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"Um Mr. Tallen" I addressed our silver haired benefactor. "I do not mean to look a gift horse in the mouth, but Jose my chief mechanic..."

Boone Tallen cut me off. "That Cuban fella with the stubborn Latin wife Maria?" Boone Tallen chuckled. "I got him covered. Jose is going off to Bombardier-Lear to get qualified on the Lear 65 series. The jet is under a maintenance contract with your old air firm. Jose will be the main man with a big bump in salary. I couldn't get Jose or that wife of his Maria to accept a dime. Took my private dicks a couple days to find all the universities his brood goes to. All their kids' tuition is paid for in full as well as housing, books, and any loans or fees. I would rather tangle with the IRS then deal with that wife of his Maria again any day. Her cleaning company is about to see a big increase in contracts-just don't say anything to her!"

Bill Tallen used his silver cane to get up from the chair. "Now before I go one last thing. You two get your bodies down to the Preacher, Priest, Justice of the Peace, Rabbi, Imam, whatever -and get hitched. I don't like my employees living in sin!"


Lourdes and I did get married. I wanted a small simple affair. Lourdes, Maria and the rest of the female Latina network were in high gear-they informed me the extent of my participation was for Jose and me to pick up our tuxes, showing up at the church at the appointed date and time. It was a huge event at Nine Rivers Country Club. Boone Tallen our wealthy benefactor -we had the heart attack adventure with at the golf course, loved a good party. He insisted on paying for the whole event-including the Honeymoon cruise, a wedding present Boone Tallen called it.

Amy was there. She is stronger but still needs a cane to get around. The short term memory problems make her seem a little scatterbrained at times. The routine and schedule of house cleaning helps keep her on track. Amy still rents out our small apartment space above the garage. I am civil to Amy, but wary-like one is around a dog that has once bit you. Amy sometimes sees a guy who is on one of the cleaning crews. Nice down to earth fellow, they met at church and I wish them the best of luck.

My new job combined my two loves –Lourdes and flying. Lourdes sends Amy postcards from wherever we fly to, no matter how big or small the place we are at. Amy and Lourdes still sit on the porch some evenings while Lourdes goes over each detail of the postcard place with Amy. However that is going to come to a halt as Lourdes will have to stop flying soon for a while. Good news is I am going to be a proud Poppa.

I will soon have three loves!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Amy had more than one screw loose and she was full of contradictions. And how in a no fault state with no kids doesnrhe cheating wife get more than 50/50 in this author's story. That is highly abnormal. Lourdes was great. After the craziness with Amy, most of this was a romance with the MC and Lourdes.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 month ago

That Boone Tallen sure gets around. Wish l met him once, just to save his hangnail. What one get for a hangnail. One shudders to think


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Amy’s behavior is kinda inexplicable.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

My feelings are all around the place, but all good. Husband's literally fucked by his wife while wanting to move up, a move unbeknown to her that'd put her life in danger & wishing she never thought of it. While I'm not sure how many gfs or new wives would put up with the ex's as Lourdes did, but overall she's a goldmine.

>> Saying that, Amy suffering a stroke or not, I wouldn't want her around me after what she did. Returned to ex-hubby after lover killed himself. I mean, she left after being caught after having sex with the asshole then belittling him. Just NO!! But the story had Amy "saved" from an uncertain future. I won't argue with the author as it likely showed what type of person he/ she is. (Compliment)

>> The old guy who's life was saved was a standup guy in every sense of the word.

>> Well written & thought out story. 5 stars. Bob

FluidswallowerFluidswallower3 months ago

A somewhat tragic tale with a heart-warming, fairytale ending. .Well-written with good character development. Thanks for an excellent and enjoyable read.

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