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Derby Ch. 01


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She touched his penis gently, using just the tips of her fingers to make long, slow strokes on the underside of his shaft. Every time her fingers reached the edge of his helmet, his cock jumped from where it lay on his belly, pointing toward his chin. She lowered herself to him, making sure to brush her hair away from her face so he could watch her take him into her mouth. She stuck out her tongue and positioned herself so that the tip of it would brush the head of his cock when it jumped.

Every time she made contact, she got a new taste of his pre-cum. It tasted good to her, exciting a need she had never felt before. Once, twice, three times, twenty times, she made his cockhead rise to her waiting tongue. Finally, it became too much for her. She wanted more, and she needed to give him more.

Christy looked at Derby as she lightly licked the tip of his twitching manhood. She smiled when she saw the look on his face. He looked pleased, and that pleased her. She wanted to do well for her man.

She wrapped her one hand around the base of his cock, noting that her fingers could not quite encircle it. She held it up straight, opened her mouth, and took the head inside. Tightening her lips around the base of his helmet, she worked a few inches of his length slowly in and out of her mouth, bathing it with her tongue, and sucking with her cheeks. She wanted to make him cum for her. She wanted to drink from him.

"I want you to cum for me, baby," Christy said. "I need to feel you shoot in my mouth. I want to taste your cum. What do you need me to do to make you cum really hard?"

Derby was smiling inside. He wanted to ram his cock down her throat and cum straight into her stomach, but he knew that would be too much for her. After all, he wanted to fuck her. To use her. But a blowjob was good. He could tell she was not very experienced, and he liked the fact that he was ruining her innocence. Still, he would only feel completely successful in owning her if he fucked her, and he couldn't ruin his chances.

He said, "Honey, you're amazing. You're so beautiful. Just do more of what you're doing."

Christy loved his compliments. She wanted him to love her, as she was beginning to love him. So she sucked him more. Deeper. Harder. And a little faster.

Christy lost herself completely in the act of making oral love to his cock. For the first time, she wanted a man to cum in her mouth. For the first time, the act of performing oral sex was making her hot, wet, even more needful than she had already been. As she worked on him, she began to work on herself. She penetrated herself with two fingers, rubbing her clit with her thumb, all in rhythm with the bobbing of her head on his love muscle.

She felt him growing in her mouth. His flesh was hot on her tongue. His taste became her whole world. As his hips began to thrust, she sucked him harder, more urgently. Her own hand on her own sex became a blur. She was going to cum with him, and it was going to be very, very good.

When she felt the first spurt of his seed slam into her throat, she began to swallow, and she herself began to cum. Hard. He came a lot, rope after rope of delicious cream. She pulled him out slightly so she could relish the taste. She flooded her hand with her own sweet juices.

When they were done, Christy dragged herself back up in the bed and held him. She had cleaned him up with her tongue, noting with joy that he stayed hard. "Derby, please make love to me. Please, I need to feel you inside me."

She was begging for it. Derby was glad he had done so well on his first attempt. There would be time to de-brief himself later, to see if he could think of anything to improve his game with the next girl. Right now, it was time to fuck.

He kissed her, tenderly at first, then with ever-increasing passion. Rolling her onto her back, he knelt between her legs. "God, Christy, you are so beautiful. I want you so much."

Using his cock like a paintbrush, he drew patterns of his moisture on her lips. Dipping just a fraction of an inch into her center, he coated his cockhead with her juice, and then lubricated her clit with it. She gasped in anticipation, spreading her legs to open herself to him.

Slowly, deliberately, he began to penetrate her. When just his head had pushed between the tight muscles of her labia, he paused and stared deeply into her eyes. She wore an expression that was a mix of pleasure, surprise, and a little bit of discomfort. The biggest component, though, was need. This couldn't have worked out better.

Moving slowly, he pushed further inside her. Each time he advanced an inch further, Christy gasped. She was tight, a lot tighter than Megan had been the first time he had fucked her with his big dick. Compared to Megan, Christy felt like a virgin. Idly, he wondered how tight the others would be, especially that cute little Asian girl. But, back to the task at hand; filling this little bitch with his spunk, as many times as he could manage before he lost interest in her.

Finally, he was balls-deep inside her, buried to the hilt. Hepaused for a moment, letting her stretch to accommodate him. When he started to move, she moved with him. When he withdrew, she pulled back, and when he pushed forward, she thrust her hips up to meet him. They found a slow, steady rhythm. Derby thought of it as a slow, comfortable screw. Christy felt that it was a show of their mutual, new-found love.

She urged him to increase the force and speed of their thrusting, and she wrapped her legs around him to pull him deeper. When she came, it was good for her because of the satisfaction she felt in giving herself so completely to this loving, needy young man.

Derby was amazed at how tightly she held him as she rode out her orgasm. For a "good" girl, she certainly seemed to like sex. The pulsing of her pussy muscles as they clamped around him felt really good, making her feel even tighter than she was. For a "good" girl, she could fuck like a little slut, and that was what Derby wanted.

Christy then surprised Derby by holding him tightly and rolling them both over, so that he found himself on his back with her on top. "Cool!" he thought. "Ride me, bitch!" Aloud, he said, "Oh honey, you're amazing."

She kissed him long and hard, their tongues dancing and thrusting with passion. Then she raised herself and squatted over him. "I want you to cum for me, baby. I want you to cum inside me. Don't worry. I'm on the pill. Just let me make you feel really, really good." She held his cock to steady it, and slowly lowered herself until she was fully impaled, resting her weight on his pelvis. Then, she raised herself until only the head of his beautiful penis was still trapped inside her, and then lowered herself again. Over and over, in and out, up and down she moved, giving her lover the most pleasure she could. She rocked forward and back, left and right, squeezing, pulsing, even twisting her hips as she rode him. Although her movements were not fast, Christy knew she was giving her lover the fuck of his life.

Derby was impressed. He had needed this. He was glad he had chosen Christy as the first girl to try out. "Wait a minute, buddy," he thought to himself. "Let's not get carried away here. She's damn good, better than I thought she might be, but it's only going to be this one night. There are other conquests to make. They could even be better." The thought of that, the thought of how good the others could be, got him closer to orgasm.

Christy felt blessed when she felt him expand inside her. Her lover was going to cum. She plunged herself down onto him as hard as she could, her cunt muscles sucking him. When the first jet of his semen exploded inside her, the sensation overwhelmed her, and she came with him.

When they were done, she felt her fatigue. Her arm and leg muscles trembling, she raised herself one last time to allow his softening cock to fall from inside her, and she collapsed next to him. In a few minutes she was asleep.

Derby considered leaving at that time, but he was tired too. Besides, Christy had wrapped herself around him, cuddling, making it difficult for him to leave her bed without risking waking her. He decided to let himself sleep.

A few hours later, Derby woke up, feeling aroused. For a moment, he couldn't figure out where he was, or why his cock felt so good. Then he recognized Christy sleeping next to him, her hand wrapped around his penis. He used her hand to jack himself for awhile, and then started to finger her.

Christy moaned in her sleep. Her nipples came erect, and Derby could feel new moisture seeping from her opening. He knew she was almost wet enough to enter. This time, though, he wanted something different. "Honey, roll over," he said.

Still only half awake, but feeling her arousal, Christy rolled onto her belly. Derby grasped her hips and pulled her to her knees. "What are you doing?" Christy asked.

"Making love to you again," Derby answered. Without further preamble, he began to enter her tight little cunt doggy-style.

"Oh, God," Christy moaned, fully awake now.

Derby said nothing. He pushed himself inside until he could go no further, and then began to fuck her. This time, there was nothing slow and tender about it. This wasn't making love like the last time. It was fucking. Hard, fast, vigorous fucking.

Christy struggled to catch up to him. It felt good, sure, but it was a little more than she was prepared for. But, it was what he seemed to want, and she wanted to please him. She concentrated on the sensation of being so filled, the friction, the feel of him opening her and possessing her. Soon, she overcame her momentary unease and allowed herself to get into it. Not her style, really, but after all, this was Derby. If this was what he needed, she wanted to give it to him. Soon, she had talked herself into enjoying it. This was her new man, and she was going to please him. She knew that, in time, she would learn to love it, too.

Although it took Derby a while to cum, Christy never quite got there. When he was spent, he let go of her hips and pulled out. She was tired, so she lay down, disappointed. They were new at this, she reasoned. There was no way he could know what she liked, so he couldn't have known that this hard, animalistic approach wouldn't satisfy her. It was probably her shortcoming anyway. She resolved to do better for both of them.

Derby pretended to fall asleep. Christy, worn out from her exertion, soon slipped away herself. After Derby had listened to her steady, slow breathing for fifteen minutes, he made his escape.

It was mid-morning when Christy awoke. When she didn't find her man in bed next to her, she was upset. Then, she understood. Her roommate and her family could show up at any minute. How considerate of this great guy to spare her embarrassment! She quickly put on her robe, grabbed her discarded clothing and stuffed it in her laundry bag, made her bed, pulled out clean clothes, and headed for the shower. But first, she had to call Derby. It didn't really disturb her when he didn't answer. She just left this voicemail: "Hey sexy. It's Christy. I really enjoyed last night. Call me."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Anyone who could draw out such tenderness, concern and forwardness from a beautiful, vulnerable, giving young lady and not respond with true, heartfelt warmth and desire to make her happy, rather than the heartbreaking rejection he intentionally plans, is a worse, mean-spirited cad than the two bastards who cheated on him.

To meanly and carelessly fuck a hapless young lady without regard for her pleasure, leaving her feeling used and repulsed, is heartless and selfish. But that is what stories present as the stereotypical, frat college immature boy. Bad enough.

But to do what Derby is doing, is worse. To lure a young gal whom he has chosen as a vulnerable prey, then to delude her with fake love and tenderness, so that he exploits, not only her body, but also her heart -- all to callously dump her, intentionally breaking her heart -- this is almost beyond despicable. I suppose only rapists, torturers, and murderers are worse.

To think that after she responds to him so lovingly and sacrificially, giving him the best sex of his life, that even that does not break his hard-hearted resolve to intentionally misuse a susceptible girl (after meeting her parents, no less!) -- it makes the frat boys novices in the game of misusing coeds.

I hope that by the time this series is over, Derby comes to his senses, appreciates a young lady (whom he does not deserve) for who she is, and becomes a decent, unselfish boyfriend and lover, who, after apologizing to the others he has mistreated, has the potential for being a loving husband and caring father.

For the author to build a character such as Derby to pull so forcefully on our heartstrings, shows consummate skill.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Debby is a pussy

The title typo was on purpose.... What a little bitch. He's not man enough to deal with the cheating whore and supposed best friend. He's just the kind of punk to fake a suicide like a little teased teenage girl. AND then he had to start targeting girls he won't have to be afraid of confronting him afterwards. Most authors have the sense to make their protagonists loved, liked our at the very least engaging. Debby just makes a reader wish to watch the whiny little bitch cut his wrists and bleed out his worthless life.... Or is that just me?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

While there's a bit of deception going on, I see neither lack of consent nor reluctance on either party's side. There's no reveal, no Big Fight over said deception, nothing.

Technically adequate, and for the above commentors: it's fiction, you're not required to like every character in it. They are, however, required to be interesting. Darby seems a tad too cardboard-cutout for my tastes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
That's all girls

girls who were insecure enough and naive enough to allow him to sweet-talk them into bed quickly and who also were too insecure to attempt to hold onto him when he wanted to move on.

That's all girls

ejlsejlsabout 14 years ago
I hate him

On a positive note, this is a well-written tale. And I know you have prefaced the story by explaining that Derby is damaged goods. But I'm sorry, I hate him. He has absolutely no redeeming quality that I can find. And I guess if you can make me feel that way about a fictional character, then you've done a really good job. I will keep reading your new chapters, just to see if Derby gets his due.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
It IS tagged as "non-consent/reluctance," you know

The whole point of this story is that the guy was wounded by his ex, and now doesn't trust anyone. He feels like he was used, and he's decided to use in return. Sure, he's a miserable prick, and he victimizes this girl. That's why it has the tag that it does. Read in the context of "non-consent/reluctance," the story makes perfect sense. The guy is definitely an anti-hero, and I hope some day someone cuts his balls off and stuffs them down his throat. In the mean time, though, I want to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
How about a story with a real man as your hero

These creeps attract females who no man would go near

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