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Call Me

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She goes to meet her idol and gets more than she expected.
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I run down the street, feet slapping the sidewalk, breath rushing through me.

I hadn't wanted to miss the first band but the train was delayed and I now was in danger of missing you, the one I'd come all this way to see.

I catch sight of the venue ahead and relief, followed by adrenaline, rushes through me. I rummage through my bag and find the ticket, still running. My watch says 7.55 when I finally reach the door. The bouncer grins and checks my ticket "You're just in time miss" I gasp my thanks and push inside, checking my bag at the cloakroom. I don't want anything to get in the way tonight.

The venue is small and crowded, walls painted matt black and slapped with tattered posters. The lights are dim but the stage was still empty as I walk into the main room. Sweaty black clad people stand and chat, holding cans of lager and smoking. I take a deep breath, inhaling the smells, smoke, sweat, spilled beer and stage smoke. The bar is busy and I push my through to buy a drink, downing it quickly to soothe my thirst.

I check my watch again. 8.15. Slipping through the crowd, I scan for the best spot. I don't want to be crushed against the barrier, I needed to move, so I place myself around two rows back, in the centre, with a good view of where you will be. Moments later the lights go down and the crowd press around me, hot sweaty bodies on all sides, whistles and shrieks in my ears. The blackness is soft, velvet on my eyes. My skin hums under it.

Your voice comes at me out of that velvet darkness, rough and sweet, and my stomach turns over. The music starts, first guitar, ripping the air, then bass and drums, throwing the people round me up into the air, roars out of their throats. And then your voice, tearing through the speakers, making the crowd surge forward. This is it. The stage fills with light and there you are, tight black jeans, black t shirt and long hair, one foot up on the monitor, leaning out over the crowd as you sing . I scream along with them, arms stretched out towards you, willing you to notice me as you scan the crowd with your deep brown eyes. You do. Your eyes catch mine and you stop, just for a second, but you take me in, seeing me. I feel the blood rush to my head as you gaze, singing out to me, throwing your hair over your shoulder, pushing your body forwards, that smile playing across your lips. Then you're gone, running over the stage, leaping, jumping. All the time that voice pouring out of you and into the crowd. Two songs go by, three, brief, raw, buzzing with sex, and the crowd is getting wild.

This is different, unlike any show I've ever been to. There's sex in the air. I watch you, see you watch the crowd, smile at our need for you. You're stirring us up, urging us to sing with you, to scream for you. We comply, willingly, our bodies pressed together in one shifting mass, hips against asses, hands on bare skin. You catch my eye again and grin, your eyes flashing, your face full of arousal. I watch you, trying to see if it's just for me, you're pointing, singing your words out to the crowd but you keep coming back to look straight at me. The song ends and you step back, tearing off your tshirt and tucking it into your waistband. You run your hand over your chest, caressing yourself, fingers moving through the hair there and down, over your stomach and into your jeans. My heart is racing, my body sweating, reacting to the look in your eyes, the movement of your half naked body. I reach to you but you're too far away. You laugh, and stand straight, throwing your hair back, gesturing to the crowd.

Now people around me are throwing off their clothes too, a girl beside me is in just her bra and shorts, a man kissing her neck as she writhes to the music. The man in front of me pulls off his tshirt and throws it on stage, his tattooed back gleaming as he punches the air. Now suddenly everywhere I look people are getting undressed, dropping tshirts and bras, unbuttoning jeans. The couple next to me, he has his hand in her bra and she's pressing back into his crotch, his hard cock clearly visible in his jeans. I watch as he pulls her bra down, her nipples hard under his fingers, sweat running down over her breasts, her mouth open, head back.

He's unbuttoning her shorts, one hand sliding inside, the other between them as he wrestles with his own fly. Someone shoves me from the left and I fall into her, my hands on her hips, her shorts sliding away. Her eyes snap open and look into mine, pupils huge with lust. I'm not thinking as I lean in and kiss her, her tongue pushing into my mouth. She grabs my face, pulling me in, the pressure from the man behind her pushing her into me. I feel her groan into my mouth and she grabs my hand, bringing it up to her breast. I stop, frozen for a moment. She opens her eyes and stares at me. His hand is inside her shorts now, and she pushed he breasts towards me. I look into her eyes again and then bend and run my tongue over her nipple and bring into my mouth, sucking and nibbling, feeling her knees go and her partner's hand slide deeper into her shorts. Another shove and I'm replaced by a huge bearded man, shirtless and unzipped. Your music still rages, people pushing and pressing on all sides now, no rhythm to it, just lust.

I turn back to you, eyes wide, and you're staring straight at me, still singing to me, your torso bare and sweaty, as you start to unbutton your jeans.

I'm a doll on the waves as I watch, stumbling on discarded clothing as people start to fuck around me.

You slide the mic into the stand and climb onto the monitors. Once up you spread your arms wide and fall, hair flying, into the crowd. The guitars grind on, drums marking the beat of the passion all around. The tattooed man catches you, lowering your feet to the floor, his hands supporting your chest. You kiss, reaching up to his mouth as your hands slide down his ass, pulling him in.

Hands come from behind me, pulling away my tshirt, lifting it over my head, turning me round. Another woman is there, dyed red hair over her forehead, holding my shirt in her fist. She steps forward, squeezes my waist with her fingers, licking her dark red lips, and leans to kiss my neck. I let her, feeling teeth on my skin as she pulls me close. My blood is thumping through every nerve, I'm out of control of my body as I thrust against her, one leg sliding between hers, pressing up, pushing my pussy against hers. Her breasts are bare and she pulls down my bra, rubbing my nipple with her thumb. Her kisses travel across my body, her tongue running under my breast, and round my navel as she kneels, sliding down my jeans and panties. I gasp as her tongue finds my clit, and spread my legs, letting her get closer. She runs her finger nails up my thighs and flicks her tongue over and over my clit, making me cry out. Now she softens her tongue, speeding broad strokes up and down, the rough surface of her tongue grazing my clit. I feel her fingers slide into me, reaching up and back trying to find my sweet spot. My head is spinning. Now more hands are on me, undoing my bra and cupping my breasts, rolling my nipples between fingers. I feel a hard cock in my back, sliding against my skin and I know it's you.

I lean back into you and your mouth replaces hers on my neck, one hand leaving my nipples and sliding down my stomach and into her hair. I open my eyes and the whole place is naked skin and sweat.

Tattooed guy is sliding his dick into a tall woman, it's enormously long, and his thrusts lift her off the ground. Behind her a blonde presses against her ass, one hand in her own cunt, eyes closed in the moment. Suddenly the red haired woman is gone, and it's just you and me, hot breath between us. I look at you, and you touch my face, that smile, sweet and dirty all at once, and we start to kiss. My pussy is soaking, my hips grind against you, desperate for your dick, one leg wrapping around your waist as your tongue slides over mine, the hair on your chest rubbing my nipples.

I push my hand down the back of your jeans, feeling your bare ass. Next to us another guy is getting his dick sucked, his face contorted in pleasure. I see you watching and slide down your body, kneeling in front of you on the sticky floor. I see your dick for the first time, so so hard, bumping with your heartbeat. I push my face in close, breathing in your scent, feeling you press back against me, one hand on the top of my head. I start low, running my tongue up the underneath of your dick, up to the head and then slipping it deep into my mouth, letting it slide into my throat as you grip harder on my hair. I hold your ass in both hands, sucking deep and long, sliding you in and out, my tongue pressing and flicking. Your dick feels so good.

You start to thrust hard into my mouth and I know you could cum soon. I need you in my pussy, and give one last lick over the head and stand up, blood racing. You moan, one hand pulling my face to yours for a kiss, and one hand on your dick, guiding it down to my hot wet hole. I stand on tip toe and you push inside, filling me with your hardness. We kiss again, your mouth open. My hands are all over you, lifting you into me, deeper and deeper.

Behind you a man thrusts in and out a woman's pussy from behind, reaching round to pinch her nipples while she rubs her clit.

All around us are people crying out and cumming, people touching themselves and each other while the music rages.

You fuck me harder and faster, your pubic bone bumping my clit, taking me closer and closer. I feel your cries as you come closer too, your teeth gritted, cock swelling inside me. I thrust back onto you, grinding our bodies together, my orgasm just out of reach, your breath rushing in my ear. You shift my body, lifting my leg up to your hip and I'm there, my cunt snaps shut around your cock and I scream in surprise as I start to cum, harder than I've ever felt, your cock slamming into me, faster and faster, and then you're cumming too. I feel you swell and pulse, feel the cum shoot out of you into me, my orgasm still pulsing around you as we cling to each other.

Someone kills the lights and we're in that velvet darkness again. The band, forgotten by all of us, has slowed, mirroring the rhythm of the bodies around us once again. You're tender now, your fingers finding my cheekbone and caressing me, kissing my mouth softly, holding me against the warmth of your body as our skin start to cool. I feel you pull a tshirt back over my head, and your hands carefully sliding my jeans back up over my ass, tugging the fly together.

I touch you in the darkness, feeling the smoothness of your skin, the muscles under the surface, the shape of your head under your long hair. Your hand slides into my jeans pocket at the back and you squeeze, pulling me to you one last time. Our kiss is long and sweet, even in the darkness I know every detail of your face. And then you're gone.

I reach out my hands but find someone else, a leather jacket, a shaved head. The band has stopped and I stand, ears ringing in the pitch darkness.

Suddenly the overhead lights flicker on, making us all squint and duck our heads. I search the crowd but you're gone. The stage is empty.

People try to grab their clothes as bouncers herd is back out into the street. "Goodnight now folks"

My watch says 12am. I stand on the sidewalk, buffeted by other people, and then find my way to the wall to lean against something. I see the red haired woman go past, her lipstick smudged away, bra in her pocket. I look down at myself and realise I'm wearing your shirt. You've given me your shirt. I slip my hand into my back pocket and find a scrap of folded paper with a number "Call me" you've written. "Call me"

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dreamer3366dreamer3366over 7 years ago

Please continue this. Who is she, he and did they hook up? Yes , I definitely need more of this, their story. Thank you for what there is, I just want more of it.

hornyswimmerhornyswimmerover 7 years agoAuthor

Thanks very much EarlGrey!

I'd like to develop it too. Watch this space!

EarlGrey1070EarlGrey1070over 7 years ago

Great read. I'd love fir it to be a series. Who is she? How did her love for his music develope? What happened when she called ?

I love music, small dark venues where anything can and does happen.

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