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Daddy's Little Psychopath Ch. 07


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Just then, I felt Katy's lips come close to my ear. "I know about Rhonda," she whispered.

My eyes went wide, and my skin broke in a cold sweat. I turned to look at her, and she gazed back with a wicked grin, like someone who knew the secrets of the universe. I didn't have a doubt in mind she meant what she said, but I tried to play dumb anyway.

"My daughter? What do you know about her?"

"First Wife . . . Eileen . . . please . . . do not treat me like a simple-minded child. If we are going to discuss this, let's do so as adults. We may not have a chance like this for some time, so we must make the best of it."

She was crazy! If she knew a thing about Ronnie, she knew how this was suicidal! She knew that there was no way that this conversation could ever happen! Not without Ronnie finding out! Not without consequences!

She grabbed my hand gently as I turned to leave. "I'm sorry . . . I . . . I don't know what you mean. Please, just leave me alone."

"Eileen . . . just calm down. I'm begging you to talk to me. I am not your enemy. I only want to help you." She took a deep breath before continuing. "Despite what she may have led you to believe, Rhonda is not invincible. But, the more she stays in control, the more you allow her to dominate you, the more in danger we all are. If we work together, we can stop her."

Stop her? Stop Rhonda!? No . . . it was impossible. David had tried. He'd tried to warn me . . . to help me get away . . . but Rhonda had known about it. She'd heard everything. She had bugs, cameras and spies everywhere! There wasn't any escaping her.

"Who do you think you are!?" I snapped at her. "You think you're better than us? That you're smarter than Ronnie!? You think you can just waltz into our lives and just fix everything!? Look, you little tramp . . . I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but I'm not going to have any part of this! As much as Ronnie hates me, she protects us! She's been the only thing keeping this family going for years! And I'm not going to let you come in and destroy us!"

I turned to leave, marching away from her as fast as I could. As I reached the door, I stopped to look at her one last time. "And do NOT call me 'Eileen' or 'First Wife' or any of that other nonsense. I'm Mrs. Scott. I'm the ONLY Mrs. Scott in this house! You got that?!"

Her eyes met to floor. Satisfied, I swung the door open. "You just do what you do best. Nanny our kids and spread your pussy when my husband asks you to. " As I walked out of the room, I made sure I slammed the door as hard as I could.

I walked away realizing that Ronnie was right the whole time. This girl was a threat.

She had to be dealt with.

And someone had to get rid of her.

To Be Continued . . .

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The Pregnancy Stuff

Just a little comment from me, can that whole pregnant stuff be avoided in latter part (chapter) and just enjoy the sex? But it is still your story, so in the end it is all up to you.

Good story by the way.

EyelanderEyelanderover 10 years ago
Can't pick a side. Its impossible for me.

Each side the story has a + and - They are all evil but a good thing at the same time. I want Rhonda to have David but she brainwashed him and David is not actually his true self and i find it as Rhonda is using David. Eileen wants her husband back and she knows he is not himself and she is also brainwashed but still not as brainwashed as David is. Katy wants David because she in in love with him and wants to raise her child but at the same time she is causing pain for the family.

Bottom line is, i want to support Ronnie but she brainwashed her family and its getting worse. She is not 100% evil but she is not 100% good. As for David, he is gone in the head but i hope the best for him in the end!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Mixed feelings about Rhonda

I love this story but I kind of think Rhonda needs to be put in her place and her mother needs to get a backbone or something I like Katy though I think Katy needs to take Rhonda's place

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Second time reading this again and I still am routing for Rhonda

This Saudi princess is an overreaching spoiled little girl with unresolved Daddy issues. At least Rhonda, as manipulative and self-serving as she is, she had the guts to resolve her own Daddy issues to her liking, now this Saudi princess seeing that someone else has it made, wants what she didn't work to create. Normally I would have disdained any stories were people are victims and don't chart their own path, but I like Rhonda, twisted needs and all, at least she has worked hard to create her perfect dystopia / utopia depending on whether you are Eileen or David and whichever way you toss the coin,that's the way the world works, the go-getters succeed and the victims flounder. Kudos to your writing prowess, it sucked me in second time around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The story is really interesting! I hope you can get out the next chapter soon. I feel really bad for Eileen, she seems very conflicted about her life now so I hope she's able to fight back against all of this (or at least get away). David seems to far gone at this point (I'm amazed he's still fertile)

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