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My Older Neighbor

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Long attraction for older neighbor finally fulfilled.
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Beverly had always captivated my attention, back to my early high school days. 5'1" tall with wavy shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, full bodied but not overweight, and amazing dimples. When she would visit my mom, I would find ways to be in the room so I could see her. In her early 40s then, and an avid gardener, she often wore tank tops. I am sure she thought them unflattering, but I remember vividly how her firm breasts appeared in those informal clothes, the slight outline of her nipples pushing through the fabric. When the house was well air conditioned, they were particularly evident. I am sure to the point where she was aware, and perhaps embarrassed.

My attraction to Beverly continued throughout high school, though as I grew into my full 6'3", 205 pound frame. I began excelling in sports and found other distractions. Regardless, I would still seek every opportunity I could to stare at Beverly, and occasionally, to stir up the courage to talk with her. I came to tower her 5'1" frame, something she would often comment on when remarking how big I had become.

She started to notice my attraction by my junior year, and it amazed me that it had taken so long, given my complete lack of subtlety. I think she found it humorous at first. By by the time I was 18, if I were in a room with her for more than a few minutes, it would bring me to full arousal, which as I grew all around, was a difficult thing to hide. I remember one time vividly my senior year, when my mother had left the room, and I was sitting at the table still talking with Beverly, and her glance cast down at my midsection. It had been school photo day, which required khaki pants, and my 9 1/2" cock was fully erect down my left pant leg, leaving what had to be an unmistakable bulge. She looked down at the imprint for three or four seconds, moving her gaze away once, only to return again. Her jaw dropped visibly and she then looked away decisively, blushing.

From that moment, and for the remainder of my senior year, Beverly and I began an odd and confusing flirtation. Whenever we had a moment alone, she would do one of two things: Either comment about my body, or if she were seemingly feeling particularly bold, find opportunities to touch me.

A typical example of the former was, "Mike, are you ever going to stop growing? I was thinking about your size compared to my husband and you dwarf him! It's almost a comical comparison."

Or if she were feeling more frisky, she would occasionally put her palm on my thigh as she told me some story, moving it up until she lingered in the area of the head of my erect cock. By that point, she consistently lost her cool and looked down to see just how little up my thigh her palm made it before approaching my erection. I swear to this day that her reaction each and every time was the same slightly dropped jaw.

My favorite time was when my my mom stepped out for 15 minutes to speak to a contractor, leaving Beverly and I alone in the kitchen for an extended time. I was fixing a sandwich, and she walked over to the counter by me. She was clearly without a bra that day, as her nipples made a clear imprint beneath her red tank top.

She began to massage my shoulders. She kept them there for a couple of minutes, occasionally allowing her hands to trace downward on my back, or across my hard triceps.

You must be lifting constantly, Mike! But you do understand that's not how you make a sandwich, right?" Beverly asked, as she quickly slid her short frame in between myself and the counter.

She took the knife slowly from my hand, and began to spread the mayonnaise herself, as she backed herself slowly into me. Suddenly her behind made contact with my full erection and she stopped.

She looked back at me, allowing my cock to continue to make soft contact with her backside. I pushed myself gently into her, and she let out a whimper. And then we heard my mom's footsteps coming back into the room, and she quickly and embarrassingly broke contact. I have never seen a woman so flustered as she sat down.

"Are you all right, Beverly? You look out of breath." my mom asked.

"Yes, yes. I just remembered something I have to do for Simon, though. I need to go." Beverly said as she quickly left the house, looking back at me ever so briefly.

Needless to say, this was all very exciting, but equally frustrating for me. Every time these flirtations happened it was during brief periods where my mother had stepped out of the room. Each one seemed to test the limits more, leading me to believe she wanted me to take the first step. Beverly's husband Simon was no more than 5'4", and my only experience with him was when he pulled into his driveway at night, rushing hurriedly from his car to his house, avoiding eye contact with me the entire time.

One afternoon I was finally was able to summon the courage to take it to the next step with Beverly. My mom had left the room again, to take a call, leaving the two of us together. Beverly allowed her leg to graze against mine, which she knew by then would have a predictable response. Her eyes fell down to my belt line, where my cock was pressing hard against my shorts.

"Why does she leave us alone like this?" she asked, as she artificially laughed with a wink, softly but briefly patting my knee.

I grasped her hand suddenly, which I had never done before. She pulled back at first, but then allowed me to keep my large palm over her hand, looking quizzically up at me. I then pulled her fingers several inches up my leg, until she was covering the first three inches of my now pulsing erection.

Beverly's reaction was pure disgust. She loudly exclaimed "What in the world do you think you are doing?" and withdrew her hand quickly. She looked absolutely furious.

"We will never speak of this again, do you understand me?" She was even more red faced than before.

I was mortified, and that marked the last time I spoke to her for a year.

I thought less and less of her throughout the rest of high school, and upon graduation, I went to Michigan State on a track scholarship, and looked forward to a world with women who were different than the girls in high school.

College did prove much more broadening in that regard, and I found the girls there much more adventurous. In my first several weeks, a sprinter with an amazingly tight body took an interest in me. Kelly was from California, and was more experienced than me. We took it reasonably slow at first, kissing, dating, and little more.

But after two months, both of our attractions had become worked up and we were primed for more.

It came on and evening in October, following a school bonfire. Both of us had drank too much, and had retreated to her room after 1 am, thinking we would fool around lightly and go to bed. But as we kissed on her bed, and our clothes rapidly came off, it became apparent that we were both ready for much more that night.

After pulling her panties down, Kelly opened her legs reflexively to me and she said "You need to put on a condom."

I was so excited as I pulled the Magnum condom from my wallet, making sure that Kelly saw the label as I opened it. Her look of pure attraction changed slightly as she saw me wrapping it over my thick shaft, and rolling it down as far as it would go.

She giggled nervously and said, "You know that is not normal sized. You are going to have to be very gentle with it."

I thought her comment was all a part of the sexual dance as I positioned myself between her legs, and pushed my head inside of her. She instantly winced.

"Mike, stop! Hold on, pull out a little." I thought she was kidding, but I pulled out until only 4-5 inches were inside of her.

"That is much better!" Kelly said, as she put her hand around my neck, "Don't go much deeper than that."

I began pushing half of my length slowly in and out of her, which caused Kelly to moan. After several minutes, I had almost six inches inside of her and her hips were bucking gently toward me.

She began whispering in my ear as she panted. "You are so fucking big, Mike. I love how thick you are. Don't stop!"

This pushed me over the top, and I thrusted almost fully inside of her. Her moan quickly turned into a loud yelp, and she pulled herself off me, leaving my glistening erection outside of her.

"This isn't going to work, Mike. I think I'm not relaxed enough to take that and it doesn't feel good when you lose control like that. I am sorry."

Kelly leaned over and placed her hand on my shaft, and began to roll the condom up. At first, I thought she was going to let me enter her again, but she began perfunctorily stroking my cock as she kissed me. As close to the edge as I was before that point, even her extremely half-hearted efforts were enough to bring me to the brink of orgasm.

I cupped her small, but firm A-cup breast in my hand as she worked her hand hard up and down, forcing me to unexpectedly ejaculate hard against her midsection. I came for what felt like 15 seconds, as my cock shot several strands against her, one reaching as high as her left breast. I was proud of myself because I knew this was a lot compared to most men, and thought women enjoyed this, from the few porn movies I had watched.

"E Couldn't you have warned me? It so much, and it's all over me!" Kell was not pleased at all as she got up, and grabbed tissue after tissue to clean it up, looking back at me somewhat angrily.

It was a disappointing night, and it marked the end of a once seemingly promising relationship.

The rest of the first semester was a disappointment sexually. As Kelly and I broke up, She clearly told her friend's something about the reason why, as her friends, particularly her roommate, gave me knowing looks and giggles when we crossed paths. Not yet socially adept enough to interpret what they could mean, I was mortified.

I returned home for the Christmas holiday eager to take a break from both the academics and social complexities of my first semester.

Two days into my break, I had just finished a five mile midday run on a Tuesday and was stretching out on the end of my front yard, when Beverly pulled into her driveway. She exited her BMW and looked at me approvingly.

"It looks like you've put on 15 pounds of muscle, Mike! I wouldn't have even thought that possible." She smiled demurely.

I was was taken aback. "They have a pretty demanding workout program on the team, Beverly. I'm just trying to keep up!"

She laughed and looked me up and down again. "You look like you're more than holding your own! Hey, can you help carry these boxes into the house for me? I went a bit overboard at Costco,"

"Of course!" I quickly got up and went over to her car, pulling the two boxes into my wide grip, following her inside.

"You can put those down on the kitchen table, Mike."

Beverly walked over and stood two feet apart from me again, and looked me up and down. She put her right arm on my bicep.

"Oh my. There is not an ounce of fat on you, is there? But you are so sweaty! Hold on, I'll get you a towel."

She walked into her hallway bathroom and wet down the hand towel. She began to slowly towel me off. I couldn't help but begin to notice the familiar outline of her nipples, as her breathing became slightly shallow.

"Let's sit down on the couch, Mike."

I tentatively followe her into her living room, entirely unsure of what her intentions were, especially considering her past unpredictability.

She continued to touch my arms.

"I can't get over how big you've grown, Mike! You must have the girls crawling all over you."

I laughed nervously. "You know freshman year is always a bit awkward, Beverly."

She leaned into me further. "No, what do you mean? I'm sure with your physique you don't lack the courage to ask a girl out. I can't image that's the case!"

"I had a girlfriend for awhile this semester, but it didn't work out."

Beverly move slightly closer to me. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Young love can be difficult. You two weren't a good match emotionally?"

I laughed nervously. "Probably a bit more of a physical mismatch."

"Oh, do tell!" She moved a couple of inches again. Her knee was now brushing against mine, as her tanned legs were exposed by her short shorts.

"It's way more information that you would want me to share, Beverly."

Her familiar hand found its way to my knee again. "It's ok, Mike. You can tell me."

"Um. I'm not sure how to say it, but I was too um, large for her."

She was taken aback, but then smiled slightly. "Do you mean your body, or your penis was too large for her?" Her hand was now softly massaging my knee and reaching occasionally to my thigh.

"I feel so weird saying this, but yeah, my penis was too large for her."

She smiled again. "Well, that's something you don't hear every day! How do you know it was?"

I laughed nervously. "It was pretty obvious. She wouldn't let me enter her much more than halfway, and she made me stop altogether after a few minutes."

"Wow, I'm sure that was extremely unsatisfying for you! But you know Mike, every guy claims they are big down there."

She looked at the rest of my body, and said "You're a big guy, so I'm sure you're bigger than many down there, but don't get carried away. There's really not much variation from one penis to another. I do have a little experience in this area! Before marriage, that is." She gave me a wink and a confident smile.

Now it was me who smiled suggestively. "Ok, if you say so, Beverly."

She paused, and licked her lips nervously. "I have to admit you have my curiosity piqued now. Let's make a bet of this, to see who is right."

She stood up and walked into the kitchen, and came back with a ruler. With grand presentation she said, "Let me show you some benchmarks."

She put her finger on the 6" mark. "This is the average guy. We will call him 'Joe Average.'" She laughed at her joke. "Most women would say they find Joe perfectly fine, but many would quietly confess they prefer bigger."

She then slid her finger down between the 4" and 6" mark. With genuine dissapointment, she said "This is around where Simon is." She then half-heartedly added, "But he is short, so it doesn't look that small on his frame."

I was shocked she was sharing so much information, which helped me build the courage to ask her a direct question.

"Can he, um, please you with that size?"

"Oh goodness no, Michael! He used to be able to please me somewhat in other ways, but he has never been able to bring me to orgasm with his penis. Honestly, not even close." She paused once again, as though she was thinking whether she should keep talking. She apparently reached the conclusion that she should, and asked "Do you want to know what sex is like with him?"

I was curious, though had no idea where it was going.

"Yes, tell me please Beverly."

She laughed. "If I tell him I'll allow him to have sex that night, he becomes so excited it is an almost instant race to his premature ejaculation. He furiously pulls off his pants, and get on top of me immediately, in missionary. Always missionary. He's in me almost instantly, but I can barely tell. Then it's 60-90 seconds of him grunting, followed by his breathless collapse on top of me, and I'm left with the mild wetness he's able to create." She frowned deeply. "He's asleep two minutes later."

I was stunned. "Was he always like that? Surely he was better in bed when he was younger?"

"Never with me, that's for sure. I once asked him once if he he had brought the other two women he had been with before me to orgasm, and he said he didn't think so."

She looked down at me again. "So be glad you're on the large side! Lesson number one, if you can't tell if a woman is cumming, then she isn't."

She refocused herself, and smiled again. "Final benchmark!" Her fingers slid down to the 7.5" point.

"This is the biggest I've ever had. Ironically, it was in college."

Still not feeling entirely sure I could speak freely, I said "Can I ask you about him?"

Her face lit up, and she laughed. "You could ask me about him all day!"

"Could he make you reach orgasm?"

"Oh my God yes, Mike. Of course. Repeatedly."

I was surprised but how absolute her statement was. "Wow, you didn't hesitate at all when you said that!"

"Well, he was just big, Mike. Not to sound slutty, but he made me feel stretched, full. He was tall and muscular too, but not as much as you." She actually blushed as she added that last part.

"What position were you typically in way he brought you to climax?"

"My, you are getting bold now, aren't you Mike?" She looked wistful as she thought of the answer. "Well, we were honestly in many positions. But I remember cumming hardest on him when I was on top. I could control how he penetrated me with his big cock."

"Did you allow him to go all of the way inside of you?"

Beverly laughed almost historically. "Allow? Wow, your girlfriend must have been beyond uptight. Did I allow him? I insisted he put that big cock all the way in me."

Her gaze fell back to my midsection. "So now you've heard several points of reference, so do you want to restate your inflated claim? There is no shame in saying the real number. How big is it, Mike?"

I couldn't believe she was asking the question. Of course I knew the answer. Every guy knows the answer. Every single guy.

"It's 9 1/2 inches" I said proudly, with a smile.

Beverly laughed out loud. "In your dreams! There is no way it is that big."

"It is definitely 9 1/2 inches, Beverly."

"You have watched way too many 'movies,' Mike. Don't worry, almost no one is that big. Seriously, how big is it?"

"Um, again, it's 9 1/2 inches." I honestly didn't know how to respond to her question at this point.

"Take it out for me to measure, Mike."

"What? You are kidding me. I hate to dwell in the past, but you do remember an awkward afternoon a year ago where I touched you, and you were furious with me?"

"You were in high school, and I was beyond surprised. I know I had flirted with you lightly before that, but your mother was in the adjacent room, and I over reacted. What did you expect? I'm sorry. I've thought of that day often over the last year."

"You had flirted with me more than lightly, Beverly!" I looked down at her hand.

She smiled sheepishly. "I know. Sorry, I lost control of myself a bit around you. I have a thing for tall men. I should have been more restrained."

Her words meant a lot. I had thought a lot about that day too, wondering why she reacted the way she did. Her admission energized me.

"You want me to just pull it out? If I do, how can you help it to reach its full potential?" I looked at her breasts, which were both showing her erect nipples through the tank top.

She smiled. "But of course you were going to ask that". She paused with great hesitation. "Ok, you can look, but don't touch."

Beverly slowly pulled her red tank top over her head, exposing a black bra that was barely containing her large C-cup breasts. She then reached behind her back, and unhasped the bra, allowing it to fall to the ground.

I couldn't believe how large and round her aerolas were, and her nipples were as hard and large as pencil erasers. I now fully understood why I could always see their imprint through her tops. I'm not sure what could have prevented that imprint.

"Are you sure I can't touch, Beverly?"

She looked down at her large breasts. They were heaving slightly up and down with her breathing. "Well, if it will truly help you reach your full potential, and eliminate your inevitable excuse for when you fall short of your inflated claim, I suppose you touching them won't be going too far." She winked again.

She looked eager as she took my right hand, and cupped her breast. Her body instantly reacted to my touch.


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