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The Fastest Fuck in the West


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Will nodded slightly, obviously glad he was off the hook. It was true though, Will she expected something like this from, but Kevin, he should have known better.

"I can't believe he'd make a bet like that, and even add that I was the prize. Motherfucker!" Zoe said as she sat back, the initial rage calming to a slightly quieter, more focused anger.

"Hey, I'm sure he wouldn't have meant his end you know?" Will said, once more trying to defend Zoe's absent asshole of a fiancée.

"Huh, it would have served him right if you had won. Let the bastard walk in and see what he gets for making such an idiot bet!" She replied acidly. It would have served the bastard right too. Maybe seeing his best friend screwing his fiancée would have made the asshole see what a fucking insult it was to bet her. FUCK, was she pissed off right now.

Both of them sat there in silence for a while as Zoe thought over the fact that the man she was going to marry in a few months had bet his friend couldn't seduce her, if he won that he could fuck her, and had even gone out to leave him to it for however long it was! He had left her to be subjected to whatever Will wanted to do to try to seduce her! Was that what she meant to him?

All of Will's behaviour since she had come down stairs made sense now. He was usually flirty, but the compliments, the stroking her neck, running his fingers down her spine, holding her waist, pressing his hard bulge into her ass. It all made sense, and she had ignored all of it like usual because she was faithful and good! Fuck! Some of that attention had felt good, but she would never have let Will go too far, and now she finds out that all of that time, Will had had Kevin's consent in being able to try to seduce her! What made it worse, even if Kevin had won he would have got what, an admission from Will that everyone knows anyway and a hundred? For what? For Will's prize of screwing her if he had succeeded! The fucking bastard!

It really would have served the asshole right if Will had succeeded!

All of the thoughts wound Zoe up even more, however right then the one she wanted to unleash it all out on was still out!

"How long has he been out?" Zoe asked irritably.

"About 45 minutes." Will replied, still unsure about whether to speak or not.

45 Minutes. Will had said an hour or two, so Kevin could be back in 15 minutes or anytime after that. The anger within Zoe burned hotly. She needed to unleash it or she was going to smash things. That didn't sound like a bad idea, but why should she take it out on things she would need to replace because of that asshole?

Suddenly, within her irate state, a thought came to Zoe that usually wouldn't have, but right then, it was most appealing and it would serve that bastard right.

"Alright then," Zoe said as she stood up and turned around, planting her hands on her slim waist as she looked down at Will, who looked worried she was about to yell at him after all. "Here's what I'm going to do."

Will sat perfectly still, waiting for the inevitable tirade.

"Seeing as my loving fiancée obviously didn't care if his best friend nailed me, I'm going to give you a blowjob." She said in a perfectly calm sounding voice.

Will's eyes shot wide open in surprise, which would have made Zoe laugh if she wasn't feeling so angry.

"What, seriously?" He asked as he stared at her incredulously.

Zoe nodded, it would serve Kevin right. Bet her would he!?

"Yep, perfectly serious." She answered calmly, "You may have lost your little bet, but obviously Kevin doesn't care if he bet me to you, so it will serve him right for being such an asshole."

Will stared at her a moment longer to see if she was actually serious, and when he realised that she was, all concern left him as a big grin split his face and his eyes lit up as he quickly began to unbutton his jeans.

"One condition though, you can't tell Kevin." Zoe added calmly.

"What? That wasn't part of the bet? Besides, how is it getting back at Kevin if he doesn't know?" Will asked incredulously as he stopped unbuttoning his jeans halfway.

"Firstly, you didn't win that insulting bet, and secondly, because it will serve Kevin right to think that he won his stupid bet while you know that I sucked your dick." Zoe answered, "Besides, you either have to fulfil your end of that bet, or fulfil it and have your dick sucked by the girl your best friend is going to marry in a few months, a girl you know no one could get."

Will obviously saw the logic in that, however he was too proud, or stupid, to leave it at that.

"Alright, one more condition though, you can't spit." He replied, to which Zoe rolled her eyes.

Obviously Will knew that she wanted to get back at Kevin enough to concede to something not too big. If he would have asked to fuck her, he must have known she would have said no, but something like this...well, if she was going to have his dick in her mouth, she might as well finish the job. Besides, Kevin deserved it the asshole. Let him kiss her after his best friend's dick had been in her mouth.

"Fine." Zoe replied after a moment and moved to stand before him.

As Zoe stood in front of Will, her fiancee's best friend's eyes lit up once more. Zoe however simply only thought of this as getting back at Kevin. While Will was cute no doubt, and if she had been single she may have gone for him, this was all about getting back at her idiot of a fiancée.

The smile she gave Will had no mirth in it whatsoever, however Will did not care as he watched his friend's fiancée slowly sink to her knees between his legs as he sat on the sofa.

As Zoe reached for where Will had left his buttons half open, she watched her engagement ring glinting in the sunlight. Instead of making her think twice because she was engaged, the sight of the ring as she reached to unbutton the jeans of her fiancee's best friend made Zoe more angry at Kevin for being an asshole, and more determined to get back at him. This time, the smile she gave Will was full and playful.

Kevin McReea picked up the spade in the hardware store, looking it over carefully. He had intended on digging a small pond in the back garden at some point, having a new spade might help with that. Placing it in the trolley he had just picked out, he began to walk up the first aisle of the store, glancing at his watch as he made his way slowly.

45 Minutes he had been gone now. He had decided not to head back straight away on the hour, he had no worries about Will winning this bet, so the guy could do with a little extra time, or he might complain that he hadn't had enough to try to charm Zoe properly.

Man, this was going to be the easiest hundred that Kevin had ever made. Chuckling to himself, he continued to make his way up the aisle, thinking of the other few errands he had in mind to run while he fulfilled his part of the bet.

Meanwhile, Kevin's best friend had accidentally told his loving fiancée all about the bet they had made, and now, as he pushed the cart around the corner and began heading slowly down the second aisle, his gorgeous bride-to-be was sinking to her knees, the engagement ring he had bought her glistening in the sunlight, as she slowly began to unbutton his best friend's jeans so that she could suck on his cock.

Kevin continued on, oblivious to what his bet had done, while Zoe pulled another button open...

Will stared down at the top of Zoe's beautiful blonde head as she reached towards his jeans and took hold of where he had left off unbuttoning them.

He couldn't believe this was actually happening. His best friend's fiancée was going to give him a blowjob! Zoe was not only incredibly hot, but she was the girl no one could get, not even him, despite all he had tried. And yet, now here she was, on her knees in front of him, slowly unbuttoning his jeans, ready to suck his dick all because she was furious at Kevin for making that bet! Fuck, he had thought things had all gone wrong, but damn, they had turned out better than he figured.

Returning the playful smile that Zoe gave him when she looked up as she finished unbuttoning his jeans, he lifted himself from the sofa enough to help her pull his jeans down. He stared hungrily down the white strappy top she was wearing into the glorious cleavage of her 38C tits as she pulled the jeans from his feet and slung them to the side uncaring where they landed.

Fuck! He wished he could screw that hot chick who was on her knees in front of him now, especially as she turned to look back up at him, biting her bottom lip gently as she reached up to take a hold of the waistband of his boxers. Still, he wasn't going to say no to her sucking his dick, no way. Shit, all because Kevin made that bet and pissed her off. Now he was going to have his dick in Kevin's fiancee's mouth. Damn, he couldn't wait.

As Will looked down into Zoe's eyes, she smiled playfully before looking at his crotch. Will grinned as he leaned back into the sofa, ready to relish every moment Zoe's mouth was wrapped around his dick.

Zoe smiled at Will before looking back to where his boxers swelled up in a large bulge. This must have been like a dream come true for Will, having her on her knees in front of him. He was sure turned on enough to prove that obviously. The thought made Zoe feel a little proud, however the anger at Kevin swallowed the feeling up almost instantly, and she turned her concentration back to the task at hand, literally.

Taking hold of the top of Will's boxers, Zoe looked up at him and smiled playfully.

"Let's have a look at this 'secret weapon' you keep telling me about." She said hotly, and in one quick, fluid motion, yanked his boxers down his legs, pulling them from his feet and tossing them somewhere in the lounge before turning to look back at him.

The moment Zoe's eyes fell back on Will they widened in stunned shock. She had been right, Will's dick was ragingly hard, all...looking at it a moment she made a guess...fuck, ten inches of it.

For a few moments all Zoe could do was stare at it, completely transifixed. All of the anger within her was forgotten as she simply stared at the biggest, and thickest, dick she had ever seen in her life. Fuck, it was like a baseball bat!

Her pussy tingled at the thought of how such a thing must feel, if it was possible to shove all of that inside a woman. Damn! How was she going to get that thing in her mouth!? That thought made her mouth water and a burning desire grow in her belly.

"You like what you see Zo'?" Will asked proudly.

All she could do was nod slightly. She did, this thing was amazing, and now that she saw it, she understood why Will had said earlier that if his charm didn't work, his 'secret weapon' would. Damn, how any woman could resist a dick like this...

All thoughts of Kevin were out of her head as Zoe slowly reached forward with her right hand and gently wrapped her hand around the thick shaft at the base. Fuck, it was like a metal rod! Her left hand quickly joined the other, wrapping around another handful of Will's hard cock meat, however there was still a good few inches poking out from the top of her hands. Damn this thing was going to stretch her jaw!

That was when she noticed her engagement ring sparkle as her hand was wrapped around Will's dick, and Zoe suddenly remembered she had a fiancée. A momentary pang of guilt ran through her, until she remembered what Kevin had done, and then it was gone and all that filled her was a burning hunger for the huge cock before her and anger at her fiancée, although, the anger had subsided quite a lot and was now being replaced by the tingling throughout her body as Will's big dick filled her vision.

Slowly at first, Zoe began to move her two fists up and down the long, hard length of Will's raging cock, jacking it up and down slowly, and watching the movements, as well as her sparkling engagement ring, as if mesmerised.

Will let out a sigh of satisfied pleasure as Zoe's hands began to move up and down, gripping tighter as she began to pick up speed until finally both of her hands jerked up and down Will's big cock swiftly.

Zoe couldn't believe how big this thing was. It was much bigger than Kevin's dick and much harder. As her hands moved up and down, Zoe's eyes remained fixed on the impressive rod before her, until she felt Will's hand on her head, gently pulling her towards his huge member.

Closer and closer her face got until she was only a few inches from the hot shaft. That was when Zoe took her left hand off and began slowly to move her right hand up and down the entire length of Will's big cock.

Still Will gently pulled her face towards his raging dick and as Zoe slowly moved her hand up and down, she softly kissed the large head before kissing down the entire length. Finally once she reached the base of Will's dick, she kissed both of his large balls before flicking her tongue out and teasingly ran her tongue all the way up the impressive shaft before licking the head lavishly.

Will continued to sigh pleasurably, enjoying the loving attention Zoe was showing his hard dick, however Zoe burned with the need to feel this 'weapon' in her mouth. She wondered how much she could fit in, and felt a proud-smugness that Kevin's best friend's giant dick was about to fill her mouth. Serves him right if he thinks he can bet her body away.

Zoe looked up into Will's eyes and gave him a dirty, playful smile, and then without saying a word, yet keeping her eyes locked on his, she slowly opened her lips and moved her mouth over the head of Will's cock. Slowly she lowered her mouth over the large head and felt a flash of electricity shoot through her body as she felt her lips touch the hard member before feeling it enter her warm mouth. Keeping her eyes on Will's, Zoe wrapped her lips around his hard cock and continued to lower her mouth down its solid length until she felt the big head press against her throat.

Will's eyes were glazed, as she knew her own must be, as he stared down at her in sheer pleasure at having his dick shoved in her mouth.

Keeping her hand that was still wrapped firmly around the rest of his cock, Zoe slowly pulled her head back until finally her lips left the large head of Will's dick. Smiling at him, Zoe slowly began to run her hand tightly up and down Will's cock again.

"You fucking tease." Will groaned in impatience which made Zoe's smile deepen.

However, she didn't reply. Instead, Zoe once more moved her mouth over Will's raging hard-on and once again wrapped her luscious lips around its hard shaft before once more filling her mouth with its solid length. This time her right hand began to jack up and down Will's dick as she sucked hard before lifting her head almost from his dick before pushing her tightly-clamped lips back down Will's solid shaft.

"Oh fuck, yeah!" Will groaned in pleasure as Zoe began to bob her beautiful blonde head up and down his hard cock as her right hand began to jack up and down the rest of its immense length furiously.

Sucking hard and jacking harder, Zoe worked her hot mouth up and down her fiancee's best friend's dick, pushing her mouth a little further down the enormous shaft each time it hit the back of her throat. Tightening her grip she pumped his cock furiously, as she sucked and let her tongue dance along the head and length of Will's amazing dick.

"Mmmph." Zoe breathed as she continued to bob her head up and down Will's dick, sucking and licking for all she was worth.

Will had let his head fall back as he revelled in the amazing feeling of having his friend's fiancée sucking on his big dick. However even with his head back, Zoe could tell that Will was enjoying her effort, and not just because his hand kept gripping and loosing her hair as it still rested on her head.

Zoe would have smiled if she hadn't got a mouth stuffed full with hard cock. She was always proud of how good she was at pleasing Kevin in every way, it was nice to see that she could do the same to others.

As Will had broken the eye contact that Zoe had found so electrifying, oh it had felt good to stare into Will's eyes as she sucked his cock, knowing that this was Kevin's best friend, Zoe turned her attention to looking at the large dick that she was shoving in and out of her mouth.

Her eyes widened slightly as she watched her hand fly up and down the length of Will's cock while her head bobbed up and down the rest. She had managed to take a good few inches, but there was still about half of that enormous rod left. Will's dick was enormous! Fuck! She was sucking as hard as she could on what she had stuffed in her mouth, could she take anymore? Fuck it felt good stuffed in her mouth! So big and hard!

Slowing her pace, Zoe began to try to work another inch into her mouth, trying slowly but determinedly to push the next inch down her tight throat. Slowly as she worked her mouth up and down Will's cock, her hand slowly jerking up and down, she managed to work that inch into her throat. After a couple of times of pushing it in and out of her mouth, Zoe became accustomed to the extra inch pushing into her throat and it became easier. Fuck! She felt stuffed full of cock and there were still another four inches left. Zoe wondered how anyone could swallow that much solid meat without choking, however, despite the seeming impossibility, she was determined to try.

"Fuck Zo' you're such a good cocksucker! Kevin's a lucky guy!" Will moaned breathily causing Zoe to look up once more.

Her fiancee's friend was once again looking down at her as she continued to bob her head up and down his shaft, her long blonde hair and large tits gently bouncing in time with each other as she doubled her effort as her eyes once more locked onto his.

"Damn! Fuck, I can't believe I've got his bride-to-be sucking my dick in his own house! Fuck, yeah!" Will groaned as his hand tightened once more in her hair.

The mention of just how illicit what was actually going on was sent a bolt of electricity through Zoe's body. Will was right. Here she was, engaged to the man she loved, about to be married in a few months, sucking her fiancee's best friend's humungous dick right there in their living room. That realisation should have made her feel guilty as hell. Instead, Zoe simply thought that Kevin deserved it for being such an asshole, however as Zoe continued to bob her head up and down Will's huge cock, letting her tightly wrapped lips slide up and down the hard length, more and more the anger began to be replaced by a growing heat inside her body, a feeling of need and lust brought on by this amazing cock she had buried in her hot mouth.

That was why, as the two stared into each others eyes as Zoe sucked and licked hard and fast, Zoe swapped her right hand for her left, wrapping her fingers tightly around Will's solid rod and pumping up and down furiously as she sucked harder and faster.

"Fuck you're a dirty slut!" Will almost growled as Zoe's more intense effort began to obviously effect him more.

Zoe smiled around her mouthful of rock-hard cock as she looked down at her left hand, jacking swiftly up and down Will's impressive length. Her engagement ring looked so hot next to the hard shaft of her fiancee's best friend. It sparkled in the sunlight as if to emphasis the lust of the situation that her she was, sucking on a big dick that did not belong to the guy who gave her that ring, the guy who would give her the wedding band to go with it in a few months.

The image and thoughts were too much and Zoe felt her pussy blaze.

"Mmmmmmph!" She moaned around Will's hard cock as she continued working it in and out of her mouth. Her eyes rolled in pleasure and Zoe began sucking harder and bobbing her head up and down while pumping furiously up and down Will's shaft so fast that both began to become a blur.

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