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Click here"Fuck you!"
She heard him laugh that humourless laugh again, and he turned his head away from her, grinding his teeth in anger. "Maybe you need another fucking demonstration, Bay," he spat. He finally snatched the gun from her hands and lowered it, smacking it down onto her dresser as he pulled her free of the wall and shoved her into the middle of the room. He spun her round until she stood facing the foot of the bed, his fingers still in her hair in a vicelike grip. He was pressed up against her, cock hard against the cheeks of her ass, and Lily bit her lip as she felt a traitorous, wanton moan rise in her throat.
She had never been turned on by force before. It was not something that had ever even entered her mind, but as Ben growled a harsh "open your fucking legs!" into her ear, Lily felt her vagina tighten in arousal.
"Go to hell!" she seethed. She didn't care if her body was betraying her, she wasn't going to admit to wanting this arrogant scumbag. He shoved his foot between hers and forced her legs apart, and then he moved his free hand between them to slide his pants out of the way.
"Let's see how fucking easy you come for me this time, bitch," he whispered, grabbing her hip to hold her still as he pushed inside her in one hard thrust. Lily cried out in pain, squirming to try to get away, but Ben held her tight and yanked on her hair even harder, and she was trapped. He was hurting her; every jerk of his hips sent the head of his cock smacking against her cervix and she whined against him, leaning her head back against his shoulder to try to ease the pressure on her scalp.
"What's the matter, baby?" he growled. "Need a little help?" Ben slid his hand from Lily's hip down to the short dark curls between her legs. He dipped his middle finger down onto her clit and circled slowly, bringing down his thumb every now and then to pinch the nub of nerve endings. Lily gasped, her back arching in response to Ben's touch and he groaned back at her as her hips bucked against his.
He was still fucking her hard, but his fingers were working their infuriating magic and she could feel her muscles relaxing, welcoming his broad and veiny cock deeper insider her as he started stroking harder against her clit. Lily's mouth fell open and she let out a low moan almost directly into Ben's ear. She didn't need to see him to know that he was smirking.
"There ya go, Bay," he whispered. "You feel how deep your cunt is swallowing my dick? You just can't get enough, can you? You gonna come on my fucking dick again?"
She couldn't hold it back any longer, and they both knew it. As the heat overcame her body and her legs began to tremble, Lily wrapped her arm around Ben's neck and pulled him close, muffling her cries against his cheek. The muscles of her vagina pulsed against his cock and he slowed the movement of his hips, sliding his arm around her waist to hold her tight as she unravelled against him.
Ben slid his cock out of Lily's body, turned her around and pushed her down onto the bed. Her ass was on the edge of the mattress and her legs dangled to the floor. He kneeled in front of her, hooked his arms under her thighs, and suddenly he was inside her again, strong fingers gripping her hips as he pulled her down against him in time with his powerful thrusts. He stared down at her, eyes following her breasts as they swayed in time with the movement of his hips, and Lily felt her toes start to curl in pleasure.
"Ya gonna tell me you like this yet, baby?" Ben groaned, and Lily snorted.
"Not on your fucking life!" she replied. His jaw tightened for a moment, and then she saw that evil fucking grin spread across his face.
"Then maybe we should do something else," he said, coming to a stop before pulling out of her body. He slid two fingers inside her, curled them upwards to find the patch of her vagina that drove her wild, and slowly started to stroke. He slid his other hand to rest over the pale skin of her pelvis, and rocked his thumb over her clit. She keened in pleasure, her back arching off the bed. The way he was stroking her had her gushing, and within moments his fingers and palm were soaked with her juices.
"Fuck yeah, baby," Ben whispered. "You are so fucking wet for me." Lily wanted to tell him he was wrong, despite all of the evidence, but she couldn't find the words to make a coherent sentence. He slid his fingers back out of her vagina and she moaned in disappointment until he increased the pressure of his thumb against her clit. Slowly, he stroked his soaking fingers down her body until they reached the pucker of her asshole. Lily's back went ramrod straight as her body tensed in fear.
"Relax, Bay," Ben soothed, circling his thumb on her clit as he mirrored the movement with his fingers around the opening of her ass. "I ain't trying to fucking hurt ya. Just fucking take it easy."
He wasn't going to back down, Lily knew, and she knew how much this could hurt if she tried to tense up and deny him entry. So as much as she hated the idea, she laid back down and tried her best to relax, as Ben worked one of his big fingers inside her and started to stroke. He eased in deeper, then added another finger, slowly stretching her out and getting her wet. He was still rocking his thumb against her clit, and she moaned as the familiar sensation of his callused hands brought a flush of heat to her skin.
Ben moved his hand from Lily's clit and slid it under her ass, tilting her hips upwards and leaning down towards her. He licked around her asshole, then splayed his fingers inside her and allowed some of his saliva to drip from his tongue and slide into her. She shivered, and she felt him smile against her thighs as he repeated his movements a couple more times.
He pulled his fingers out of her, straightening as he lined his dick up against her quivering asshole. Ben started to push, and Lily panicked, writhing on the bed trying to find some purchase so that she could wriggle away. He leaned over and slid his hand to her throat and squeezed, not hard enough to stop her breathing, but enough that she had to work to get air into her lungs. Lily stilled, and Ben pressed himself inside her.
Her cry was stifled by his hand on her throat, but Ben could hear her fine, and moaned in response. He released her neck, and slid one hand back to her hips and the other back to her clit as he started to move against her, keeping his movements slow whilst her body adjusted to his cock. She gasped, feeling her body clench around him as he worked her clit, the pleasure mixing with the strange sensation of her ass being filled. He increased his speed, the muscles of his shoulders and arms straining as he pulled her against him over and over, his balls slapping her ass with every stroke of his cock.
Ben groaned harshly, the movement of his hips becoming erratic and his breathing heavy. He was close. "Jesus, Bay," he hissed. "You're so fucking tight. I gotta come inside your sweet little ass." He dug both of his hands into her hips as he buried himself deep, growling in pleasure as she felt him pulse inside her and the warmth of his come flooding her body.
Lily was exhausted, and as Ben slipped off the bed and back into the bathroom to clean himself up, she felt herself drifting off. Her body started to float and all the aches left her limbs as she began to succumb to the welcoming peace of sleep. It felt like only a few moments had passed when she stirred again, and she moaned in disapproval.
Ben was back, sitting on the bed between her legs. His hands were on her thighs, spreading them wide and lifting them into the air, and he lowered his mouth and rasped his tongue from the bottom of her opening to the top of her clit in one long, languorous lick. She gasped, threw herself forward to try to push him away, but as her hands slid into his hair Ben tightened his grip on her thighs in warning. He was pressing hard enough to bruise, and Lily fell back on her elbows, releasing his hair from her fingers as she gripped the sheets until her knuckles were bone white.
She hadn't let a guy go down on her, not since that asshole of an ex who had made her feel shit about just about every part of her body. She had kicked him out of her life, but his taunts had lingered and she was more than just a little bit paranoid about having another man so up close and personal. Ben wasn't taking no for an answer, though, and he was going at her with the same enthusiasm he had shown her all night. His long, hot tongue sought out all the folds of her vagina, stroking along her outer lips before moving inside and wriggling its way into her opening.
Ben moaned against her, and that was her undoing. His mouth vibrated against her clit which drew waves of heat directly to her core, but it was the way that he was completely focused on her and the fact that he was clearly enjoying himself that sent Lily's fears temporarily flying out of her head. The muscles in her thighs relaxed and she felt her legs easing further open, and Ben took the opportunity to delve deeper, allowing his nose to press against her clit as his tongue circled around inside her. He was moving infuriatingly slowly, and before she knew what she was doing, Lily was lifting her hips to press herself harder into his face.
"Ben!" she gasped, her voice an alien croak. She felt him smile against her, and he looked up, an innocent grin on his lips.
"What?" he asked, leaning down to flick his tongue across her clit, quick as lightening. She flinched as if he had hurt her. "You got a problem there, baby?" He slid his fingers up the inside of her thigh, dancing first around her clit, and then down to circle her opening. He pressed against her with the tip of a finger, slowly starting to part her folds and she moaned in anticipation, but in another moment his finger was gone, tracing along her clit once again.
Ben slid up Lily's body so that he could whisper into her ear. He rubbed one hand over her cheek as he spoke, his other fingers still stroking, but nowhere near as hard or as fast as she needed. "You got yourself all fucking hot and wet there, baby," he breathed. "You need me to take care of that for ya?" He dipped his finger into her again and stayed there, but not deep enough to give her any kind of relief, and it just made her need it all the more.
"Oh god!" she whimpered. Her hips were bucking against him now and she was too hot to care. "Oh please!"
"Tell me what you need, baby," he whispered, and Lily whined in dissent. "Tell me," he went on. "Or I can leave you like this."
She couldn't take it. Lily hated having to talk dirty, but the alternative was just unbearable. "Please Ben," she breathed against his ear. "Put your fingers inside me and fuck me hard."
He shuddered against her as she spoke, slid a second finger inside her and sank them deep. Lily let out a high pitched squeal as he gave her what she needed, curling his fingers until he found the rougher patch of flesh inside her that made her come apart at the seams.
"That what you need, baby?" he asked, burying his mouth in her throat for a moment and sucking until he was bound to have left a mark. "You can't get enough of me stretching that tiny little cunt, can you?" He moved back down Lily's body, latching his mouth over her clit and sucking in a strong, pulsing rhythm as he fucked her with his fingers.
Lily shook, drenched with heat as she felt the tension within her body become unbearable. She was close, so damned close, and she needed him to push her over the edge so much it hurt. "Shit, Ben," she hissed. "Please!"
"Fuck yeah, baby," he growled. "Come on my fucking hand." He slid one more finger inside her and bit down onto her clit, and suddenly she was flying, breathy moans escaping her body as she grabbed at Ben's head and pulled him tighter against her, grinding her pubic bone into his face until he probably couldn't breathe. He let her ride it out against him, stroking his fingers against her until it was too much, and she had to push him away. Lily was still shaking, and she collapsed onto her back as Ben eased her legs back onto the bed.
He waited for her breathing to return to normal, and then Ben stood up, turned to grasp Lily's hands and guided her onto her feet in front of him. He slid his left hand to tangle in the unruly dark hair at the nape of her neck, and bent down to kiss her. She could taste herself on his tongue and she shivered in guilty pleasure. He came up for air, and stroked the thumb of his right hand over her lips.
It was obvious what he wanted. Lily gulped nervously; she had never been particularly confident at sucking cock, and Ben was hardly what she would consider to be a 'novice-friendly' size. He tugged on her hair, and she felt herself sinking to her knees in front of him, at eye level with the straining bulge in his pants. Her hands trembled as she freed him from his clothes, and his cock sprang upwards to point directly at her forehead.
She leaned forward until she knew he could feel her breath on his skin, and Ben moaned in anticipation as she opened her mouth. Lily stuck out her tongue and laid it against the base of his cock, delicately licking all the way up until she flicked over the head, and his moan became harsh as his fist tightened in her hair.
"Fuck, Bay," he groaned. "Stop fucking playing with me and put that cock in your mouth!"
"I," she whispered, faltering in embarrassment as she felt her cheeks reddening at what she was about to say. "I haven't really don't this much before." He laughed, and she felt her blush deepen, but it wasn't a cruel laugh.
"They didn't teach you this in fucking finishing school, huh?" he asked. "Don't worry Bay, I'll take care of ya."
Ben used his hand in Lily's hair to guide her mouth back to him, and she parted her lips to allow the velvet of the head of his cock inside her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it a couple of times, tasting the slightly salty skin before tightening her lips around it and sucking gently. He groaned, a shiver running down his spine and he did his best to stifle the jerk of his hips that otherwise would have thrust the length of his cock down into the back of Lily's throat.
"Fuck, baby," he moaned. "You're doing just fine. Let me see you swallow a little more, and keep sucking exactly like that." Lily tilted her head forward to do as he asked and her hair fell into her face. Ben swept it out of the way and held it at the nape of her neck for her, stroking his other hand over her cheek as he angled her mouth and helped her set the pace that he wanted.
"Shit," he hissed. "I love that fucking mouth, baby."
Nobody had ever taken the time to help her like this before. The way that Ben was guiding her meant that Lily didn't have to worry whether she was doing the right thing, and the heated moans that he was making gave her the confidence to take more of him into her mouth than she ever would have dared before. He showed her where to slide her tongue to tease him, and when and how to increase her speed as she sucked. She ran her tongue along the veins in his shaft that felt so good inside her and he moaned in approval. Tentatively, she reached up to cup his balls in her palm and stroke the tip of her finger over his perineum, and Ben gasped as if she'd hurt him. She snatched her hand away and tried to pull her head backwards in panic.
"Don't fucking stop!" he growled. "Put your hand back, baby. That felt so fucking good."
Lily did as he asked, squeezing him gently as she brought her other hand up to circle the base of his shaft. His body was tense as a bow, and she started moving against him faster, taking more of him into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat and she gagged hard. She had to back off a little, but didn't slow down, and Ben's moans turned animalistic as he felt her throat close around his cock.
She didn't think of herself as someone who enjoyed giving blow jobs. She had friends who raved about it, insisted they could get themselves off just by sucking off a dick, but Lily had always thought they were crazy. Hearing the moans that were coming out of Ben's mouth right now though, she felt a thrill shoot up her spine. He was a badass fucking lowlife, but she had him out of control almost as easily as he had done to her, and it felt good.
"Shit, baby," he hissed. "You are fucking perfect. I'm gonna fucking come in your mouth, Bay."
Ben's body was tense again, and Lily felt his balls tighten in her hand as he eased out of her mouth, slid his fingers down to the shaft of his cock and stroked in quick jerks. He threw his head back, face locked in a grimace that almost looked like pain, chest heaving as he finally let out a grunt that made Lily tremble in satisfaction. She leaned forward, opened her mouth wide and let her tongue lap at the head of his cock, catching his come and letting it pool inside her.
She waited until his body stopped pulsing and Ben had started to breathe again. He looked down at her, and Lily slid his cock back into her mouth, allowing his come to run over her tongue as she traced over the ridges and veins of his shaft once again. He slid both hands back into her hair and tightened his fingers against her scalp, tilting her head back so that he could meet her gaze as she tasted him. Slowly, she eased back, leaving her mouth open for a moment after he pulled out of her completely so that he could see his come on her tongue. She swallowed, and the look in his eyes was priceless.
Ben slipped out of the house just as the sun began to rise, and headed for the spot he had left his car on the outskirts of the neighbourhood. By all accounts, he'd fucked up royally. He was supposed to either scare her into keeping her mouth shut, or just take care of the whole situation, not indulge his own fucking fantasies.
He knew she could identify him. She was still alive, and now she had physical evidence she could use against him. He should be worried. Something told him though, that his little Back Bay rich girl wouldn't exactly want the world to know she'd been fucked every which way by a townie punk, and liked it.
It was her move, and he'd have to just wait and see how she played. He knew one thing for certain, though. He didn't regret it. Not one fucking bit.
My heart stilled multiple times. First when I saw that you've written something again. Again, so many times, while I read. Please, like many of us in the comments, I'd love to see more and read more from you. You have a brilliant way of crafting your descriptions and presenting the steaming hot brutality of some of your characters... ah, I'm in love, and I'll let my heart still a thousand more times for what you put out.