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Priya and Raj

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Newly married Indian girl loses herself in new job.
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This is my first attempt at a story. I don't pretend to be a writer so please let me have some constructive comments. Thanks.

Raj and Priya Thakur had been married for 3 years. She was 21 and he was 30. She was a traditional Indian girl born in a very conservative, middle class Mumbai home. When she got married to Raj, he started opening up her horizons. She was a virgin on their wedding night. The sex was a revelation and she really enjoyed it. They loved each other very much.

Raj got an offer of a job from an American company. The opportunity was good and so they packed up and left India. It was a big change for Priya but she took it in her stride. She started a college course and because of her sweet and bubbly personality, quickly made friends. She quickly noticed that her clothes made her stand out, as they were so out of place among her fellow students. All of her friends were young Americans and she quickly started adopting their mannerisms, picking up the accent and wearing tighter more sexy clothes.

Raj was delighted by this change and also encouraged her to dress sexier. The new clothes that she wore now gave her a lot of confidence and she really started opening up. Her life started to revolve around college and her friends. Raj was working long hours at his job, and the husband and wife saw each only for a few hours in the week.

About six months later, Priya called Raj at his work and asked him to come home early that evening. "I have something important to discuss with you, honey" she said sounding quite solemn. Raj was immediately worried and got permission from his boss saying that it was a family emergency.

As soon as he walked in he saw Priya in the lounge just going through some college work. She was still in the clothes that she had worn to classes that day. She was wearing a soft baby pink tank-top which ended just above her belly button which had a small diamond glinting in it, and tight white short shorts. She was wearing just some white keds on her feet. The whole outfit made her beautiful tanned legs look a mile long and showcased her wonderfully tight body. Priya had started working out at the school gym with her girlfriends and the results were spectacular. Her group was a mix of girls and boys. She had told Raj that the boys flirted with her sometimes even though they knew she was married but it was all good natured and she just laughed it off.

Raj was immediately hard on seeing her dressed so sexily.

"What's the matter honey?"

"Oh baby, I'm so confused, I don't know what to do. Heather has asked me to apply for a job at Carter's, a top-notch advertising company."

"Wow! It sounds like a good idea honey."

"I haven't told you the worst part yet. It's a very hip marketing company and they have a policy of only employing really attractive young people. Heather interned there last summer and she said they have a very strong work ethic in the company but then all employees are expected to represent the company at the various parties that they throw for their clients. So, all the girls they hire are gorgeous and look like models."

"That's not a problem baby, you'll fit right in. Wow, have you looked at yourself today? I don't how I stopped myself jumping you."

"Are you sure Raj? I don't know if I'm attractive enough, or maybe they only prefer American girls?" She had started blabbering a little bit as was her habit when she got nervous or excited.

Raj went and hugged her close to him. Her perfume was intoxicating. "Darling, you'll be the sexiest girl there and they'll be lucky to have you. In fact..." he picked her up and with Priya shrieking playfully swatted her on her beautiful ass and flung her over his shoulders. "...let me show you how sexy you are."

Priya was really nervous, she was going to for an interview today at Carter's with Heather. Heather was a tall blonde with a killer figure and a great dress sense and Priya's best friend since she came to America.

"Stop fidgeting Pree, you'll spoil the dress."

"I don't know, do you think I look okay? Maybe I should have gone with the blue one instead." Priya was wearing a black figure hugging dress that came down to about mid-thigh and showed a little cleavage as well. Her legs were bare and looked wonderful. She had borrowed it from Heather as she had been doing with a lot of clothes lately. On her feet she had on black 4" stiletto pumps.

"No, you look stunning as you well know, you bitch. I can't believe it, my dress looks better on you than it ever did on me." Heather had a grin on her face and Priya couldn't help but smile as she looked at her friend.

Heather was really fond of Priya. She couldn't believe that the girl was so friendly and completely without an ego, seeing how pretty she was. That had been one of her first tasks after they became friends, building Priya's confidence. She had started by teaching her how to dress for her figure, and what a figure it was. Priya was about 5'6" tall, with a slim and toned body with boobs that seemed bigger than they were because of her absolutely flat and toned stomach. Her legs were beautifully long and shapely and looked absolutely stunning even when bare because of her natural tan.

She taught her about make-up even though Priya didn't really need much, just some lip gloss and mascara on most days. Heather had also lent Priya her clothes whilst they slowly built-up Priya's wardrobe. Fortunately her husband also liked the change in her wardrobe and encouraged Priya to dress more sexy. They didn't have a lot of spare money so Heather who came from a rich family often bought the clothes for Priya waving away Priya's protestations. She had also got Priya the belly button piercing as a surprise for Raj, and he had been more than delighted.

"Now, I've told you what you need to do in the interview. Do not deviate from the script, ok?"

"I know, I know. But, do you really think that I shouldn't mention that I'm married?"

"Priya Thakur! I've told you a million times, if they know you're married with a husband waiting for you at home, they're never going to hire you. They're looking for young good-looking single people that can party with the clients. Trust me on this, ok?"

"Of course I trust you, hon. I'm just a little scared. Don't worry I'm going to do what you say."

Priya had hesitated to discuss this with Raj because she was afraid that he was going to be really angry. But Raj completely agreed with Heather that it was only a little white lie and wasn't going to hurt anything.

Little did she know that Raj was secretly delighted. It excited him enormously when Priya told him about the way that the college boys flirted with her. He always got a hard on and their sex after one of those conversations was so good as he imagined his wife with her long legs wrapped around a young good looking guy. Raj always felt tremendously conflicted though, here he was married to a sweet and exceptionally beautiful woman and he was thinking about her with other guys.

Although they had never discussed it openly, Priya knew that her husband liked to hear about how boys liked to flirt with her so she told him everything. The guys in her group of friends refused to believe that such a beautiful girl was a happily married woman. They were always milling around her and asking her out on dates. Sometimes a guy would put an arm around her or touch her legs if they were sitting. She couldn't really stop them as this was just normal in their group and all the girls would get hit on. Besides she knew that Raj would love hearing about it later so she would just giggle and remove the hands if they got too close too her boobs or too far up her thigh. Atleast that was what she told herself, she did find her heart racing and a thrill go up her whole body when she was flirting with a handsome guy.

It was just flirting though, she had never let anyone cross the line ever.

"Miss Thakur, I can't see any weaknesses in your application at all. I can see from the way you're dressed too that you'll fit in really well here."

The HR Manager took another look at the young woman sitting in front of her. "You're going to be the Personal Assistant of Jill Carter herself so don't let her down. She's been looking for someone like you for a long time."

From that point on, Priya's life changed completely. She was working for Jill Carter, the owner of the company who was a force of nature. She was a beautiful blonde in her late thirties who had built up the company on her own. It was widely acknowledged that if you were launching a new company or product and wanted it to be successful, the account had to go to Carter's.

For all that success, Jill rode her employees hard. Jill wanted only the best people working for her so she paid her employees handsomely and expected their complete devotion in return. Her word was law and if anyone dared to disagree they were shown the door.

She was impressed by Priya, the girl was absolutely stunning and was not afraid of hard work. She had been a little worried that a young Indian girl would be out of her depth but the girl was a very fast learner. At first, she took in everything happening around her and only spoke when required. Slowly, with growing confidence she asked intelligent questions and had even corrected Jill once in a meeting with a client. Jill was particularly impressed that the girl hadn't blurted the mistake aloud but had waited for a break and quietly whispered the problem in Jill's ear. That single mistake could have cost them the contract so Jill had rewarded Priya with a handsome bonus.

Jill Carter had also given Priya her company credit card as it was absolutely imperative that her assistant dressed well. Priya knew that she needed a completely new wardrobe. All the girls in the office came in every day in designer dresses and sky high heels looking like they'd just stepped out of the pages of Elle or Vogue. Whenever she had a day off from work she would drag Heather to the posh part of the city where all the exclusive designer stores were.

Raj was also really enjoying the change in his wife. Although she was very busy in her work, she was dressing in such sexy clothing everyday that it was his favourite part of the day watching her get dressed. She dressed in short dresses, micro mini skirts with tight revealing tops, sometimes she wore skin-tight leather leggings and all the outfits were complimented but 4 or 5" high heeled pumps or boots. They was more like clubbing outfits rather than work ones, but she told him that it was they way all the girls dressed.

Raj wasn't really complaining, he knew that with his wife dressing so sexy and no one knowing that she was married, she was bound to get hit on even more. And it was true, all the guys in the office complimented Priya all the time. She was asked out atleast 3-4 times a day.

Jill noticed this one morning and asked "Priya, you're young and single, you should go out with one of these guys. Now tell me who do you think is the most handsome?"

Priya didn't know what to say. "Well, I like Mark, but..." She wasn't even thinking but Mark's name just came out. He was a Vice President in the company, even though he was only 30 and very good looking.

"There you go, Mark is a great guy. Why don't you call him right now?"

So that was how Priya found herself on Saturday night preparing to go out with a man who was not her husband. Raj was, not surprisingly, very accepting that this was thrust upon her and she didn't really want to go out with Mark. Priya was planning to be polite but very reserved with Mark. She knew that her husband would be hoping that she would have some hot stories to tell him when she got back.

Well, he would just have to be disappointed.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Keep going please

Great start and a with a huge promise and potential.

Please don't hesitate and stop.

Awaiting the next chapter.

doctorxdoctorxalmost 12 years ago
Continue... good work

Where's d next part? plz continue...! Need any help?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

But please dont make priya a slut,get her fucked but same time she feel love towards her husband,go ahead

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
fantastic begining

Absolutely fantastic begining. Please continue with the story. I love these stories where simple indian wives get slowly transformed into sexy sluts !!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Nice work!

Great start, I like your style.

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