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My Submissive Little Sister Ch. 05

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Naked pictures and little sister masturbates.
8.1k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/21/2010
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Author's Note: The original manuscript of this story, along with many others, was lost over a year ago due to a computer problem. Some of our stories, including this one, have been recovered so we might be posting some of the chapters to unfinished stories. Since it's been eighteen months since the initial chapters were posted on Literotica, we highly encourage you to go back and read the first 4 chapters of this story so you know what's going on between Alison and Brett in this chapter.


I have to say that peering between my naked little sister's legs and seeing the thin, pink membrane of her intact hymen guarding the entrance to her vagina was both a reflective and thought provoking event.

The honest truth is that this wonder...... this miracle of nature that girls are blessed with.... their 'Cherries', can never be adequately honored and understood by boys and men. I'm now convinced of that.

I have to admit that guys spend much of our lives, from puberty to old age, with one goal in mind: trying to get inside a girl's panties. I don't think that's too hard for anyone agree with. Once the blood shifts from our big head to our little head, the only thing we want is our own selfish sexual gratification.

I'm not trying to put all males in that category, however, there's a huge percentage where I think guys could care less about a girl's feelings, and are more than willing to cheat, lie and manipulate for the sole reason of sex. If you think that's bullshit, just ask any woman. Ask her how many times guys will look at their breasts. Ask her how many times guys make suggestive comments. Ask her how many times their boyfriends and husbands look at other women when they are out.

Let's face it, guys are pigs.

Said very honestly, it's the basic animal urge to mate that drives much of what we say and do, and I suppose most of that is deeply engrained in our male DNA. For the female, though, I think it's probably different.

I personally don't believe females think about sex as frequently as males do, and when they do, I believe they see themselves having sex, ideally, as part of being in a loving, romantic relationship. Even more so if she's a virgin. And if she's still got her cherry in place, then I personally think the act of sex should almost be treated like a sacred and blessed event when she chooses to lose it.

I don't mean to imply that the sex act for all virgins, male or female, shouldn't be a loving, warm experience with someone that can provide tenderness and genuine feeling. What I mean is..... if a guy is going to use his cock to break through the natural, living tissue of a girl's hymen, shouldn't there be some tenderness and love involved? Shouldn't the guy make a special effort to understand her emotional needs? How she's dreamed about it happening? How she wants to feel before, during and after?

An old girlfriend once told me she'd spent years developing her vision of the how she wanted it to be during her first time having sex. She said she started thinking about it when she was twelve years old and had four full years to theorize, fantasize and plan for it. And, when she finally gave it up when she was sixteen, she cried after it was over - mainly because the way it happened was nothing like the way she had dreamt it would be.

I remember when I lost my own virginity, and honestly, I'd just assume forget it. She and I were both in high school, out in my father's car for the Senior Prom. I wasn't in love with her, and I'm absolutely sure she wasn't in love with me. In fact, the only reason I took her to the prom was because my friend told me his girlfriend told him that this girl didn't have a date, and I could probably get laid because she was "easy". When we got to the prom, we danced a few dances and she asked if I was ready to leave.

We drove out to the lake and as soon as I shut the car off, she was leaning over into my lap and unbuckling my belt. We were in the back seat in a matter of minutes, and she had her dress pulled up and her panties off before I could blink. Sadly, two minutes later, it was all over.

As she was reaching for her panties to put back on, she asked me if I could drop her off at her friend's house, so I said I would. We didn't say a word the whole way to her friend's house, and for a solid week, I tried to convince myself I'd had a good time that night.

The truth was, I didn't enjoy it at all. I probably would have had more pleasure jerking myself off. The car was dark and there no lights at the lake. I didn't get a chance to see her breasts, or admire her delicate, feminine body. I never got the pleasure of feeling her warm lips pressing against me and kissing her back. I was cheated out of undressing her, holding her in my arms and feeling the silkiness of her creamy skin against mine. She literally reached up under her dress, pulled her panties off and pulled her legs up. I couldn't even stretch out all the way on top of her because the damn car was so small.

The bottom line was neither one of us knew what the hell we were doing. Although I could legally say I wasn't a virgin anymore, the two minute act of pushing and grunting against her seemed more like something I'd heard about, rather than something I'd remember and cherish for the rest of my life.

And, I sure as hell didn't want my little sister's first time to be two minutes of pushing and grunting, either.

After looking between my little sisters legs and actually seeing the miracle of Alison's hymen inside her vagina, my whole outlook changed on deflowering her, and my plan had to change, too. Not that I didn't want to do it – that's not the case at all. I did want to do it, for three big reasons:

1) She was on the hunt to find someone to take her cherry. She was bound and determined to get a penis inside of her. Had I not been the one to intercede, who knows what would have happened. Would they treat her tenderly? Would they treat her with respect? Would she be safe?

2) I loved Alison, and I really mean that. I didn't want her first time to be like mine. I wanted her to experience tenderness and love, if for no other reason than because she'd find out soon enough there were plenty of guys that just wanted to poke her.

The last reason I wanted to be the one to taker her virginity will probably seem foolish, but, honestly, I knew I could give her closer to a richly rewarding experience than anyone else could. Perhaps that's shameful for me to think, but, when I added it up in my head it made total sense. In her own words, she told me she had an undeniable and inevitable destiny to be a sexually submissive female. When she used those words, "Undeniable" and "Inevitable", I got the definite impression she'd really thought it through and knew what she was saying.

And if it was really true, if she was hell-bent on being submissive, I surely wouldn't want to trust her future and her happiness to just anyone. I was sure I could do it for her. And if I did, the love I could show her might make it easier for her. Her satisfaction as a submissive would be more profound and more complete if I was her first lover.

She'd know that I was the first man for whom she spread her legs. She'd know I was the first man to put a cock in her pussy. She'd know I was the first man to use her body as a woman's body. And, she'd know I was the first man to truly love her.

I knew if she was really submissive, these 'Firsts' would rank high on her list when it came to loyalty and trust. And yes, I really loved my little sister very much and I wanted her first time to be meaningful to her, but, if I could make it into a rewarding experience for her as a female, that would be the most optimum choice and would cement her dedication to me.

When I looked at her hymen, I kept telling myself how small she was down there. Without even considering the fact that she had her cherry, Alison still had the smallest set of lips and vaginal opening I'd ever seen. And now, I was faced with the fact that no matter how slow I went, or how gentle I was, she would probably cry out directly to heaven because she was in so much pain. I just knew there would be no way to gently deflower her. The size of my cock and the size of her pussy created the recipe for disaster - I was going to be ripping the living daylights out of my little sister's pussy. I had visions of her bleeding for hours and being incredibly sore for days – all because of me.

I'm glad I'd already convinced her to put off the wild, hot and heavy fucking she said she wanted from me to a later time. There was no way I could just shove it in her and fuck her with wild abandon like she wanted me to. Maybe she thought she wanted it to be like that because of the nasty DVDs she'd been watching. But, I knew it would be too painful for her tender petite body, and that was something I could never be a part of – hurting her. She was my little sister, and I loved her too much to hurt her like that.

So, as she hovered above my head, trying to catch her breath from the orgasm I'd just given her by licking her tiny pussy and sucking her clitoral bud while she sat on my face, I came up with another plan. Instead of making love to her, I'd let her make love to me – at her own speed and at her own pace, letting her control everything. I'd watch her face for the first signs of pain, and if I detected even the slightest bit of hesitation from her, I'd slow her down and make her take it even slower.

And as I lie there under her quivering pelvis devising my plan, I looked up - directly into her pussy to get one more at her pristine, virginal sex and her cherry that I would eventually break. She was wet beyond belief and as she held herself above me, still panting and trying to fill her lungs with air, I realized what an honor it was going to be – what a privilege it was to be her first lover, and I swore to myself I would make it unforgettable, tender and as pleasurable for her as I could.

Gently, I reached up and placed my hands on her thighs as they straddled my head. "Alison," I said softly, "lift your leg so I can get up, and then I want you to lie down so you can rest next to me."

Without saying a word, she lifted her leg and I slid off the bed and let her stretch out. The little breasts on her chest were rising and falling so quickly, I knew she was exhausted. She'd already had several orgasms in the last few hours, but this last one was so strong, it made her tremble, shaking her body from head to toe.

When she got comfortable, I laid down beside her and brushed the hair out of her cute face. "Listen to me for a second." I said, softly whispering to her as I reached behind her head to loosen the blindfold she was wearing. "I'm going to take the blindfold off you now, but, I want you to keep your eyes closed for a few minutes until your eyes adjust to the light."

"Okay." Alison answered. "I just want to catch my breath for a minute if that's alright."

"No problem." I replied. "Take your time."

Lying there next to this beautiful girl, my little sister, I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. It wasn't the excitement created because we were both naked, or that I'd stripped her, touched her, felt her, licked her and tasted her. It was because I loved her. And before I knew it, I snuggled up next to her and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her lightly on her neck and shoulders as she rested next to me. Within a few seconds, she seemed to come back to life and when I finally reached up and kissed her lips, Alison's mouth opened and she greeted me with a passionate kiss, the likes of which I'll probably remember until the day I die.

We probably kissed for two or three minutes before my little sister tried to open her eyes. I put the blindfold on her at least two hours ago – maybe more, and I knew the initial shock of the lights in the room might be very shocking and uncomfortable.

"Come here." I said, rolling her tiny frame on top of me. "Just rest."

Just then, her eyes popped open and her head shot up. "I can feel it." She exclaimed. "Your..... uh...."

"Cock." I said, finishing her sentence. "Say it." I told her. "That's my cock between your legs."

I felt her wiggle against, feeling my hardness no more than a few inches from the entrance to her virgin hole.

"Your cock." She giggled. "I can feel it, Brett. It feels so hard."

I wrapped my hands around her head and pulled her down to my shoulder and gently held her there as I looked down into her eyes. "I want you to listen to me for a few minutes." I began. "There's a few things I have to say."

She nodded her head and when she did, I reached down under her armpits and pulled her up my body so our faces were right in front of each other. This brought my rod much closer to her vagina, almost to the point where my cock head could nudge against her pussy lips.

"First," I said, "don't move. My cock is really close to your pussy. If you slip down much, I might start to go inside you and I don't want that to happen yet."

She smiled as she looked down at me, her hair almost hanging in my face, and she nodded her head.

"Second," I continued, "if we're going to make love, then we're going to do it right and we're going to make real love. It's going to be soft, and gentle, Alison. There's going to be a lot of kissing, cuddling and touching. It's going to be more than sex – it's going to be warm and meaningful, and it's going to be something we're both going to remember."

I could see Alison's eyes begin to sparkle and she started to grin when she realized the moment she'd been waiting for would soon come.

"Third," I added, "I want your first time to be sweet and wonderful for you. So, until we're done, I want you to forget about being submissive. Forget about what you saw on those DVDs, forget about being my sister, and forget about me being your brother. I love you more than anyone else in the world, Alison, so I want you to see me as your lover – someone who wants to make love with you, and someone that really wants this to mean something to you."

Alison's eyes began to water as I spoke, and she was looking down at me with a solemn expression on her face as a lone tear ran down her cheek. I was about to say something else, but, as I started to speak, she lowered her lips to mine and kissed me ever so tenderly, closing her eyes and sighing as our lips met. I felt her take a deep breath as we kissed, our lips barely touching, and instinctively, I wrapped my arms around my little sister and pulled her to me, crushing her chest against mine. At that exact instant I felt Alison's body melt into mine and her mouth came alive. Her kiss became urgent and hot and before I knew it, we were covering each other's face with little kisses and panting into each other's mouths.

I'm not sure how long we kissed, but when she lifted her head and looked down at me, I could see tears on both sides of her face. I reached up to brush a tear away from her cheek, but when I did, she reached up to grab my hand, brought it to her mouth and kissed it repeatedly.

"Brett," she moaned as she sniffed back her tears, "I want this so much. I can feel how much you love me, and it means everything to me that you feel that way. I want you to make love to me, but, please," she sighed as she took a breath, "you have to understand I have this incredible desire to give myself completely to a strong man. It would make me the happiest person in the world if that man were to be you."

"And it will be me." I replied. "But, not at first. Not until we make love as equals... as lovers. Then after that, I will own you, Allison. You will willingly give me your heart, body and devotion because you know I love you."

I assured her I completely understood. Her undeniable desire and thirst to be submissive was clear, and the words she'd used with me earlier left no mistake as to what she wanted and needed from me. There was no real mystery; she wanted to be fucked. She was on a mission to be fucked – and to be owned. But, I knew in my heart I had to make her feel loved and cherished before she could be totally at ease being completely submissive to me.

Alison tears began to flow and she smiled and giggled as she leaned down to kiss me again. "Okay, lover." She whispered to me. "Make love to me. Make me a woman and then I'll be your slut."

"One last thing." I said. Then taking a deep breath, I looked up into my little sister's eyes and spoke.

"You're really small down there, Alison." I said. "And it's not just because you're a virgin. Your vagina is smaller than any other woman I've ever been with, and I'm worried you're not going to be comfortable at all when we make love the first time. It's probably going to hurt. Are you ready for that?"

"Brett," she said, interrupting me, "it'll be fine. Just do it. Please don't make me wait any longer."

"Let me finish, please." I answered. "We're gonna do it, but, I'm going to let you be on top the first time. That way," I added, "you can control how fast and how deep I'm inside you. We'll start out slow and then as you feel me going in you, you can start and stop or adjust yourself to make it easier."

"But, after that....." Alison replied, "after the first time, you'll fuck me? With me on my back and my legs pulled way up? You'll really fuck me? Hard? Really pound me?"

"Yes." I chuckled. "After you lose your cherry, I'll get up on top of you and fuck you hard. I might even flip you over and take you from behind, doggy style."

"Oh, Brett." Alison sighed. "Could we do that? Really? From behind?"

"I told you before I would help you be a good submissive." I answered. "And that means pleasing me anyway I want to have you. Even your ass."

"I love hearing you say that." Alison replied as she smiled. Then, without even taking a breath, she asked, "Can I see it now? Your cock?"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Yes. You can see it now."

Alison bolted up from where she was lying and sat up on top of me. Then scooting back to where she was sitting on my thighs, she eagerly looked down and smiled.

The look on her face was like a kid in a toy store. My hard cock was right there – all she had to do was reach down and touch it, and that's exactly what she did. Her eyes lit up and this look of total wonder came across her face as she reached down to put her hands on my hardened cock.

Wrapping her tiny hands around my shaft, she looked up at me and giggled. "It's big." She said softly. "It felt big in my mouth when I sucked it, but, seeing it now...... it's bigger than I thought it was."

"And it's so hard." She sighed. "Soft on the outside but really hard on the inside."

Alison gripped her hands around my shaft, squeezed my member and looked up at me. "Does that hurt?" She asked.

"No. Not at all." I replied.

She increased her grip and looked up at me. "Now?" She asked. "Does that hurt?"

"No." I answered.

Alison gripped even harder. I felt pressure, but, it didn't hurt. "How about now?" Alison asked.

"No." I answered, chuckling at her.

Then, as if she got a brainstorm, she giggled and started stroking me, looking up at me from time to time as she did it. "I like the way it feels." She said, as she started stroking me faster.

"Better not do that too much." I warned. "If you make me cum again, it's gonna take me that much longer to get hard."

"Oh!" She said, releasing my cock and pulling her hands back. "I don't want that. But," she added, "I do want to play with it some more after we make love. Is that okay?"

"You bet." I said, smiling. "I'm going to teach you everything you need to know, little sister. You're going to be trained to suck me just the way I like it, jack me off and pretty soon, you'll be my little sex kitten."

"Your slut." She said, quietly, perhaps correcting me. "I want you to make me be your slut. Force me if have to, Brett."


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