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My Husband Let Me Date


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My date is over. I am in bed with my husband. His fantasy, our experiment, is now behind us.

He is asleep now. We made love twice. I think he'll sleep well tonight. And what a night it was. I star in a home-made porn flick (minus the video camera). Kevin almost gets into a slug fest with Carl the Hunk—or is it Carl the Asshole? He then gets a blow job from yours truly, followed by two very hot fucks! Yeah, I think he'll sleep just fine tonight.

Actually, I think we'll both sleep well tonight. Will Kevin ever ask me to "date" another man? I don't think so. I think he got his fill of that little fantasy tonight.


What a night that was! Too bad it didn't work out completely. I think the problem was that neither of us really knew Carl. He was practically a stranger. Maybe if it was someone we both knew … Maybe that would work out better.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It will take Kevin a while to figure it out, but he eventually will realize he wants a Carl to fuck his ass, not his wife's cunt. All voluntary cucks are gay guys stumbling in the dark as they find a way out of the closet.

iameaseliameaselalmost 2 years ago

Considering that idiotic cucking with her just up and flying off for a fuck party stopped me dead to rights.

Dumbest fucking shit as only a closeted male would accept remaining in a marriage with someone that worthless.

Thank god most women arent like that, its mostly men.

jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago
You get what you ask for

Carl was pretty much right. She is a slut bitch and he is a pansy.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
You share

You share your wife, you're a cuck. Your wife sleeps with other men, then a whore. All these commenters claiming to be cucks and outing their wives as whores.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Was perfect, till the end! It’s not cool to disregard and disrespect, unless you like that?

Well written and awesome details from both parties perspective. Respect is universal, and should always be given. My woman is my everything, it’s just sad that any man can’t appreciate how much a man loves his woman, to completely love her satisfaction. Although it may put him in an awkward situation, it can be incredible for everyone! It’s completely ok to love your lady, as much as you can. Love and adore always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Buffet truck

This gal drove a lunch truck, stopped by our shop every day. She flirted, I flirted, NBD, part of her job. Then one day, she asked me to meet her for a drink that night, so why not, I went.

She asked me if I would like to make love to her, kind of bluntly. She was cute and stacked, why not, so we did. Half a dozen times, then one day she called to cancel one of our sessions. I asked why, she said she had to go to dinner with her HUSBAND'S folks??

I sort of threw a fit, she told me her husband knew all about us and approved. But, not my thing, never dated her again. She still came by with that truck, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
We did that once

My former wife worked in a bakery, this guy came in every day to buy a sweet roll for lunch, He flirted and she flirted back, all harmless at first. Then after a few weeks, he asked her out and she realized she wanted to. Guess he was cute or something. She asked me if it was OK that evening. I told her hell no!

Things got cool between us after that, more arguments, finally I got pissed off and told her to go ahead, I would find one of my own. Now she was pissed off, but she went on that date.

Me? I went out too, not much luck, ended up in a massage parlor, got a happy ending.

Next day I asked how was it, she told me his dick was barely 4 inches long and he was a 15 second wonder. I laughed at that.

Hell with her anyway.

My 2nd wife has never asked to date anyone.

rodavrodavover 8 years ago
Good story

Hope they can find somebody they know and trust. Hope you can continue this story .

alan13703alan13703over 12 years ago

I also share my wife and your descriptions were an accurate record of the feelings I have when I see her in bed with another man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Fantastic Story

Keep up the great stories. And don't listen to the negative comments. Those people belong on the Disney Channel, not here. And your stories do belong in "Loving Wives". Monogomous relationships belong under "Romance"... and all those negative readers who can't read your intro explaining what your story contains, belong over in the "Romance" section. Or on the Disney home page. Anyway, keep up the good work and come back soon. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

All i can hope is that this author never has kids.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Kevin is a used piece of shit by his wife, she is

a sex escort otherwise known as whore, and had been put playing at parties. Now in a threesome she is worried about anal sex, get real! The guy was told no, no means no, even if the girl gives in later with saying yes it is still rape, the last words spoken carry the weight. So after she us used and abused she and her "husband" have sex and go to sleep. Yeah right, her husband is her paycheck, he pays for her lifestyle and allows her to fuck around. All the while placing his employment, their social status, their medical condition, and their physical safety on her being a whore. Great marriage, made in heaven, may AIDS take both of them swiftly so they dont suffer to much in their braindead life. Now that Kevin has it in his little boy head what she really is he needs to divorce her. She can still be the company fuck bunny and make money just he doesnt have to be at risk with her. We know one couple that lived this lifestyle to the point she became a full time escort, she died of AIDS, yeah people die with it, and he couldnt understand why the other women we knew would not date him. Trash is trash, always throw out the trash!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

angie may be hot, and he's ok with her screwing others?

so he has meredith ? and she's not know to angie or friend, a happy accident?

their choice: her screwing others and he prompts her (but she's very willing)?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
very hot

I know from a womens view to make aman stop when you wnat him to stop in the deepest part of passion is hard to do. She was lucky her husband was nearby to stop him or she would her been hurt. The husband stepped in at the right time, I know cause i was used once when my hubby was called for a meeting and i was hurt and crying when he came home latter. Had he been there he would haved saved me from getting hurt. CCBABY

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
He should have beat the crap out of Carl.

Better yet, she should file rape charges against Carl. She said "NO" so that, at least attempted rape, is what it was. Put him in prison where he belongs. The evidence is his sperm.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
their history

You may have forgotten how they got here. She decided it was okay for her to do whatever she wanted behind his back, including flying out for a weekend cheating behind his back. His cheating started because she set him up in a situation that screamed "SETUP". I don't know if that is what continued when she took off on him because that part is glossed over. Now that they are "over it", his fantasy is for her to keep doing what she was doing behind his back. He knew why she was going but didn't discuss it with her, he just let her go.

And with that background this guy is suddenly not a wimp because he prevented her from being raped? What strength of character. Most men who were watching somebody else screw their wife, while she was having a much better time than with him, wouldn't have the strength of character to prevent her anal rape. He could run as a law and order candidate.

I agree with Goodwifey. And, if we're allowed to look into the characters beyond their words, he knows she'll continue to cheat. This is just his attempt to maintain some sort of control in the vain hope that she eventually will think so little of him that they will split up.

The much more interesting story would have been the struggle they had in between stories to try to save the marriage.

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