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Professor Kane's Erotic Dreams


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Joel looked at her but said nothing. This isn't going well, he thought. Not well at all.

Finally Amy spoke again, her fiery spirit more obvious than ever. "Say something!"

"Amy," he said, "It's true I got turned on by your story. Any guy would. After that I started to dream about you; I couldn't help it. Dreams where you do to me what you did in your erotic fantasy."

Amy made no reply, but her glare spoke volumes.

"But here's the thing. Most of the women I date, they're like an open book. You look at them, listen to them talk for a while, and soon you know all there is to know about them. You know what they're going to say even before they say it."


"You seemed like an ordinary girl, of no interest to me. But the erotic story made me realize that there's much more to you. You have your real, everyday world; but also this amazing world of a woman's imagination. Of secret thoughts and desires."

"And that's what fascinates me about you. I want to know everything about you. Why you write stories like that; if you've written other kinds of stories. Your thoughts, your dreams, Amy, that is what makes you irresistible to me. And yes, I'm sorry. I should have told you that I read your sex scene."

Now warming to the task of baring his soul, Joel went on. "Amy, behind my back people have said I'm vain. And it's true. I've dated girls just because they were beautiful; so other guys would see me and think, what a lucky bastard. This is something new for me. It's the first time I've wanted to be with a girl not because of what you see when you look at her, but something you can't see."

Amy sighed. "Look, don't you know all girls have sex fantasies, probably as much as guys? I just happen to like to write mine down as stories. You must have your own sex fantasies, don't you?"

"Well, sure. There's some I've never told anyone."

"Like what, for example?"

"You really want to know?"

"Of course. You know one of mine, so it's only fair to hear about a guy's fantasy."

"Hmm. Let's see, there's one where I lose a bet and have to serve as a maid at a party for the Tulsa Women's League. I'm only allowed to wear heels, a choker, and a little satin apron that doesn't cover anything. Some of the ladies get fresh, and the next thing you know ..."

At last Amy smiled. "Oh, I have one kinda like that too. I agree to serve snacks to a bunch of guys at a Super Bowl party, and I have to take something off every time a team scores."

"I'd love to hear that one," smiled Joel, even now becoming aroused at the image of Amy in her underclothes or less.

"Only if you tell me more about yours," she replied. Both the man and woman now laughed. The crisis had passed. The air seemed warmer, the lights brighter. They began to talk. The hours flew by.

After a dessert of cheesecake came espresso; then, a second cup for each. Joel was spellbound by Amy's eyes. Eyes that danced and sparkled in the candlelight; by the sound of her voice as she talked and laughed. Amazing, he thought. At first glance she looks so ordinary. Yet she is the most fascinating woman I've ever been out with.

They returned to the entrance to Amy's apartment. Her short hair was backlit by the sconce above her door. It highlighted the steam from their breath on this cold damp night.

Taking Joel's hand, Amy said, "I could invite you in, but I have to get up really early. It's my turn to open the doughnut shop where I work."

"That's okay. Listen, Amy, I've so enjoyed being with you tonight. It's been the best date of my life."

"Oh now," she giggled, "you're just angling for a kiss, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't say no."

The girl impulsively embraced Joel, leaned up, and joined her lips to his. He was made literally breathless by the taste and scent of Amy; by soft lips and a shy tongue that tentatively touched his and drew back; by the realization that at last he was kissing the girl who filled his dreams.

Joel held her, squeezed her, reluctant to let go, savoring every second of the kiss. When they finally drew back from each other, both were breathing hard. How does she do it, he marveled. A mere slip of a girl, as they say, but like nothing I ever imagined could exist.

"When can I see you again, Amy?"

"When would you like?"

"Tomorrow morning, tomorrow night, anytime, I don't care!" Tonight had only brought a brief taste of this fascinating nymph. He was not sated. Rather, his desire for her now burned like a wildfire out of control.

Amy gave him a pixyish smile. "I'm off Sunday. How about lunch at your condo? Then maybe we can play some games."

"You mean, like Chinese checkers?" smiled Joel.

"If you like. But I know some others that might be fun." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then turned and disappeared into her apartment.


That Sunday afternoon, Joel found himself lying naked on his back on his queen bed. He looked up to see Amy in the doorway. Now her hair, in truth a wig, was flaxen in color, with bangs in the front and pigtails. She wore a white collar from which hung a short tie. At first glance she seemed a schoolgirl perhaps, but her uniform was not regulation. Not with the vivid red lipstick she was wearing. Not considering the fact that she was bare-breasted. Joel gazed at Amy's taut supple breasts; at her perfectly round tan areolae; nipples that were mere buttons.

Amy's plaid skirt sat low on her hips. Only a foot in length, it somehow just managed to cover what every schoolgirl should keep covered. Her only other adornment was a pair of cotton knee socks.

Joel ached to take her in his arms. But he could not do so, for the simple reason that both his wrists were firmly tied to the bed with bright pink ribbons. As were his ankles. His heart beating fast, he lay spread-eagled, awaiting the girl.

Carrying a wooden ruler, Amy got onto the bed and knelt beside him. "Professor Kane," she said in a business-like voice, "we women students at Marland have become very concerned about these fantasies of yours."


"Now you must be honest with me. Have you ever looked at one of the girls in your class and imagined her doing this to you?" Amy's left hand snaked forward and enclosed Joel's cock, already stiff and erect. The feel of her smooth slim fingers wrapped around his manhood was electrifying. The man gasped in pleasure.

"Well, sir, have you?" Amy asked again, gently squeezing his shaft.

"Yes, yes," breathed Joel. "It's true. I've often thought of it."

"Ooh Professor," said Amy, her voice filled with displeasure, "you are such a bad boy." With that she came down on his thighs with the ruler. A loud smack! echoed in the room as the man jumped in surprise.

Her eyes partly closed, Amy bent forward and kissed Joel's cock head, holding her lips to his manhood for long seconds. The sensation of her lips was stunning. Pre-cum began to seep from his cock head. The girl paused to lick it off.

She looked up at Joel. "Now, Professor Kane, have you ever wished that a sweet young coed would do that to you?" She then planted another tender kiss on his cock.

"Yes I have! I confess!" Joel whimpered. "I'm a bad professor!"

"Oh, you are!" said the girl, smacking his thighs again. "Soo, so bad." Both she and Joel were now breathing hard. The sexual tension in the room was palpable. Amy then straddled the man's thighs, and once more took his cock in her hand.

"Professor," she purred, "you must remember that all us girls in your class are sweet and innocent. As pure as a flower. Our thoughts are always wholesome. For example, no girl would dream of taking her professor's cock and touching it to her little pussy."

Joel moaned in pleasure as Amy moved forward and rose up so that his cock head was enclosed within her pussy lips. Now swallowing hard, Amy spoke again. "And even if she did, sir, she would never let his big cock penetrate her .. glide deep into that .. sweet secret part of her."

As she spoke, Amy slowly eased down and further still until Joel's cock was buried to the hilt in her. The man and woman looked at each other in rapt wonder, their faces flushed and covered with a faint layer of perspiration.

Both sighed in pleasure as Amy began to ride Joel's cock, at the same time leisurely gyrating her hips. After a few moments she bent forward. When her hard nipples touched his chest, it felt like an electric shock. The heat and fragrance of her young woman's body was intoxicating. She began to plant soft kisses on his chest and then his cheeks, even as she continued to use his cock for her pleasure.

"Now Professor," Amy breathed, her eyes only inches from his, "from now on, promise me you won't think about seducing innocent coeds. It's very naughty to imagine us playing lewd sex games with you. Have you learned your lesson, sir?"

"No," gasped Joel, his whole body on fire by now.


"No!" Joel repeated, his whole body beginning to tingle. "I can't help it! There is one girl I cannot resist! She is the most exciting, fascinating creature I've ever known. I want to be with her and hold her and love her! Can't a man ask for that!"

On hearing his words, Amy's eyes grew large. She embraced Joel, joining her lips to his in a passionate kiss. She held him in an iron grip as she cried out, her hips now swiveling forcefully. With his own hips Joel drove his cock even deeper, moving in perfect rhythm with her own thrusts. Amy soon plunged into an orgasm. Joel followed. The girl's entire body now shuddered violently as she cried out her passion.

Joel's own orgasm was like a volcano, an eruption of semen that coursed through him and into her in a seemingly never ending stream. At last, he thought; at last! All the dreams of Amy, the longing for Amy, the pure sweet fascination with her, were embodied in that long intense explosion of pleasure.

Time seemed to stand still. Afterwards they both lay gasping for breath. Soon the girl was gently kissing his lips, his cheek, his eyes, then back to his eager lips. She then rose up slightly to look at him.

"Tell me, will you say sweet things like that when you're not naked and tied up?"

"Yes, of course," Joel replied between ragged breaths. "You can trust your professor."


Amy and Joel would always refer to their afternoon of near nonstop lovemaking as That Day. By the time the sun's last rays lit up the bedroom, there was no question about how each felt. No question that two people who seemingly had little in common had discovered that they were in fact meant for each other.

They lay, drained and relaxed, under the sheets. With Joel on his back, Amy had draped her right leg over him. He felt the softness of her breasts against his torso; the nap of her damp pussy against his hip.

She looked at him and smiled. "Remember Amy and Ryan in my sex story that you read?"

"I seem to recall it."

"Someday you should read page two, where I describe Ryan."


"Uh huh. See, he's about ten years older than Amy. Has dark hair and wears Versace glasses and a sweater vest. Very distinguished looking."

Joel chuckled. "Hmm. Modeling a character in a sex fantasy after your own professor. Now who's the naughty one?"

"Ooh, I am, aren't I? Do I deserve punishment?"

"I'm afraid so."

"But how?"

Joel glided his hand over Amy's impossibly smooth young buttocks. "Oh, we'll think of something," he replied.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

rashi शुक्ल ने मुझे ऐसा नहीं कह सकते में ध्यान देने वाला एक एलेवेटर पर छड़ी rutgers है ... । मॅँ मेरे शिश्न ने उसके मुख और उसने उसके चेहरे पर शुक्राणु डाल दिया जाता है । अगर वह चाहती है कि चित्र, उन्हें वेतन!

ephraimephraimover 14 years ago

Good characterization, great story flow tender, warm, affectionate older-man and younger-woman plot. Narrative drew the reader into your story. I felt immersed and engrossed. Please write more.

WiggyPhilWiggyPhilabout 15 years ago
Soo sweet story!

Thanks for the lovely role-playing story!

jalapamajalapamaover 15 years ago
Loved this story!

Very nicely done. There was a bit of a disconnect between the kiss on Friday night and what happened on Sunday. I quickly got back in the story, however, and enjoyed it to the finish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This story has a Pygmalion-like charm. The fact that the mouse turned into an angel was like the cherry on the sundae.

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