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Dick-Sucking Sisters Ch. 02


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While it had all started as joking and teasing on Candace's part, there was nothing silly or playful about the intensity of how Candace was taking her brother's thick, meaty dick into her elegant mouth. Somehow Candace's dress and bra had also come undone and Betsy tried to drunkenly process how they had both ended up topless once the dick-sucking had begun.

"Don't be shy," Candace had paused her efforts to pull her mouth clear and look up at her brother. "You can fuck my mouth too. Just the way you just did your wife's." She smiled bashfully and took her brother back into her mouth.

Bill reached around to the back of Candace's head, her hair elegantly wound up into a bun, and began feeding her his dick, thrusting with his hips and feeling his cock twitching out spurts of precum in the intensity of his excitement, overwhelmed by the sight and sensation of having his sophisticated older sister allowing him to hump her mouth. He could feel her eagerly responding to his thrusting cock and heard her moan, hum and grunt as each thrust of his cock was just a little deeper each time.

Betsy looked on in fascination as her husband shamelessly began fucking his sister's mouth, grunting in pleasure as he thrust his hips, while his sister reached up with one hand to stroke his cock as it slid in and out of her willing mouth. Betsy stared incredulously at her sister-in-law, her sorority sister, practically naked from the waist up, her pale, pointed tits jiggling all the way to her achingly hard nipples, as her own brother mouth-fucked her with increasing intensity.

If Betsy had drunkenly struggled to accept the thrusting of Bill's cock into her mouth just a few moments before, Candace seemed eager to take every inch that he was feeding her, relishing the degrading way he had firmly grasped the back of her head and was forcefully owning her mouth with his cock. It was the most intimate thing that Betsy had ever witnessed between two people and as much as she should have been shocked and repulsed by the incestuous nature of what she was watching, she found her body unconsciously responding to each thrust of her husband's face-humping domination of his sister. Betsy's own pussy throbbed wetly, the small space of their main cabin filled with the sounds of slurping, wet-sucking and the moans and grunts of a brother and sister wrapped up in an ecstasy of face-fucking abandon. Betsy realized that she at some point she had started drunkenly tugging at her own hard nipple absent-mindedly while she had watched them.

"Can I try?"

Trey looked over at Carol, struggling to reconcile her presence with the enchantment of being consumed by the Cissy's dick-sucking that had become his entire focus over the past few minutes. Could his sister Carol really be asking for the chance to also take him into her mouth? Looking at her full, swollen breasts, her firm, curving body and soft velvet skin, the luscious beauty of her full lips and freshness of her flushed cheeks, Trey could only nod dumbly in response. He pulled his dick out from Cissy's mouth, breaking the spell of her dick-sucking eagerness to please him, and stepped over a few inches toward his lovely blond sister.

Cissy opened her eyes and looked dumbly over, first at Trey's swollen dick, and then her sister Carol's face, as she understood what was about to happen. As much as she herself longed to plunge her brother's cock right back into her own mouth, she felt the disappointment wash over her, knowing that Trey was about to let Carol suck it, even as she would be forced to watch.

Carol was still only half-believing that the events of the past few minutes had actually happened, watching her sister and brother engaged in the first blowjob she had ever seen. Without an ability to fully understand why, she had found herself eager to join in and now watched as Trey brought his hard cock within a few inches of her own mouth. Carol found the look of the first penis she'd ever been exposed to almost hypnotically irresistible as she watched it come closer. Looking up to meet her brother's eyes, she was stunned how he had become transformed in the last few hours, from someone she had thought of as harmless, and just a little goofy, to the man whom she was about to give her mouth to, in complete supplication. Trey locked eyes with her, his face flush with arousal, and his expression filled with eager anticipation as he waited for her to surrender her mouth.

As she slid her lips over the soft, spongy head of her brother's dick and allowed the first few inches to enter her mouth, Carol numbly accepted the fact that things had changed forever between her, her brother and her sister. She and Cissy were dick-suckers now. They had taken their place, among the women of their family, in an ancient sisterhood, bound to the tradition that had been handed down, generation to generation, as a rite of passage into womanhood.

Trey was amazed at how much alike his sister's mouths felt on his eager cock. The same heavenly bliss that he'd experienced in entering Cissy's mouth was equally present in Carol's. The sight of his blond, popular sister, likely the prettiest girl in her class, now sucking his dick, made him see her in a whole new way. The smoothness of her skin, the flush that colored her full cheeks, the luscious succulence of her full, pink lips and the beautiful shape of her eyes, all struck him as uniquely gorgeous, as she slid his cock deeper into her mouth, eager to have every inch he could buried in the warm depths of his sister's beautiful mouth.

Carol barely had time to process the sensation, of having taken the first few inches of her brother's hard dick, when he began to push it deeper into her mouth. She was surprised to find the skin warm and velvety on her tongue and the sides of her mouth. It felt awkward, and a little scary, to have him insert more than she was ready for, but she imagined herself in Cissy's place, trying to imitate the rhythm of how her sister had milked Trey's dick with her mouth. Carol tried to anticipate the rhythm, of the big, numb length of thick cock sliding in and out of her mouth, and coordinate her breathing and swallowing to accommodate it.

Trey was overwhelmed with how quickly Carol seemed to be taking to dick-sucking and found his excitement rapidly increasing, as he looked down at her pretty face and bobbling tits, in disbelief that she had now joined Cissy in the act of having sucked his dick. Given how socially dismissive Carol had been of him and Cissy through their teen years, there was some deeper layer of satisfaction in having her submit to sucking accepting his dick in her mouth like this. For all the boys who had vied to get her attention, and the games she and her friends had played to keep them chasing after them, here she was, stark naked, with Trey's dick in her mouth, fully submitted to learning how to please him, right beside Cissy.

Cissy looked on, feeling forgotten as Trey's focus was completely devoted to Carol. She watched her brother's dick sliding in and out of her sister's pretty mouth and wondered if she too looked like that while doing it for him. Cissy couldn't help but glance enviously down at her sister's larger tits, bobbling and jiggling seductively with the motion of her body, as she worked her mouth up and down on their brother's dick. It struck her that Carol had the same puffiness to her nipples, as they rose in an extra gentle curve, away from the dangling heft of her boobs, to rise to the herd peak at the very tip. She hadn't seen Carol's tits up close like this before and was surprised that they shared that.

Cissy looked up to see her brother's long, hard body, tensed up with the sensations of Carol's efforts, the muscles of his chest and stomach flexing as he breathed deeply and his body twitched with the intensity of each new stimulation. It made Cissy wish that she had take the opportunity to look, up as she had been sucking her brother's dick, to know if he had been responding in the same way, if he had worn the same open-mouthed expression of excitement, arousal and disbelief, that he now did, as he watched Carol sucking his throbbing dick.

Trey felt his body surge unexpectedly toward orgasm and gave out an involuntary gasp of pleasure. It had only been a minute or so since Carol had taken him into her mouth, but the accumulated excitement, of everything that had transpired over the last hour, fully hit him, and in that instant, he was past the point of no return. Trey gave an involuntary thrust, trying to bury his cock in his sister's mouth, and at the exact moment when Carol had pulled back to avoid choking, the tip of his cock came clear of her lips and shot a thick stream of hot white cum across her cheek, onto her ear, and into her hair.

Cissy watched as her brother's body contorted up into a spam of ecstasy and another spurt of the milky ejaculate leapt like a fountain from her brother's dick and splattered onto Carols' face, chin and the tops of her breasts, as she pulled back in surprise. Carol's hand reached up to try and staunch the stream of cum erupting from her brother, but not before another spurt short across her shoulder and down onto her chest. Carol got her hand over the tip of Trey's dick just a moment after Trey did himself. He collapsed back to sit on the coffee table, body tightening up, as the last few waves of his orgasm swept over him, and the rest of his load of cum shot into the cup of his palm.

Cissy looked on, frozen in place, as Trey milked the last of his orgasm into his hand and Carol squealed helplessly as she pulled back onto the couch, covered in ropes and spurts of her brother's white cum.

"Cissy....ewww!" Carol looked down at her cum-covered tits and wiped tentatively at the cum dripping from her face. "Please go get a towel!"

Cissy snapped into action, running out to the kitchen to grab a hand towel. She turned back at the last minute, to run a bit of water over one corner of the towel, before hurrying back to the living room. She found Trey looking on in shock, his chest still heaving from the intensity of the orgasm that was just now leaving his body, while Carol bounced in anxious jitters on the sofa, waiting for her sister to help her to clean up the cum that was splattered over her face and body.

As Cissy handed Carol the towel, Trey extricated himself from his spot on the coffee table to walk gingerly out of the room to rinse his hand and dripping cock in the guest bathroom sink in the hallway. Cissy couldn't help but look over, at the sweep of his broad back and shape of his muscular bottom, as he stepped fully naked from the room.

Carol had wiped the dripping cum from her face and was doing her best to get the rest from her tits and the places where it had already dripped down onto her thighs. Cissy took the towel from her, in order to get what she had missed on her shoulder, ear and her hair. As Carol stood up, Cissy even spotted a small glob soaking into the fabric of the sofa and another suspended in the fibers of the carpet between the sofa and the coffee table. She did her best, by alternating from the wet corner, to the dry parts of the towel, that hadn't already absorbed the cum from her sister's body.

"I didn't think there'd be so much!" Carol exclaimed, scooping up her clothes and underwear, before running naked herself, upstairs to rinse off in the shower.

"Unhhhh...uhhhh...I'm cumming Candy," was all Bill could grunt before his body went tense, and time held its breath for that moment, before he began shooting load after load of hot, thick cum into his sister's mouth. Betsy looked on in fascination as Candace did her best to keep up, furiously swallowing each spurt, her eyes opened wide as it seemed for a few moments that it would never stop, her eyebrows knitted in alarmed shock at how much cum her brother was releasing.

At last Candace pulled her mouth off, gasping for breath and swallowing to clear the last spurt of her brother's ejaculation from her mouth. "I didn't think there'd be so much!" She gasped at last, looking first up at her panting brother, a thick pearl of cum still oozing from the tip of his engorged cock, before turning to see Betsy looking on in open-mouthed shock.

Candace did her best to appear unruffled by what had just transpired, but her face betrayed the fact that there was no way to conceal that Betsy had just watched her getting mouth-fucked, and swallowing a massive load, of her brother's cum. It took every ounce of dignity she could muster to pull up her bra, adjust her dress and try to smooth out her hair, as she worked to gain some semblance of her former appearance.

"I-I can't believe you just did that," Betsy stuttered, looking back and forth between her husband and his sister. She sat there, her breasts still openly exposed, her dress unzipped to her waist and her bra sitting on the seat beside her. Her ruffled hair and smeared makeup reflecting that she too had experienced the same rough treatment, even if she hadn't had to swallow an oversized load of cum.

"Well, I did think it was best to try and help," Candace tried to slough it off. "After all, I had taken part in the teasing too." She pulled out her compact to fix her makeup, unable to make eye contact with her sister-in-law.

"I guess I always knew you had done that for Bill," Betsy mused. "I guess I just never expected to see it for myself."

"Well," Candace paused as she reapplied the lipstick that had worn away while her brother had mouth-fucked her so roughly. "It was all in fun, but...maybe we really should have shared that experience back in college." She shrugged, blotting her lipstick on a tissue, trying to seem as nonchalant as she could, with the taste of her brother's cum still fresh in her mouth. She looked over at Betsy, once more properly composed, "Passing the baton and all."

"I suppose so," Betsy was doing her best to handle it as well as Candace and Bill seemed to be doing. She looked over as Bill had finished zipping up his trousers and was combing his fingers through his hair to smooth it back in place. "I guess it was just a bit of teasing that went too far," she said in a faraway voice. She looked up to see Bill and Candace looking over at her, for all the world as if it had never happened.

"Well, we're going to need to get you put back together, aren't we?" Candace slid over, picked up Betsy's bra and began helping her sister-in-law to put it back on, before zipping up the back of her dress. "Let's head into the washroom for a moment, to help fix your hair and makeup before we head up to the club."

Betsy stood up drunkenly and allowed herself to be led away. As they headed further up the cabin, Candace turned back, to give her brother a wink and a mischievous smile, the moment before she disappeared from view. Bill reached for his drink and released a long shuddering breath before taking a swallow. He smiled and shook his head in disbelief, vowing never to forget this impossible experience, having mouth-fucked both his wife and sister, just moments apart, in full view of one another.

This would be a night to remember.

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Campus77Campus777 months ago

Not sure which group was more excited. The young first timers or the mature parents. I enjoyed both equally. Unfortunately I didn't have a sister to practice with, but I did have several young ladies who had their first times with me, Good to see there is a Ch. 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ah, if the "tradition" were true. I only ever got one voluntary and enthusiastic blowjob in my life, and neither sister was interested in the slightest.

I think girls should learn how to give blowjobs with their brothers. Most brothers love and care for their sisters, and sisters should trust their brothers enough to enjoy the experience with them.

Great story written well, and I join the chorus for more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There has to be more! You must show how the women gradually evolve into semen worshipping sluts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please write part three, and four.

Hillran595Hillran595over 2 years ago

Enjoying this story. The setup has the potential for many different paths to explore. Interesting time period. Please do more.

RomanceLivesRomanceLivesover 2 years ago

This is amazingly hot! 5 *****

I love the juxtaposition of the two stories, showing the tradition being handed down to the next generation

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I need more stars to rate this fabulous story!

Please keep them coming (pun intended!)

Crusader235Crusader235over 2 years ago

This is some Hot Cock sucking story. 5*****

kingswedekingswedeover 2 years ago
More please

Need many more “cum filled chapters.”

Need more sucking action now with the mother, aunt and sisters all working father and son together on the back patio.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

Seems like a sort of ending here but I hope not... 5*

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