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Femdom Fantasy Realised

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A man gets lucky.
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The original idea was to write a full on female domination scene, but as it came together I found myself writing more of a romance with an edge. I hope you enjoy it.


I was working in the office of a medium sized business. Also in the office were three women, and there was a workforce in the factory that included another two women. The importance of this will become evident soon enough.

Being single sucked, and I had been single since my last girlfriend had dumped me just over twelve months ago. She said I was perverted because I wanted to extend our sexual boundaries, including anal and BDSM. She was a pretty, intelligent girl who was the perfect partner except that she didn't want to experiment. I had gone to bed lonely for a year and often jerked off to thoughts of her wearing a classic dominatrix outfit, or at least what I imagined it to be. An hourglass black leather corset holding her D sized breasts high and proud, a supple leather thong stretched across her shaved cunt, legs encased in knee high black leather boots and hair piled on top of her head. She is wielding a cat of nine tails and had me naked and grovelling while she pressed her heel into my balls. I timed my strokes to match her imaginary whip strokes, and as her skin glowed I leaked precum until I came with a final image of her pulling aside her thong and crashing onto my hard cock.

As a way of trying to explore this side of my sexuality, and to get over Lauren, I joined a BDSM website. I logged in as a submissive, willing to be an irregular sex slave. I didn't want to be 24/7 and I wanted sexual release so seeing professional dommes wasn't going to work. I initially wanted to see if the reality matched my fantasy and I wanted it with a real woman. It was a fine balance and there wasn't much going on with the website, partly because the women there seemed to want more and the rules of the site meant that the subs had to wait for the tops to pick them according to their whim.

I was spending my time outside work going to bars and sitting at home wanking over various porn sites. I had been on a few dates and managed to have sex a couple of times but it was not what I wanted. The ladies were all pleasant enough and the sex was pretty good but I did not feel satisfied.

On Friday nights a group of my colleagues often went out after work. The group was fluid but often included the girls in the office and most of the factory staff.

One Tuesday morning I was at my desk when the internal mail was delivered. Although the company is quite small we use internal mail to ensure paperwork went to where it was need, particularly if it is confidential. I opened the stack, sorting as I went. The last one intrigued and worried me all at once. There was a copy of my website profile with a typed note stapled to it that said, "be ready Friday night. You will serve me in pleasure and pain." My mind raced through the possibilities. The women in the office and the two apprentices in the factory were the only candidates. I sorted the list and dismissed Kyah, one of the apprentices who is a quiet seventeen year old. If it was her I wasn't going there, but I would quite happily submit to Amy, the twenty one year old who drank with us and wasn't afraid to tell me what she thought. The office girls included Fiona, a vibrant red head, Cate the quiet brunette who seemed arty, though I had not really spoken much to her, and Janine, another and more out there brunette. The truth was that I had, in the past, imagined all of them naked and entwined with me, some more than others. The idea that one of these four women might have come across my profile intrigued me, and after I got over the initial surprise I wondered if it was an elaborate joke. Friday seemed a long way away.

Finally Friday afternoon arrived and we went to the bar after work. I had not heard any more and I was really beginning to think this was an elaborate joke. The pizzas were done and the third drink had been started. The women were all still there, so I had no hints. Over the last few days and nights I had imagined all of them as mistresses, mostly in a version of the classic outfit that lived in my imagination. Fiona, with her large breasts, was the curviest, while Janine had a wicked streak that I could see being translated into a scene. I reckon she could cause some pain and pleasure, perhaps too much for what I was after. Amy was also still in my mind, her ability to get what she wanted evident, while her tight body didn't hurt. Cate was the outsider because she didn't fit my preconceptions of what a dominatrix would be, but I had always wondered about getting to know her better.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. The text contained only an address and a time, which was 9pm. that was about two hours away, so I settled in with some soft drinks. The group dwindled until it was just me. I still had an hour to spend, so I found a cafe near the address and had a coffee. My mind was racing with thoughts of what might my happen and who it might happen with.

Right on 9pm I rang the doorbell. To my absolute surprise Cate opened the door and welcomed my in. Fuck me, did she look different. Her hair, normally tight in a bun at work, free-flowed down her neck. Her blue eyes sparkled and her mouth widened into a slightly crooked welcoming grin. Her clothes were totally different to her normal work clothes. To work she wore boring corporate wear that hid her charms, which I now knew were legion. She was dressed in a linen shirt and pants and wore sandals. Right at this moment I didn't know what to expect.

"Welcome to my home. Come in and have a seat. Would you like a drink?"

"Thanks Cate, but I'm fine thanks."

Once we were seated in a nicely furnished living room she turned her sapphire eyes upon me again, and told me that I had looked surprised when she opened the door.

"I'm not sure what is going on" I replied. "I received an interesting invitation on Tuesday and then a text with a message to come here. It feels like I am the victim of a joke."

"No joke, the invitation is real enough. I bet you thought it was someone else. Amy or Fiona perhaps."

"That was where my mind pointed me. I didn't really think it was you. You seem much too quiet and retiring. I barely know you're there at work."

"I came across your profile when I was researching for an erotic story I was writing. I put it in the drawer for a bit and came across it last weekend. I hope I did the right thing in contacting you."

"You're not how I imagined a dominatrix would be. I always thought of someone more outrageous."

"Does that mean you are not interested?"

"On the contrary. Although I didn't see you that way I was actually wondering how to approach you. You always seem a bit distant at work."

"Well you're here now."

"What did you have in mind?"

"A session tonight, and then a good talk about how it was. We worry about what happens after I use you as a sex toy. Agreed?"

"Sounds good. What do you want me to do?"

"First we agree on limits and safe words. I like red, yellow and green."

"Okay. My limits I'm not sure of. Can we see how it goes? I trust you to listen."

"This is my first time too, so let's keep it simple and enjoy. Are you okay with sex?"

"Yes, but I haven't tried anal, so be gentle if that is part of the plan."

"Alright. Let's start."

Cate led me downstairs into a basement. The room was dark, with only a small table lamp on. She told me to strip and wait. She handed me a blindfold.

"When I come back I want you wearing this, kneeling with your legs spread and you cock hard with the thought of what I might do."

While I was waiting I thought more about Cate's charms. She is tall and lithe, obviously bright and I now know she has just the right amount of knowing as well. Physically I could now see an attractive figure, strong like a dancer, with smallish breasts and long, coltish legs. Her face was a study, nose slightly too long, wide lips, not quite classical but breathtaking to me. I am surprised it had taken me so long to notice such interesting and obvious beauty and I now realised how easy it would be to fall hard for her.

I don't think I waited too long before I heard the door to the room open and close.

"Well done" she whispered in my ear as a hand wrapped around my dangling scrotum. Cate tugged gently and I felt a twinge of pain mixed with fear and excitement in a heady cocktail. It was really happening.

As Cate sucked my right nipple I could feel her soft breast, complete with hard nipple, brushing past me. The thought of her naked made my cock even harder. After she had brought my nipple to attention she clamped it. Pain shot through me. She stroked me and whispered encouragements in my ear. The left nipple was next. The clamps hurt going on, but I knew that they would hurt more coming off. She tugged a couple more times and asked me how I liked that.

"Orange, Mistress" I replied as I sucked in gulps of air.

"Okay, let me move on."

Cate pulled my scrotum again, and then she started to bind my balls and cock, figure eights and loops splitting the pair and encasing the base of my rock hard penis.

"If I do this again expect me to add some weights. Your cock and balls are mine and only mine."

I heard her footsteps as she moved away from me. "One more pain item before we get to my pleasure" she promised, the words barely out of her mouth before I felt a stinging across my back. At each stroke I could feel a number of sharp points abrading my skin, stinging. After ten I lost count though Cate tells me she gave me eighteen before I called out "red." Each stroke was reasonable to bear but the accumulated heat was what made me call it.

Cate pinched my earlobe and dragged me to my feet. She left the binding on my cock and balls but removed the clamps from my nipples. I sank as the pain surged through me, ably assisted by Cate rubbing my sore nubs to encourage blood flow.

She guided me for a few steps and told me to kneel again.

"Find the treasure she invited." I leant forward and my nose struck gold: wiry pubic hair. I moved my head slightly, pushed out my tongue and ate her cunt like there was not tomorrow. It wasn't a subtle, gentle, exercise but rather a blood rush towards a passionate outcome. She egged me on, threatening that I needed to get her off soon, or she would do something like make me wear a garter and suspenders to work. I worked out my first hard limit at that moment. I didn't need threats as I worked her over. She exploded, legs crossed behind me, drawing my face into her more and more.

I stayed still, waiting for her next move. After a few minutes she pushed me to the ground. Noting that my cock was like granite she slid onto me reverse cowgirl, bucking as she rode me. I found out later that she had a mirror there, and was watching as my penis split her while she pulsed up and down.

She asked me to sit up, which changed the position, but allowed me to caress her small sweet breasts, tugging her cherry nipples as they ripened beneath my hands. I also tongued her neck and nibbled on her ear. This drove her crazy and helped to bring on her second orgasm.

She unbound my penis, and invited me to "shower with me."

The blindfold came off and before we went upstairs she showed me what she had used to discipline me. She had spent little money, and had drawn inspiration from several stories she had read about using domestic items. The clamps were timber clothespins, the binding was done with garden twine, and the very effective whip used lengths of knotted nylon string tied to a ruler. She also had a wooden spoon and several domestic candles ready in case she wanted to use them.

When we arrived in the bathroom Cate asked me to remove the heels she had been wearing. In the shower we let the water flow over us. I realised that I had not orgasmed yet. Cate, reading my mind, said "Let me."

She soaped up and caressed my cock. I slyly started to work on her again, eventually sliding a finger in. We kissed deeply as I came, followed shortly after by Cate's third.

After drying off Cate quite unceremoniously told me to go home, that she might be in touch.

The next morning my phone buzzed. Groggily I checked it. My nights sleep had been haphazard as I turned the evening's events over and over, memories tumbling together in a snowball of emotions including wonder, joy and fear. I wanted more and I wanted Cate but I had no idea how she felt. The screen lit up with the name of a cafe in a nearby town, a time and the simple word "talk."

I hurriedly showered and dressed and drove to the cafe. I was lucky I wasn't pulled over for speeding. I settled in with a coffee and waited. Fifteen minutes late Cate walked in. She wore a black shirt with little white flowers on it, a pair of worn black jeans that were missing their knees, black sand shoes and her hair was in a ponytail. The jeans hugged her legs, while her hair swung from side to side as she sauntered across the cafe. She looked spectacular and more than my eyes followed her across the room.

We ordered food so that the waitress who was hanging around left us alone for a while. I was very keen to find out what Cate was thinking.

"Want to do that again?" she asked as soon as the air was clear.

"Yes please" I responded almost too quickly. The thought of submitting again excited me.

"This is what I want" Cate began to respond. "I had fun last night and the sex was the best I can remember. But I actually want more. I think I could run through my Female domination fantasies quite quickly, although I am sure I will find more to explore. And there are other things to explore, like anal, and maybe playing with some others. All that takes a strong, committed relationship, which is what I really want. What I propose is that we see each socially for a bit and see if we get on. If that is good I think we can work out the rest of it. I want to go to the city tomorrow for lunch and to explore the art gallery. Would you like to join me?"

"I haven't been to the gallery for a long time. That sounds like lots of fun. Let me organise lunch and surprise you."

"Lovely" Cate responded. "There is one other thing. This must remain an absolute secret at work. At least until we know what this actually is."

I agreed with everything Cate wanted.

The next day we had a great lunch a beautiful French restaurant. Cate sashayed from the restaurant to the gallery in a beautiful floral vintage dress and slingbacks while I walked beside her proudly and admiringly. Another killer look. After lunch we moved to the Art Gallery. Cate loved the vintage black and white photographs while I liked some amazing large landscapes. We both admired the Japanese woodblock prints.

On our way back to the station we noticed an adult shop. We looked at each other and moved towards the shop in sync. Fifteen minutes later we emerged, the proud owners of a buttplug, a cock and ball harness, a six inch dildo and a harness for Cate to wear at some later date.

I'm sure, if things went well, we would be back for more toys.

Over lunch we had talked more about female domination. I told Cate about my fantasy, and she replied that she would, when in the mood, do it her way and that as her sub, I would have to just suck it up and enjoy the time. I realised that she was right, and that whatever clothing she wore really made no difference to the way I enjoyed the session. While we were in the sex toy shop I did tease her, suggesting a corset and boots would make her more dominant. She laughed, and then told me I could buy her some boots, of her choosing, for her birthday, along with some beautiful lingerie. I knew we had a future then.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Good writing, well paced & a new take on the subject.

It will be interesting to see in your next episode, if you can refrain from the stereotypical BDSM fare; enough leather to have decimated a herd of cattle, a shipyards annual quota of chains & a dungeon full of enough equipment to keep a carpenter, a blacksmith, an armourer & the local trauma unit in business for months.

Also it's normally compulsory to mention both the dreaded "S" word [sissy] and of course the even more objectionable "C" word. No, not that one, the other one: "cuckold ". Good luck to you should you choose to accept this mission. Oops, wrong genre but equally as painful.

sadbluekidsadbluekidover 7 years agoAuthor
Thank you

for your generous comments. I appreciate all the support

JohnnyRottencrotchJohnnyRottencrotchover 7 years ago
Excellent work!

BDSM/Femdom stories don't always have to be about the amazon woman completely dominating/humiliating a smaller/weaker male. I really like where you took the story, but most of all, I like the character development and the fact this is the beginning of a relationship. They are both experimenting and getting comfortable with one another. Keep up the great work! I look forward to reading more!

ham_sandwichham_sandwichover 7 years ago

No, it's fine just where it is. No reason why a BDSM story cannot have some romance in it, and no reason why a domme has to wear leather, either. This was a great story, so don't let the negative nonnies discourage you. I would say that if there's not a basis of love in a BDSM relationship, then what you have is just abuse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great start! All relationships should be as loving. Well done!

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