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Daddy's Little Psychopath Ch. 07


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"Wait, please," she called to me. "I do not wish to end our talk this way. I have been wishing to speak to you for some time now, and I do not wish to make a horrible impression."

Curious, I turned. "You've . . . been wanting to talk . . . to me?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yes!"

"What . . . what could you possibly want from me?"

"To be your friend, of course!" she said happily. "I have long wanted to speak to you, First Wife. To learn about the first woman who managed to win David's heart."

I blinked. "I'm sorry . . . what . . . what did you call me?"

"'First Wife'," she told me. "It is a term of respect. In my family, the first wives of the husband are treated with reverence, and looked to as advisors and leaders. As David's newest, it is my job to learn from you and be of help to you."

I was dumbfounded. What was this girl on about, exactly!? What the hell was her game?

"Well . . . contrary to the way it appears, David still only has one wife," I answered smugly, showing her my ring.

"I know," she sighed. "Believe me that I wish it were not so. But, maybe if I am successful, that can be changed."

"Successful?" So Rhonda was right—she did have a scheme!

"Yes. I am hoping . . . someday . . . for David to join Islam."

That finally did it. I guffawed, loudly. "Oh yeah? Well, you've got a bit of a problem there, then. David is Agnostic, but he was raised in an Eastern Orthodox family. I'm Baptist. I've had arguments with David for years about our religious differences, and I still can get him to step within twenty feet of a church."

At those words, she merely nodded and smiled. "It was not meant for you to convert him, then. Perhaps Allah will allow me more success."

That did it. I just couldn't take any more of this girl. I suppose after years of being party to his affair with Ronnie, I had just come to expect something a little different. I was used to bitterness and insults and aggression. I was used to being told that I was trash and that David didn't love me. I was used to smirks and evil laughter. I wasn't used to this. Whatever the hell this girl was doing. At least with Ronnie, I knew where I stood. Ronnie hated me, and she loved to humiliate me. But as long as I did what she told me, and let her have David like she wanted, my life was normal.

But it was like Ronnie had said. This girl was dangerous! She was trying to change everything—she wanted David to herself. She wanted him to convert to her religion, and then probably run off to Afghanistan or someplace!

She was an even worse threat than Ronnie.

"Look, girl. You can do whatever the hell you want with my husband. Right now, I can't do a damn thing about it. But don't think that I have any interests in being friends with you. As far as I'm concerned, David will one day get tired of you, like he does the other girls he fucks and knocks up . . . and the only memory left of you will be whatever kids he's had you make for him."

Her eyes turned narrow and resolute. She gazed straight at me, without a hint of wavering.

"I will make sure that doesn't happen. I love David, and I will be sure to remain faithful and true to him no matter what. I will prove to him that I am his, and his alone. Forever, if he will have me." Once again, she began to wander off.

As she walked past me, I was compelled to cry out, "I don't get it. Why do you love him?! I just don't understand it. What has David given you? What does he do that makes you feel so in love with him!?"

She stopped in her tracks for a moment. I think my question finally hit her somewhere. It took her several moments to turn and look in my direction, her silvery eyes looking into mine as she answered.

"He . . . he looks exactly like my father."

"What . . .?"

"Yes, I admit it. Ever since I was a little girl, I was brought up to be something special for my father. He did not want just another proper Saudi princess. He wanted something unique from me—that is why he raised me in both the ways of Saudi and of the rest of the world. I enjoy more freedom and privacy than any of my other sisters, and Father took a keen interest in me as I grew older.

"Unfortunately, he never told me what he wanted from me. He died two years ago, before I could return to Saudi to see him. That fact has always haunted me."

"What . . . what do you think he might have wanted from you?"

"I do not know. But, I have thought about it often . . . and in thinking of it, the only answer that I came up with was not what Father probably wanted me to be, but what I would have liked to be."

I waited for her answer.

"I would have liked to have become one of Father's wives."

I nearly choked. "Are . . . are you serious?"

"My father was an extremely handsome man, as you can tell just by looking at your husband. David is the spitting image of my father, although he is shaven. Every time I look at him, I see my father's eyes looking toward me, admiring my body, showing approval or disapproval for what I've done and who I am. When I do something to please David, I hear my father's voice praising me. Telling me that I am worthy of him."

"My God . . . you're . . . you're just like—!"

She tilted her head, waiting for me to continue. "Hm? I'm just like . . . what?"

If I hadn't known better, I would have almost thought she knew what to expect. Like she was just waiting for me to say something she already know.

"Nothing. I just . . . I just think that's a little crazy is all. It's a crazy reason to be in love with anyone."

Her shoulders lifted. "Perhaps. But it is honest."

I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I have to leave. This is just . . . too weird for me."

"Very well," Katy nodded. "I hope we can speak again sometime . . . First Wife."



Of course, I was listening to their whole little chat. It was actually disgustingly adorable. The Whore was trying so hard to reach out to The Bitch as a friend, but there was no chance of that.

I had planted the seed of doubt.

Divide et impera. Or, for those of you simpletons who don't know Latin, "Divide and conquer". It wouldn't do me any good to have allowed that Arab bitch to get my mother on her side, so I had to make sure that The Bitch saw her as an even bigger threat than me. Katy and I . . . we're a lot alike, I admit. We're both young, sexy, and eager to give Daddy everything he wants. I'll even admit that Katy is clever . . . far more clever than I could have thought for a girl who never finished college.

But only one of us is a genius.

This was truly one of my greatest accomplishments. Despite all of the abuse, the spite, and the pain I've caused The Bitch, the gullible sheep still trusted my word. All I had to do was show her something she feared more than me, and she would believe anything I had to say. Thanks to Katy, the Bitch would think of me as her friend. She'd see me as the only stabilizing element in her life, and anything which upset the balance of power would be an enemy. This was the power of Stockholm Syndrome at its finest.

Now, I didn't have to do a thing to either of those bimbos. I could simply sit back and let natural selection take its course. In the meantime, I could turn my attention to a far more difficult opponent: Katy's mysterious friend in LA.

He would be getting a rather nasty surprise himself, any day now.



I was fired from my job after the sixth day in two months I No-Called-No-Showed. I'd had that job for twelve years, and I'd put thousands of hours of my life into it. By getting fired, I'd lost my pension plan, my health insurance, and the minor perks and benefits.

So did I regret it?

Well . . . each of the days I missed work, I was spending my hours in bed with at least one incredibly sexy women—sometimes more. When I could have been sitting behind my desk, going over sales reports, meeting with stupid clients, and putting up with the ineptitude of my coworkers, I was instead buried between some woman's legs, shooting my load into her womb, making her beg me to make her pregnant. Instead of a stuffy office, I was working hard in a slut's cunt. I knocked up three extremely gorgeous and exotic women: an Asian, an Indian, and a Slav. I made them pregnant with my baby. I played and tasted racks and asses out of this world. And in the two months that followed, I got to fuck them all while I watched their bellies start to stretch with my child.

So, let me ask you: do you think I regret any of it?

It was just like Ronnie promised me. I didn't need to work anymore. I didn't need to shop anymore. I didn't need to do anything anymore. Ronnie took care of me. She took care of all of us. We were filthy rich. A couple times, I asked where Ronnie got all of her money from, but she would only giggle and tell me not to think about it. I've finally started to listen to her. I've learned not to think hard about anything anymore. I trust Ronnie. She'll take care of Daddy, like a good girl. And in return, I'll keep her fucked. I'll make sure her pussy is put to good use.

Ronnie and I ate lunch together in the afternoon. Afterwards, she sat in my lap, and the two of us gently and lovingly necked while she showed me the new crop of sluts she'd picked out for me.

"This one is Samoan," she told me, gently nibbling my ear. "How do you like her, Daddy?"

I looked at the beautiful specimen in the picture—such perfect, C-cup breasts. Juicy pink lips. Long, wavy black hair. And honey-tanned skin. She was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen.

I wanted her. I wanted her so badly.

"If you want her, she's yours, Daddy," Ronnie moaned. "Just say the word and I can have her here tomorrow. She'll be delivered straight to our door, and you can fuck her all you want. Wouldn't she look gorgeous with a big tummy, Daddy? Don't you want to see what your precious little half-Samoan baby would look like?"

The combination of Ronnie's hips wriggling on my crotch, her wet, slick tongue inching into my ear, and the imagery she was seeding in my mind drove me nuts. I couldn't help myself. I didn't want to help myself. I just wanted to give in. Things were always better when I gave in to Ronnie.

"Yes, baby. She would. I . . . I want her, Ronnie."

Ronnie smiled at me lustfully. Gently, she kissed me on my lips. "Whatever you want, Daddy. Anything you need. I'll give you everything."

I licked my lips. "Ronnie, baby, I need you."

Ronnie only gazed at me with those dark, sexy eyes of hers, gently sliding a finger between her wet red lips and suckling it until it glistened with moistness.

"What do you need, Daddy?" she asked me in a sweet, servile tone. She slid that wet finger over her clit to try and guide my answer to what she knew we both wanted.

I was uncontrollably horny. I pushed my pants to my ankles and let my stiff cock breathe. Ronnie's eyes dashed downward hungrily—glancing at my cock with a hunger I never got tired of seeing.

"Do you want me to suck your cock, Daddy?" my little girl asked me in the sweetest voice.

"Yes, baby. I want you to suck Daddy's cock right now."

Ronnie slid from the chair and fell to her knees, crawling like a brazen slut drawn directly to my cock. I could see the cleavage of her fantastic, swollen tits from the top of her blouse as she came closer. I couldn't help but admire my daughter's body wholesale . . . such as the way her ass swayed gently when she moved on all fours.

Without hesitation, Ronnie moaned and slid my cock between her lips, taking it into her mouth easily and readily. She didn't suck my cock often . . . I usually needed to put it into her cunt as quickly as possible . . . but the view of watching my daughter suck my erect dick only drove me crazy every time. Why hadn't I thought of this first, all those years ago? Why hadn't I realized that with a daughter as beautiful as mine, I deserved to have my cock in her mouth? I had been such a fool all those years ago. I had forced my poor baby to rape me to get what we both needed, when I should have just claimed her pussy the moment she turned eighteen like a real man was supposed to.

Thank God Ronnie had more sense than I did. Thank God she had always known what I really wanted.

My eyes almost rolled into my head, and my brain stopped several times over while Ronnie's magic mouth went to work on my cock. Her lips, her throat muscles, her tongue . . . Ronnie had turned a blowjob down to a perfect science. I don't know how much time it took her to learn . . . my baby was a genius, so it probably wasn't long . . . but she had figured out the perfect way to bring me close to orgasm, and then let the heart rate taper off just enough to keep me from shooting my load. Then, she would go at it again, keeping me on the tip of ecstasy for as long as I needed.

God, she was just so PERFECT at this stuff.

"Mmmm, Ronnie, baby . . . Daddy loves everything you do. You treat my cock so good, sweetheart."

Ronnie popped my cock out of her mouth to speak. "Of course, Daddy. I love you. I will always keep you happy, as long as you want. You know that."

"Then lay down and spread for me, honey. Daddy needs to be in your pussy right now."

Without another word, Ronnie fell back and pulled her knees back, hiking the hem of her skirt up to give me a perfect view of her pussy. She didn't wear underwear anymore . . . I wouldn't let her. I needed to be able to slide my cock into her whenever I needed it.

In seconds, my naked body was on top of hers, and I was thrusting into her with everything I had. I wasn't even worried about the baby inside her—Ronnie's body could take it. I just needed to bring her to shuddering orgasms.

"Oh, oh God, Daddy! Just like that! Fuck me harder! Harder please, Daddy!"

I fucked her as though I was angry. I pounded her pussy to punish it. To punish it for daring to turn me on this much. For daring to need my fresh cum inside it.

Ronnie was gone in seconds, screaming and climaxing all over the floor.

"Yeeeeesssss! God, Daddy! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

I fucked her until everything just became a blur. I know I came inside of her, but everything before and after was just a mix of sweat, sex and heavy breath.



"I love you, Ronnie," Daddy told me as he gently turned my head to face him. He pressed his lips to mine, and we nibbled one-another's tongues. Daddy's cock was still buried inside me, and he ground his hips into my soft, plush rear. His long hard shaft was filling me in every way imaginable. I let my strong, sexy father take me as he wished, silently longing for him to finish with a load of his juicy semen in my waiting cunt.

He was mine. No one would ever take this from me. I had worked hard for it my entire life. Ever since I was eleven, I had been waiting to be Daddy's woman. He was the only man that could ever make me happy—the only one that appreciated my genius. I would kill anyone who got between us. I'd destroy their entire life, and make them wish they'd never been born.

Hearing him tell me how much he loved me . . . not just as a daughter, but as a woman and a lover . . . it only strengthened my resolve. I needed to be rid of the rest of these skanks. I needed to have them out of my life forever. I could just murder them all, of course . . . but that would be too simple and too easy. There were too many ways it could go wrong. I could probably use my contacts to do a coverup of some sort, but I hate relying on other people. I got as far was on my own, and all I needed was time to think.

Fortunately, Daddy's strong fucking only reminded me what I was fighting for. Even as his cock sawed in and out of my wet pussy, I lost myself in the pleasure. I took one of Daddy's hands into my own and slid it down to my belly, where his . . . our . . . child was growing. My sixth one for him. The sixth perfect baby I would make for Daddy, and certainly not to be our last. Daddy's cock was made to impregnate me, and I was born to give them to him. I don't expect anyone else to understand our love, or my feelings, but this was the reality.

The Whore, Katy, would undo all of that. I wouldn't let her steal Daddy's sperm to make more of her inhuman abominations. I knew it made Daddy happy, making such pathetic babies from the lesser women, but he was innocently ignorant. He was far beyond controlling himself. I had done almost too good a job of brainwashing him.

Slowly, but surely, I had destroyed Daddy's self-control. It made him easy to dominate, but at great cost. Because of me, Daddy was addicted to pussy. And I was fine with that, because he knew I was the one who could give it to him. Every man on Earth would jump at the chance to live Daddy's life. All he had to do was love me, fuck me, fuck any other woman I told him to, and knock all of us up. There isn't a man alive who wouldn't want that, and I was the only woman that could fulfill that fantasy.

I am Daddy's woman. Period. I only allow the Bitch to blunder about in my home because cuckqueaning her amuses me. But, I will not be some other bitch's cuckquean! It will NOT fucking happen. If I have to, I'll slice her face apart with a cheese grater. I'll tie her to a tree and watch her face make friends with a lawnmower. Then, we'll see how pretty she is. And we'll see how much Daddy still likes her.

But, I am not a common thug. I prefer patience. Let her have her little fun for a while. Let Daddy enjoy having his pet Whore around. Let her have another fugly baby. If nothing else, it'll make Daddy happy. But when my plan comes to fruition, I can be rid of her. At the least, the Whore will be gone forever. But, if I'm really lucky, I can have both her and The Bitch out of my life permanently, and not even lift a finger.

Either way, I will win.



Something really weird happened today.

There I was in the living room, doing sit-ups and my daily exercises, when suddenly, my bra popped loose. I didn't think anybody was around, so I just finished my sets, hoping to fix it after I was done. No sooner had I done my last toe-touch when I suddenly felt someone kneel behind me, gently putting my bra back as it should be.

"What . . . what do you think you're doing?"

"Trying to be of help to you," she told me as I felt the bra snap back in place. "There. Now you are decent again."

I didn't meet her gaze. I just stood from the mat and reached for my towel. "Thanks, I guess."

I started to leave. She just stayed on the floor, looking away sheepishly.

"You . . . you truly do not like me . . . do you?"

"I'm not eager to be friendly with you, at the very least. I told you before; you're just a distraction for David. Nothing more. Eventually, he'll get tired of you like the other girls. I don't see a reason I should get to know you."

She sighed. "I suppose that I will simply have to prove to you that this will not happen. David and I love each other."

Again, her words made my skin crawl. "And why is that any better for me?! Why would I give a damn if that's true . . . that my husband loves another woman!? Do you have any idea how that makes me feel!? To know that there are things you can give my husband that I can't!?"

I was beginning to cry. I think all of my frustration and pain finally caught up with me right then. Usually, when I felt this way, David would be nearby, and he would fuck me and make me feel better. But right now, he was off with Ronnie. Giving her what used to be mine.

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