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Girls Wear Swimsuits, Boys Go Nude


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He savored the taste of her nipples, and enjoyed the way he could feel them swell up and harden against his lips. He let out a soft sigh as she continued to rub her vulva. Wet juices dribbled from between her pussy lips and down upon the mat below.

As Nick continued to suck her breasts, Monica touched the bottom of his chin, so he would look her in the eye.

It's time," she whispered.

She spread her legs apart and reached between them. He felt her fingers, still wet from touching her very excited vulva, close around his penis. Gently, she guided his hard throbbing member inside her.

"Should we use a condom?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"I'm on the pill. You can cum inside me as much as you want."

He felt his entire body go stiff.

You can cum inside me as much as you want.

Her words repeated inside his mind. It was as if something unlocked inside his brain. He knew at that moment that he would have no trouble ejaculating tonight; something in her words, giving him permission to release inside her, it was as if he'd gotten a factory reset. Whatever mental block had been making him semen shy before was broken in that very moment. He looked down at her beautiful face and readied himself.

He plunged his penis inside her, confident he would not be pulling out until the contents of his balls had been delivered inside. She opened her legs wider so he could penetrate her fully, and once he was settled in, she wrapped her legs around his waist

Paradise engulfed his penis. Monica's vagina was tight, wet, and eager to embrace its visitor with loving kisses every time he pumped. She squeezed his hips with her thighs and helped guide his pelvic thrusting, until they were in a rhythm that pleased them both.

"" Nick gasped.

She giggled.

"Feels good, huh?" she muttered.

His palms were flat on the foam mat, supporting all of his upper weight, while every part of his body below his waist was funneling its power directly between the swimming instructor's legs. Monica was impressed by his stamina; most of the men she'd slept with had blown their loads by this point, but Nick powered on, making Monica grow wetter as he went.

"Ooh, Nick," she moaned.

The sound of her voice- her aroused voice, excited him. It made him feel powerful, and in control. Eager to to bring his nude companion to ecstasy, he kissed her firmly on the mouth and continued pumping his hips against hers.

"Oooh," she moaned again, and clutched his shoulder. He could feel the juices of her warm pussy seeping from her tight opening, lubricating his hard shaft and giving a light kiss to his ball sack every time it came close enough to touch her open labia.

As her moaning became louder, her body grew tense, and her pussy closed tighter around his throbbing cock. Nick felt his resilience weaken.

"I want you," he cried, and meant it with every fiber of his being. He wanted to possess every cell in her body at that moment, and Monica had spread her legs for him to take. Eagerly he pumped, thrusting in and out, in and out, his heart racing upon realizing that the greatest pleasure he might ever experience was only seconds away. Monica cried out his name; begging him to give her everything he had.

He gave it. Unable to hold off a second longer, creamy white liquid erupted for the tip of his penis. As soon as she felt the cold fluid spill inside her, her vulva clutched his penis like a vice and her entire body exploded in pleasure. She cried out, long and loud, as Nick's seed poured from his desperate member in pure euphoria.

"Ooooohhhhh" she moaned. She squeezed his hips tightly between her thighs while Nick emptied himself inside her.

It was no small ejaculation; for nearly a half minute semen poured from his penis and inside the writhing teacher. Overflow leaked out of her lower lips and dribbled down between her ass cheeks and pooled around her anus.

Slowly, her breathing slowed to normal, while Nick stared longingly into her face. He waited until his penis was completely drained before he withdrew, and when he did, even he was shocked at how much of his seed spilled out with him. Large gooey gobs dribbled out between her lips and spilled onto her thighs. Monica's eyes went wide when she saw how much of it there was.

"Oh my God, Nick!" she squealed in surprise. "SO much cum!"

"Uh, sorry?" he offered.

She held her hand to her vulva to keep much more from leaking onto the foam mat beneath her.

"You need to have sex more!" she said.

"You're telling me."

She laughed, and rolled to her side and rested her arm upon his.

"Hope you enjoyed," she said.

He nodded and grinned. He stared up at the ceiling, and looked at the moon shining through the skylight windows.

"So, how did I do?" he asked.

She touched his face, and traced her finger along his cheek.

"I'd give you an 'A'."

* * * * *

When the students of Swimming 200 returned to class after spring break, there was some question as to what would be expected of them under the new instructor. Having received no information, they reported to class on Monday in usual formation: standing on the red line, in alphabetical order, girls in swimsuits, and boys in the nude.

Nick had a swagger about him that did not go unnoticed by his classmates in the locker room. When he walked out into the pool room, his penis swung out proudly as he intentionally strutted across the very spot on the floor where he'd laid his former swimming instructor, before he took his place in line between Ashley and Lisa.

Ashley side-eyed him, and a smile cracked across her face.

"You got laid over break, didn't you?" she whispered.

"I'll never tell," he replied. He didn't. He'd made Monica a promise.

Nick and his classmates waited patiently for the new instructor to reveal him or herself. She emerged from the office shortly after the students had assembled in formation. She was little over 5'1" with bright blue eyes and shimmering yellow hair tied into a ponytail. She wore the uniform blue swimsuit all of the girls in class had worn, but looked at the boys in surprise.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Klara, your new swimming instructor," she said in a succulent Swedish accent. Nick admired her shapely form in her swimsuit as she walked down the line of students, examining each boy and girl who was now under her tutelage.

"Since I am new to this class, I feel it is proper I first get to know you all and you come to know me at same time," she said, her eyes twinkling. "So, here is what I tell you. I come to your beautiful country six month ago, from Sweden, where I teach swimming class for five years. I was very good teacher. Almost no one in my class drown."

Nick and his classmates looked at each other quizzically.

"That was joke," Klara said. "No one dead in my class. I promise. I hope you all have sense of humor though."

"We do!" Caleb said. "I have a Class A certification in humor!"

Klara laughed loudly.

"Certification in humor! I like this boy! What is your name?"

"Nick Hosdale!" Caleb said proudly. Nick let out an annoyed sigh.

"That's my best friends name," Caleb clarified. "He's standing over there. He's a really cool dude, just so you know."

Caleb pointed at Nick, who sheepishly raised his hand and waved at the new teacher.

"I'm Caleb Russell. It's very nice to have you here, Klara," Caleb said.

Klara beamed a bright smile at him.

"I'm very, very, glad to be here!" she said, rubbing her palms together excitedly. "But, I have one question, one question on my mind, and I wonder if one of you can give me answer to that thing."

Klara glanced at the entire class, her gaze traveling from Jessica Allen at one end of the line, to Rachel Zelinski at the other.

"Why are all of the ladies in class in swimsuits, but you gentlemen are, it seems, quite nude?"

Nick glanced at his classmates, to see who would answer the new instructor's question. It was Ashley who spoke up.

"That's the University's policy," Ashley said. "Boys have always swam nude, ever since this was a boys only school. The school president didn't want girls to swim nude when they started attending here."

Klara shook her head.

"Policy, hmmm? Sounds like sexist policy."

The boys in the class muttered in agreement.

"How about we make things more fair?" Klara suggested.

"Yeah!" Nick said.

"Make it fair! Make it fair!" Caleb chanted. The other guys in the class joined him.

"MAKE IT FAIR! MAKE IT FAIR! MAKE IT FAIR!" the boys chanted, waving their fists in the air.

"Okay, okay, I make it fair, boys," Klara said, motioning for the gentlemen to quiet down.

With that, she pulled the straps of her swimsuit from her shoulders, and quickly slid her swimsuit to the floor. Every student in the class, male and female, stared open-jawed as the petite young blonde tossed her swimsuit towards the empty bleachers, and turned to face the class completely nude.

"In my class, we swim like we do in my home country. EVERYONE swim naked. Ladies! Swimsuits off!"

Klara clapped her hands twice.

The girls looked at each other in terror. The guys looked at each other wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Caleb fist-pumped, while Ryan and Marcus exchanged high-fives.

"Come on, don't be shy ladies," Klara urged. "Boys can do it, you can too."

Slowly but surely, the ladies of the class slipped out of their swimwear. As he had many times before, Nick sprouted an erection as he caught sight of the numerous breasts, bottoms, and vulvas being exposed as the girls shed their swimwear- but this time, he was not the only guy in class to do so.

Several girls blushed upon watching the penises around them swell, and many stood with their arms covering their breasts and private parts after tossing their swimsuits to the bleachers next to Klara's. Nick stared all around him, admiring the body of every girl he could get a good look at.

Ashley looked magnificent. Nick had to admit, he felt a bit jealous of Caleb when he got a glimpse of her sizable breasts and beautiful bare ass, but given a choice between dating her and the glorious romp he'd enjoyed with Monica, he would choose Monica every time.

"So much for being for Caleb's eyes only," Ashley said, cupping her breasts in her hands.

"I think the patrons at the Booby Bunk already beat us to the punch," Nick muttered slyly.

"Hey, that doesn't count. I was drunk."

"Of course you were," Nick snarked, and continued checking out the other girls in class. With all the girls' swimsuits strewn across the bleachers, every single person in the pool room was now completely naked.

Klara smiled brightly.

"Very good! Isn't fairness fun?"

The guys cheered in agreement.

"I thought so! So let's get swimming!"

Every student in the class swam nude for the rest of the semester, and Nick had no trouble ejaculating for the rest of his time at LaPorte University.

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TotzmanTotzman21 days agoAuthor

Anonymous: that would be very interesting!

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

At Totzman

Would you be interested if someone would make your stories to a Visual novel?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I was on a co-ed swim team with the girls in one piece suits and we were all naked and we swam this way for swim meets too where we had an audience of about 100 to 150 people watching and about 80% were females from around 7 or 8 to 88 with most being girls around 12-18. We often went with a girl (in her swimsuit and a male naked of course) into the stands to talk to people and thank them for coming to the meet and encourage them to invite others to attend (I suggested they invite their girlfriends since I loved having as many girls as possible and sisters and we mostly talked to the girls as it gave me a chance to stand naked a foot or two away from the girls It is difficult to believe that all this was sanctioned by the school to allow males to be naked in front of so many girls and to give girls a chance to see males from jr. high through high school who were totally naked for a few hours at a time.

I personally think that although the males were totally naked, it was right that the girls were not and I do love pure CFNM where only the males are naked and the ladies are modestly dressed and I actually loved that the girls could see everything the males had and the males saw nothing on the girls.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Teachers seen naked by there students is so good

Whome1578Whome1578almost 2 years ago

Very good story enjoyed it a lot going to see what other you wrote I may like. Think it was nice all nude when I was in my youth in middle school we swam the same way at the youth center but the swimming session was by gender. But still girls dressed males nude that was true many boy got shoved out to the pool area naked while girls was in pool.

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