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Never Thought I Could Feel This Way

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My two guys - John and Jim - and Jim is all mine now.
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I never thought I would ever feel the way I do about any man before until Jim came into my life. I was a picked on as a kid, which carried over to high school, which meant I didn't have not one single date in school. There were attractive guys in my class as well as for the upper classmen and even some underclassmen but if I expressed any interest in any of them, that was the end of that guy. I was told time and time again how they liked me as a friend....hey I was always told that you have to be someone's friend first before they can become your lover.

After high school, I attended a few classes and then went onto work. A few of the girls and I would head to the disco every Saturday night. It wasn't bad in the beginning but it got very tiring after doing it for three years. One of my friends did meet a guy she like; not my type but I think she saw dollar signs when the mentioned having his own company and she latched on to him. He was with a friend that he was trying to get one of us to hook up with but there was no way I would give in and let this jerk off even near me.

I was happy at work but I was the only girl in the office and I worked with all men. No one interested me there except for one guy and he was a married man. I knew I shouldn't even make any kind of move on him but I was curious to see what excuse this much old man would tell me. I came in one day and I asked him if we could go out for lunch because I wanted to talk to him about something and he was very interested so we went to pick up a quick sandwich and went to the nearby park to talk.

I asked him if he thought I was pretty and he said that I wasn't only pretty but beautiful. I was shocked to hear that as no man has ever told me that before. He asked me why I was asking and I asked him if he was single would he consider going out with me and he said he would. On the way back to the office he took my hand and told me that if I ever wanted to go out again and talk to let him know because he enjoyed spending time with me and I told him I would and I too enjoyed being with him.

Before getting back to the office, he pulled off a side street and kissed me. It wasn't just a little peck but a full blown french kiss. He was exploring my mouth and I in turn did his. I was about to say something to him and I held back. We broke the kiss and he told me that he would like to meet me some night if he could get out of the house so we could be alone. I told him I was free most of the time and he told me of his wife's up coming trip to Ohio to see family and we had an entire week to see each other every night. I would tell my parents that I was going out with some of the girls to different place and they seemed to have bought my story.

John and I met in front of a hotel and I was a little bit afraid to go with him because he older and I was still a virgin and I didn't know the first thing about making love to a man or pleasing a man either. We walked into the lobby and the clerk handed John the key to room 243 and we headed to the elevator. The clerk seemed to take a double take as John was at least 20 years older than me. I was shaking and he told me to relax it would be ok.

We got into the room and John locked the door behind us. I had to be honest with him and tell him that I never did anything before and he was the first guy that kissed me like he did and I have no idea how to make love or give a man a blow job or anything. I made sure I had shaved my legs, under my arms and even shaved my pussy. I saw that in a magazine and thought that may be something John may like. He told me to leave it all up to him and he would show me and guide me and not to worry.

We kissed and then we touched and when he touched my tit, I could feel my nipple hardening and I thought something was wrong and he told me that meant I was excited and not to worry. He touched my bald pussy and I started to feel all tingly in my new panties and I was starting to feel like I never did before. He helped me take off all my clothes and I was in my bra and my wet panties. He removed my bra to check out my tits and he put his mouth on one and squeezed the other and could feel them hardening again. He then did the same with the other by putting it in his mouth and squeezing the other.

John asked me if I have ever touched or saw a cock up close and I said never in person but in some pictures. He lifted himself off the bed to remove his shorts which exposed his white cock. It wasn't that large but size to me never mattered. He told me to take his cock in my hands ad then run my hand up and down the shaft and then put the head in my mouth. He proceeded to explain how he likes to get head and said it would be a little different with each buy or they may not like it at all. After making him get a hard on, he spread my legs wide and entered my pussy slowly and said he would never do anything to hurt me and I believed him completely.

I never thought I could enjoy sex so much but I did. He was thoughtful and told me that he would wear a condom so I wouldn't get pregnant or if he doesn't get to pull out on time. He mentioned that some women, not all swallow the "cum" after the man jacks off but to each their own. I have seen women swallow on some of the porn sights I would watch if I was feeling down about myself and told him I wanted to try and swallow and he didn't need to wear the condom. Needless to say I enjoyed it and I have been swallowing ever since that first night with John. He made me feel at ease and was every educational as well as kind. I felt myself falling for him and I knew could never have him for my own.

We continued our affair until I quit my job there for a more higher paying one. We did see each other a few times after I left but he got a promotion and then was out of town a lot and then out meetings were less and less and the calls were less frequent. At first I was very upset but I was happy he finally got the promotion he deserved. I knew I wasn't going anywhere in that company and started looking around and found a great place right near my house.

I loved it right away and there was a good mix of men in that place, young and old, fat and skinny and white, Spanish, some European guys and this sexy black guy named Jim. I knew right then and there that I had to make him mine. Jim, like John was a married man but had a few issues at home that gave him time to give me the attention that I needed.

We started to sneak around on our lunch hour and then we went to his mom's house where we engaged in oral and then it was intercourse and I loved it. He enjoyed the way I gave him head and he told me that I was the best cocksucker he ever had.

We had a lot of time together and I suck him hard and then he would fuck me so hard and I would love when he jacked off all over my face, my chest and let me swallow his cum. Jim's cum was thicker than John's ever was and his cock was at least 5 inches longer and thicker than the only cock I had before him which was John's.

Two months into our affair, I got a call from one of my former co-workers telling me they had to rush John into the hospital and it was made know to us a week later that John was in the tired stage of cancer and didn't have much more time. I told Jim I had to visit my sex "teacher" John who was dying and he insisted that I spend time with the man who taught me the great art of giving a blow job and making love.

I was shocked to see that John was half the man he was when we were together and he was fading fast. I went to see him every day when his wife wasn't there and told him he was a great teacher and how I loved him every much. John admitted to me that he loved me and wished we could have been married. Sadly he passed away on June 15 after just being told less than a month ago that he was dying.

Jim made sure I was ok and even offered to take me to Jim's wake and funeral over the weekend and he did and he even came inside with me. We turned many heads with the big black guy and he had tiny little me on his arm. I passed on my deepest sympathies to his wife and children and his wife was very cold and better.

Jim and I were carrying on with our affair and it was great. I promised i would never go to another man's bed and make love to anyone but Jim. I had a former friend tell me that the only reason I went to Jim because he was black and that black men had big cocks. I told her that the size of the man's cock didn't matter to me at all and she called me a liar and then she said that the only man I could get was black and married too and that he would never leave what he has for me ever.

I'm happy now to report that Jim did leave his wife and we are now living together. I never thought that I could love anyone like I loved John, but the love I have for Jim is so different that the love I still feel for John. We have the best sex life but sex is not the most important thing to either one of us. He treats me great and takes me out to eat often so I don't have to cook even though that is one of my favorite things to do. During the Christmas holiday, Jim is taking me away somewhere and won't tell me where. I renewed my passport and he bought me all new clothes for summer time weather. I will be back to share my vacation with the only man that I could love the way I love.

Granted not all men leave their wives for their lover but I happen to luck out. All the guys that would talk to me, date me or give me a chance to show what kind of person I am, I must tell them now "Thank You" because if one of them got to my heart first, I would never had had my experiences and learning from John and have a wonderful lover in Jim.

to be continued...

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JimandGarysgirlJimandGarysgirlabout 11 years agoAuthor

Since you may not believe me, I took the extra step and getting you this information - not like you deserve it - and not like you couldn't have looked it up yourself

Stage III

For most cancers, Stage III indicates a significantly sized tumor (or tumors) that have a marked effect on surrounding tissues. Nearby lymph nodes, which contain the immune system's fluids and white blood cells, are also affected. In Stage IIIA lung cancer, the tumors inflame the lymph nodes to bigger than 7 cm. Tumors are also often located in critical areas like the near the heart or airway. Stage IIIB means that the cancer has spread to the opposite lung of the originating tumor.

Read more: Third Stage of Cancer | eHow.com />

So you can take that to the coffee shop with your shinny new penny and watch how they fill up the coffee cups from the coffee pots and if you beg they may give you a free sample.

I don't share with anyone and remember - it is not the female in the story remember - or is it that you cannot read??

So is there anything else you want to attack me with?? You can comment without the attack - others have done it - read and learn something.

JimandGarysgirlJimandGarysgirlabout 11 years agoAuthor

He was diagnosed with cancer, he was in chemo treatment for his cancer and he was in remission from cancer.

The story is true - it wasn't what happened in my life but a very close friend of mine and it wasn't the female either. You don't like it - it's your opinion, but being so nasty is not welcomed. Maybe you and your cheryl friend could find a nice bridge or some traffice

JimandGarysgirlJimandGarysgirlabout 11 years agoAuthor

Did you ever once stop to think that this story may not be true?? To each their own they say - right?? Maybe the story is true and it's about my personal experiences and what if I do like married men??

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 11 years ago

What's up with this chick and married men?

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