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A Game with Kim, Andy and Abby


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"Finished," she said.

It was over in seconds and was a bit anti-climactic in the end but we cheered and applauded all the same. All that could be seen was a suggestion of her pubic hair between her legs where she knelt in front of the table with her knees firmly together, we'd had a good run and I looked at Abby

"You aren't playing anymore?" I asked, it was meant as a question rather than a command but I'm not sure she took it that way.

She looked at Kim and bit her lip. My heart leapt - I couldn't believe she was considering it, as much as I had wanted to see Kim naked the thought of Abby stripping off made me harder still

"Go on then," she said looking over at me to make sure I didn't object, "I'll play one more."

"You can't back out if we play it," I warned, trying to hide my excitement, as much as I wanted it to happen I had to be sure she understood the consequence.

"Just pass me the cards," she said defiantly, her drunken stubborn streak showing through again. God I loved her.

She got twenty one and won the hand.

"Yes!" she said raising her hands above her head in triumph, seemingly oblivious to the fact she was topless and her breasts swung in celebration too. I noticed Andy having a good look as they did. I couldn't be sure if she was showing off intentionally or if she was innocently unaware of the affect she was having on Andy and myself.

Andy won his hand again and Kim was adamant he was cheating but my luck finally ran out. I wasn't quite as nonchalant as Andy taking off my jeans and was acutely aware of my own erection showing through my tight boxers. Kim whistled and raised her eyebrows, I hoped I didn't look as embarrassed as I felt. Abby sat grinning at me obviously not caring that I was being looked at, I wondered if she was getting the same thrill at getting me naked as I did with her.

"Well, I think we're done," said Kim, "I'm out of clothes to take off."

I didn't want the game to end and I noticed nobody was making a move to pick up their clothes yet, it felt like a moment needed to be grabbed before it disappeared.

"If you wanted..." I started, "...I'd be willing to play you in a hand for a forfeit if you lose?"

Everyone looked at me and I knew I had to pitch it right, too over the top and I'd kill the idea before it started, "since I gallantly put my hands over my eyes during your last hand, how about you stand and give me a twirl if you lose?"

"John!" she replied in mock horror eyes wide, "your wife is over there."

"The one with her tits out," I said making everyone laugh, trying to keep the mood light, "I'm only offering so that the game carries on," I continued, "I think Abby desperately wants to see Andy naked so we can't stop now." that earned me a playful glare from Abby and a laugh from Andy but amazingly it worked, Kim picked up the cards to deal and everyone cheered.

The luck she was due finally arrived and she won a hand.

"Sorry, but you won't be able to perv," she said to me, I pretended to take offence.

"Maybe next time maybe Kim," said Andy winking at her.

Buoyed by her last win and Kim finally getting a result, Abby took the cards without comment and nobody mentioned that a loss would mean stripping her final piece of clothing.

And lose she did.

As the other two whooped and cheered I looked at her and said quietly, "you don't need to do this."

She looked me in eye, stood up and hooked her thumbs into her panties. I couldn't believe what I was see in. My eyes widened in disbelief as I realised she what she was about to do and I could tell she was enjoying defying my expectation.

She bent down, sliding her panties down her legs and stepped out of them before putting her hands out to the side as if presenting herself to us. I'll admit that after being with Abby for as long as I had, I tended to take her body for granted but as she stood there showing herself to everyone I found myself appreciating her body as if for the first time again. Her mousey brown hair running over her shoulders stopping just above her round, full breasts with their (now) fully erect nipples. She was slim but still curvy, my eyes followed her little belly down to where everyone else's focus seemed to be, her trimmed pussy with just the hint of the lips showing at the bottom. Unlike Kim, Abby stood there naked letting us all get a look for a good at her for a few seconds.

After she knelt back down she offered me a slight raised eyebrows and a look that said, 'you didn't think I'd do it did you'. I was sure that a mixture of the drink and the game had bought a latent exhibitionist streak out in Abby, not that she's overly shy but she's always tended toward a more conservative approach to how she presents herself. For the first time I started to wonder what everyone else was getting out of this, I'd selfishly been thinking only what I was going to see. We'd already gone further than I dared and I wasn't sure how far we were going to go or how far Abby was willing to go.

Play passed to Andy, who was now a bit distracted and he went bust on the third card.

"Yes!" said the girls in unison and they huddled together looking expectantly at him.

He obliged by standing up and taking down his boxers. His erection sprung up impressively and both Kim and Andy looked rapt with mouths open, it looked a bit bigger than mine and he kept it trimmed, he was obviously turned on showing himself to an audience and just like Abby he stood for longer than he needed to letting the girls get a good look.

"He's a big boy isn't he," Abby said to Kim and they laughed.

Andy stood there, enjoying the attention before eventually offering to get another round of drinks in, since he was up.

"Careful you don't knock anything over," Kim shouted to him as he walked to the kitchen and they both laughed again.

He came back with the drinks, dick waving around as he gave everyone their order and sat down, again making no attempt to conceal himself and again I noticed Abby giving furtive glances that were probably more obvious than she realised.

I won next, a mixture of relief and regret - with my boxers on it meant I was now the only one with any clothing so technically I was winning but by this point I also felt oddly left out. Play passed to Kim and it seemed the forfeit for a loss rule we'd set up was still considered a valid reason to carry on with the game.

"What's will you do then Kim?" asked Andy

"Name you price," she shot back.

"How about a dance."

"What sort of dance?" she asked suspiciously.

"A lap dance?" he said grinning and nodding in my direction, "If Abby doesn't mind of course."

Andy didn't seem to think what he was suggesting was a big deal, getting naked was one thing but a lapdance felt like it may be crossing a line, Abby looked at Kim unsure what to say.

"Nothing too smutty," Andy said to Kim, noticing the mood change and trying to play it down a bit, "after all we'll be here watching he motioned to Abby, "and guys aren't allowed to touch during lap dances".

It seems to be assumed that I was on board and the decision for whether this would go ahead was to be made by Kim and Abby. The last caveat about no touching seemed to swing it.

"It's up to you," Abby said.

Kim looked over to me, her eyes narrowing like she was trying to size me up, then she shot me a wicked grin

"Pass me the cards then," she said.

There was more tension this game, the stakes felt higher. I went bust and so did Abby, Andy stuck on seventeen. Kim turned over a ten and a three, four or more and she was bust, she picked up the next card and looked at it without showing us. Her head went back and I wasn't sure if it was in relief or dismay. She place the card down - five of hearts. There was no cheer, but it I could tell the forfeit was going to be played out.

"How long do I dance for," she asked standing up and turning toward me. I felt like I now had license to look at her as she stood in front of me I got a good look at her body. She seemed a little self conscious but a lot more relaxed than she had been earlier, although not quite as comfortable naked as Abby seemed to be.

"Is 30 seconds ok?" replied Andy, looking at everyone for confirmation, it seemed reasonable

And everyone murmured in agreement.

"Are you ready loverboy," she joked. I would never be ready, there was an underlying hesitance in the way she moved and despite how I yearned to have that naked body closer to me I felt incredibly nervous at the same time. I glanced at Abby who was busy looking at Kim's body either in admiration or comparison I couldn't tell. Andy seemed to be enjoying himself more than I was. Kim took a few steps to close the distance between us and it felt like we had gone past a point of no return.

"I'm not sure how to do this," she said laughing as she straddled my lap.

"This is a good start," I said not meeting her eyes, I was unashamedly looking directly at her pussy. I could see it in more detail now she was so close with her legs spread over my lap, I could make out the shape and form of it under it's covering of short dark hair, it was also tantalisingly close to my dick with only my boxer short fabric between us. There was a noticeable patch of precum forming.

She shifted her weight over onto one of my legs and with her pussy resting on my thigh I could feel how wet she was, she attempted a flick of her hair which hit my face and we both laughed, she sat up and began writhing on my leg bringing her nipples close to mouth, I licked my lips and sat firmly on my hands. She shifted her weight back off my leg and moved slightly closer toward me, in this new position I could felt her pussy rub against my dick, I saw her eyes widen in panic when she realised what had happened, but she didn't move away in fact she pushed harder against it and started rocking slightly on her hips, rubbing her pussy over my shaft.

The dance had changed from a bit of fun to something more serious and I could see in her eyes that she felt the same, It was thrilling, and thought I was going to end up cumming if it carried on much longer when the 30 second timer went.

"That was... intense," I said as Kim dismounted and returned to the floor, she was still kneeling but I noticed her legs were a bit further apart now allowing a slightly better view. Kim looked hot and flustered. She fanned her face with her hands and looked over at Abby, they shared a look of disbelief.

"I'll get some drinks in," said Andy, sounding like he'd enjoyed the show.

While he was out Kim nipped to the toilet and in the moment of privacy we suddenly had I checked with Abby that she was ok with how the evening was progressing.

"I'm fine," she said," honestly I'm fine," she repeated when I gave a questioning look to the first reply "how was the dance?" she said moving the topic of conversation away from her.

"It was good," I nodded, playing it down, it was amazing.

I was about to gauge how long she thought we were going to carry on and what exactly she was prepared to do when Andy came in with some more drinks. I noticed he was still sporting a slight erection as he sat back down. Kim returned not long after a bit more composed. Andy picked the cards up and passed them to Abby.

"Your turn," he said to her.

She looked at me, I could hardly say no after what had happened, and truthfully I think I was ok with it.

"It's up to you," I said, "you don't have to."

She took a big gulp of her drink and said, "ok what's my forfeit?"

"Only seems fair that Andy gets a dance this time," I said.

I think it was what everyone expected, Kim agreed and Andy beamed.

Playing the game, I wasn't sure if I wanted her to win or not. I had a ten and six and could have stuck, it would have been a fairly easy hand to beat, but I took the hit and got 21. Mine was the hand that beat her.

"You still don't have to do it," I said but she waved me away as if annoyed by my constant questioning and took another gulp of her drink before taking a deep breath and standing up naked to face Andy.

He sat back on the sofa and Abby moved toward him and climbed up to straddle his lap, I could see Andy looking down at her crotch in exactly the same way I did with Kim, any twinge of jealousy I felt was overpowered by how turned on I was watching what was unfolding. Kim started the 30 second timer and I had moved from my chair to the floor next to her. It was a slightly better view, even though I could still only see Abby's back it was a slightly better angle from the floor plus I wanted to keep an eye on the timer.

They laughed as Abby tried to get comfortable and fell awkwardly into him. Her breasts pressed up against his chest, she stayed there longer then she needed to before managing to right herself in the centre of his lap and she was ready to start the dance.

It was as competent as Kim's attempt, in that it was all a bit clumsy and initially a bit too self conscious. She began swaying about in an attempt to look seductive. It was difficult to tell but it looked like there was more contact than my dance, she seemed to be rubbing her breasts over his chest, there was also the fact that he wasn't wearing any boxer shorts.

I looked toward Kim's phone to see how the timer was doing and she moved a bit closer to give me a better view, with my arm supporting my weight behind her our bodies were now touching and our heads felt intimately close.

Andy was far less the gentleman that I was, I saw him move his head forward and he started nuzzling on one of Abbys nipples, something I knew was massive turn on for her. I could only imagine how wet she must be now. His hands came up around her waist, this was now going beyond the rules we had set up. I'd also noticed the swaying had been replaced by a rhythmic rocking motion and Abby's hand moved to Andy's crotch, I couldn't see clearly but it was obvious she had her hand on his dick, I was transfixed and I noticed Kim's hand against my thigh.

The alarm went, startling me out of my trance, Abby and Andy had to make an effort to stop, it was obvious they didn't really want to. Abby slid off and turned round, and sat back down, she was all flushed with redness spreading over her face and chest, Andy got off his chair and unexpectedly came down to sit next to her. I felt Kim move slightly away from me now the dance had ended, her hand still next to my thigh.

The atmosphere was so sexually charged it was tangible, no one quite knew what to say.

Kim eventually broke the silence, "Good dance?" she asked.

Andy and Abby looked at each and let out a laugh that was more like a release of pressure. They were sitting intimately close to each other on the opposite side of the table, Andy with his legs stretched out and hands behind him supporting his weight. Abby's legs were curled up next to him her hand on his leg just below his dick, her little finger was actually stroking his balls.

"I could have done with being a bit longer to be honest," Andy said in reply looking at Abby with a grin on his face.

The hint was subtle but there. Abby looked at me open eyed as though seeking permission, I nodded slightly not entirely sure what I was agreeing to. I sensed a similar wordless pact being formed between Kim and Andy as Abby's hand started to slowly move onto Andy's dick. I sensed Kim looking at me and I turned to her, from the corner of my eye I saw Andy place his hand behind Abby's head and guide her down toward his crotch. Abby moved without resistance, hooking her hair behind her ear as she went and getting into a comfortable position she held Andy's dick in her hand and took him in her mouth.

Kim and I began kissing and even considering what was happening around us it felt an oddly intimate thing to do, her hands moved over my boxers and began rubbing my dick, my hands came up and I started to fondle her breasts, whatever the game had been enabling was accomplished and things were moving quickly, we no longer needed to keep up any pretence.

I kept trying to keep an eye on what was happening with Abby, even with the coffee table in the way I could see her head bobbing up and down. Andy had his eyes closed letting out little moans of pleasure. A couple of times Kim moved my head back to face her then she gave up and started to yank at my boxers, I helped and I was finally naked. My cock looked like it was ready explode and Kim took it expertly in her mouth and began running her tongue around the head, it felt amazing and I turned my head to watch the other two. Abby had finished sucking Andy's dick and was sat up jerking him off, I thought this was going be all he was going to get then she moved her leg over to straddle him on the floor and I had the perfect view as my wife guided another man's dick in between her pussy lips and slowly lowered herself all the way down until she was sat on his lap taking as much of him inside as she could. She stayed sat on him rocking her hips slightly and making small nosies of pleasure then she leant toward him and bringing her ass up and down rhythmically, she began riding his dick.

It was almost too much for me and I nearly exploded in Kims mouth as I watched my wife ride another man. I could see everything so clearly; the way her pussy lips held his cock as she moved, his hands were on her hips and he was starting to match her rhythm with smaller thrusts of his own. It should have been torture but it was one of the singularly most erotic things I had ever witnessed, I didn't want it to end.

Kim finished sucking me and started leaning back bringing me with her, she moved her legs either side of me and I saw all of her, I had a memory flash from earlier in the night when all I wanted was simply to get a glimpse of her naked and now I was looking down at her spread out showing me all of her, I made a mental note to remember how she looked. Under the neatly trimmed dark pubic hair, she had a pair of beautifully symmetric plump pussy lips with a slight opening that was glistening wet. I moved myself in between her legs and looked up at her as I pushed myself inside, she didn't break eye contact. Slowly I moved inside as far as I could and held myself inside her for a moment worried that too much movement would end the experience prematurely. My attention moved from what Abby was doing to focus on Kim

I could still hear Abby and Andy but it was almost as if they were in another room. They were becoming more vocal as their bodies moved faster but I only really noticed the noise when they suddenly stopped and Andy let out a moan that could only mean one thing. Kim and I both looked over as we saw Andy and Abby holding each other tightly. Abby was still on top and Andy's hips were up off the ground pushing himself as deep inside her as he could manage, his hands on her ass cheeks spreading her as far as he could. She was making small uncontrollable movements on top of him and I could see her ass quivering as the Andy finished cumming then they both collapsed back on the floor.

Kim and I looked at each other and stifled a laugh, our moment broken further when we heard Abby asking for tissue and Andy scrabbling up to go to the toilet to get some. I started moving inside her again and we recovered our composure. I stole a glance over to Abby who was now sat alone on the other side of the table, she was glistening in sweat and offered a weak smile. I felt a pang of guilt unsure what it must be like for her watching me with her friend like this so with my eyes I beckoned her over. She looked a little shocked - like she didn't want to interfere and looked at Kim who had noticed the interaction between us and was also looking in her direction. Kim motioned her over so she crawled around the coffee table over to us and when she was close enough I kissed her passionately and started increasing my thrusts into Kim as I did. Abby was on all fours and stayed that way, I was fondling her nipple while I kissed her knowing how much it turned her on, I could tell by how she was responding to the kiss that it was working and that's how Andy saw us when he returned to the room.

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