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All Comments on 'Older Son and His Mom Ch. 06'

by mayfairgirl

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Fun tastic !

That was the 1st story I read from you and I loved it! Gonna read all the others now. This one was great I love your style and your brilliant imagination

terricdterricdover 11 years ago

I loved your syory and can't wait to read more. suppose Joyce might dress up as Pauline and bring over some BBC??

Thanks for ther story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
servicing Mom

I loved this story. The 40 year old man sees to his own sexual needs by servicing several old ladies. His Mom is in charge. Ideal! Imagine the different flavors of these old ladies. Do the other old ladies want to finger his fanny? I think he may act coy when wearing their panties. Then the old lady may become more aggressive. That will be fun.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I don't know about all this, LOL.

I like old ladies (as well as younger ones) and don't mind what I lick (females only) but it has to be clean, not dirty. And no drinking urine for me although there are those that like it and that is their business, not mine. But to each his (or her) own. Thanks for writing.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

That series was amazing

JhMcKnJhMcKnabout 6 years ago
my Son aand his Mom Chap. 6

You ned to carry on with this series, but you should add a little nice lingerie to it. Not every older women wears white cotton panties. His mother doesn'gf. She wears black nylon panties.

Older women still enjoy cock and you haven't let us know if his cock is cut or uncut.

Women can have a lot of fun jacking off an uncut guy, pulling his foreskin back and forth.

Carry on. Cheers.

grabmyballs2grabmyballs2over 5 years ago
Why all these middle aged women?

My GF is 89 now, and she loves sex every day. I wish I worked that well. Since I come maybe once a month if I work hard at it, I keep her happy in other ways. And she is happy. I also help her with all the usual struggles of aging: walking, social events, medical appointments, and so on. Sometimes I am identified by others as her husband, sometimes as her son. It's all good. And my wife is tolerant of my friendship with my girlfriend, as her sexual desires more closely match my bodies ability to respond. But not my mind, which is sex obsessed, I would say. Since I have been with them both for over 20 years now, this must be working somehow.

I do love your story and hope you will continue. I don't do the sex slave stuff, a quibble, but I lick ass when I feel good about it. Which is often. I tell my GF, "Don't bother to clean up, that's my job." My 80 yo wife doesn't like ass play, so that's her job I suppose. But I love them both. Together they fulfill me, and apparently I them.

Thanks again for writing.

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 2 years ago

I did not care for this story. i gave it 2 stars

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 2 years ago

i did not like this story and gave it only 2 stars. It was an odd story. I did not care much for Paul dressing in Joyce's sexy night clothes. The story was too much for me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

First couple of installments were fine, but then just degenerates rapidly and just goes on too long, same old stuff over and over again with no subtlety or variation, just gets boring quickly.

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