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Mom Became an Escort

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Son finds out mom is a filthy escort.
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My name is George, I am 18 years old and currently in my senior year of high school. My mom is 44 and works as an accountant at some office nearby. She's around 5'7" with your typical milf bod. She's got blonde hair, blue eyes, a nice ass and titties. Now that we got that out of the way, lets get to the story.

Around the end of my first semester, mom got laid off from her accounting job. Being 44 years old, it was difficult for her to find a new job so she remained unemployed for a while, or so I thought.

Mom has been leaving the house a few nights a week, which was odd since she rarely did back when she had a source of income. However, I didn't put much thought into it though. One day I came back right after school since practice was cancelled and went straight to my room. I saw mom and a muscular tall black guy watching TV on the couch as I was walking by.

'Who could that be?' I thought.

After a playing a few games on my xbox, I heard some moaning followed by some screaming coming from the living room. Alarmed, I crept around the corner to investigate, and what I saw completely blew my mind. Mom was bent over the couch with her face down and ass up getting pounded in her asshole by some big black cock. Mom continued to scream in pleasure as I watched. I took out my phone and began recording it for future research purposes.

After watching her getting railed in the ass for 15 more minutes, the black guy grunted and shot a load deep in her ass. Out of nowhere, he turned around and saw me peeking around the corner and just grinned at me. I ran back to my room as fast as I could and shut the door.

Later that day at dinner I decided to bring it up to mom.

"So mom, who is that guy?" I asked.

"Oh its nothing, just a friend."

"Yeah? I know what you guys were doing. I could hear you all the way from my room."

"Okay, I have to tell you something George. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but it's my job now, and I have to do things to keep the family afloat."

There was a moment of silence that followed.

Curious, I asked, "so what exactly are these things?"

"I'm basically a milf escort, I get either called over to the customer's place to have sex or bring them back here."

"What kind of services do you provide?"

"Do you really wanna know about this?"

"Well yes, I want to know what my mother is doing. I already know you do anal." I shot back.

"Okay fine, I do anal, double penetration, double anal, gangbangs, blowbang and bukkakes, and anal fisting."

"Wow." I said, blown back by the response. "When's the next time you are having someone over?" I asked

"As a matter of fact, tonight. I'm having two guys over."

"Can I watch?" I asked.

"No! Why would you want that?"

"I've already seen it yesterday, and I got a video, so unless you want your friends and our relatives to know about this, you better let me watch."

"Okay, fine."

At around 7, someone ringed the doorbell. I went over to open it and there stood two black guys.

"Come on in." I said.

Mom heard us and came walking into the living room in a full set of white sheer lingerie, with garter belts and stockings and all. My eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets since I've never seen mom like that before.

"Hello gentlemen." Mom said.

Without a further word she dropped down to her knees and began unbuckling both of their belts and whipped their black cocks out. Wow, these were both at least 8 inches long! Mom alternated in sucking them off for several minutes and then started to slowly undress, teasing us in the process. Mom paused for a bit and made one of them sit down. She lubed her self up and placed the black cock against her asshole. She slowly sunk down and began to bounce up and down on that cock while sucking the other guy off.

'Mom is such a whore' I thought, watching her go straight for anal without any vaginal sex. Since she was facing me doing reverse cowgirl, we made eye contact several times throughout and each time she did, my dick felt like it was about to pop. Mom screamed and moaned, sounding like she was in pain. But it was the opposite, mom was in sexual ecstasy and orgasming left to right.

After a little fucking, the other black guy getting sucked off moved in front mom and lined his dick up against her asshole. He slowly pushed into it while the other guy was still in there. Mom took both dicks in her ass like a champ, and began to bounce on it. After a little fucking, mom screamed again and squirted everywhere. I couldn't hold it in anymore and pulled out my dick. I rubbed it slowly, not wanting to cum so quickly. They began to speed up their intensity and started grunting, signaling their approach to climax. Both of them came nearly at the same time, shooting a fat load inside mom's asshole.

"I'll tell you what, I want that guy over there to cum inside your ass as well. After he's done, I want him to drink it straight out of your asshole. You do that and I'll double what I'm paying tonight." One of the black guy said as he pointed at me.

Mom looked at me for a second and waited for my approval. I nodded in excitement, not just being able to cum in my mom's ass, but also being a filthy and dirty cum whore. They both pulled out and mom got in the doggy position with her ass up, not wanting any of the cum to spill out. I got closer and could see how my mom's holes were ravaged. I stuck it in slowly and began to fuck my mom's gaping ass. It didn't take long for me to cum, as I was already near climax earlier. I laid flat on the ground as mom slowly leaned back and tilted her ass. A thick stream of cum came pouring out and into my mouth, and I swished it around my mouth and swallowed it eagerly. I went back in and stuck my tongue inside her ass to lick it clean. I looked at my mom with love and she pulled me in and started making out with me passionately. Both of the black guys got dressed and dropped the payment on the desk, while mom and I continued to make out.

"Thanks for the good night, we'll definitely be back." They said while leaving the house.

My dick was hard again and mom noticed, she slipped it back into her loose asshole and let me blow another load in there. I have never been more tired before and fell asleep in my mom's arm.

The next day, mom got up before me and went to go shower. She came out naked, looking refreshed although walking funny with a sore asshole. Since the discovery of her new job, we both realized clothing was optional in the house and we began living a life of nudism and incest.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is fairly inept writing. Everything is rushed and totally implausible. Clearly you have no idea what a real escort does, even a very cheap one. There's an idea of a story there, but that's about it. Try again.

BimboMotherBimboMotherover 2 years ago

I wish it was a Little longer, anyway very nice story :)

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 3 years ago
IT SUCKED HA!!! HA!!!!^*!^*!^*!




AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Not even close to being good. This has to get better before it's even terrible. Yuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

utterly digusting and gross, serves no purpose

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