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A momentary lapse of reason.
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There've been two times in my life when everything seemed to crumble before my eyes. The first was about 12 years ago and the second is now. They're both related, so I'll start with 'now'. My husband of 29 years cheated on me.

My name is Pam and my husband is Dan. We're both 52 years old and have two children. Both finished collage and are on their own. Dan and I both work and have a pretty comfortable life. We've really enjoyed the fact that it's just the two of us again. Our sex life has always been good, but after the kids moved out, it got even better. We became a little more adventurous, doing things we hadn't done in years and trying some new things, but only us, nothing extramarital. We made love twice a week or more.

Dan received an invitation to his 35th High School Reunion. Since we've been married, he hasn't been to any of his reunions. Something always came up -- work, the kids, vacations... So I asked Dan if he wanted to go. It should be fun. It starts with cocktails, then a buffet dinner and finally a DJ and dancing. He said, "You know, it would be nice to see all those people again. And, I'd like to show them how lucky I was to marry such a beautiful woman."

I kissed him and went to check the calendar. The reunion was in 6 weeks and we didn't have anything planned, so I sent our RSVP.

The week before the reunion, my sister called to remind me about my niece's dance recital next weekend. I completely forgot about it when I sent the RSVP. Cindy is 7 years old and this was her first recital. I promised her I would be there. It would break he heart if I didn't go. I told my sister that Dan's 35th reunion was then, but I would work it out so I could be there.

I told Dan about my problem and at first he said we would just skip it. But I didn't want to do that. We both were looking forward to it. I said, "Let's think about this." I looked at the invitation and said, "It starts at 5:30pm with cocktails and the buffet begins at 6:30pm followed by music and dancing at 7pm. We'll get there right at on time. The recital is only 15 minutes or so from the Reunion, so I'll leave at 6:30pm to get there. Her 1st dance is at 7:00pm and her 2nd is at 8:15pm. I should be back around 9pm. You can eat and mingle while I'm gone. I'll get something to eat when I get back and we can visit and dance until it's over." He said that would work.

We got there right on time. We got drinks and began to mingle. Since I went to a different high school, I didn't know anyone, but Dan started introducing me to all his old classmates. They seemed like a good bunch. Dan was really enjoying himself. I'm glad we decided to come.

At about 6:20pm I told Dan it was time for me to go. He said he would walk me to the car. I had to stop in the restroom first and would meet him at the bar. When I finished, I found him talking to a fairly nice looking blond. She seemed a little too chummy. She was laughing, talking loudly, touching is hand and arm, all while flashing a big smile. It was easy to see that she was flirting with him.

I walked up and Dan quickly backed away from her and introduced me to Rhonda. She said, "It's nice to meet you. When Dan and I were juniors, he asked me to go out with him, but I wouldn't. In senior year, I realized how stupid I was and tried to get him to ask me out again. But he was dating someone. I regret that to this day."

I didn't like the sound of that. I told Dan I had to leave. We excused ourselves and he walked me to the car. I said, "Rhonda seems to have a thing for you. You better watch out. I think she would like to see what she missed."

Laughing, Dan said, "Are you jealous? Don't worry. I won't fall for it. Although she is pretty good looking." I punched his arm and told him looking was one thing, but he better not touch. He laughed and said he wouldn't.

I got to the recital and watched Cindy's first performance. She was so cute and so proud of herself. Her last dance wasn't supposed to begin until 8:15pm, but the schedule got changed to 7:30pm. This would work out great. I should be back to the Reunion a little after 8pm. After Cindy finished, I congratulated her and presented her a bouquet of flowers. She was thrilled, thanked me and ran to show her friends. Then I headed back.

The first thing I had to do was pee. I went to the Ladies Room, closed the stall door and went and went. I was about through when I heard two women come in talking.

One said, "I guess Rhonda finally got what she was after."

The other said, " What do you mean?"

The first said, "She cornered Dan and has been monopolizing him all night. They were talking, eating and dancing. About 30-40 minutes ago, I saw them get into the elevators that go to the rooms."

The second said, "I can't believe it. Are you sure?"

"Yes. You know she's had a thing for him since senior year."

"I can't believe they got a room."

"Oh, she had one. She's staying at the hotel. They booked a block of rooms for the reunion. She's in Room 311, across the hall from me."

"Didn't Dan come with his wife?"

"Yes, but she left."

They began talking about other things. I couldn't believe it. I warned him about her but obviously he didn't listen. I was hurt, I was pissed. I got up, went to the elevator and found myself standing in front of Room 311. I was about to knock, no beat on the door when I decided that I ought to be sure Dan was in there. I got out my cell phone and called him. He has the most obnoxiously loud ring tone. He said he always knows when his phone rings. I was right. I heard it through the door. Just before it went to voice mail, he answered and seemed out of breath. He said, "Hi honey. Are you still at the recital?"

Calmly I said, "No. There was a change in the schedule. Cindy's last dance was moved up. I'm already back but I can't find you. Where are you?"

He stuttered a little and said, "I was outside with some of the smokers but now I'm heading for the restroom. Why don't you get something to eat and I'll meet you there in a few minutes?"

I lost it and yelled, "You lying bastard. I know where you are. You're in Room 311 fucking that slut Rhonda." She must've heard me and protested, saying she wasn't a slut.

He said, "No honey, I'm not. You're wrong."

I started beating and kicking the door saying, "You hear that? That's me out here. You can finish fucking her. Hell, spend the night with her. Maybe she'll take you home but I won't be there."

He said, "No, don't leave. I'm coming out. We can talk."

I hung up and headed down the hall to the elevator. Just before I got there, I heard a door open and saw Dan. He had his shirt on, but not buttoned and he was trying to zip up his pants. I turned and left.

I got in my car and started driving. I didn't know where, just away from there. My phone rang. It was Dan. I just turned it off. How could he have cheated on me? And with her. I started crying so hard I couldn't really see to drive, so I pulled over into a parking lot. I had to get myself together and make some decisions.

After a few minutes, I calmed down and started to think. Why would Dan do it? I know she was flirting with him, but why would he risk our marriage? Why would he betray my trust? I could never ... I stopped in mid sentence and started sobbing. Oh my God. It all came flooding back to me. I had done the exact same thing, when, 12 years ago? It was only a one-night stand, afternoon actually. It's definitely true that lies and deception eventually come back to haunt you.

I needed to think. I couldn't go home. I'm sure that's where Dan was headed. I don't think he was going to stay with Rhonda or even let her take him home. I decided to get a hotel room for the night. My gym bag was in the trunk, so I had my essentials.

I got in my room and collapsed on the bed. My life was falling apart and there was a very real possibility that my marriage was over. Partly because of what Dan did but also because of what I did 12 years ago. I tried to remember what was going on at that time and why I did it.

I was one of those people that really worried about getting older, especially turning 40. I don't know why, but I was determined to stay in the best shape I could. And I did. I exercised and watched what I ate. But things changed. As the kids became teenagers, their activities began to take up more time. We were always running to a practice, a game, or some after school program. There was less time to exercise and I didn't always have the time to cook, so we ate a lot of fast food. I gained about 10 pounds, not that much, but more than I liked.

Then I started having 'female problems'. My periods became irregular and were exceptionally heavy, lasting weeks. I had severe cramps and intermediate bleeding between my periods. I had to stop exercising and needless to say, it killed our sex life. My Doctor told me I had fibroid tumors in my uterus. They weren't cancerous but could change. He recommended having a hysterectomy. I resisted. I wasn't ready to go through menopause. I heard too many horror stories about hot flashes, mood swings and sexual dysfunction. Damn it, I wasn't even 40. In my mind, I also thought it would make me less of a woman. My Doctor told me I could take hormone replacements and things would be fine. Most likely I would feel better than before. He also assured me that sexually, I would be the same. Intercourse wouldn't be a problem.

Dan had been very reassuring. He told me that he loved me and that neither my problems, nor my age diminished his desire for me as a woman. He just wanted me to get better. I knew he meant it, but he was my husband. He wasn't exactly unbiased. I still felt I would become less of a woman.

Shortly after my 40th birthday things got worse and I agreed to have the surgery. Everything went fine. The tumors weren't cancerous and my Doctor started me on Premarin. He said to avoid sex for about 6 weeks, then it was up to me to decide when I was comfortable with it.

I healed and physically I was fine. But emotionally, I wasn't. In the mirror I saw a 40 year old, slightly overweight mother of two teenagers who had been stripped of her reproductive organs. I didn't feel like a whole woman and I certainly didn't feel sexy.

Dan kept reassuring me that he loved me and wanted to resume our sex life. We tried a few times, but I just couldn't. He suggested that I see a therapist to get over my fear. I told him I didn't need to do that, I just needed a little more time and I would be fine. He was very understanding and backed off asking for sex. We did cuddle in bed and he seemed satisfied with that. I went back to work and everything returned to normal, except for our sex life.

About a month later, I was eating lunch in a restaurant when a man came up to me and asked, "Pam? Is that you? It's Bruce." I recognized him immediately. We worked together for many years before he quit and took a better job some where in Ohio. That was about 5 years ago. I was sad to see him leave. We always got along great. I got up smiling, hugged him and asked him to join me. I asked him what he was doing in town. He said he was here for his Uncle's funeral. He died after a long battle with cancer. I told him how sorry I was. Then we moved on to more pleasant things.

We talked nonstop, trying to catch up. He finally got married 3 years ago, but his wife, Martha, couldn't come with him. Several times he complemented me on how good I looked, that I hadn't changed a bit. He told me that if anything, I looked better than ever. I thanked him, but told him he was mistaken.

When I looked at my watch I realized that my lunch hour was up. I said, "I've got to get back to work. How long will you be in town? Maybe we can get together before you leave."

He said, "I'm leaving in the morning. Can we meet after work?"

I said, "No, I can't. I have a school function with my kids. I have to be there."

He said, "That's a shame. Listen, could you take the afternoon off?"

I said, "I don't know about that."

He said, "Please, I don't know when I'll ever get back here and we have so much more to catch up on."

I thought a minute and agreed. I called work and told them I had an emergency and had to take the afternoon off. He said, "Great! Now what?"

I said, "There's a nice bar down the street. Let's go there and since I'm not going back to work, we can order margaritas."

We spent the next hour or so talking and laughing about everything. I'd forgotten how much fun Bruce was to work with. Finally he looked at me and said, "You know, I've always had a crush on you. I thought you were one of the most beautiful women I knew, and I still do."

I blushed and said, "You've got to be kidding."

He said, "No, really. Beautiful isn't exactly right. Physically you're very attractive, but it's more than that. You have a great personality, you treat people with compassion and respect and you have a wonderful sense of humor."

I was stunned. I said, "Thanks. I appreciate your compliments. It really boosts my ego but I'm certainly not beautiful."

He looked me in the eye and said, "Don't sell yourself short. The only thing that kept me from hitting on you was the fact that you were married. If you were single, I would've been all over you."

I smiled and said, "Thank you. You don't know how good that makes me feel. I have to confess that I had somewhat of a crush on you too."

He took my hand and asked, "Right now, if we weren't married, what would you want to do?"

I hesitated then said, "I'd want to spend the afternoon with you in your hotel room." I couldn't believe I said that.

He looked at me and asked, "Would you like to pretend that we're both single for a few hours?"

I thought about what he just asked. I couldn't, it was wrong. I couldn't cheat on Dan. I opened my mouth to tell him that and said, "Yes."

He smiled and said, "Me too." He removed his wedding ring and put it in his pocket. I removed mine and put it in my purse. Then I followed him to his hotel.

When we got there, he held me and tenderly kissed my face and neck. He unbuttoned my blouse and removed my bra. He began kissing and licking my breasts, telling me how beautiful they were. He reached behind me and unhooked my skirt and lowered it to the floor. Then he slowly pulled down my panties kissing me as he went. I stepped out of them and he stood back and just looked at me and smiled.

He laid me down on the bed and began kissing and licking my pussy. I closed my eyes. As he tongued me, I softly moaned and opened my legs wider for him. He licked my clit and rolled it between his lips. It had been a long time since I felt this aroused. My orgasm was building and I knew it would be huge. It finally hit and I screamed, pushing my pussy into his mouth. My contractions were so intense that I don't know how he kept his tongue on me, but he did. He stopped only after I told him I was too sensitive. He moved up and held me while he softly kissed me.

Then I undressed him the same way. I took off his shirt and kissed down his body. Then I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down. He stepped out of them and I could see the bulge in his underwear. I pulled them down freeing his dick. He was very similar in size to Dan, but about 2 inches longer. I took it in my hand and slowly licked up and down the entire length. I pushed him back on the bed and got on my knees between his legs. I slowly took him in my mouth keeping my tongue in constant motion as I pumped up and down his shaft. He was moaning softly and slowly thrusting into my mouth. His moans got louder and I could tell he was close. After a few more strokes, he warned me he was about to cum. I kept going, letting him cum in my mouth, but didn't swallow. He seemed to go forever, flooding my mouth with his warm cum. I kept my mouth slightly open and it drained out of my mouth, down my chin and dripped on his legs and the bed.

Finally, he had me stop and laid there with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. Then he opened his eyes and said, "That was wonderful, the best ever. Thank you."

He sat up and looked at me. I had a huge smile on my face and cum was still running down my chin and the bed was covered. He said, "Wow! We sure made a mess. The maids will be talking about this." We laughed and both went to the bathroom to clean up. Then we got in bed and held each other.

After about 10 minutes, I moved down and began licking and sucking him. I had to have him in me. I had to see if I was really the same. When he was erect, I said, "I need you in me. Please love me now."

He smiled and moved on top of me. I spread my legs as wide as I could. I hoped the Doctor was right. I hoped this wouldn't hurt. He gently placed the head of his dick at my opening. I reached down and opened my pussy lips for him as he slowly entered me. There was no pain at all, just intense pleasure. I took his entire length with no problem. He started slowly stroking in and out of my pussy, going all the way in then, then all the way out. I felt so good. He increased his speed and I began thrusting my hips upward to meet him. He was moaning, telling me how good I was. After about 5 minutes, I could feel my orgasm building. I moved my hands to his ass and began pulling him into me with each stroke. When it came, I screamed so loud that I'm sure anyone in the adjacent rooms had to hear me. My contractions were as intense as any I've ever had. Then I felt the head of his dick swell inside me. He groaned and I could feel his cum flooding my pussy. After he finished, he rolled off me and we held each other as our orgasms subsided.

After a few minutes, he said, "That was incredible, better than I ever imagined. You are truly a beautiful woman." I just smiled. I felt so good about myself.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:30pm. I said, "Oh! I've got to go. I've got to pick up the kids, get something to eat and be at the school by 7pm." I went to the bathroom, but there wasn't time to shower. I cleaned myself as best I could and fixed my hair and makeup. I was ready to leave and Bruce came to me and kissed me. I said, " This was wonderful. Thank you. You don't know how much I needed this. But, it can't happen again. I love Dan and I know you love Martha."

He said, "I know, you're right. But I want you to know how much this meant to me too. You really are a beautiful woman in every respect. Don't ever think you aren't." We held each other and kissed goodbye. I put my ring back on and left.

As I drove, I thought about what just happened. I realized that my fears about turning 40 and the hysterectomy making me less of a woman were unfounded. I was so stupid. For at least a year and a half, I had let it consume me to the point that I ignored myself. I should've had the operation when the Doctor told me to. I put myself through a lot pain and anguish that was unnecessary. I also ignored Dan, putting him through this as well. I realized that I cheated on him and I felt horrible about it. But I told myself that the affair was just what I needed. It was necessary to make me see what I had been doing to both of us. I guess it was therapeutic. I'd have to think more about this later.

I picked up the kids and we made it to the school on time. Dan was waiting for us. We didn't get home until almost 9pm. I got the kids to take their baths and I made their lunches while Dan took his shower. Then he came and helped them with a little homework and got them to bed while I went to shower.

When I got undressed I noticed a large cum stain on my panties and smiled. In fact, I had felt Bruce's cum in me all night. I took them in the shower and washed them. I also got my douche and cleaned myself out. I finished and took the dirty clothes to the laundry room. I had gotten rid of all the evidence.

Dan was already in bed and I climbed in and we hugged. After he fell asleep, I moved to my side of the bed, but I couldn't get to sleep. I was still too keyed up from what happened today. I had a wonderful time and Bruce made me feel so good about myself. I can't believe it took me having an affair to realize how stupid I'd been. I guess Dan was right all along. He told me the same thing numerous times. I should've believed him. Why didn't I? If I had, I wouldn't have had sex with Bruce. I just listened to what I said and it finally sunk in. I had sex with another man. I cheated on Dan. Oh my God! I couldn't believe what I did. Dan has been loving and patient with me this whole time. He tried every way he knew to help me, but I wouldn't listen. I wouldn't believe him. I can't believe I had to validate my own self worth by cheating on my husband.

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