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CFNM Randy Summers Office Boy


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I kept feeling the elevator moving and the doors opening and closing. Were we stopping at every floor? Were different people getting on and off the elevator taking turns abusing me or was it all my paranoid imagination?

Hands kept coming and going, exploring different parts of my body. There was a hand slapping my Pecs and squeezing my nipples. Then another hand playing with my ass and tickling my butthole and another hand stroking my abs and thighs. All the while one hand was steadily stroking my cock. It was messing with my mind that at no time were more than two hands touching me. There might have been one person groping me or there might have been a dozen. I was certain that all the hands belonged to women. I could feel long fingernails and sometimes jewelry. I could smell different perfumes.

Finally one of the mystery hands milked my cock with great purpose. It didn't take much longer for me to shoot my load. I let out a yelp as my hot cum gushed out. My knees were shaking as I finished. I heard Ms. Mayer.

"You've done an excellent job Randy. It's just what I wanted from you".

It felt as though the elevator doors opened.

"You may remove your blindfold only when the elevator stops again."

"But Ms. Mayer what..."

With that it sounded as though she (and anyone else) had stepped out. That damned music was so loud I couldn't have heard a stampede. I did manage to feel the doors close. And the elevator was moving again. When it stopped, I took off my tie-blindfold.

I WAS in a glass elevator! And I had been standing facing out away from the doors and shot my load against the glass wall for the entire world to see! It was still dripping down the glass. The elevator overlooked pretty much the entire studio lot! I didn't see anyone in the area now, but who knows who may have been watching?

My clothes and car keys had been put on the floor of the elevator, along with my pay envelope. I got dressed as fast as I could and found my way back to my car holding the rip in the seat closed as best I could. Getting arrested for lewd behavior is not my idea of fun.

As I drove home I wondered just how many people had seen me, or touched me for that matter. Ms. Mayer had said that she worked with an all female staff. Had they all been there in secret? How many had been watching me? How many had participated in sexually using me? The thought made my cock start to stir again. I was hard all the way back to my dorm room. Why am I finding these crazy situations so damn hot?

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kinkymind1970kinkymind19707 months ago

literally an awesome fantasy!

ProfDavrosProfDavrosover 3 years ago
Fun outing

Another great story that is feasible and fun. Makes me wish I’d had such adventures as a lad. Keep up the stories, you write well.

KingflintKingflintalmost 4 years ago

luv your stories

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Keep it up

I love your stories! Please keep writing.

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