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Tropical Cuckold Hotel

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Drugged and forced to watch the hotel owner fuck his wife.
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This story contains cheating, manipulation, drugging, lying, cuckoldry, big cock worship, unfairness, humiliation, and a character forced into gay sexual experiences.


My wedding night hadn't gone as planned. I couldn't perform when it counted, if you know what I'm saying. I loved my new wife, Jenny, so much. I didn't want to disappoint her.

We were now on the first night of our honeymoon at an expensive tropical hotel. I sipped a beer at the bar while Jenny waited upstairs in the room for me. I was terrified I'd disappoint in the bedroom again.

The owner of the hotel spotted me and came over. A huge, hairy man by the name of Arnie. He had to be sixty or sixty-five, balding, with a big gut. I found him a bit creepy, but he seemed pretty nice, except for the way I noticed him checking out girls. The way he eyed Jenny made me sort of uneasy. I tried not to give it much thought.

"Drinking alone? I figured you two honeymoon lovebirds would be enjoying your first night in the privacy of the suite together." Arnie chuckled.

"I'm headed up there now," I finished off my beer and answered him.

"Never seen anyone with a tasty morsel like that new wife of yours be so unenthusiastic about it," he remarked. "What's up, kid?"

I didn't really want to share my problems with this guy. "It's nothing."

"You'd be upstairs right now if it were nothing." He gave me a greasy smile. "You can tell me. Owning this place and working here all these years I've become kind of an expert on relationship problems."

I wanted him to stop pestering me. "We don't have relationship problems," I told him defensively. "It's just... I'm kind of tense right now."

"Ah, I know what you mean. The pressures of the bedroom are getting to you," he said. Arnie shifted his eyes around the bar and then said, "I probably shouldn't be offering you this, but I've got these pills. They'll loosen you up and keep your cock hard all night. If you take one I guarantee your new wife will be screaming in orgasmic bliss tonight." He took a small bag with a pill in it out of his pocket and offered it to me.

"Thanks, but I don't want it."

"Take it with you just in case you change your mind."

In an effort to be polite I took the pill and nervously stuffed it in my shirt pocket. I told Arnie I should be getting back to the room and he let me go without any more trouble.

My nerves were starting to get to me again as I got back to the suite. Jenny and the expectation of a night filled with passionate lovemaking awaited me.

"There you are, Brent. I missed you." Jenny greeted me with a kiss. She looked stunning in the sexy robe one of her bridesmaids had given her as a wedding gift. I love her with all my heart, often feeling that she's too good for me. She's a thin brunette with big, expressive eyes that everyone immediately falls in love with.

We continued to kiss. She smelled so nice. Our lips pulled apart and she told me before we went any further that she wanted to freshen up for me. I sat in the chair across from the bed and waited for her. She had no idea how nervous I felt. I wanted so badly to wow her, to give her the honeymoon of her dreams.

Giving the pill Arnie offered me a chance didn't sound so silly now. Nearing a nervous fit, I retrieved the pill from my shirt pocket and swallowed it. A couple minutes passed and I didn't feel a thing. The damn thing was probably a dud.

Jenny returned from the bathroom. She was wearing her new honeymoon lingerie that I'd only gotten a small peek at until then. She was so beautiful I wanted to cry.

"Ready for me?" she asked with a kinky smile.

I realized something was wrong when I tried to answer her and my mouth wouldn't move. I discovered I couldn't get my arms or legs to budge no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't even open my mouth.

"Oh, I get it. You want me to come to you." Jenny didn't understand that anything was wrong yet. She leaned over my lap and started to kiss me. She stopped when I didn't react to it and asked with a puzzled expression on her pretty face, "What's wrong?"

My mouth still wouldn't open and I couldn't get myself to say anything. In my head I was beyond panic, but I had no way of telling her that.

"Are you playing a game with me? What's wrong!" I could give her no response. "Oh my god. What's going on? Brent!" She became more frantic. "I don't know what's happening. I'm going to call for help."

Jenny was searching through her purse for her phone when a knock could be heard at the door. She darted out of the bedroom and into the main room. She opened the door to the room.

"I thought you two might enjoy a free bottle of champagne on the house to celebrate your wedding," I could hear Arnie say from the other side of the door.

"You've got to help. Something's wrong with Brent!" Jenny cried.

She brought Arnie into the bedroom where I was seated. He put the champagne and glasses down to examine me. His huge body got a little too close to mine for comfort, but I was unable to say anything about it.

I could tell how distressed Jenny was, wearing revealing lingerie she hadn't even thought to cover up before answering the door. I noticed Arnie glancing over at her as much as he was looking at me.

"I'll call an ambulance," Jenny decided.

"Don't bother," Arnie told her. "You'll just rack up a huge hospital bill. I've seen this before. A local probably sold him some pills promising to get him high. They steal them from the animal clinic."

That wasn't true. I wasn't looking to get high. He'd given me the pills! Arnie patted my shirt pocket. "Here!" he said. He reached in and pulled out the little bag that had contained the pill. Arnie showed the bag to Jenny.

"What? You're saying he tried to get high on our honeymoon?"

"It's more common than you think. The good news is it should wear off by morning. He probably won't be able to move much til then."

It broke my heart as I witnessed my wife begin to cry. The worst part was I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted badly to console her. "The first night of our honeymoon and Brent can barely blink his eyes," she sobbed. "This was supposed to be a special night for both of us."

"Try to calm down, sweetheart." Arnie popped open the champagne and poured a glass. "A little bubbly will help with your nerves." He handed her the glass.

It dawned on Jenny that she was standing there crying in her lingerie. She put the robe she'd been wearing earlier back on and took the glass from him.

"Take a seat," he told her.

Jenny sat down on the bed and took a sip of champagne before starting to sob more openly again. "I can't believe he did this on our honeymoon."

I wanted to tell her it wasn't true. That Arnie was playing some kind of cruel joke on us and I just wanted to make her happy. Arnie reacted to her fresh round of tears by sitting on the bed next to her. I watched that fat slob put his arm around her and pat her on the back.

"It's going to be okay. Drink a little more champagne. It'll help."

Jenny took a deep breath and a few more small sips. "I must look like a mess. Thank you for being here and helping me," she told him. "That was supposed to be Brent's job."

"No problem," he said, rubbing his hand across my wife's back and wiping a tear off her cheek with the other. "You shouldn't suffer here all night because of his stupid decisions. Clean yourself up, put on a pretty dress, and I'll show you around the island? I know all the best spots. It'll take your mind off this. There's no reason you should suffer with him." He handed her a tissue.

I tried to scream out, to shout to her. I wanted to say, "No, don't go anywhere with that bastard! He caused this!" My mouth just wouldn't open.

Jenny rubbed the tears out of her eyes. "I, I don't know. I shouldn't leave him."

"He'll be here when you get back and you'll feel much better."

Jenny looked at me and bit her lip. "Okay, but not for long. Just give me five minutes." Arnie helped her up. She gave him a small thankful smile through the tears and then went to clean up and change.

The bathroom door closed and Arnie looked at me with a big grin. "She smells like heaven, doesn't she? I could hardly contain myself being so close. I don't want you worrying about her. I'm going to take good care of her. You should read a magazine or something while we're gone." The big bastard chuckled.

If I could have moved I would have gotten up and punched him right in the face. The big, old fat ass had planned all along to drug me and take my girl out. It had to be the only way a girl like Jenny would look at him.

I told myself that Jenny would come home safely and the next day we'd leave this hotel forever. I'd tell her everything that happened and I'd write up a lot of bad reviews for this place online. Maybe even file a complaint with the police or whatever equivalent for the Better Business Bureau this shitty tropical island had. I was livid and I couldn't even show it.

The bathroom door open. Jenny took all of the oxygen out of the room in a gorgeous blue dress, with fresh makeup, and her hair down.

"You look beautiful," Arnie delivered the words I couldn't. "I can't wait to show you around the island." He grinned.

"Thank you," Jenny replied with a bashful smile. She came over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead before they left together.

I cursed my situation. I couldn't do anything but think about what was happening to me. I don't know how much time passed. They were gone much longer than I thought they would be. My nose itched but I couldn't scratch it. I stared at the wall and the bed for what must have been hours in complete silence.

I perked up when I heard the door to the suite finally open. After several failed attempts I found I still couldn't say anything or move. I heard laughter, but I couldn't even turn my head and look.

I listened to more laughter from the main room and other strange noises. Then I heard Jenny's voice. "Oh, Arnie. What are you doing?" She giggled.

"You were great tonight. So sexy. I wanted you from the moment I saw you," Arnie told her.

Jenny giggled again and let out a little moan. I started to get angry sitting there. Why was she letting him talk to her like that? I heard more disturbing noises. I could deny no longer that it sounded like kissing and groping. My wife was letting that slob feel her up in the other room!

"Thank you for showing me such a good time tonight. I really needed it," she told him. She let a bunch of small moans, I could only imagine what he was doing to elicit them.

"The night isn't over yet."

"Oh, Arnie, you can't mean..." She giggled again.

"Feel this and tell me what I mean."

"Arnie!" she shrieked. My hopes rose that she was finally going to show him the door. "Oh my god! That's huge! I've never touched anything that big in my life." My hopes came crashing down.

"You're going to do more than touch."

"You're kidding," she said before they kissed again. "We can't."

I desperately tried and failed to regain control of my body. I prayed Jenny would come to her senses and kick that son of a bitch out of our suite right now. The thought of them having sex sickened me.

It sounded like he'd lifted her up in his arms. "Arnie! We can't go in the bedroom. Brent's sitting right there!"

"With what he took, he won't have any idea what's going on."

That old bastard was lying. I could see and hear everything, I just couldn't do anything about it. Arnie carried my new wife into the room where I was and laid her down on the bed. I had to suffer through watching them kiss and fondle each other. I couldn't believe Jenny would ever let that big, disgusting slob touch her, or want to touch him back.

I tried to beg Jenny with my eyes, to somehow send a message to her to stop this. It didn't matter what I did. She wasn't paying attention anyway. Her attention was focused on the massive bulge in Arnie's pants.

Arnie removed both of their clothes. I thought I could feel a tear run down my cheek as he pulled her little panties off and flung them in my direction. His huge, hairy body was revolting as he laid on top of my wife.

That's when I saw his cock for the first time. The enormous, throbbing monster sent a chill through me. My eyes would have been bulging out if they could at the sight of that huge tip and the long, fat shaft covered in blue veins. Jenny's eyes bulged for me. There was no way she could take that, I thought, but there was a look of lust in her eyes like I'd never seen before.

"My god, Arnie! It's so fucking big and beautiful. That thing could destroy my pussy!"

How could she say that, I wondered. His dick was vile and disgusting. I wanted to know how she could let that monstrous thing near her.

I watched him enter her tiny pussy. She clung to his huge body and screamed as the huge head pushed inside her. I watched his hips slide into her. Not even half of his shaft was in and she was already scratching at his back like some kind of wild animal. It was the most vulgar display I'd seen in my life and I literally could not look away no matter how much I tried.

"You're so tight," he said, reveling in her pleasures. "This is Arnie's pussy now." His fat ass raised off the bed and then crashed back down. Jenny screamed in pleasure.

"Yes, Arnie! Fuck me! Holy shit! Fuck me!"

"This is what a real man feels like inside you." Arnie laughed. He began to thrust his huge prick in and out of her cunt. I could see and hear everything. Jenny's writhing body, Arnie's pounding cock, and moans of pleasure.

"Yes! Oh, oh, fuck, Arnie! Teach me what a real man is!" Jenny cried.

This was really happening. My beautiful, young wife was really letting this big, old bastard fuck her! And he was giving her more pleasure doing it than I ever could. I knew now that this was the way she looked and these were the things she said when she was being made love to by a real man.

Jenny's moans and screams were so loud I wondered if the whole floor could hear. Arnie didn't take it easy on her. He really fucked the crap out of her, pile driving her pussy like some whore off the street. He made Jenny feel every pound of his sweating 300-pound frame on top of her and every fat inch of his almost foot long cock inside her.

The stink of their sex penetrated my nostrils. Arnie's unpleasant, thick, masculine odor filled the air. Sweat dripped off his gargantuan body and dripped on the bed. My wife screamed every time he rammed that humongous cock of his into her cunt.

"You're going to make me cum, Arnie! Oh god, you're fucking me harder! Oh... I'm cumming!" Jenny shook around on the bed like she was having a seizure, her piercing screams made my blood curdle.

Old Arnie didn't let up. His massive hips and fat butt bounced up and down, over and over again, he impaled little Jenny on his immense manhood. The bed whistled and squealed beneath them, sounding like it might come crashing down at any moment.

"This little cunt is going to milk the cum right out of me! Shit. Your husband is a lucky man!" the bastard laughed. "But your hot snatch ain't gonna be as tight for him anymore once I'm through with it!" He buried his dick balls deep into her. I could see her little, inflamed pussy lips stretching around his girth.

"You have such a huge cock! I can't feel anything else! Fuck! You're making me cum again!" Jenny cried.

"I'm going to fill your cunt!" Arnie shouted, slapping his big body into her. His eyes crunched shut. I watched his ass and his legs tremble and knew that he was coating the inside of my wife's pussy in his seed. She cried back at him in orgasmic bliss just like he had promised me she would earlier that night at the bar. I assumed it would be my cock shooting inside her at the time instead of his.

The seconds ticked away as they slowly came down from their carnal high. Arnie eventually pulled his cock free from her smashed pussy.

"Thanks for making me feel better tonight," she told him. It felt like a painful understatement. She smiled in the afterglow of what they'd done.

"Any time," he said, and I believe he meant it.

"Will you bring Brent over to the bed for me? He can't sit up like that all night. I'll sleep better with him next to me."

I shuddered. That stinking, sweaty bed they'd just copulated on was the last place I wanted to be. Arnie stood up and came over to me. His hairy, hulking body was still naked. Worst of all, the huge, fat snake dangling between his legs, glistening with my wife's pleasure juices, was right at my eye level.

He picked me up like I was nothing and carried me over to the bed. Arnie laid me down next to Jenny. The bed reeked, I would have covered my nose if I could.

"Goodnight," Arnie said. He leaned over the bed to kiss Jenny and feel her body again. Doing so caused his testicles to flop down right on my face. His giant, stinky nuts covered my mouth, nose and eyes. I was frantic in my head about it with no way of showing it. These sweaty testicles had just given up their load inside my wife and now they were flopping around on my face.

Arnie had to know his massive balls were rolling around on top of me. The old, wrinkly skin of his scrotum got in my mouth and blanketed my nose. I couldn't breathe. It was humiliating and disgusting to a degree that felt unimaginable. I hated their foul odor. His heavy, low-hanging testes were almost the size of oranges. Being stuck under them made me feel so humiliated and degraded.

"Arnie, look! Your balls fell on his face!" Jenny cried.

"Sorry about that." Arnie chuckled. He started to heft them off of me, but then, almost like a joke, he smacked them right back down on my face. He rolled them around my face again. I felt heartbroken when I heard Jenny laughing along with him.

When Arnie finally lifted his huge nuts off, he kept them right above my face. The fat, old bastard started to swing them back and forth just above me. I felt more helpless than a baby. I noticed his cock begin to harden.

"I think his eyes are following them," Arnie said.

"Mine are. I wish you could stay." To my horror, Jenny scooted closer and began to suck on his meaty testicles just above me.

"Oh, that feels nice." He moaned. "Why don't I spend the night? Your hubby probably won't be moving much until late morning. I could be out of here by then."

Jenny popped the big nut she was sucking out of her mouth. It landed on my forehead with a wet slap. She smiled up at Arnie. "That's a great idea."

Jenny went to freshen up, this time really needing it, leaving me alone with Arnie. My wife could barely walk to bathroom after the fucking that big son of a bitch had given her. Arnie was "kind" enough to finally take his balls out of the way of my face.

"You're really a lucky guy. I could get used to a girl like her." He laughed. The thought made me freeze up worse. Arnie scooped something off the bed I couldn't see until he brought it to my mouth.

It was cum! The semen that had leaked onto the bed out of Jenny's sore pussy. He rubbed the sticky, disgusting spillage on my lips. "How's that taste? I bet you like it, beautiful." He chuckled. I counted down the seconds until Jenny came out of the bathroom and hoped that she would at least put a stop to whatever this was of all things.

Arnie took another glob and rubbed it across my lips again, I could taste some get in my mouth this time. Then he declared, "You're overdressed." I felt another chill on my spine once I realized he meant to take my clothes off.

I couldn't fight or object as Arnie stripped me naked. I was relieved to hear the bathroom door open right afterwards, for fear of what he might do next if left alone any longer.


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