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Big Tits, Tight Fit

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His Mom can't decide what to wear, so they just fuck instead.
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This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. This one is a little bit different than my normal fare, as it's not really a cheating themed story. This is a straight-up, classic, big-boobed Mom and studly son having hot, sweaty, naked sex type of story. If stuff like that isn't your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't bother reading it. I do not condone any of these actions in real life. This is just a story. Enjoy.


So, yeah, two days ago, me and my mom had sex.

To be honest, I'm still processing it. It kinda happened out of nowhere. It was just one of those sticky summer days, all things normal, then... Bam! It happened. Sex happened.

Now, it wasn't just sex. It wasn't making love or any of that bullshit. No soft music, no roses or candles. None of that stuff. No, me and Mom just FUCKED! I swear, it was like one minute, things were normal between us, just a regular mom and son. And then the next minute, the clothes were coming off, and we were just going at it. And trust me, me and her went at it. Hard! Physical, lusty, nasty fucking! Naked, thick, meaty young cock buried in tight, dripping, mature cunt. A mom's tongue in her son's mouth. A mom's plump lips wrapped tightly around her son's thick shaft as she took it eagerly down her throat. A son's big hands squeezing his mom's absolutely enormous breasts. God, they were fucking big, and I got to feel every inch of their smooth, naked skin. A mother and her son, two naked bodies, dripping with sweat, their heated skin sliding against each other as they savagely fucked. And it was fucking rough. It had screaming, moaning, and every fucking curse word in the book. It ended with a son's large nuts coated with his own mother's sex juices, and a mother's tight, wet cunt filled to the brim with her son's thick cum. It was the greatest sexual experience of both of their lives.

But that was two days ago.

Most of the time, this is the point where the story ends. The sex had happened, the climax of the story. But the question for us was... what comes next? What comes after a mother and a son have sex? What do you do after that? Can you back to normal? Did we want to?


I suppose I should go back a few days and tell you what happened.

It was a lazy Saturday in the middle of summer. It was one of those sticky days where being outside for any extended time was just unbearable. Which was why I was doing my best to savor the air conditioning. I had hung out with some buddies earlier in the day, shooting some hoops before the heat became too unbearable. After that, we went and saw a movie. And now I was chilling in my house, sitting back in my room, playing a football game online on my PS4, kicking ass, naturally. The typical things a freshly graduated high school male would do. If it was up to me, these were the types of things I would happily do all summer until I left for college, but my folks wouldn't let me be that lazy. I worked a lifeguarding job at the beach, and while that was fun, and seeing hot girls in bikinis was certainly a perk, I was happy to savor a few days off to relax and do nothing.

But my dad had other plans.

He was one of the partners at a big law firm, so he was typically very busy. That being said, he gave us a good life, so I wasn't complaining. But anyway, his boss, the big boss at his company, was throwing a big cookout thing at his lakeside house. It was this whole big thing and the families of the staff were encouraged to come and enjoy themselves. Dad was all about work and all about showing off his good life, his beautiful wife and handsome son, so we were all meant to attend. We attended every year, and while there was some fun stuff, I always found it really fucking boring. They would always ship me off to hang with a bunch of goobers, the kids of the other employees, and they just weren't my flavor. Not the type of people I liked hanging out with. So, I always ended up dreading this thing, and I always dragged my feet. Like today, I was in my room, wearing the same jeans I'd been wearing for a week, in a thin, blue t-shirt with my favorite football team's logo on the front, sitting back, barefoot, playing video games.

I wasn't alone in my dislike of this event. I could tell Mom was pretty uninterested in the whole thing too, that she would rather be doing literally anything else. But she was a good corporate wife, and she would always be all smiles by the time we made it there.

Dad, as one of the partners, had been gone most of the day, helping set things up. Me and Mom were scheduled to drive over and meet up with him in a bit, but like I said, I was dragging my feet. And, like a good mom, she was poised to remind me of this fact.

"Hey!" I heard Mom call out from down the hall, approaching my room. "You need to start getting cleaned up. We need to get going pretty soon!"

"Yeah!" I called out, not even looking at her, barely acknowledging her. I could feel her presence standing in my doorway. Finally, annoyed with my classic teenage disregard for parental authority, she stepped into my room, standing in-between me and my flat screen, forcing me to pause the action.

"Yes?" I asked with a shit-eating grin. I looked up and met Mom's annoyed gaze. I suppose this would be the best time to describe her, seeing that this was the woman I was about to fuck.

Her name was Kim, and, uh, she was my mom. Dad made enough money as to where she didn't have to work, but she always kept herself busy with different things. But none of that really mattered for this story, so I'll get to the good stuff.

I'll be honest... Mom was fucking hot. Like, legitimately hot and sexy. She was a brunette, with long, lustrous hair, cascading down between her shoulder blades in a perpetually tussled look that always really worked for her. She had a good, rich, even tan. She had shining, playful eyes, and full, plump lips. She was fucking gorgeous.

And then her body... man, her body. She was very physically active, so she kept herself very fit, with a flat belly, and long taut legs. Her hard work was really showed off by her amazing ass. It was firm, full, round and juicy, and it rode high and perky on her frame like a teenager's. It was fucking mouth-watering. Sometimes, even I had trouble not staring.

And then there were her breasts...

Man, just... man, describing them in words doesn't do them enough justice. They were just... huge. Fucking huge. My mom had enormous tits, full, round, smooth, and just perfectly shaped. They were also shockingly perky and rode high on her chest, jutting out from her slim frame proudly. Mom was no doubt the envy of all the corporate wives, and I'm sure there were some who doubted that her boobs were real. Trust me, I had known her pretty much my whole life. Those suckers were real, and absolutely massive.

So, from top to bottom, Mom was a fucking smoke-show. A brick shithouse. Absolutely gorgeous, and with a body to match. As her son, it was a hard thing to ignore, which is probably why I can describe her body in such great detail. And while I used to feel a lot of guilt and confusion for noticing these things, I eventually made my peace with it. My mom was hot, and that just couldn't be denied. My buddies would never let me forget that my mom was so sexy, so I wouldn't be able to get very far in life without accepting that fact.

Had I jacked off to her a few times? Sure. I tried not to get too carried away with thoughts like that, but every so often, thoughts of her just did it for me. Sometimes, there were certain days, or she'd be in certain clothes, but for whatever the reason, she'd have me as stiff as a brick all day long. I'd thought about, you know... sex with her, fantasized about it, but I had never really planned to actually do anything about it. I wasn't that crazy. I wasn't actually gonna go through with it. And it wasn't like it was entirely up to me. I'm sure she would have a few objections if I brought it up with her. And besides, I did pretty well for myself. As a good looking football player with a sizable dong, I was well taken care of in every way I needed. That said, the thought of seeing that body in action was indescribably hot, and at times, as a natural flirt, I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from running some game on Mom. Her body was so lust inspiring, and any other girl that inspired those feelings would get the full court press from me. But I controlled myself enough not to do that with Mom, despite how hot she was.

"Kyle!" Mom called out, shaking me from my reverie. "You need to get cleaned up!" Mom said impatiently, her hands on her hips. "We need to get going pretty soon."

"But... it's hot," I whined exaggeratedly, looking out the window, my tone causing her to smirk.

"C'mon, hon, you need to get cleaned up," she said, reaching down to shake my knee. "You were outside for a while. You're probably all sticky. You need to shower. C'mon."

"Uh... fine," I said, rolling my eyes, letting my controller drop to my lap. "You know, I don't really want to go to this stupid thing anyway," I said calmly. "It's never fun."

"I know," she replied with a knowing smile. "You think I want to go? I would much rather be outside in a bikini working on my tan, but..."

"That doesn't sound so bad..." I replied, unable to stop myself from giving her that knowing, flirty tone. Hey, I stopped myself when I could, but I couldn't hold back completely. That simply wasn't in my character. But Mom always seemed to enjoy my bravado a bit, always giving me warm looks, that same cute eye-roll, and that small slightly excited smile whenever ever I said this. Dad was a work-focused man, so I doubted he still gave her this kind of flirty attention. Knowing Mom seemed to enjoy these comments, our relationship had gained a sort of flirty tone at times. It was innocent, honest. Mom had to know she was really hot, and if Dad wasn't telling her this, then I'm sure she enjoyed being reminded of this fact, even if this attention was coming from her own son. And she would give it back to me, giving me a wolf-whistle when she would see me shirtless, or calling me 'handsome' or 'stud', stuff like that. It was all in good fun, but I think there was a tinge of truth in it, from both sides.

"Alright, cool it, bucko," she said, shutting me down. "We've got to do these things. Your father gives us a good life. It's the least we can do."

It's funny looking back and seeing how full of shit she was. She didn't care about the fucking cookout. She probably cared even less than I did. And, deep down, she wasn't too bothered by my laziness either. After doing what we did a little later, I looked back at this whole interaction in a whole new light. I knew the truth now. I know what she really wanted. What she needed. If, at this moment, I gave her the choice of going to the cookout, or to vigorously jack off my thick teenage cock till it exploded in gobs of thick, creamy semen all over her big, naked tits... well, let's just say, I established a very definite answer to that decision.

"Yeah..." I relented, not pumped about this whole thing. I shut down the Playstation and moved to stand.

"And honestly, you play these games way too much. They'll rot your brain. Go outside. Have some fun." she suggested, making me roll my eyes. It was a lecture I had heard before. She grinned slightly as she stepped back to allow me room to stand. And it was only at this point that she looked around and took in her surroundings.

"Ugh..." she said, turning up her nose. "Your room's a mess. Remind me, when we get back home, to ground you so you can get this room cleaned up." she said with a smile. We had a teasing relationship, so I simply nodded and laughed.

Yeah, she disapproved of the state of my room now, but that wasn't gonna be nearly enough to stop her from what was about to happen next. As a mom, she disapproved, but as a woman, she clearly didn't mind, as she would prove to me by being very, VERY willing to have sex right here. In my room. With me. Was she thinking about it right now? Did my slight bit of teenage disobedience appeal to her naughty side? Did my piles of clothes on the floor make her want to add her own to the fray?

I stood up in front of her and padded over to my mirror.

I was a good looking guy. Not, like, a model or anything, but I was good. I had nice features, a strong jaw, good eyes, nice hair. And I was an athlete in school, so my body was in shape. I was pretty fit, but I wasn't, like, overly bulky or anything. I was more tall and lean, but still well-muscled. I saw Mom behind me, inspecting me in my current state. Was she checking me out? I didn't think so at the moment, but looking back...

Anyway, in front of the mirror, I straightened some of my dirty blonde hair, tilted my head back and forth, inspecting myself before stepping back proudly.

"I'm ready!" I called out, looking at Mom with my arms spread wide. She rolled her eyes.

"Nice try," she said, dismissively. "Now get your butt in the shower. You're holding this whole thing up. I've been ready for, like, half-an-hour. C'mon," she insisted, urging me onward.

She was so eager to get me in the shower. Was she so eager because she wanted to join me in there? Water coursing down our naked bodies as we got it on. Was she thinking about it now? Was she fantasizing already? It was hard to say, but she just might have been...

"Alright, alright," I relented, moving towards my closet.

"And dress up nice!" she warned. "Like me!" she said, posing.

Mom did look nice. Very nice. She wore a tight dark pink top, short-sleeved to show off her lithe arms, scooped low enough to show a tasteful amount of cleavage, and snug enough to show off the perfect shape of her massive breasts. Down below, she wore a clingy dark grey skirt, going down to her knees, hugging her firm thighs, and no doubt her ass as well. She wore a nice pair of high-heels too, making her stand up taller than normal, and again, no doubt it accentuated her hot ass.

"Well, I don't think I can pull off the skirt quite like you can," I replied with a flirty tone and a knowing smirk. She rolled her eyes again.

"Alright, hornball, go jump in the shower. I think you need to cool down." she replied, more annoyed than amused. She turned tail and walked down the hall, her heels clicking as she did so. I couldn't help but glance up, and yeah, her ass looked great in the skirt. Really fucking great. The thin, smooth material, hugging each of the firm, juicy cheeks, showcasing it as it swayed side-to-side. My cock stiffened in my pants. I shook my head, clearing those thoughts and moved to grab some clothes, sensing her annoyance and impatience.

Need I remind you that me and her were, like, less than an hour away from straight-up fucking. This party that we just had to get to... we would end up being very, very late, because me and her would be too busy. Naked, in my bed. Fucking the shit out of each other. I was less than an hour from feeling my own mother's tight, dripping pussy wrapped around my naked cock, squeezing me tightly, trying to draw a heavy load of cum from my swollen balls deep into her waiting cunt. Mom was annoyed at me now, but very soon, she would have her plump lips wrapped around the tip of my cock, eagerly swallowing my semen like a complete slut. And still, at a point so close to that magic moment, things were normal. Nothing was unusual.

She was right that I needed to cool down, so the shower was welcome. This was one of those days, those sticky summer days that leave you extra horny. I didn't have a girlfriend at the moment, and while I did know a few girls who would be happy to get together for some no strings attached sex, that wasn't gonna be happening tonight because of this stupid fucking party. I contemplated just taking care of myself right there, in the shower, but at the rate Mom was rushing me I probably didn't have time for a good, satisfying jack session. I cut the water and tried to ignore my stiff cock, gritting my teeth, annoyed that I'd probably be spending the whole night counting the hours till I could drain my swollen nuts.

Luckily, I wouldn't have to wait that long. Mom would eagerly be seeing to that.

I got changed, putting on a nice polo shirt and a nice pair of slacks. Nothing too fancy, but comfortable and stylish. I cleaned up, did my hair, and brushed my teeth before leaving the steamy bathroom behind. I made my way downstairs toward the kitchen, where I knew Mom would be waiting impatiently. I padded my way over to find Mom there, standing in front of the stainless steel fridge, studying her reflection, fussing with her clothes. She didn't sense my presence, and in my current state, I couldn't stop myself from checking out her round, juicy ass, molded perfectly by her slim skirt.

Normally, I could control myself. Normally, I knew better. But, combining my current state of being horned-up with my annoyance at having to attend this dumb party, I was feeling a bit rebellious. So, with Mom still not noticing me, I slowly approached her from behind. Before she could do anything, I reared back with one hand and firmly brought it forward, giving my Mom's hot ass a nice, crisp...


My hand collided with her firm left ass-cheek, making a loud sound upon collision, my fingers digging in slightly as soon as I made contact. She jumped as I did this, turning to face me.

"Shit! What the hell!?" She called out to me, eyes wide in surprise as she rubbed her ass. But there was something else there. Something that flashed across her face for just a moment. A look of anger, combined with something else. Her eyes looked glassy. Her cheeks were flushed. Her lips parted with a gasp. This was a look what could only be described of pure, concentrated lust.

The look passed quickly as she erased it from her face, as if she didn't want me to notice.

I'd like to think this was the moment Mom decided she wanted to swallow my cock to the fucking root, wrap her plump, full lips around the throbbing base to form a tight seal as I pumped a giant wad of cum down her tight throat. And who knows... maybe it was. Maybe the penalty for me invading her person like this was her getting on her knees, inhaling my cock, and swallowing my semen? I know it sounds crazy, but examining the facts later, it seemed like a reasonable explanation.

But this was undoubtedly the moment that changed things between us. This was the moment that led us down a path that ended with us naked and sweaty. This was the first step down a path leading to a very pleasurable conclusion for both of us.

"You're such a shit," Mom said to me, annoyed, but unable to contain an amused smile. "Don't do that again!" she warned, as I grinned at her.

Yeah, like an hour later, she would be BEGGING me to spank her hot, bare ass, over and over again. And I would happily comply. And she would fucking love it. It would make her pussy squeeze hard around my cock.

But that would come later.

I moved towards the cupboard before stopping, noticing that she turned back to face the fridge, looking displeased.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know if I'm happy with this," she said, looking at her outfit. "What do you think?" she asked, turning to face me. She looked spectacular. The clothes hugged her figure while still being tasteful. The pink top flattered her fit frame and massive, succulent jugs, and I hadn't been able to keep my eyes off her ass. So the slim, grey skirt was doing the trick. But, sensing a weird energy in the air, and feeling a bit bold, an idea jumped to mind.

"Uh..." I said, shrugging, acting unimpressed. "It's alright."

"Yeah, I knew it," she said, annoyed. "I don't think this is gonna work. I'm gonna go change." she said under her breath, marching out of the room, back upstairs to her room. I smiled slightly, with no real plan in mind, happy that I had gotten under her skin a bit. Pleased with myself, I made my way back up to my room and booted up my PS4, knowing Mom was very indecisive in things like this. I was up 14-0 in the game by the time Mom made her way to my doorway.


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