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A Beautiful Black Shemale Story

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A gorgeous African American transsexual dominates.
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This story is a fantasy. All people in the story are at least 21 years of age and any resemblance to someone in real life is coincidental. It's about female domination, black domination, and mind control. Please go to another story if this isn't to your liking.


David Maxwell had recently graduated from college and was in search of employment. He had applied to several firms online and finally had an in person interview at an urgent care center. David was 26 years of age at that time and was unattached and living alone in the town where he attended college.

"Good morning," he said to the young lady at the welcome desk. "My name is David Maxwell and I have an 11:00 appointment to see Ms. Ann Cummings for an interview for employment."

"Sure, Mr. Maxwell, please have a seat and I'll let her know you're here," the cute young Oriental lady said. David took a seat in the waiting area and opened up a magazine titled 'Leg Show'. His interest peaked because he had never seen such a publication before. It's theme was beautiful female legs in all kinds of poses and sexy attire. There were white women and black women and Oriental women in photos that depicted some of the most beautiful legs he had ever seen. David felt his dick getting aroused so he put the magazine down so he wouldn't be embarrassed when he met the interviewer.


"Mr. Maxwell, Ms. Cummings will see you now," the secretary said after about a half hour wait time that actually seemed much shorter because of his interest in that magazine. David arose from his chair and the secretary led him into her boss's office.

"Thank you, Patti," Ann Cummings told her secretary, and Patti replied, "You're welcome, Ms. Cummings. Can I get either of you anything to drink?"

"No thank you," both Ms. Cummings and David Maxwell said at the same time, causing a laugh from both of them. David was in awe of Ann Cummings' beautiful face. She looked like someone straight out of Ebony Magazine. And when she arose to greet him David saw her gorgeous body with legs as pretty as any of the women in the 'Leg Show' magazine he had just leafed through.

Ann was wearing a short skirt which had a hem that was slightly above her knees. It wasn't the length of the skirt that he noticed but the fabulous, toned chocolate legs that Ms. Cummings sported. The skirt was powder blue and had a split along the right side that exposed a beautiful leg that he was almost sure was not covered by pantyhose. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen prettier legs before in his life!

"Mr. Maxwell, good morning. I'm glad to meet you. I see you are looking for employment with our firm and that you have some background in healthcare. Please take a seat," she said as she pointed to a chair next to her desk.

Wow, David thought, as he held out his hand to the fine looking black woman. She stood about 5'11", which was about two inches taller than him, and on high heels she looked to be about 6'2". She actually looked down at David, which was somewhat humbling for him, but those feelings quickly left him as he lustily admired the woman who was going to interview him.

David could hardly keep his eyes off her lovely legs and after a few minutes Ms. Cummings said to him, "Do you like what you see?" She had a smile on her pretty face and David felt awkward that he was caught checking her out. He thought for sure any chance of landing a job there was gone, and he was surprised when she told him to change seats and to sit down across from her desk where her gorgeous ebony legs were no longer visible. David figured that he blew any chance he had to get a job, but he also knew he had some great images in his mind for jerking off sessions in the future.

"As I was looking over your file I saw you have some very good credentials for us. I see that your history shows you were once a paramedic and a fireman. I don't see how anyone who worked in those fields couldn't have picked up some valuable experience in the medical field."

"Yes, Ms. Cummings, I enjoyed working those two gigs and I know I have much experience in them. It was just that the money wasn't enough as I plan to start a family before too long," David said. "but at the time it was a good job and an interesting way to help with college bills."

"I fully understand. May I pry a bit and ask how much was your salary?" she asked. "And please call me Ann."

"Thank you, Ann. I made about $30,000 a year with almost no chance at advancement. In the paramedic side, it was a hectic job at times with people's lives at stake if my partner and I didn't do the right thing. And in today's world that would have meant lawsuit on top of lawsuit. Fire fighting was also rough because we never knew until we arrived at the site what type of trouble we would have. So I'm glad to be out of that type work and I'm looking to find a decent job with good pay so, as I said before, I can begin to settle down, get married, and have a family."

"I can only imagine that being in that line of work could be dangerous and with little thankfulness. Thank you, by the way, for all the lives and homes you saved. Now to get back to what you are looking for in a job. It says on your resume that you are very good in math and language. I need someone to run my financial department. The man who was there retired and I need someone to take his place. Would you be interested, David?" she said to him.

"Yes, ma'am, I mean Ann, I am very interested. Thank you. May I be so bold to ask you at what salary?" he replied.

"Oh, sorry, I should have said something first. I will start you at $75,000 a year with possible pay increases as you go along. Would you like the job?"

"Yes, I would! Thank you very much," David exclaimed.

"When can you start, Mr. Maxwell?"

"Please, call me Dave, and I can start as soon as you want me to," he said.

"How about Monday morning at nine? I can then show you around, get you acquainted with your people, show you where you'll be sitting. I think you will like the job and the people working with you. Any questions for now?" the black goddess said.

"I'm impressed for starters. 75 grand to start? How can I NOT be happy?" David said. "So you're telling me I have the job? But what about you catching me gawking at your legs?"

"Oh, that's nothing alarming. I get men looking at me all the time. I actually feel flattered when I get so much attention," she replied. "But what's more exciting is when other women can't keep their eyes off me, especially my legs. Now that turns me on!"

"Oh, and there's one other thing before you start, and it's something I do with all new employees. You must join me for lunch today and we can discuss some other aspects of the job. You good with that?"

He thought to himself, how could he possibly NOT be okay with that invitation? It seemed like a great job with a terrific environment, a very good salary, and a super foxy lady as his boss. "Yes, Ann, I would love to have lunch with you." Wow, he thought to himself again, how I would love to get in bed with that ultra fine looking woman! I would lick and kiss her thighs and lick that fine pussy until I couldn't breathe anymore!

"Great! It's lunch time anyway and I'm getting hungry. There's a nice restaurant down the road about two miles so why don't we go there? It'll be company treat since you're about to become a new employee. Let's go and I'll drive. By the way, David, how did you get here?" Ann asked him, setting the unsuspecting young man up for the capture. In Ann's mind she was the huntress and he became her prey.

"I took a cab. My car isn't running so hot right now so I figured I don't want to be late for the interview," he replied.

"Fine. And I can drop you off wherever you want after our lunch," she said.

The two of them drove to the restaurant in Ann's car and David's dick got hard as he sneaked looks at her fabulous brown legs. While she was driving her skirt edged up quite a bit and her legs were very visible because of the slit in the skirt. As she drove and used her foot to push the gas and brake pedals, the muscles in those gorgeous legs were electric and supple. He just wanted to reach over and touch them, rub them, even kiss them but he knew he better not.

Once in the restaurant they were seated in the rear of the dining room. The waitress brought them some ice water and asked if they'd like to see a menu, and Ann said yes. David excused himself to go to the men's room and while he was gone Ann pulled out a small white tablet from her purse and slipped it into his glass of water. When David returned he sat down across from her and while he was trying to decide what he wanted for lunch he drank some of the spiked water. Almost at once David started feeling tipsy and lightheaded even to the point that he could hardly sit up straight.

A few minutes later the waitress returned and asked if she could take their orders. Ann told her no thanks, that they had changed their minds because David wasn't feeling too well. "Is there something I can do," the waitress asked. Of course Ann knew exactly what it was and told the waitress that she and David must leave.

Ann replied, "No, thank you. I think we will just go," she said as she handed the girl a ten dollar tip for her help. Ann then helped David from his seat and led him out the door and to her car. He could walk but not too well as he was unsteady on his feet. Ann helped him into her car and strapped him in, then went and got in herself and drove off. But she didn't take him to his apartment but instead drove to her house.

After helping him out of the car and into the house she sat him down on a chair in the living room. "What happened? I feel terrible. Did we have lunch?" he asked her. Even in that confused state he couldn't help but notice her great legs whenever she even slightly bent over to do something. It was obvious that he had been hypnotized first by the pill she put in his glass and then by the sight of her glistening legs. Her legs were so pretty they were hypnotic.

"We're at my house now. You nearly passed out and we had to leave the restaurant. Are you hungry? I just ate a little bit while you were passed out. I can fix you something if you like," Ann said to him.

"No, thanks. I think i'll just rest for a bit then go home. Would you drive me or call a cab?" he asked.

"You're not going anywhere. You are going to stay right here with me," she said softly as she pulled the bottom of her skirt up a bit to show her legs to him.

Then David heard himself say to her, "Yes, Ann. I will do whatever you say." And she smiled.

"That's more like it, my little white boy. I have some big plans for you. You see, back in the restaurant when you went to the Men's Room I placed a tablet in your water. That tablet gives me the power to control you physically and mentally. In other words, David, I now own you. And there's nothing you can do to change it." She made sure she didn't reveal the secret of the power her soft, smooth legs had over him.

"Why? Why would you do that? I thought I was going to work for you?" David asked.

"You ARE going to work for me but not at the office. You are going to stay here and you won't even want to leave because you want to do whatever I say. You are now under my full control just like the other three men. You are now one of my slaves and there's nothing you can do to change it. That's why I asked you back in my office if you were married or attached in any way. And because of my hypnotic power over you, you don't even want to disobey me or leave this home."

"Come with me. I want to introduce you to the other three," the beautiful, leggy, dominant African American woman said to him.

She led David down a flight of stairs to a basement and a room that held four extra large animal cages. In three of the cages were the other men. "David," she said, "this is John Cummings, nee John Jamison. John has been here almost five years now. He is the heir to the big Jamison Cosmetics Company founded by his grandfather and which was worth 12 million dollars when I sold it. You see, John thought it better if I took over the firm so he signed it over to me, with a little persuasion, of course. Then I divorced him and enslaved him and the rest is history,"

"Next to John is Jacob Greenburg Cummings, who I call Jake. Jake has been here for about three years. Jake's claim to fame was his expertise in finances, which netted him a fortune of over 25 million bucks because of the stock market explosion about five years ago. I met Jake at a big fund raiser and, of course, he fell in love with me and couldn't resist the hypnotic power my legs have. It wasn't very hard to persuade him to marry me and sign his accounts over to me, his wife, Then I divorced him, too, and enslaved him and now he lives next to John. Both of them are bona fide legmen so it was easy to take over their lives, just like it is with you."

"And last but not least is Elmer Wilson Cummings who's only been here less than one year. Elmer was a bit more difficult because I had to TURN him into a legman. But I did! Once that happened he was like putty in my scheming hands. Elmer's fortune of 30 BILLION bucks was a gift from his filthy rich parents and their sports equipment company. It took some doing but his family thinks he took his money and went off travelling the world. I gained control of his money when we got married and kept it when I divorced him."

"They all have certain jobs to do in my house and you will be assigned your own jobs too. Do you have any questions?" Ann asked as she sat down in a chair and crossed her magnificent legs. She gently pulled up the hem of her dress to reveal the most beautiful chocolate thighs he had ever seen.

"Why are you doing this to me, to us?" David asked her.

Ann replied by saying she was doing it because she had the power to do so. It was all her idea to enslave the four men and she especially liked it because they were all white and needed to pay her back for the slavery her ancestors had to endure. David knew there was no use arguing with her because she could make him be silent just by saying so. But he at least really enjoyed the leg show she was displaying and wished that someday he might do as much as rub and kiss them.

"You see, Dave, each of those three guys were once married to me. But to keep it legal I went to my lawyer friend, a black woman, and divorced them after just a few weeks of marriage. Those guys were all pretty well off financially and also had no attachments anywhere, so I was able to attach all their money and transfer it to my bank account. And any money coming to them in the future will also be mine. But isn't it nice of me to let them live here since they have nowhere else to go?" she teased. "I am a multi-billionaire with enough money to keep you four guys here as long as I wish. If you ever try to leave, which you won't thanks to these hypnotic legs I have, I would be able to find you and bring you back anyway. You will be getting a chip put in your body somewhere just like the other three and I will be able to find you very easily if you ever try leaving. No one would ever believe a story you might try to tell them so I will win and you will be punished. Isn't that nice?"

"But what about ME? Why me? I don't have any money," he said.

"Through Laura my attorney I was able to find out something that you most likely didn't even know. She did some digging and found out that an aunt of yours just passed away and left her entire estate to you. She was worth about 8 million bucks and it all would've been yours if you hadn't decided to marry me and hand it over. David, I can't thank you enough, but to show my gratification I made a living space just for you,"

"Just for me?" he asked. "What do you mean?"

"Let me show you, my dear. You will live in a cage right next to your new friends John, Jacob, and Elmer. Isn't that nice of me?" she said as she hiked up her skirt again.

David was immediately in a trance. It was impossible for him or the other three to oppose her or even argue with her when she bared those GORGEOUS brown shiny thighs. "Yes, Ann, it is VERY nice of you to be so kind," he replied as if she got into his mind and told him what to say.

"By the way, my friend Laura is coming over this afternoon with a friend who will marry us. So for a little while at least you will be so honored to become Mr. David Cummings. I don't believe at all that a woman HAS to take the husband's last name, but I DO believe the husband MUST take his wife's last name, especially when the hubby is a white submissive!"

David didn't have anything to say because Ann had him under her power. When there was a knock on the door she told him to hurry and answer it. "Yes, ma'am, as you say," he responded.

Before he got to the door, however, she told him to stop and come kneel before her. And he did! He knelt before the sexy black woman and bowed his head in homage. "Look at me!" she said. He looked up at her as she told him, "From now on I want you to call me Mistress Ann. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Ann."

"Now go answer the door. It's probably my friends who are here to marry us. The sooner the better," she said.

"Yes, Mistress Ann."

David opened the door and in walked two beautiful African American women just as Ann said. "Hi, Laura!" Ann said to the first one and she walked over to Ann as she sat on the sofa and wrapped her arms around her neck and gave her a big long kiss on her lips.

"Nice greeting, girlfriend!" Ann said to her. "I hope there's more sugar where that came from."

"Honey, what do you have in mind?" Laura asked her. "Maybe after we get finished with the marriage you and I can go have some fun together."

"What do YOU have in mind, Laura?" Ann asked.

"It's your home," Laura said.

"You KNOW what I want," said Ann. "I want you to kiss my legs and my panties, that's what I like."

"You go, girl! I like that too and we both know you usually get what you want, so I am ready to taste that fine sex you have."

"Well, let's first get this legal crap out of the way," said Ann. "Who's your friend?"

Laura then introduced Rosalind to her. "This is Rosalind Charles and she will do all the paper work. As we did before Rosalind knows just what to do to get you married to this white slave and move all his money to your accounts. Plus Roz can actually perform the marriage since she's an ordained minister. The whole thing will probably take about a half hour."

"Laura, my love, you are something else!" said Ann.


After the forced marriage was completed Ann told David there was one thing he had to do to consummate the marriage. "David, I want you to kneel before me and pull down my panties as I life up my dress." It was at that time that Roz said she had some unfinished business to tend to and had to leave.

"Yes, Mistress Anne," he said as he got on his knees in front of his owner goddess and pulled down her pretty panties. He was totally taken aback as out popped a gorgeous uncut 8 inches of beautiful brown cock! David just stared at it and wasn't sure what to do until Ann told him.

"I want you to slip this slippery rod into your mouth and suck me off," she said. "I want you to keep sucking until I cum in your mouth, then I want you to swallow every last drop of my gooey white nectar. That will complete our marriage vows!"

"Yes, Mistress Ann," he said and at once he wrapped his lips around her hard but soft and smooth cock. He kept working in and out of his mouth and after a few minutes Ann began to moan softly and soon came buckets into his waiting mouth. As he was told, he swallowed all of it and thought to himself how tasty her cum was and how wonderful her cock felt in his mouth.

When she was finished consummating their marriage she told him to follow her to the basement, where she told him to get into his cage for the rest of the day.


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