59HOT

Peggy Flashes and Fucks Me

 — Wife's friend teases me and fucks me in our house. by hhart70806/06/084.15

Peggy Gets Searched

 — She didn't make it through the airport. by jt302/23/044.35

Peggy Seduces Cameraman

 — Sexy woman seduces photojournalist. by jt302/08/044.54HOT

Peggy Seduces Photographers

 — Peggy seduces John and his new friend Laura. by jt302/19/044.52HOT

Peggy Shows Off

 — Peggy seduces him with her sex body and kinky ways. by jt302/22/044.31

Peggy's Diary: Excerpt 04

 — Peggy's exhibitionist tendencies lead to becoming a nude mod. by Susie_O12/13/17

Peggy's Diary: Excerpt 05

 — Peggy goes to frat party with football star. by Susie_O02/21/18

Peggy's Diary: Excerpt 08

 — Spring break modeling induces Peggy into porn. by Susie_O01/05/19

Peggy's Real Life Confessions Ch. 01

 — How all of this started. by Peggy4604/20/034.40

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 01

 — Peggy drops her towel for the mailman. by TheSparkZone07/05/024.34

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 02

 — Peggy is stripped naked on the bus. by TheSparkZone09/28/024.51HOT

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 03

 — The workmen catch Peggy in the shower. by TheSparkZone07/24/034.49

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 04

 — She has her clothes taken away in the store. by TheSparkZone08/04/034.39

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 05

 — Peggy is stripped naked at the pool. by TheSparkZone08/29/034.47

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 06

 — She's locked out of the house naked. by TheSparkZone08/30/034.61HOT

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 07

 — She's stripped naked in a limo. by TheSparkZone09/13/034.54HOT

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 08

 — Peggy gets naked in public for hubby. by TheSparkZone09/29/034.47

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 09

 — She's handcuffed and shown off. by TheSparkZone09/30/034.50HOT

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 10

 — Peggy accidentally gets naked on webcam. by TheSparkZone02/21/084.48

Peggy, The Bored Housewife Ch. 11

 — Peggy and a friend strip at the gym. by TheSparkZone02/27/084.51HOT

Peggy: Soccer With Two Balls

 — She meets him at soccer practice. by hamburgerhelper03/08/043.77

Pelican Island

 — Caught naked, she has nothing to do but watch - & join in. by fantac6406/30/084.38

Pen-Pal Visits - 750

 — Straight pen-pal visits and tempts with grey sweats. by JamiePlynth02/28/243.94

Penance Day Ch. 01

 — He is exposed as part of his penance. by HartMann04/01/104.03

Penance Day Ch. 02

 — A lady is in control. by HartMann04/16/103.97

Penance Day Ch. 04

 — His Penance comes to a glorious end. by HartMann08/15/104.14

Pencil Me In

 — Hot couple has sex in front of an artist. by anawnamos09/06/194.54HOT

Penis-Hungry Ch. 02

 — In front of a camera, Lou and I have sex on the beach. by AnAmericanDarling11/15/114.32

Pennies Ch. 01

 — It takes a girl to get the boys to play a party game. by JimGumby12/03/133.26

Pennies in the Slot?

 — ...or Penis in the Slut? by werebare06/03/024.57HOT

Penny - The New Girl Pt. 01

 — Penny is introduced to the world of bisex. by AussieKev105/14/204.59HOT

Penny and Pals

 — Fun with the boys. by annod45409/10/053.75

Penny and the Bartender

 — He watches her "tip" the barkeep. by annod45409/15/052.07

Penny For Your Thoughts

 — Bad day turns good. by annod45409/11/054.25

Penny Shared

 — She helps his buddy. by annod45409/12/053.97

Penny Wilson Learns to Tease

 — A married woman innocently teases and then gets taken. by Imaginative1A04/14/174.32

Penny's Need for Self Bondage

 — It was all going perfectly well, until... by mollycactus04/21/214.46

Penny's New Job

 — A simple game of poker turns Pennys new job into hell. by Allstar710/24/204.19

Penthouse A - An Evening Out Pt. 01

 — A continuation of a collaboration with Strawberrynibble. by WhoWouldHaveGuessed03/29/234.50HOT

Penthouse A - An Evening Out Pt. 02

 — The date continues with morning fun, toy play & pool time. by WhoWouldHaveGuessed04/17/234.50

Penthouse A: Seeing and Being Seen

 — A visit to an Irish pub offers unexpected pleasures. by WhoWouldHaveGuessed01/22/234.39

Penthouse View

 — Watching him, watching me... by WhenShesBad11/12/104.22

People Watching

 — He reluctantly tells his wife his fantasy. by pplwatching09/22/034.40

People Watching

 — Couple have sex overlooking a public park. by Rachel_Marie_3005/30/084.61HOT

People Watching

 — A Novelist spies a couple fucking in their backyard. by MaleThonger08/02/174.52HOT

People Watching

 — An after work drink opens a door to an unseen world. by daliawritessmut12/24/224.16

People Watching Ch. 01

 — How often do you wonder about strangers? by MikeAndJan04/19/033.17

People Watching Ch. 01

 — Big old titties in a parking lot. by LIVINRFANTASIES04/20/163.36

People Watching Ch. 02

 — My new people watching location in a corn field. by LIVINRFANTASIES04/24/164.16

People Watching Ch. 03

 — The Big Box Store Boob and the BBQ Joint. by LIVINRFANTASIES04/27/164.00

People Watching Ch. 04

 — Ramblings of an old fart or is mental imbalance a handicap? by LIVINRFANTASIES04/28/163.36

People Watching Ch. 05

 — Lady of Wally World & Top Down in Town. by LIVINRFANTASIES04/29/164.31

People Watching Ch. 06

 — The Shiny Red Apple, Dollie's dilemma, and cell phones. by LIVINRFANTASIES04/30/164.40

People Watching Ch. 07

 — Being people watched by people. by LIVINRFANTASIES05/03/164.30

Pep Bus Fun

 — Students make the best of their bus ride to the big game. by BMYJC09/13/134.42

Pep, Spirit and Facials Ch. 02

 — Eloise gets a taste of what hazing is like. by lustypenny02/28/183.71

Peppermint Fantasies

 — A father has fun at the mall in spite of the crowds. by MSTarot11/13/124.28

Perc Up

 — Mutual masturbation from a distance. by WalterCie07/03/094.43

Perfect Escape

 — Hers or his? by WolfsButterfly07/27/163.33

Perfect Fall Day

 — Sex on a bike, outside. by RogueNik05/07/114.23

Perfect Match

 — A voyeur meets an Exhibitionist. by Nakedcraving07/07/223.86

Perfect Shoot

 — A lovemaking session with close girlfriend. by belle_belle06/29/044.41

Perfect Strangers

 — Two strangers and uncontrollable, mindless lust. by AnastasiaAllis05/18/204.16

Perfect Strangers Ch. 02

 — Two strangers, John and Anna, meet again. by AnastasiaAllis06/12/204.48

Perfect Trip

 — He has a life changing experience on a train. by shaggis09/30/074.34

Performace Art

 — An audience makes an erotic encounter more exciting. by PegSyren06/29/103.88


 — Beauty puts on an erotic show for her neighbor. by Oldguy4510/20/064.43


 — Debbie gets hot when she entertains an audience. by paul202102/08/214.58HOT


 — An exhibitionist gets more than he bargained for. by AgingAthlete03/27/234.56HOT

Performance Art

 — Fiona and I make videos. by Yeatslover09/13/214.06

Performance Art

 — Man sets up live gay sex show for two enthusiastic ladies. by CornfedBeast09/26/224.09

Performance Gulch

 — In which his desire to be exposed goes a little too far. by ElRoylk11/30/124.55HOT


 — A surprise performance encountered. by WFEATHER09/16/063.59

Performing for Her Audience

 — A cat girl's wild night at a club. by glassTrea909/06/244.35

Performing for Very Hot Voyeurs

 — 3 hot couples enjoy watching and performing in the tropics. by Scott4harmlessfun09/09/154.19

Performing Nude on Campus

 — Three interviews a nude performance on campus. by boknude04/08/134.37

Performing Sex Scenes on Stage

 — Simulating sex on stage takes a turn towards method acting. by AliceOpensHerTreasureChest01/15/254.58HOT

Perks of Working at the Mall

 — Hot coed's Boss will do anything to get a peak. by stickyfate10/17/144.24

Perks of Working at the Mall Ch. 02

 — What happens after an employee sees her boss's big dick. by stickyfate10/22/144.51HOT


 — A preacher exposes his wife during a sermon. by JonTorLang12/05/103.90

Persephone's Secrets Pt. 01

 — Our needs can imperil our careers. by mollycactus12/31/174.76HOT

Persephone's Secrets Pt. 02

 — Waking up the next morning. by mollycactus01/10/184.80HOT

Persephone's Secrets Pt. 03

 — Their lives get more interesting. by mollycactus03/24/184.72HOT

Personal Ad-ventures

 — Married man uses the personals to watch & take part. by WillB10/14/014.36

Personal Ads Ch. 01

 — Newly widowed woman discovers there is a sexual undercurrent. by Isabella_1978_UK10/25/18

Personal Ads Ch. 03

 — Personal Ads part 3. by Isabella_1978_UK10/27/18

Personal Assistant Pt. 02

 — Avi arrives at the doctor's office for their physical. by Csdante02/27/244.22

Personal Assistant, Pt. 01

 — Avi applies for a secretive new job. by Csdante02/26/243.58

Personal Chef

 — My new personal chef likes to cook in the nude. by SimonDoom11/22/244.80HOT

Personal Pornstar

 — Greg makes a movie of Carmen with another man. by nyprince01/11/044.44

Personal Service Ch. 02 - Showtime

 — Emma visits a club to pay her bills. by PaulaApril12/27/184.65HOT

Personal Trainer Makes Her Cum

 — Hooking Up With The PT At The Gym. by shadejs12/03/224.22

Personal Voyeur

 — She thinks she's alone, but you see it all. by CuddleyOne08/03/024.24

Personals Section

 — Beth takes a personals ad for mature fun. by WatchedBeth07/19/194.36

Perspectives Series: Martin

 — The journey of a philandering voyeur. by D_Lynn10/06/114.68HOT

Persuading His Wife

 — Her husband encourages Megan to wear a revealing costume. by rd7500008/21/234.62HOT

Persuading PeeJ

 — Bella persuades her former boss to give her a private demonstration. by Pee J01/15/044.73HOT

Pests in the Woods

 — A hike in the woods becomes a real eye-opener. by Foxwood2005/21/143.96

Pet Project

 — Not all college learning takes place in the classroom by brinder12/20/024.72HOT


 — She is transformed. by Britease05/04/094.26

Peter and Pam get Married

 — A naive couple find they are kindred spirits. by CBruch04/14/234.07

Peter Spies on His Wife

 — Business man watches his wife masturbating to porn online. by Labyrinth10/20/024.23

Peter Spys on His Wife Ch. 02

 — He installs a hidden web cam and watches his wife get off. by Labyrinth10/27/024.21

Peter's First Encounter

 — Peter has his first voyeuristic experience with a couple. by mister_magic02/02/053.97

Peter, Jessica and Andy

 — Peter's submissive side is explored. by d_and_bt12/11/154.58HOT

Petite and the Beast Pt. 02

 — Emily sees the beast in action. by Highonhope07/04/234.42


 — Kit has a bold plan to raise Earth Day awareness. by slyc_willie03/28/134.69HOTContest Winner

Petra Poses - Plays to Porn Ch. 01

 — Did the Bard intend Romeo and Juliet to perform this way? by 1fastguy06/21/224.65HOT

Petra's Erotic Photo Gallery Ch. 04

 — Did Petra enjoy giving in and letting go with her customers? by 1fastguy12/08/224.72HOT

Petra's Erotic Photo Gallery Ch. 05

 — How deep into the Rodman's wild world is she willing to go? by 1fastguy01/06/234.64HOT

Petra's Erotic Photo Gallery Ch. 06

 — Could Darren and the Professor be the answer to her dilemma? by 1fastguy01/19/234.83HOT

Petra's Erotic Photo Gallery Ch. 07

 — Finale: What did the chauffer do to his employers one night? by 1fastguy01/20/234.64HOT

Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 01

 — How did two men and the camera coax out her hidden desires? by 1fastguy03/30/224.69HOT

Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 02

 — Will she double down to satisfy both guys when she poses? by 1fastguy04/06/224.73HOT

Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 03

 — Could she avoid an orgasm in front of her best girlfriend? by 1fastguy04/14/224.68HOT

Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 04

 — How will she respond to lesbian sex with the cougar pickup? by 1fastguy04/20/224.72HOT

Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 05

 — Will she overcome any reluctance about more sex with Lezlee? by 1fastguy04/28/224.69HOT

Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 06

 — Was this the best sexual performance the two guys ever saw? by 1fastguy05/04/224.73HOT

Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 07

 — Do the erotic models know a voyeur is hidden in the closet? by 1fastguy05/19/224.78HOT

Petra's Proteges Ch. 02: Christina

 — Does Christina know Edwards is inside the closet watching? by 1fastguy03/10/234.63HOT

Petra's Proteges Ch. 04: Emmeline

 — Why does Emma decide to sell her prints in Petra's gallery? by 1fastguy04/14/234.61HOT

Petra's Proteges Ch. 05: Hot Times!

 — Why did the big gallery party wind up a total bust? by 1fastguy06/02/234.75HOT

Petra's Proteges, Ch. 01: Gabriella

 — Why does she seduce one of William Edwards' student models? by 1fastguy02/27/234.63HOT


 — My perfect girlfriend has a proposition for me. by CuckFantasy6907/01/204.25

Peyton Ch. 01: Uncaged

 — A recent vacation makes me revisit my colorful past. by Quillpad08/24/214.31

Peyton Ch. 02: Uncaged

 — I discover somethings about my husband. by Quillpad09/01/214.40

Peyton Ch. 03: Uncaged

 — Me and Phil begin to open up about our pasts. by Quillpad09/26/214.43

PEYTON: A Limp-Dick Futa Earns Cash

 — Futa with a pussy and a limp penis gets fucked in public. by Futella04/16/214.07

Phallic Forte Ch. 02

 — Cliff finds Sandy. by sex slave03/28/062.00

Phase One

 — How he became an exhibitionist & voyeur. by tonethebone12/03/024.34

Phase Two

 — More mixed up than Phase One. by tonethebone08/30/034.35

Phil, Mary, & Cailie

 — Wild, unexpected night with Phil, Mary, and Cailie. by Crockett196501/04/254.23

Philip and Ben and Emily, oh my

 — Philip and Ben and Emily, oh my by schmoe9001/18/254.50HOT

Philip Ch. 01

 — How a friend becomes voyeur, and director of my fantasies. by andreinamsterdam07/17/114.49

Philippines Vacation Pt. 02

 — Exotic Erotic Vacation... by MrsYoung10/25/154.17

Philippines Vacation Pt. 03

 — Exotic Erotic Vacation... by MrsYoung10/26/154.42

Phoebe - Listening

 — Noisy sex next apartment. by SongRobin09/07/204.37

Phone Blackmail

 — She gets humiliated in public. by emma_sturton04/22/044.53HOT

Phone Blackmail Ch. 02

 — She gets humiliated again when she goes back to work. by emma_sturton05/05/044.62HOT

Phone Blackmail Ch. 03

 — She spends an evening as a hostess for Simon. by emma_sturton05/18/044.63HOT

Phone Blackmail Ch. 04

 — Anyone for tennis? by emma_sturton07/21/044.61HOT

Phone Blackmail Ch. 05

 — She gets forced to model at a lingerie party. by emma_sturton07/26/044.56HOT

Phone Blackmail Ch. 06

 — She goes to the races (part one). by emma_sturton12/04/044.58HOT

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