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Cousin Walks In Ch. 01

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My best friend/cousin walks in on me.
12.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/22/2017
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Everyone is over 18

Growing up in a small town was really nice. I enjoyed the closeness of the community and friends. Friends I still have years later. The town had one elementary/middle school and one high school so basically I grew up with the same kids from grade school until my senior year. This meant I had great friends but no real romantic relationships. All the girls were the same ones I was in diapers with. The other major problem was I had a lot of family in the town. Quite a few cousins right around the same age as me and they never kept their mouths shut. Anything bad that anybody in the family did, the parents found out. That is why I stayed away from girls and trouble. For most of my younger life it was not really an option because I was tall, skinny and shy so not many girls were interested in me. Not until the last couple years of high school did I start to fill out and get some muscles. Once my appearance was better I was no longer shy. At that point I was no longer interested in anybody in my town. I was excited to experience life at college away from family and spying eyes of my cousins.

Other than the tattling on each other having cousins so close was amazing. My best friend was my cousin who was the same age as me Ashley. Our families spent the most time together because our moms were identical twins and did everything together. She was annoying when we were little but in middle school and high school we hung out at each other's houses almost everyday. Ashley was also very popular and pretty. I was never interested in her romantically since she was my cousin and we were basically siblings. It was always nice to have her around, especially during my awkward stages. She always had my back.

We had one very awkward moment together. I was home alone one day after school hanging out in my room. I had recently come in possession of a penthouse magazine. For me this was the first real porn I had seen except for a couple of Playboy pictures. Penthouse was more graphic and to my virgin eyes it was amazing. I still remember the picture vividly of the first time I saw a dick in a pussy. The model was blonde with big fake tits and a shaved pussy. She was in a reverse cowgirl kind of position with her legs spread and the cock deep in her pussy. I was so turned on, that I did what every teenage boy would do with new porn. I started to masturbate. Being home alone I forgot to close my door and probably about five minutes into playing with myself I heard something move in my doorway. I turned to see my cousin Ashley standing there. I stood by my bed completely naked facing her for a couple of seconds. I was so shocked I couldn't move and her eyes were locked on my cock.

Finally my shock wore off and I started turning bright red from embarrassment. I reached for my clothes and yelled at her, "What are you doing here. Stop looking at me and get out!"

Ashley didn't say anything. After a couple more seconds of looking at me, she walked down the hall. I hurried to put my clothes on. I really didn't want to leave my room because of my shyness. How embarrassing it was to have my best friend and cousin catching me rubbing one out? Finally I worked up the courage and walked to the family room. I wasn't sure if Ashley would still be at my house after what just happened but she had made herself comfortable on the couch. I walked into the room and could feel the blood return to my face.

Looking at the floor as I moved towards the couch, not wanting to make eye contact I said, "Hi Ashley."

"Hi Mark." Was all she said back.

Then I started to ramble still looking at my feet, "I sorry you saw that. Please don't tell anyone. I am so embarrassed by this. Please don't tell anyone. Oh my gosh this is horrible."

"Dude, calm down. I won't tell anyone. You're my best friend and I would never do that to you." Ashley said.

"Thank you. I would die if anyone from school or the family found out." I said

"Don't worry. Every boy does it I think. Plus I should say that I'm sorry for walking in on you and watching." Ashley said.

"Watching? How long were you standing there?" I said.

"Couple minutes. I'm sorry but at first I was shocked then I got curious. I had never seen anyone masturbate before. I'm sorry I should of just left and never let you know I was there. Now I am embarrassed." Ashley said.

"OK, now what? We are still best friends and are going to still hang out most days so can we forget that this ever happened?" I said.

"It happened so lets just not make it weird. I saw you naked and I wont tell anyone ever. Would it make it less weird if you saw me naked?" Ashley said.

"What, no... Are you serious?" I said.

"Yes, if it would help our friendship. I want everything to be fair and normal. I saw you so I figured you seeing me would make us equal." Ashley said.

"Let me think about it. I don't know if that would help or make it worse for me. You're my cousin and basically my sister. Seeing you naked could be really weird." I said.

"Let me know. The offer stands so but its up to you." Ashley said.

"I'll think on it. How about we just hang out and watch a movie or something?" I said.

"I have one more question. What were you looking at in your room? You were blocking whatever it was." Ashley said.

The red returned to my face, "I thought we were done with this conversation?" I said.

"I was just curious. It's not a big deal. We basically tell each other everything anyways." Ashley said.

"Fine, it was a Penthouse magazine." I said.

"Cool, can I look at it?" Ashley said.

"Serious?" I said.

"Yes, girls are interested in porn too Mark. It could be a new hobby for us. Don't guys check out porn together or go to strip clubs together. What's the difference?" Ashley said.

"You're a girl and my cousin. Plus I would never want to look at porn with another guy. That's super creepy. I have never been to a strip club obviously but I guess movies make it seem like guys hang out together there so you have a point." I said.

"Yes and I just want to see what you have." Ashley said.

"Fine I'll get it." I said.

I returned with porn in hand. I handed the magazine to her and then sat a few feet away from her.

"You can't see anything sitting that far away. Come on were just two friends checking out porn." Ashley said.

I moved right next to her but didn't say a word. I was so embarrassed and weirded out. This was by far the strangest event of my life and nothing even came close. Ashley turned through the pages until we came to the first photo spread. It was a beautiful girl. They started out classy and as we turned the pages the pictures got dirtier till the model had a finger deep in her pussy.

Ashley spoke the first words, "She is really hot. Don't you think?"

I didn't know what to say but my raging cock knew the answer. I was too shy to say anything cleaver, "Um, yeah she looks good."

"Oh come on Mark this is fun, you can be normal with me. You don't hold back when you talk about how hot Becky is." Becky was her best girl friend.

"Ok fine. The porn star looks really hot. Is that better?" I said.

"Yes much better. So which pictures were you beating off to?" Ashley said so casually.

If she were cool with it, I would be too. "Back here." I said as I turned to the next spread. This was a man and women having sex. It went from a blowjob to sex.

"I can see why. This is so hot. Holy crap that guy has a big dick." Ashley said

"Really? Other than mine that is the only dick I have seen. Aren't all dicks like that?" I said as I was feeling much more comfortable. It felt as comfortable as all our normal conversations now.

Ashley now turned a little red and said, "I have only seen a couple and I didn't really get a good look at yours."

"Bull shit, you were looking right at it. Seriously tell me, am I abnormal?" I said.

"Realizing I have only seen kids our age. You are huge. I would not say abnormal, I would say lucky. I think most guys want big dicks right?" Ashley said.

"I guess, guys at school talk about size and stuff but I didn't know what was considered big." I said.

"Your defiantly big. How big is it actually?" Ashley said.

"I don't know. I have never measured." I said.

"Maybe you should. I'm curious now. Is this weird that it doesn't feel that weird talking about what happened anymore?" Ashley said.

"I guess. Our friendship won over the awkward. This has been kind of fun looking at this together." I said.

"I know I have really liked it. We should do it more often." Ashley said.

"Fine by me but that is the only magazine I have. We should try to get some more." I said.

"OK we can both work on that. Can I borrow this tonight? I want to look at it some more." Ashley asked.

"Sure but we should probably put it away because my parents should be home soon." I said. Ashley placed the magazine in her backpack and we sat back on the couch hangout the rest of the day like normal. She went home later that night and I spent the rest of the night thinking about the day's events and masturbating like crazy.

The next day after school she came over again to return the magazine and hangout. We hung out mostly at my house because I am an only child and my parents normally work late. No one would ever really bother us. When she came in the house she already had the magazine in hand.

"So did you measure?" Ashley asked.

"Yes but I didn't know whether to do hard or soft so I did both." I said. I had measured the night before with a ruler I found in my desk.

"So?" Ashley questioned.

"Yeah, um the soft was around five inches and the hard was right about nine inches." I said.

"That's big. The kids I have seen were probably five inches hard so you're defiantly big. So did you think about my offer?" Ashley said.

"I guess I have a good dick. That's nice to know. Your offer, I have thought a lot about it and I still don't know. You're my best friend and it might be weird. I am fine that you saw me but I just don't know about seeing you. I know I would like it because you are very beautiful but it's to weird right now that we are related. Can I still have a rain check?" I said.

"Of course the offer is always good. It was strange seeing you at first but after thinking about it yesterday it made me feel like our relationship is stronger now. I don't know why, it just feels that way to me now." Ashley said.

"I will think on it some more. So how did you like the magazine?" I asked.

"Have you ever read any of the sex stories in here?" Ashley said holding up the magazine, "they are so fucking good."

"No not yet. I only had it for a day and then you took it." I said.

"Oh yeah sorry about that but I stayed up late reading almost all of them." Ashley said.

"They're that good?" I said.

"Yes! Lets read one right now." Ashley said.

"Great! How about you pick one since you are so experienced now." I said.

"We can take turns, each reading a column." Ashley said.

Ashley started the first story and it was dirty. It sounded great when she read it but a little strange when I had to read the sex part. Reading the girls part of being fucked and orgasms sounded much better from Ashley but she seemed to like when I read. The first story was a threesome with two girls and a guy, then one with some friends fucking, and then an orgy and then anal. We read all afternoon. I think we were both turned on but nothing sexual outside of the porn happened.

Our porn viewing became a few times a week activity throughout high school. Our options grew as I found my dads stash of porn with included magazines and movies. Then we each collected a decent size collection of magazines and movies for ourselves.

Another awkward moment came a few months later when we were going through my dad's stuff and found an unmarked movie. Little naïve we put it in the player and there were my parents, naked and having sex. Ashley's eyes were glued to the screen as my whole body wanted to run out of the room.

"Turn it off. Hurry!" I yelled.

"No I want to see this." Ashley said.

"I will never be able to get that image out of my head." I said facing away from the TV.

"Holy shit! Look how good your mom is. She really knows how to give a blowjob." Ashley said.

"Please stop talking and turn if off." I said. She did not turn it off but turn up the volume. I could hear them talking dirty and the slurping sounds of a blowjob. "I'm leaving."

"Fine, but your missing out. They look so good and your mom is a pro and your dad might be bigger than you. I only wish they had an HD camera so the picture was clearer." Ashley said, "I hope my body looks as good as your mom at that age."

Ashley talking about my dad's size peaked my interest. I wondered if my cock size was genetic. But I was battling with myself about turning around. Did I really want to see my parents have sex? I already have one strange relationship with Ashley and would seeing my parents going at it change how I saw them. Curiosity won and I turned around to see my mom taking my dads entire cock into her throat.

"Holy fuck!" was all I said.

"I told you they looked good. Look how big Uncle Adam is." Ashley said.

I returned to the couch and sat next to her. I watch for a minute before I said anything. Adam is my dads name.

"We are pretty similar. Its weird because I they look alike. I know you only got a quick look but they look identical." I said.

"I was thinking the same thing but I think he has you beat in size." Ashley said.

"Hey I'm just a teenager and still growing." I said.

"True. Look I think there going to start fucking." Ashley said.

My dad laid on the bed and my mom straddled him with her back to the camera. She took his cock in and they started fucking.

We both sat in silence and shock until something caught my eye. There was a tattoo on the lower back of my mom. Except my mom does not have any tattoos, but my aunt did.

"That's not my mom Ashley!" I yelled, "I think that's your mom."

"What, no way. Why would you say that?" Ashley said.

"Because look at her lower back. My mom doesn't have a tattoo. Your mom does." I said.

"Holy shit, your right. Watching your parents was fine. Seeing my mom is weird." Ashley said.

"How about the fact that our parents are cheating with each other." I said.

"Fuck! I didn't even think of that. That's way worse." Ashley said.

"What do we do now?" I said.

"I guess we finish watching to make sure were right." Ashley said.

"Alright but now I'm depressed. What if our parents get divorced? Do we need to say something?" I said.

"I don't know. What would we even say? We were going through your porn and found a sex video of you." Ashley said.

"Lets think about it. Maybe my mom had a tattoo removed or something. Lets finish watching to make sure." I said.

After about five minutes of watch them fuck the camera moves. The screen jostled around for a few seconds and then was back on my dad and aunt. There was someone in the room watching them fuck. Now the person had camera in hand and was actively shooting them. Who was it? The cameraman walked to the side of the bed and videoed them from the side. A couple minutes later the cameraman panned the room and to our surprise, sitting in a chair by the dresser was my mom completely naked. My mom was watching her twin sister get fuck by my dad. What kind of weird family did I come from? I asked myself.

"I guess that answers our questions. Both of our moms are there. They're in on it together. I was not expecting that." Ashley said.

"Who is the cameraman?" I asked.

"I have a guess. My dad." Ashley said. Thirty seconds later she was proved correct. My mom spoke and said, 'John get a close up,' John being my uncles name. The camera moved between my dad's legs and the screen was filled with his dick thrusting in and out of my aunt Sara's pussy. Sara and my dad changed to doggy style and the camera moved back so both were both on screen. My mom moved from the chair to the bed. Mom kneeled right next to my dad. She placed a hand on her sister's hip and watched dad fuck Sara. Dad started to pick up the pace and his orgasm followed. He pumped his seed into aunt Sara. Once he pulled out of Sara's pussy, my mom took his dick into her mouth and sucked him clean.

"I don't know what to say. This whole thing is ridiculous." I said to Ashley.

"Its not over." Ashley said.

The movie kept going. Uncle John handed the camera to my dad. John joined my mom on the bed.

"Now I have seen both of my parents naked. My dads dick is at least a couple inches smaller than you." Ashley said.

"Can you believe that sentence just came out of your mouth?" I laughed

Uncle John wasted no time. He moved between my moms legs and started going down on her.

"My dad is eating out your mom. Fuck, this is weird but kind of hot." Ashley said.

My mom appeared to orgasm after a couple minutes. After the orgasm subsided my mom quickly sucked his dick and then turned over for to be fucked from behind. Uncle John moved quickly moved in began putting his dick in. It took him much longer to get in than it should of but after about a minute he was pounding away. It wasn't until my dad shot the video from over uncle John's shoulder that I realized why entry had taken longer. His dick was sliding in and out of my mom's ass.

"Is he in her ass?" Ashley asked. Appearing to be just as shocked as I was.

"I think so." I said.

"Is anal pleasurable?" Ashley asked.

"How would I know? My mom sounds like she likes it and honestly it looks pretty fun." I said.

In the video she was moaning and encouraging Uncle John to fuck her ass. Uncle John did not last that long. He came in her ass a couple minutes later. They collapsed on the bed and the video cut.

"Wow! I know I should think that was wrong but I don't. It was so crazy that I liked it." Ashley said.

"I know. I don't really know what to think about it but is was hot." I said

"I can't believe they have sex with each other. For our dads it might not make that much of a difference since they are identical but our dads are nothing alike." Ashley said.

"I think we will look at our parents a lot different now but we have to make sure they never find out we know." I said.

That night I went to bed thinking about my aunt. I thought about her blowing me, or what it would be like to fuck her. It was strange because I knew my aunt as a completely separate person in personality from my mom but they looked the exact same. Visioning my aunt also meant my mom. Bizarre but I still got off to it.

Let me explain what the moms look like. They both currently have light brown hair that gets lighter towards the tips. It is a very trendy look at the moment. The moms are big city girls living in a small town and they do stand out compared to most people. In the video they were blonde so I knew the video was a few years old. My mom always kept hers a little longer than her sisters. I would say a six inches past her shoulders. They were both tan and skinny. They worked out almost every morning together and stayed in great shape. Both only had one kid but their stomachs showed no signs with how flat and tight they were. From the video it looked like both were completely shaved. Their breasts were both really nice. Aunt Sara had bigger breasts than mom. They were probably D's. They were perky and big. They only hung slightly and for a mom I would have expected more. I had to believe they were fake. My mom was probably a C and showed a nice crease under her boobs. Her tits still looked great but were more of what I would expect on a natural and beautiful mom. Surprisingly she had a nice up turned nipple that made her chest look perkier. Both women shared the same size nipple at about a quarter. Now their ass's were impressive. They must work on their backsides at the gym because they were round, full and perfect.

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