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The Old Main Drag


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When the movie finished Kirsty said, "It's only nine o'clock, what shall we do next?"

"There's another bottle of wine, will I open it?" Bill asked, they both said yes.

When he was gone Jo turned to Kirsty "You're a bold bitch." She said in a hushed voice, unable to stop herself smiling as she said it. Kirsty gave her best 'butter wouldn't melt' look, pretending not to know what she was talking about. When Bill returned Jo said "What do you want to watch next, your choice."

Bill flicked through the streaming service, eventually picking an old black and white movie that neither of the girls had ever heard of. Bill topped up their glasses and sat down, his elbow just touching Jo's. The movie was a real weepy and Jo wondered if Bill was taking the piss, sort of, 'look at me, look how sensitive I am' but as she got more into the movie and found both herself and Kirsty balling and Bill gently weeping, she forgot about it; instead she found herself aware of Bill's arm occasionally rubbing off hers and aware that she liked it. When it finished Bill was the first to speak, rubbing his eyes dry as he did so. "Well that was a cheery one, sorry about that." They all laughed, "Who wants a top up?" Bill asked as he lifted the bottle. Jo said yes please but Kirsty stood up quickly, saying she was tired and leaving the room before anyone could protest, saying, "Good night you two." Blowing kisses as she left.

They both laughed. "She's not subtle, is she?" Bill said, Jo just shook her head, a happy smile on her face.

"I love that girl; we're like sisters one minute, mother and daughter the next and an old married couple the next." Bill nodded, knowing exactly what she meant.

They sat sipping their wine, an uneasy silence between them, neither wanting to be the first to talk. Eventually Jo said, "You know this is madness, don't you? It can never work."


"Why'd you think, I'm a prostitute! Whichever way you dress it up, sex worker, tart, it doesn't matter; I prostitute my body, I give men sexual satisfaction and they pay me. For fuck sake think about it, can you imagine wanting to be with me after I've spent all day doing all sorts with my clients?" She was more pleading than shouting, angry and heartbroken at the same time.

"I don't know."

"Also I was raped and nearly fucking killed only a few days ago, do you think because I'm a sex worker it doesn't bother me? I don't know if I can ever let anyone touch me again, let alone be affectionate with someone." Jo was shaking as tears rolled down her face, her whole body and soul felt drained.

Bill was scared, every ounce of his being wanted to hold Jo tight and never let her go, but he was afraid. Afraid of upsetting her more, afraid of how she might react. Gently he moved closer, when she didn't pull away, he held her hands, slowly squeezing harder. Jo's head was down and she leant into his chest, her body almost collapsing and bucking as he moved his arm around her back and held her close, his right hand gently caressing the back of her neck as he rocked her.

As her shaking settled and her breathing slowed, Bill loosened the cuddle, only for Jo to put her arms around him and squeeze tight, too afraid to let go, too afraid to talk anymore. As they cuddled and held each other, Bill found himself whispering into her ear, "Shh my darling, shh, I've got you."

No one had ever called Jo "My darling" but as Bill soothed her, it felt right.

They looked at each other through bleary, tear filled eyes; neither knowing what to say.

"I'll get you a duvet and a pillow." Jo said, rising slowly from the sofa. She placed the bed linen next to him and took his hand, gently kissing the back of it, "Good night Bill."

"Good night."

Bill couldn't sleep, possibilities and scenarios crashing around his brain; struggling to understand and rationalize how he felt. At some point he fell asleep, still not knowing what he would say to Jo.

Jo was exhausted but her mind wouldn't rest; all the hurt, anger and love she felt fighting it out for dominance. Her rational brain telling her this was stupid and could never work; the long hidden romantic side of brain saying 'it might work, give it a chance'. She'd always hated the 'Pretty Woman' movie.

Kirsty was first up and bright as a button, waking them both for breakfast. As they arrived into the kitchen she announced they were out of bread and milk and she was going to get some. As she left, Bill said, "How long did it take her to come up with that ploy?"

"All of two seconds." Jo said smiling, "How'd you sleep?"

Bill shrugged his shoulders, a sad half smile on his face.

"Yeah, me neither." Jo said.

As Jo made coffee Bill looked admiringly at the back of her, his heart aching.

"Thanks, I think we need to talk." He blurted out as she handed him his cup.

"Not before coffee." She replied; a delightful, cheeky grin on her face. Bill immediately felt a little brighter.

Jo was the first to speak, "Bill, I think you're a wonderful man and I have feelings for you that I never expected to have for anyone, but I meant what I said last night. I make no apologies for my life and I think things are far too weird and complicated for me to fall in love with you."

Bill was a bit taken a back, the 'fall in love' bit registering in his mind more than anything else. Eventually he managed, "I know this is a very strange situation. I live in a world where everything makes sense to me; I do things for a certain reason in a certain order." He took a breath, gathering his thoughts, "I'm confused, I've never felt this way about anybody, wanting to be with them, laugh with them, cry with them. I only met you a few days ago and this whole situation is fucking mad but please give me the chance to get to know you." He took another deep breath. Jo was staring directly into his eyes, he felt like it was into his soul. He took her hands, "This might sound crazy, but I have to say it, I love you."

Jo didn't believe in fairy tales but as she looked at Bill she really wanted to. She wanted to cry and she also wanted to laugh and leap about. Struggling to gather her thoughts and open her mouth she said, "Thank you." and leant forward to kiss him softly on the lips. She broke the kiss and placed her finger on his lip, stopping him from speaking "We'll take it slowly." She said, pulling him close and holding him tightly.

Bill was lightheaded with excitement and joy and could hardly stop talking. Jo told him to stop over analyzing it and to go with the flow, her own excitement tempered by a deep down dread and a nagging foreboding that this could never work.

Kirsty returned after an hour. "We thought you'd gone to bake the bread." Jo smiled.

"Sorry, I had to go to the furthest away supermarket I could think off."

She sensed that things were ok between Jo and Bill and didn't ask any questions, contented that she'd done enough for now. She set about cooking what was by now, brunch.

As they finished eating Kirsty said, "What are we going do about the cunt today?"

They both looked at Jo who just shrugged her shoulders.

"I'll see what's he's been up to today." Bill said as he opened up his laptop. "He's looked up the weather forecast and he's booked a family ticket to the zoo."

"It's so fucking annoying, this fucking cunt is carrying on like nothing ever happened, like he never did anything wrong."

"I know." Bill said, "I have one idea that just occurred to me. Will I just send him a message now just to annoy him, and then I'll tell you what I'm thinking."

Kirsty was looking out the window. "Tell him not to forget his umbrella." She said.

Bill smiled and sent off the text, he then got busy on his laptop. Kirsty and Jo sat drinking another coffee, smiling to each other as they watched him.

He lifted his head, the colour draining from his face "He's either very stupid or just doesn't care if he gets caught."

"What?" They said in unison.

"Well I thought I'd dig into his past, see if there was anything. Ten years ago a man by the same name was in court charged with aggravated sexual assault but found not guilty. I then went back to his computer, after a bit of digging about I found a file with photo's in." He stopped, wary of what to say next.

Already guessing at the answer, Jo asked "What's in the photos?"

"Sorry, there are pictures of women who've been beaten up, presumably by him. Some of them even have some time stamps on them."

"Am I in them?"

"I don't know, I baulked at looking too closely."

They all sat quietly, Jo fighting back tears.

"What are we going to do?" Kirsty asked.

"I don't know, this is bigger than us just fucking with his head, I think we need to tell the police."

"I don't want to talk to the police and anyway how will you explain the hacking."

"I think we could print off the photos, especially those with time stamps. Send them anonymously to the police with a note saying whose computer they came from. They might be able to link him to outstanding investigations and even if they can't, he'll have lots of questions to answer."

Jo nodded, "Don't send any photo's of me." She got up and left the room, going and lying on her bed.

Kirsty set him up on their printer. He convinced her to look at some photo's that could have been Jo's body and once they were satisfied that they didn't have any of her, they printed them off. Bill typed a letter explaining where the photos came from before putting them all in an envelope.

"Now it's just a case of waiting to see if the police arrest him. I'm going to try and cover my tracks, detach myself from his devices."

"He's a fucking psycho, how can you be so calm?"

"Believe me I'm not calm, I'm scared. I'm just trying to stay focused and get this done."

"I'm going to check on Jo, you staying here or going home?"

"I should go home for a bit, but I'd like to say goodbye to Jo."

"Maybe she just needs a bit of space. You know that's she fond of you but things are very fucked up at the moment."

"I know. Tell her to phone me later if she wants to. Are you going to college Monday?"

"Don't know yet, probably not."

"Ok. I'll phone you later to see how Jo is, phone me anytime."

Bill went home and tried unsuccessfully to concentrate on marking some student papers. He phoned Kirsty about seven and she said that Jo was still in bed, not sleeping, just staring at the ceiling. She hadn't asked Jo but maybe he should phone her in a little while. He said he would.

"How you doing Jo?"


There was a pause as Bill struggled for words to say.

"I can't begin to imagine how you're feeling. All I can tell you is that I care about you. And I'm here for you, whatever you need."

"Thank you."

"Will I tell you a silly joke?"


"I'm glad you said that because I can't actually think of one at the moment."

Jo smiled to herself.

"Bill, be patient with me."

"You know I will."

"Good night Bill."

"Good night my special lady."

It was Tuesday evening before Bill visited the apartment again; excited and nervous to see Jo again even though he had spoken to her on the phone a couple of times each day. He'd picked up the evening paper at the tube station and was excited to show Jo and Kirsty.

"Have you seen this?"

They both shook their heads. Bill showed them the headline, 'Police Make Breakthrough' 'Police today arrested a man in connection with multiple sexual assaults'

"It doesn't give too many details but from what I've read I'm sure it's him."

"Do you think the police will come round here?" Jo asked.

"I don't think so, but even if they did, you're a victim. If they did me for hacking, so what? At least this scum is off the streets."

"I don't want you to be arrested."

"Nor do I, but I'm not going to worry about it. Now, have you two eaten? What take away do you fancy?"

They decided on Indian and Bill asked should he order the hottest dish on the menu, to prove what a man he was.

"There's no need, we've seen you cry already." Jo said

"Cheeky!" Bill was secretly delighted as the banter continued and Jo seemed relaxed and happy.

As the night wore on Kirsty left them alone in the living room.

"I better be going soon, I have to be up early for work."

"Would you like to stay here, with me?"

"Of course I would, but only if you want me to."

"I do, I need to cuddle you."

They kissed, cuddled and fumbled on the sofa.

"Did you bring your PJ's?"

"I left them at home."

"That's ok, I'll wear two pairs, one for both of us."

As it turned out Jo did wear her PJ's and Bill kept his boxers on, their cuddling the most beautiful thing either of them had ever experienced. The only awkward moment being when Jo put her leg across him, landing on his obvious erection.


"Don't be, it's allowed." Jo said, as she snuggled her head into his chest, a big, contented smile on her face.

Jo never went back to sex work. She wasn't physically able for a couple of weeks and then just couldn't face it. Bill never asked her to give it up, never even mentioning it, saying it was her life.

One night she was reading an article about teaching, she read it a couple of times and wondered could she ever do that type of work.

The End.

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SpencerfictionSpencerfictionover 3 years ago
Nice romance

Good premise, sweet characters, good grammar (even texting) and a violent and abusive cunt taken off the streets as a bonus. Excellent 5* entertainment.

unctadskunctadskover 3 years ago
Good one

Please keep churning more stories. Good romantic writers are becoming less.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
My 2 cents

A nice story. A little slow in some places, but it is in the romance section. I liked the characters and the premise of the story. Still a 5 star effort. Thanks for your time and imagination.

BigHornyMeBigHornyMeover 3 years ago
Too short

It's a brilliant story, bit you stopped too soon. You could have filled many pages with the transition of Jo, and her acceptance of a new future. And of Bill, of course.

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