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Girls Wear Swimsuits, Boys Go Nude

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Monica teaches coed swim class.
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Monica Kelly tapped her fingernails nervously on the chair's armrest. She had her nylon-covered legs crossed tightly while she watched the bustling activity of the office workers passing by; mail clerks, secretaries, and sales managers all with somewhere they needed to be.

Monica glanced out the window and watched the busy traffic on the streets four stories below; taxis, trucks, and a city bus similar to the one she'd taken to get to this interview. She double checked the inside of her purse to make sure she had enough money to get home.

"Monica Kelly?"

Monica looked up at the red-haired secretary who had called her name.

"Follow me," the secretary said.

Monica rose from her seat and followed the secretary down the hall to the second office on the right. Inside, a balding, business suit-clad gentleman in his mid-fifties was waiting for her.

"Hello! Monica?" he greeted.

"Yes, that's me," she said.

"Albert Hosdale. Thanks for coming in." He extended his hand and she shook it. "Please, have a seat."

Monica sat down in the chair opposite his desk and waited for him to return to his seat as well.

"Did you have a look at our website?" he asked.

"Yes, I did," Monica said. "I was really impressed. Your managers come from far and wide to work here."

Albert smiled proudly.

"We've got a great crew here. Talented people. And very busy people. Which is why I need a good secretary."

Monica sat up straight in her chair. "Well I would be a fantastic fit! I mentioned I worked in the student affairs department at LaPorte?"

"You did," Albert replied. "I looked over your resume very thoroughly. You have experience with phones, paperwork, scheduling..."

Monica nodded. "I've basically already been a secretary, short of having the actual title of one!"

She giggled, and Albert let out a chuckle.

"Well, here our secretaries are bestowed with that honorary title!" he said.

Monica blushed and smoothed her hands across her skirt nervously.

"My son tells me student affairs ISN'T your current job, though?" Albert began.

"Oh, well, as I'm sure he mentioned, CURRENTLY, I'm a swimming instructor at his university. It was only supposed to be for a short while, but one semester turned into three, so now I'm really trying to move on up."

Albert nodded understandingly.

"Don't feel ashamed about where you are currently in life," Albert said. "What you do in menial positions speaks volumes about your character and work ethic."

Monica cleared her throat. "I agree completely," she said. "I do like my job as as a swim teacher, and take it very seriously. And I plan to take my job here very seriously too."

"I have no doubt. My son spoke very highly of you," Albert said. "So tell me, what's it like being a swim teacher at LaPorte University?"

* * * * *


The smell of chlorine entered his nostrils as soon as he passed through the double doors into the rec center. Nick Hosdale's pulse picked up as he made his way to the pool. He could sense the nervous energy from the other boys nearby, all of them dreading what would be asked of them before they could enter the water. That is, almost all of the other boys.


Nick didn't have to turn around to know who just entered the building. Caleb Russel hurried up to his side and put one arm around his neck and squeezed.

"Ah, get off me, Caleb!" Nick cried, and struggled free of his roommate's hold.

"What's up your butt today?" Caleb asked, perplexed.

"You mind? I'm not in the mood," Nick grumbled.

Caleb shrugged. "Not in the mood? Why not? We're starting swim class!"

Nick side-eyed him.

"Swim class!" Caleb repeated. "Girls! Bathing suits! How are you not excited?"

Caleb turned his head to ogle two cute girls walking nearby towards the pool. Caleb was right. The lovely ladies in the class would be wearing bathing suits very soon. It was what the boys would be wearing that had Nick concerned.

Nick and Caleb stepped into the pool room and Caleb's eyes lit up. A group of six girls were seated on the bleachers talking amongst themselves.

"Ashley Bruckner's in our class!" Caleb whispered loudly in Nick's ear. "That girl has the biggest, hugest, nicest-"

"Hi Caleb!" Ashley called out. She waved eagerly at him, causing her large breasts to shake in her tight t-shirt as she did.

"Ashley! You're looking fine!" Caleb replied.

He grabbed Nick by his arm and pulled him along as he hopped up onto the bleachers, and the two of them took a seat beside the group of attractive coeds.

A few more students arrived over the next five minutes, and soon it was clear that the females of the class would outnumber the males about three to two. Nick glanced around for a teacher or instructor, but it appeared only students had arrived yet.

It was then that a young woman seated at the base of the bleachers stood up and faced the students. She wore a white tank top and red shorts, and her black hair was tied back into a ponytail. She looked barely old enough to have graduated yet, let alone be a teacher.

"Hello everyone, welcome to Swimming 200. I'm Monica Kelly, your swimming instructor!"

Nick's mouth dropped open. "That's our TEACHER?" he whispered.

"There's a lot of undergraduates in the school faculty this semester," Ashley replied. She chewed on a piece of purple bubble gum that made her breath smell pleasantly sweet.

"Wow," was all Nick could say in response. He didn't want to be the one to say it, but Monica was a knockout.

"Today we'll be going over the syllabus, and then I'll be handing out combination locks to everyone and swimsuits for the ladies," Monica said.

"Woo!" one girl cheered. The other girls giggled.

"So, show of hands, ladies, did any of you NOT submit your swimsuit size when you signed up for the class?" Monica asked.

Nick looked around. Only one girl had her hand raised.

"What is your name?" Monica asked the girl.

"Paige Stevens," she said. "I signed up yesterday and there was this notice that said my swimsuit wouldn't be ordered in time."

"What is your size?" Monica asked.

"Uh, medium, I think?"

Monica checked inside a large cardboard box that rested near the base of the bleachers.

"You're in luck. We have one extra."

Paige breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, Paige. We would have come up with something for you!" Monica assured her. She grabbed a stack of papers and began handing them out.

"So here is the syllabus, we'll be going over this briefly before having you all get changed," Monica said, handing one to each student as she stepped up the bleacher steps. "Now, as I'm sure you are all aware, swimsuits are provided for all ladies in the class. Gentleman are expected to swim in the nude."

Nick gulped. He did already know that, but it made it no easier to hear it out loud.

Caleb raised his hand.

"Hey teach, if all of us dudes are naked, don't you think it would be really distracting when the girls see my enormous Johnson?" Caleb asked.

The students snickered. Monica rolled her eyes.

"What is your name?" Monica asked.

"Nick. Nick Hosdale," Caleb said. Nick elbowed him in the side.

"His name is Caleb Russel!" Nick corrected.

Monica sighed and looked at Caleb disdainfully.

"Mr. Russel, this is a college course. I hope we can all be mature adults?" Monica said hopefully.

"Yes, ma'am," Caleb said, smiling and folding his hands.

"Good. Let's get on with the syllabus."

Monica talked the students through the class description; explaining all of the various swimming techniques they'd be learning throughout the course. Despite Monica's through covering of the syllabus material, only a third of the scheduled class time had passed before the moment Nick was dreading had finally arrived.

"Okay, let's get ready for swimming!" Monica said. "When I call your name, step forward and I'll hand you your padlock, and if applicable, your swimsuit.

She picked up a clipboard and read the names of the students in alphabetical order.

"Jessica Allen."

Jessica was a tall brunette seated near the top of the bleachers. She stepped down the stairs until she was at Monica's side.

"Here you are, Jessica," Monica said. She handed her a combination lock and a shiny blue Lycra swimsuit from the cardboard box, marked with her name.

"The women's locker room is right over there," she said, pointing. "Pick out any locker you like and leave your belongings inside. After you shower and you're in your swimsuit please stand on the red line right here."

Monica pointed to a thick red line painted around the edge of the pool. Jessica took the lock and the swimsuit from Monica's hands and headed to the locker room. Monica looked at the next name on the clipboard.

"Ashley Bruckner."

Ashley bounced giddily down the stairs and eagerly took the swimsuit and combination lock from Monica's hands. She blew a bubble while she read the combination on the lock's tag.

"Please do not chew gum in my class, Miss Bruckner," Monica said.

"Sorry!" Ashley spat her gum into her hand, and disposed of it in a nearby trash can.

"Pick out a locker, shower, and when you're dressed in your swimsuit, stand on the red line next to Jessica," Monica said.

Ashley scurried off to the locker room and Monica read the next name on her clipboard.

"Nick Hosdale."

Nick nervously rose from his seat and stepped down the bleachers to Monica's side.

"So you're the REAL Nick?" Monica asked.

"Yeah," he blushed.

"Good." She smiled. She handed him a combination lock, and nothing else. "The men's locker room is right over there. Please leave your clothes and belongings in any locker you'd like, and after your shower, come on out and stand on the red line here next to Ashley."

"Sure," Nick said, defeated. He carried the small combination lock with him to the locker room.

Unsurprisingly, the locker room was empty, but Nick could smell the clean floors around him. The custodians did a good job of scrubbing and mopping over winter break. Nick was likely the first person to set foot in the locker room since the new year began.

The locker room had four alcoves of lockers that he could see; Nick chose the alcove furthest to the back and picked out one of the metal contraptions to store his belongings.

His combination lock had a tag on it with three numbers printed across it. Nick took a moment to memorize the three numbers and opened the lock, and stuffed the tag along with his clothes into the tiny steel box.

He felt his pulse skip when he closed the lock shut. All of his clothes were now locked inside, and he was naked and empty handed. Soon he would be expected to leave the locker room dressed exactly as he was. Goosebumps sprouted across his skin at the thought.

He stepped into the shower and turned the nozzle, and let the warm water drizzle down his back. He knew it wouldn't be long before someone else came in, and he knew there was something he really should take care of before he headed to class.

He had not had an orgasm in weeks. He wasn't sure why; it used to be something he did every few days, but after having moved to college and having a roommate and being busy with a heavy workload, his libido had waned in recent months. Now that he'd been under a dry spell for a while, he did NOT want to risk the embarrassment of having an erection in swim class.

Nick grabbed his penis and gently tugged it. He would need to make this fast. He thought about the beautiful girls in his class; how he would be seeing them in swimwear very soon. He thought about Monica. She too, was so very beautiful. He wondered if he'd have a chance to see her in a swimsuit, or if she would only wear her shorts and shirt for the rest of the semester.

Despite these thoughts, his penis wasn't responding. No sooner had he grown frustrated that he heard the locker room door open and voices entering.

"Crap," Nick fumed. He let go of his penis and quickly rubbed the shower water across his body.

He could hear Caleb and two other guys putting their clothes in their lockers, and shortly after, they stepped into the shower area themselves.

"Hosdale! My man, tell me, what is your assessment?" Caleb asked.

Nick stopped dead in his tracks. He'd never seen Caleb naked before. And he did not know that Caleb indeed had an eight-inch penis, flaccid. Nick turned his back to hide his three inches from the well-hung gentlemen who'd just entered the showers.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Our teacher? What do you think of her?"

Nick looked to the floor, then up to meet Caleb's eyes.

"Not bad," he said.

Caleb grinned.

"I KNEW it! I could tell by the way you were checking her out! Did you see that ass?"

Nick hadn't unfortunately gotten a look at her backside, given where he was seated. He was sure he'd get another chance once he got back to the pool.

"You should ask her out," Caleb suggested.

Nick shook his head. "No way."

"Why not? She's hot!" Caleb cranked the shower water on and let it drizzle across his husky frame.

"She's not going to date a student!" Nick replied angrily.

"You never know," Caleb muttered. The two other guys, Ryan and Curtis, agreed. "Might make for an easy A."

Nick tsked and finished scrubbing his skin. "All right, let's get this over with," he said, and turned off the nozzle. He headed out of the locker room and braced himself. This would be the first time in his life he would be naked in a public setting.

Jessica and Ashley were standing at their designated spots on the red line. They both looked gorgeous in their blue swimsuits, and they both politely looked away when they saw him approaching them in the nude.

Nick stood next to Ashley as Monica instructed, while Monica continued to call students' names and give them their directions. Lisa Hubble, a pretty red haired girl emerged from the locker room and stood to Nick's left.

When the last student emerged from the locker room, she stood at the end of the line. Monica admired the lineup of students dressed in their gender-designated swimwear.

"Very good! Are your swimsuits fitting okay?"

The girls nodded.

"My swimsuit fits too, thanks for asking," Caleb piped. Several students chuckled.

Monica rolled her eyes.

"I would hope so, Mr. Russel," she said. She continued walking past the line of students.

"Now the first thing we're going to do, is I need to assess each of you in your swimming ability individually. So, one by one, I'll ask you to get in, and swim the length of the pool. Are there any questions?"

Caleb raised his hand.

"What is it, Caleb?" Monica asked, growing annoyed.

"Nick wants to go out with you," Caleb said, pointing at his friend.

Nick's face sank, and his face glowed bright red. If Caleb had been standing next to him he might have punched him out cold where he stood.

"Any questions related to the LESSON?" Monica clarified.

"Uh, no," Caleb said. He peeked around the students standing between him and Nick and said, "we'll ask her again after class."

"I don't date students," Monica said, looking at Nick.

Nick buried his face in his hands. Caleb had said and done some outrageous things in the few months that Nick had known him, but he had never been as humiliated by his friend as he was at that moment.

"BACK to the lesson... Jessica, would you go first please?"

Jessica stepped forward and hopped into the pool. Nick watched as the lithe brunette fluttered through the water. Monica walked past as she observed the girl's swimming technique. At that moment, Nick caught a glimpse of Monica's ass.

The tight red material of her shorts hugged the curves of her cheeks so nicely. Her buttocks were pure perfection, and Nick's penis agreed.

It chose that moment, off all moments, to sprout into a full erection. Nick took a step backwards, in the futile attempt to conceal it, but it soon caught the attention of most of the students around him.

He couldn't hide it. He wanted to turn to his side, but didn't want to point it at Ashley or Lisa. All he could do was stand where he was, and let his fully erect penis protrude from the line in full view of the entire class. Even Rachel Zelinski, who stood at the very end of the line, was craning her head to see who the erect penis down the line from her belonged to.

Monica overheard the giggling and muttering and turned to investigate.

"What is it now? Can you just be- oh." Monica spotted it mid-sentence, and sighed. "All right, can we just be mature adults? This happens from time to time. Let's just wait for it to fade."

Nick's penis remained erect. It didn't settle when Jessica completed her lap, and it didn't settle when Monica directed Ashley into the water. Nick breathed a sigh of relief when it was finally his turn.

His erection had finally subsided when he emerged from the pool after swimming his lap, and he kept his head down as he took his place next to Ashley once again.

* * * * *

"I can not BELIEVE you said that!" Nick moaned as they left the pool room.

"Ah, chill out, dude. I did you a favor!" Caleb gave Nick a light push as they walked down the hall out of the rec center.

"You humiliated me! I have to spend the reset of the semester with our teacher associating ME with your dumb-ass comments!"

Nick shoved the double doors open and stomped out of the building. Caleb pushed past the closing door and hurried up to Nick's side.

"OR- I might have planted the seed that will get you a date with a smoking hot babe!"

"She doesn't date students!" Nick quipped. "Didn't you hear her?"

Caleb put his arm around his roommate's shoulder.

"My man, let me let you in on something you should have figured out in junior high. Girls ALWAYS have an excuse why they won't date you the first time you ask. If you look at every roadblock as some kind of like, unpassable barrier, you will never get laid, my friend."

Nick thought about this. He knew Caleb had a point. Nick's own defeatist attitude was likely to blame for his lack of success with women. Still, he was reluctant to take advice from a guy as obliviously obnoxious as Caleb.

"You know what, that needs to be our goal for this year," Caleb said. "We need to get you laid."

"Well, passing my classes and getting my degree was a good aspiration, but yours is good too," Nick said sarcastically.

"I mean it! You are getting your dick wet THIS semester, young man, we will see to it! Oh look, there's Ashley, I got to run."

With that, Caleb ran off after the cute blonde as she made her way back to her dorm room.

Nick continued into the parking lot until he found his tan Chevy Impala and got inside. He started up the ignition and- nothing. The car wouldn't start.

Nick cursed. He knew it needed a new alternator, and he'd been putting off buying a new one because his funds were low. Now he'd run out of time he could keep pushing it.

He called Caleb to see if his roommate could give him a lift, but Caleb was evidently deep in conversation with his lovely classmate. Nick called his mother next, but she wasn't picking up either. His last option was to dial up his dad at work.

"Albert Hosdale's office," a lovely female voice greeted him.

"Hi Teresa, is my dad around?" Nick asked.

"Oh hi, Nick! Yes, he's in his office, let me get him!" She put him on hold for just a moment before his father answered.

"Nick, are you there?" his father asked.

"Hey Dad. Yeah, got a little car trouble. Any chance you could pick me up?"

His father sighed. "I can take a long lunch. Just hang on."

Nick hung on for 45 minutes while he waited for his father to arrive. When he finally pulled into the University parking lot, Nick got up from the pavement where he'd been sitting and flagged him down.

After checking out the underside of his hood, Albert helped his son get his car started.

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