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The Making of a PokeSlut 02 - Zebstrika

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Cassie has to capture a Zebstrika to help a local farm.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/25/2023
Created 07/28/2021
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This series is intended to be six parts long, reflecting the maximum number of Pokemon a trainer can carry. This is part 2.

Be warned, this chapter and all subsequent chapters contain hardcore Pokemon on human action, if you don't like that, then please go elsewhere. Your pointlessly negative comments are not needed, just let people enjoy whatever turns them on.

As always, constructive feedback is very much welcome.

The Making of a PokeSlut -- Chapter 2


Just yesterday, I experienced my first taste of sex with a Pokemon, getting knotted and bred in alley by an enormous Houndoom. It was incredible, easily much better than the few times I had messed around with guys in my teens.

I had been working with a new Professor who had developed a prototype method for catching wild Pokemon using nanotech. I had been bonded to the nanites, as well as to Houndoom once I caught him after I had subdued him. Or, more accurately, after he had finished subduing my little pussy.

I was sleeping it off in my room at his lab overnight, while the Prof began work refining his prototype. He was rapidly typing commands into his PC, watching as the nanites completed their analysis of my session with the Houndoom.

- - - - - - - - - -

Subject: Cassandra Skye

PokeSlut Conversion: 0%

Analysis of Houndoom Encounter 01 complete.

View Conclusion Y/N?


- - - - - - - - - -

"Ok" said the Professor, tapping the Y button, "Let's see what improvements we can make to Miss Skye first."

- - - - - - - - - -

Observation 01: Slut appeared to enjoy taste of Pokemon cum

Alteration: Taste buds altered to be hyper receptive to this particular taste

Result: Slut will now love the taste of Pokemon cum, to the point all other foodstuffs will likely taste 'off'.

Observation 02: During coupling, Pokemon had difficulty penetrating cervix and entering womb

Alteration: Cervical tissues softened and widened, nerve ending density quadrupled

Result: Deep penetration of womb now much easier for male Pokemon, Slut will experience greatly enhanced pleasure from such penetrations.

Proceed Y/N?


- - - - - - - - - -

"Well, that's a good start." The Professor pressed the Y key one more.


"Morning Prof!" I called, walking into the lab and grabbing an apple from a bowl on the counter.

"Good morning Cassie" he replied, looking tired.

"You OK? You look exhausted."

"I'm alright Cassie, I've just been up all night calibrating the nanites."

"I have another lead for a wild male, but it's not been 100% confirmed yet. So I'm going to get some sleep and hopefully we'll have something in the next 24 hours. The day is yours."

"Ok, cool, I'm gonna take Houndoom down to the school and try my first real battle!" I exclaimed excitedly, biting a big chunk out of the apple.

"Oh yes, that reminds me. I got these for you."

The professor pulled open a drawer on his desk and presented me with two items.

"This is your official Trainer ID. Completely normal, completely boring, but you need one."

"This is much more interesting. It's a PokeDex, but one I have modified with the nanites to work much more closely with you and your Pokemon."

I flicked it on, and it powered up as normal. Most of the functions were completely usual, the map, inventory, contacts list etc. all behaved as expected. It was once I opened the Pokemon display that I noticed a big difference.

Whilst the menu for my Houndoom displayed all his usual info such as type and moves, there was a second selectable menu entitled 'Lust' with a cute heart symbol. I pressed it and the display switched to list information I never thought I would need to know.

- - - - - - - - - -


Current Lust: 28%

Time since last ejaculation: 16 hours

Estimated cum output: 1.3 Lt

Note to trainer: Battling and other physical exertion will greatly speed up rate of lust gain.

- - - - - - - - - -

As I watched, the level of lust increased to 29 and cum output to 1.32.

"Erm, why do I need to know this?"

"Don't forget, these high level males will require regular satisfaction to prevent a repeat of their previous aggressive behaviour. If they are left to go too long without orgasm and their lust reaches 100%, they may go berserk the moment you summon them."

"That's why I have installed an alarm system that will notify you when a Pokemon reaches 75% lust. The ball containing them will begin to vibrate and heat up, signifying the desire he has to breed with his trainer."

"This is actually the optimum time to breed with them, as their cum output will be nearing maximum capacity and they will therefore stay sated for longer. Isn't that great?"

"So great" I said sarcastically. "I've basically been turned into this Pokemon's pocket pussy."

"Considering you gained a very powerful Pokemon completely for free, I feel this is an adequate exchange, don't you?"

"I guess."

"Good, now I'm off to sleep and I believe you wanted to try some battles."

"Right, see you later. Oh, and Professor?"


"I think there's something wrong with these apples."


A few hours later...

Houndoom used Bite.

The opponent fainted.

"Yes!" I cheered. "Way to go bud, that's our 4th win in a row."

Houndoom bounded over to me, tail wagging. I stroked him affectionately under his chin. One of the watching trainers came over to us.

"That's one hell of Pokemon you've got. Where did you find him?"

"Oh...I...a...a friend helped me catch him."

"That's cool."

Houndoom was getting restless, he was starting to sniff around my crotch and I could see some of his cock starting to protrude from his sheath. He jumped up at me, barking happily. I tried to push him down while the other trainer watched with interest.

"Don't mind him! We're just new to this and he's a bit boisterous."

"Down boy!"

It wasn't working. Panicking, I managed to drag him behind a nearby bush out of sight.

"Please boy, not here!"

His cock was almost halfway out now, very difficult to not notice considering its size.

I flipped open my Pokedex and saw the readings. Lust 77%. There was no way I could get him back into his ball now. He jumped up again and I only just managed to push him down.

"Wait! Wait! How about this? We can just walk back to the lab, it's not very far, and then...then you can do whatever you want to me OK?"

He didn't look convinced. I knelt down in front of him and kissed him gently on the cheek, as I would a lover.

"Please baby? For me."

He barked his assent.

There was a beep from my Pokedex. "Walk parameters accepted, preparing leash."

"Oh thank god."

I felt the collar on my neck vibrate, and a long string of nanites flowed outwards and formed into a leather dog leash. The only problem? It was connected to me!

"Hang on, that wasn't what I meant!"

Not caring, Houndoom picked up the handle in his mouth, and pulled me away from the school back towards the lab.

It was the most humiliating 10 minutes of my life. Being pulled down the street on a leash by a Pokemon with a collar round my neck. With every step we took closer to the lab, his cock grew larger and more prominent until soon it was fully unsheathed, bouncing from side to side as he walked. It must have been very clear to any onlookers exactly what was about to happen next.

I was so fucking wet!

When we got back to the lab, Houndoom practically ran down the corridor to my room, dragging me along behind him. I had barely managed to shut the door when he turned and pounced, knocking me onto my ass next to the bed.

I didn't even have chance to sit up before he pounced again, his front paws landing on the bed either side of my head. Suddenly my vision was filled with nothing but angry red doggy cock, twitching in the air, beads of pre running down his shaft. He jostled forward, rubbing his cock all over my face, coating me in his fluids.

"Oh! So that's what you want is it? I asked with a smirk. I brought my hands up, taking hold of his shaft.

I began gently stroking him, my hands sliding smoothly up and down his pre slick shaft. He seemed to have other ideas though, and it seemed like he didn't want to waste any time. He kept thrusting forward, his tip crashing against my lips.

"Oh god baby, you taste so good!" He yipped happily in response. I gripped around the base of his shaft, near his burgeoning knot and began running my tongue up and down his length. This seemed to be satisfying him for now so I continued.

His massive bright red cock tasted great. I kept licking up and down his considerable length whilst jacking him off. I kept running my tongue back to his tip and swirling it around, lapping up his dribbling pre. I honestly couldn't believe how good it tasted.

I took the head in my mouth, suckling him and moaning in pleasure.

Fuck. I'm enjoying this way too much. Only a few days ago I would never have even imagined slurping down a huge doggy cock, and especially how much I would be loving it. I stuck one of my hands down my shorts and when I pulled it back out my fingers were dripping.

I wanted more, and so did he. I leaned back to catch my breath, watching as long strand of pre dribbled from his cock and landed with a splat on my tits. I bit my lip and moaned, it looked so tasty.

I leaned forward again, taking the head into my mouth. I pursed my lips, sucking hard on his throbbing cock, trying to literally suck the cum right out of him. He howled his pleasure and resumed his more aggressive thrusting.

Considering how much pre he was putting out, his cock easily and swiftly made its way deeper into my mouth, his tip soon stabbing at my throat. I tried to slow him down but it seemed like the gentle play part of things was over. Houndoom wanted to fuck my face, and I couldn't stop him. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I didn't want to stop him.

His relentless thrusting soon had more of his cock down my throat than I could handle. I was gagging, coughing and spluttering, trying to suck in air whenever he pulled back enough to let me breathe. I could tell he was enjoying himself. The throbbing and pulsing of his cock became more rapid and his knot was swelling up more and more. I knew there was no way I could physically fit that in my mouth so I resigned myself to trying to relax my throat as much as possible.

Soon enough, his fully engorged knot was battering into my lips with every one of his increasingly wild thrusts. This meant around a solid foot of red hot doggy cock was buried down my gullet. I was barely to keep up with him now, and just doing my best to remain conscious. My arms had fallen limp to my sides, drool and pre ran liberally down my chin and neck to pool in my cleavage and my horny pussy had completely soaked through my panties.

What a slut I was! My mouth was now the property of Houndoom! I just wanted him to cum now, but only because I wanted it to be over...

With a savage roar, Houndoom rammed his cock into my throat to the absolute limit and unleashed his load. The moment his thick, burning cum hit my stomach I was assailed by the most powerful and delicious taste I had ever experienced. Even though most of his load was being dumped directly into my guts some of it was inevitably backing up and out of my mouth.

It was incredible, a flavour so good I cant even describe it. Before I could register what was happening, I was cumming too! I hadn't even touched myself but the overwhelming taste and sensation of Houndoom breeding my throat sent me right over the edge. What I sight I must have made, eyes rolled back, mouth slack, my whole body spasming and twitching as his cum poured into me.

I think I actually passed out a little bit, as next thing I knew his load had come to stop and he pulled his cock free. I coughed and gagged some more, unable to handle the sheer amount of cum he had produced. It ran down my chin, and covered my chest. He had completely marked me.

I watched through half closed eyes as he lay down, licked himself clean and promptly fell asleep. It was some time before I could muster the energy to move, and even then all I could bring myself to do was scoop up all the cum that wasn't already filling me and swallow it. I just couldn't resist the taste and sensation of his cum, feeling it slide thickly down my throat to join the already enormous amount ballooning my stomach.

Once I was ready, I weakly picked up my poke ball and tossed it at Houndoom, who entered without fuss. I then crawled into bed, exhausted but smiling, knowing that after every battle I would get to taste him again.


It was around this time that the Professor had woken up and noticed a pending notification on his monitor.

- - - - - - - - - -

Subject: Cassandra Skye

PokeSlut Conversion: 11%

Analysis of Houndoom Encounter 02 Complete.

View Conclusion Y/N?

- - - - - - - - - -

"Oh my god, even knowing what would happen that little slut went and battled him straight away!"

"She's too perfect for this."

"Let's see what we can change this time."

- - - - - - - - - -


Observation 01: Slut struggled to accept cock past oral cavity and perform procedure known as 'Deep throat'.

Alteration: Nerve endings responsible for natural gag reflex removed, nasopharynx widened and deepened

Result: Slut will no longer gag when throating even the biggest cocks. Slut will be able to maintain extended deep throat for a greatly increased duration.

Proceed Y/N?


- - - - - - - - - -

The Professor pressed the Y button just as his phone rang.

"Have you found it?" he asked hurriedly.

"Yes, we have a confirmed sighting. We're going to trap it in the barn tonight. Bring the slut first thing in the morning."

"Don't worry, she'll be there."


I was awoken rudely the next morning by the Professor shaking my shoulders. Thankfully I'd woken up in the evening and had the presence of mind to wash off all the Houndoom cum before crashing back into bed.

"Come on Cassie, they've located another wild male. We have work to do."

"What? No way! This was supposed to be a one time thing. I already have one horny dog I need to take care of, I don't need another Pokemon."

"But Cassie this is important. The Zebstrika has been attacking the stables, hurting other Pokemon and farmhands. What if it was attacking your families farm? This is the only way we know of to stop it."

"But I'm going to need to fuck it aren't I? How am I supposed to fuck a horse? And then I'm going to just have another Pokemon that needs regular servicing! Isn't their anyone else?"

"No Cassie, there's no one else. Besides, you're perfect for this."

Why did being told I'm a perfect living cocksleeve for Pokemon just send a rush of arousal and wetness straight to my pussy?

"Please, Cassie. Help me save this farm."

"God damn it, let me just get dressed."


We arrived in the van around an hour later. The Professor got out to go and speak with the manager whilst I climbed into the back to get changed into my uniform. I stripped down and waited for the nanites to do their work

Once they were done, they produced another mirror for me to examine myself.

"Oh for fuck...why am I not surprised?"

The nanites had created another highly fetishised outfit for me to wear. Like before, my legs were encased in boots up to my mid thigh and my arms up to my biceps. This time, the leather was striped black and white just like a Zebstrika. Instead of paws, the gloves and particularly the boots had been shaped to look just like hooves.

I was also wearing a headband with matching horse ears, as well as the customary buttplug with a long, swishy horse tail attached. The major difference though was that instead of a dog collar, the nanites had created a metal bit and bridle set. The bit filled my mouth and attached firmly round the back of my head with the leather bridle falling over my shoulders and hanging down my back to my ass.

As usual, my tits and crotch were completely bare and as was also becoming depressingly usual, my pussy was soaked.

There was a bang on the rear door of the van and the Professor's voice called out.

"Ready Cassie?"

"Umm hmm" I replied as best I could through the bit.

Well Cassie, I thought, time to get fucked by a horse.

The door opened and I stepped out. I was immediately greeted by stares, wolf whistles and various comments.

"What a gorgeous mare!"

"Only a true PokeSlut would agree to this."

"That thing's gonna tear her in half!"

I was dismayed to note that the more they stared the wetter I became. Why was my body enjoying this treatment so much?

The Professor was sat nearby, a laptop prepared on a little folding table. I hobbled over to him.

"Looking good Cass" he smiled. "They've trapped the Zebstrika in the barn. For safety, once you go inside they won't open the doors until you catch him."

"Aht leasht I won't haff an audiensh."

"Right. Head on over when you're ready. I'll be monitoring again from here."

I hobbled over to the barn, the doors slamming shut behind me with a very definitive bang.

The Zebstrika was pacing back and forth, kicking out and releasing random thunderbolts, clearly upset about his captivity. I heard the Professors voice come through my earpiece.

"Ok Cassie, I'm going to scan him then the nanites will tell you what to do."

I watched as the small cloud of nanites separated from me again, hovering near the Pokemon. The Zebstrika noticed me and turned my way, scuffing his hooves and snorting, almost like a bull ready to charge. I could see little bits of lightning begin to arc from him to nearby metal fixtures.

"Scanning now."

- - - - - - - - - -

Name: Zebstrika

Level: 91

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Race: Equine

Height: 1.7 m (at shoulder)

Weight: 780 kg

Penis Length (Unsheathed): 25 in (medial ring at 20 in mark)

Penis Width: 4.5 in (medial ring): 5.3 in

Testicle Diameter: 10 in

Semen Output: Extreme

Refractory Period: Medium

NOTE: Electric Typing, Penis and Semen electrically charged (will attempt to compensate)

NOTE: Significant pheromonal musk detected around testicles

Keywords: Arrogant, Dominant, Shocking

Assessment: Blunt tip of penis used as battering ram on female womb. Uses electrical shocks to stimulate female pleasure centres and force contraction of vaginal muscles.

WARNING: Penis size exceeds maximum recommended for human female. Ensure PokeSlut meets criteria 'Size Queen' before proceeding.

Recommendation for Slut: Submit to male, approach while neighing, adopt technique dubbed 'nuzzling' on testicles.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Ok Cassie, now what you need to do is get closer to him and calm him down, just like before. He needs to recognize you as a mare that wants to breed with him."

"The computer says you should trot over to him, make neighing noises and nuzzle your face up to his balls. A female Zebstrika will do this in the wild to show her intent."

Fucking hell. What was my life becoming?

I swallowed my pride and began awkwardly trotting over to him, doing my best to make neighing noises and come across as non-threatening. The Zebstrika stopped charging up, tilting his head to one side in clear confusion.

As I got closer, I reached out and slowly stroked his flanks, before leaning in and pressing my body up against his side. I could feel the electricity flowing between us, sending little jolts of pleasure straight to my brain. I pressed my advantage while he still unsure what was happening, kneeling down and shuffling underneath him. He was so big that I could fairly comfortably rest on my knees and my ears would just reach his belly.

The first thing I noticed was the smell, the air was thick and heavy underneath him. It made me feel a little slow and woozy it was such a potent musk. Every breath I took I could feel it seeping into me, arousing me and lowering my inhibitions. I wanted more.


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