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Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 01

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How did two men and the camera coax out her hidden desires?
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/30/2022
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How It Began

It was another 9:00 AM Fine Arts class at the college. Professor Edwards was droning on about the characteristics of the Art Nouveau style, while the jocks at the back of the lecture theatre reclined in their uncomfortable seats. Several had their eyes closed, their arms hanging by their sides instead of taking notes. A few of them audibly snored their lack of interest. This was supposed to be a 'bird course', so why make any effort?

It was a different story in the front rows. There, some attentive and attractive young women eagerly recorded notes on their devices, seeming to hang off every word. Their intense interest was such a sharp contrast to the back of the room.

"This slide catches the essence of Art Nouveau," Edwards stated loudly in an effort to wake the slumbering. The front of the room snapped to the alert.

"It's drawn from nature itself. See the sinuous curves in the form, and the repeated motifs. Notice an other-worldly artistic look. It would have been much cheaper to simply construct a concrete box like we see everywhere in the city today. But this is art, and Sagrada Familia basilica by Gaudi is as much about form as function."

Unfortunately, few saw anything, except those seated in the first rows of the room. Who cared about some old building in Barcelona that looks like melted candles or a water-poured sandcastle?

Professor Edwards' friend Mr. Dennison had entered the lecture theatre as he talked. He could see the lovely young women up front following every word, as well as the clods slumbering at the back. He was a Literature instructor, well aware of the disinterested male student population. He waited patiently before speaking to Professor Edwards as the class filed out.

"Ready for coffee, William? I see you have the same interest problem that I get in my sections. Keeners up front and dullards at the back. There must be some way to get them motivated too."

"Sure, let's talk about it. Any ideas?"

Ronald Dennison nodded, and they shuffled off to a favourite corner of the cafeteria before getting into the conversation.

"I see you have a couple of real lookers in there," Ronald remarked. "I'm sure you must notice them. Easy on the eyes."

"Yes, and everything tight too. I try not to stare."

"You know William, they could be the solution to your problem. I'll bet the back of the room would be wide awake if you were showing attractive women dressed in Art Nouveau clothing instead of projecting old buildings. Especially if they showed lots of curves or skin."

"You've got a point there, Ronald. Clothing styles follow art every bit as much as architecture does."

"You like photography. Imagine if you could get a couple of those girls from the front rows to model for you. I could borrow the clothes from my friend in the Theatre Department- they have a big room full of the stuff. I'll bet some of those babes would love to help you out."

"Marvellous idea, old man! There are some I could talk to later this week."


Petra didn't know what to make of her prof's request that she come to his office after the day's class. She liked him- maybe a bit too much- and always kept up with her work. She'd done well on all the tests and scored a high grade on her first big assignment. What could this be about?

She was very attractive, twenty-one, and in her final year at the college. Tall and lanky, Petra had a nice set on her and shiny, black hair, which accentuated her 'artsy' Goth look. She didn't go out of her way to attract male attention, though she got plenty of it. But most of them were just 'boys' to her because she was drawn to older guys- like Professor Edwards. A good-looking, mid-thirties man, he kept her awake at night, sometimes with one hand in her panties lusting for him.

Petra was experienced but she was between boyfriends and missing what they could do for her in bed. The most recent one, a seminar group leader last semester, was at least ten years older than her. Things had developed slowly before he began staying overnight. Then Vincent convinced her to experiment a bit sexually, gradually taking her well beyond straight fucking into deep-throat oral, and pleasurable anal. Call it Petra's extracurricular skills training.

Older men like Vince brought out deep feelings of arousal that she hadn't been able to satisfy since they'd fallen out. Professor Edwards had no idea about Petra's hidden talents.

"Ms. Stanwick, thanks for coming to see me."

"I hope there's no problem, Professor. I try my best and...."

"Oh no, you're doing very well. One of the best! It's something else."

"Something else? What?"

"I need your help to 'get to' some of my students. They're not interested in art, especially in architectural examples like I used again today. My friend, Mr. Dennison suggested another way."

Petra waited to see where this was going. Edwards took a deep breath, then plunged into it.

"Would you be willing to pose for me in period clothing to illustrate artistic styles, like Art Nouveau, for example? I can borrow beautiful costume clothing for you to wear. I am an accomplished amateur photographer and I assure you complete discretion. Does this interest you? In fact, since it would take up some of your time, I would count it as your final course assignment."

Petra was stunned. Her cute prof was asking her to pose for him and offering to have it count toward her final mark. She thought about it briefly, then remarked:

"It sounds like fun, but if you're going to show these in class, everyone will see me. I don't want all those clowns in the back bothering me."

"There'd be a matching eye-mask for each outfit. I checked and the college Theatre Department has everything- jewelry, accessories, hats, shoes, handbags. You would find it fun dressing up, I'm sure."

She thought about it some more. Posing in artistic clothes for her fantasy professor, then being projected anonymously as a model in his Fine Arts classes. All this for a high final mark. It was appealing.

"OK, maybe I'll try it. Where will you take the pictures?"

"I have an apartment just off-campus. I'll give you the address. I'd like to start with Art Nouveau and Art Deco items, my next topic, but I'll need time to get everything from the theatre connection. How would next Friday evening work out for you, Ms. Stanwick?"

"Fine. About 7:00? And you can call me Petra since we're working together now."

"I will. Out of class, I'm William. Incidentally, this was my friend Mr. Dennison's idea, a Literature lecturer. Do you mind if he comes to help? He's got the theatre connection and will be bringing the costumes. I'll take the photos."

"OK, as long as I have full privacy to get ready and change."

"Assured, Ms. Stan.... Petra. You will enjoy this."

Ms. Stanwick wore a silly grin as she made her way back home that day. She still found it hard to believe that she would be going to her favourite prof's apartment to pose for him. It all seemed almost sinful- right in line with her midnight masturbatory fantasies about the man. He'd be looking at her body, no doubt, turning her this way and that to get the best camera angles.

Petra could feel herself getting wet as she imagined thrusting out her chest to show him her tits or spreading her legs seductively and tilting her pelvis upward. This was going to be so much fun! And with Mr. Dennison there too. Oh my god, another attractive 'thirtyish' guy watching her flaunt her body for the camera! Next Friday evening couldn't come fast enough.

In both classes the following week, Petra found herself making frequent eye-contact with Professor Edwards. He couldn't know that since the day he'd asked about modelling, she'd been getting herself off frequently. She practiced posing in front of her mirror with the sexiest underthings she owned, working on seductive stances and looks. Selfies took it to the next level when she was really aroused, shot as reflections from her bathroom mirror.

The professor couldn't know how things ended up the night before her second class that week. Petra had propped the phone in front of her and made a little video in which she worked herself to orgasm. Spread wide and feeling herself cum so hard was the sexiest thing she had ever recorded! Afterward she quickly deleted her all-too-revealing images. But she remembered them now as she sat smiling at William while he talked and projected more boring pictures of old buildings to his sleeping class.


On Friday evening everything was ready. Mr. Dennison had transferred a trove of artistic costumes and accessories from the Theatre Department and set up a dressing room of sorts in Professor Edwards' spare bedroom. William lived there alone, divorced for several years. He'd bought some wine- a Rhine white and a light Merlot- in case the young model had a case of nerves before her photographic debut. It was set out in the kitchenette, along with three glasses.

Edwards had his extensive collection of professional camera gear ready in the apartment lounge area: digital camera on a tripod, three big spotlights, lighting screens in various locations, a large white backdrop across the wall behind the sofa. Piles of fat pillows lay on the carpet and all the plush furniture. To the wary it would have looked like a den of seduction.

Petra was a bit wary herself when she arrived, now having second thoughts about what she had agreed to do. Seeing all the photo preparation in the room made her step back- she hadn't expected this level of sophistication.

"Professor Edwards... um... do we really need all this? I thought it would just be some simple photos for your lectures."

"And that's all it will be, Petra," he smiled. "But proper lighting and setting make the photos better than shooting without any forethought. I assure you that the results will look professional."

Then Mr. Dennison came in from the kitchenette with two glasses in his hand- a few ounces of red wine in one, some white in the other.

"Welcome, Ms. Stanwick! May I call you Petra?... Good. Which wine do you prefer? There's more in the kitchen if you want. William old man, pour yourself a glass before we begin. Choose one, Petra and I'll take the other."

Soon the three of them had cleared some cushions away so they could sit down. They chatted about the things Ronald had brought for her to wear, then William skipped out to the kitchen to refill her glass and his own. He could see that the model was beginning to relax and talk more comfortably about the evening ahead.

It was time to begin.

"There are some lovely Nouveau style things laid out for you on the bed, Petra," the professor told her. "Everything is there for your first outfit. Put on the dress, stockings, shoes, jewelry, long gloves, and shoulder bag. There's even a hat."

Petra was surprised how well everything fit her, although the stockings proved a problem. They required a garter belt to hold them up. However, she found what she needed among the little pile of items which Dennison had set out. After a final look in the full-length mirror on the back of the door, she was ready to go.

The two men were extremely complimentary when Petra emerged from the spare bedroom. Her tall, slim figure was perfect for the flowing lines of the long gown, and the big heels only accentuated that. The green dress hugged her fine shape and the filmy material almost seemed like lingerie. Everything coordinated well, and exemplified the century-old Art Nouveau style.

Feeling rather self-conscious, the model moved into the lighted space between the camera and the sofa. She steadied herself and listened for the photographer to give her instructions. While he fidgeted a bit more with the camera, Petra closely examined her male fantasy.

William was wearing some sort of a velvet-lapelled coat now, like something she'd once seen in an old movie. A smoking jacket, they called it. He'd changed while she was dressing, and now his hair was greased a bit and swept back in a style that matched the era of the coat. Evidently, the professor was going back in time with her!

"It helps me get into the mood," he explained when she drew attention to his changed appearance. "It puts the two of us into the same era. More fun that way, don't you think?"

Petra just smiled. Yes, it would be fun. She was relaxed and ready for a costume photo session with her fantasy man. Who could have ever guessed she'd be posing in her favourite prof's apartment while his friend looked on? She slipped on the sexy little eye mask provided and it was time.

"Ready now?"


"And begin. Very slowly walk across the room while the camera follows you. Look right above the lens. Smile like you're at a party.... Now stand in the centre of the room with your back to the camera.... Slowly turn your body to look over your shoulder at the lens.... Give your best model pout. Perfect!... Now the other side.... She's a natural, isn't she Ronald?"

"Yes, she is!"

"Take your hat off now. Grab it Ronald.... Shake your head and let all that lovely black hair spill across your shoulders.... Turn to the camera and slowly slide off each glove.... Give me a coy look while you do that."

Petra was having a good time. She'd always wanted to try modelling like this and now it was happening. She was ready to continue following William's instructions.

"Sit on the sofa now.... Turn sideways a bit so the camera sees the shape of your legs and those heels. Very nice.... Slowly slide your hands down one leg from the knee, then slip off a shoe.... Good, now the other side the same way.... Ronald, take them away so she doesn't trip."

Then the photographer explained that the next shots would show her relaxing on the sofa. He had his friend arrange cushions in the corner and help Petra shift sideways with her lower legs hanging over the edge. He told Dennison to put another cushion behind the model's lower back, making her proud tits thrust out.

"You look delightful, Petra. Bring your hand over to your ribs on the side facing me.... Slide it higher now, elbow back.... Give me a sultry stare. You're a femme fatale from another era! Very sexy!... Turn a bit toward the camera and do the same on the other side.... Yes, both at once now.... Arch your back. Oh my... great pose!"

Petra was ready to continue, quite aware that they were examining her projected tits. She was in the mood now, and the photographer knew it.

"We'll do a few more. Slide your hands up higher so they're just below your breasts. That's it.... Thumbs on your ribs and fingers under there.... Bring them up and look right at the camera.... Good.... Slide your thumbs inward so your hands cup the breasts. Right around.... Now lift and hold.... Pout for me.... Good.... And done for now."

It seemed very bold to touch herself, but Petra had willingly done everything the photographer asked for. It was time for a costume change to Art Deco. But first, Mr. Dennison went to the kitchenette and returned with the two half-empty wine bottles, pouring full glasses for each of them. It was hot under the lights and Petra quickly quaffed her white. Ronald was on hand immediately to pour another half glass for her.

"Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Dennison?" she joked in a silly voice that told him the wine was already affecting her.

"Call me Ronald. This is too much fun to be formal."

He smiled and glanced over at the professor, who returned a knowing grin. This seemed to be going quite well, so far.


Professor Edwards and Mr. Dennison had been friends since the former's divorce. Both were in their mid-thirties, red-blooded males with a taste for available women. They regularly prowled the high-end bars and clubs near the university, always on the lookout for classy ladies. If they met two, they were quick to lay on the charm. If they met one, they both moved in, hoping for a rare double. One way or another, they often scored.

Petra knew only about their academic side. She had no idea what they were hoping for from the photo session, although the "cup your breasts" shots should have been a strong clue. The model didn't sense the imminent danger because alcohol had linked with her masturbatory fantasies about Professor Edwards to chip away at good sense.

"Are you enjoying posing in these period costumes, Petra?" Dennison asked.

"Oh yes, very much. This is fun, even exciting."

"You have lovely legs. It's a shame that so little of them show below that long gown," Edwards commented.

"The nylons are perfect," Mr. Dennison added. "You must have found how to keep them up."

"Yes, the garter belt worked well," Petra replied without any hesitation, so the professor took things a step farther.

"I have an idea for some more photos before you change. Pass her the shoes, Ronald.... Now Petra, slip them on and stand up facing the camera.... Gradually begin to raise up your dress to show us more and more of those lovely legs.... Higher now. Great.... And up past your knees. Higher.... Above the tops of the nylons.... Hold it."

The men could see the white garter tabs and the little metal loops securing the coloured stockings. Her smooth, silky thighs above the stocking tops caught their attention too.

"Very nice.... Continue lifting slowly. More... more... almost there.... Now bring it over your bum.... Bunch up the dress behind you and sit in the edge of the sofa.... Knees sideways and apart a little.... More... wider.... Hold it and give a sexy stare at the camera.... Now look over at Ronald.... Perfect!"

Petra knew that the dress was at her waist, with most of her garter belt and thong on display. She could feel cool air wafting around the warmth coming from her pussy and sensed the dampness between her exposed legs. She was aroused displayed like this in front of the camera and two very attractive men. She knew they could see the fullness of her sex, the prominence of her mound, but she didn't really care. However, Petra was unaware that her thong was visibly quite wet.

"These are wonderful art photos, Petra. You've been posing for almost an hour and done so well! Ronald has left your Art Deco costume on the dresser. Freshen up in the bathroom and put on some bright red lipstick for this next one."

When Petra looked in the bathroom mirror, she could see that her makeup needed some work. She was sweating from the hot spotlights in the lounge, and her heart was racing too. She'd been drinking but there was something else too- arousal! Petra could feel her stiffened nipples pressing inside her bra as her body screamed for sex.

"Maybe I should skip the second outfit and leave before I get carried away?" she briefly pondered.

Instead, lust over-ruled good sense, as she slipped out of the Nouveau outfit and examined the second one. Not graceful and flowing like the first costume, this one was bold and angular. The black top had conical support sewn right into it, two pointed cups for her breasts, no bra necessary. It fit tightly and the white skirt tapered down to her knees, almost hobbling them.

Bold aluminum jewelry for her neck and wrists was complemented by a matching tiara. It was a bit like the one worn by the iconic deco Chrysler Building in New York City. Her big black heels and sequined eye mask finished the look.

"Oh my!" she whispered to herself as she took one last look in the mirror. "This is amazing! I feel so sexy right now. Like a goddess!"

Then she strode confidently back into the lounge and positioned herself in front of the camera. She cocked her hip to one side and put a hand to the other, elbow bent out.

"I'm ready."

"Fuck!" Ron Dennison gasped out loud. "Beautiful!"

"I feel that way in this one. Like a movie star from the Thirties!"

Both men wondered what it would take to get their sexy model naked. She seemed a little drunk and very relaxed. Above all, she was obviously having a good time posing for them.


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