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Peach Picking Ch. 04

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Ed brags that he can always tell his wife and her twin apart.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/21/2020
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December 31, 1999: The Night the World Didn't End

New Year's Eve, and I was spending it in the city with my sister Kait and her new husband Ed. It wasn't as if they were going to hang out at my home in Hooterville [not its real name but it might as well have been], after all.

Don't cry for me, though: I might not be pre-law with a future among the rich and famous like Kait was (with a husband from among the rich and famous), but I was only midway through college when my grandfather left me a hardware store he'd spent decades building up. And I know that "the largest store in Hooterville" sounds like a trivial thing, and maybe it is by city standards, but we have customers coming in from half the state and I think even Kait would be amazed if she knew how much I earned every year.

And I really love living there, and it's where I want to raise a child. It's just... the social life seems a bit to be desired. By which, yes, I mean no men of any interest.

Anyway, so New Year's Eve 1999, and Y2K was maybe going to send us all back to the Stone Age, but we weren't all too worried.

After dinner, we watched Grease on DVD, which Kait and I had done every New Year's Eve (when we didn't have dates) since were were too young to date. Our favorite movie, obviously. And junior year in High School, we shared the role of Sandy. In theory she played the lead during the week and I played Sandy on the weekend -- but since we're identical, we just flipped a coin every evening and nobody ever knew the difference.

Twenty minutes before midnight, we ran into Kait's bedroom. We made sure our hair and makeup were identical, put on identical baby-doll pajamas she'd bought for the occasion, and came back to the living room and performed "Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee".

Ed applauded wildly, then went over to Kait and kissed her on the lips.

"No hesitation at all?" I asked him.

"Jo," he said, "identical or not, I know my own wife."

And then the ball fell, it was 2000 and the world was still fine, and he planted a kiss on her that made my toes curl.

I excused myself and went into the guest bedroom I was using, and changed into my normal nightgown. Honestly, as soon as our performance was over, I'd become a little-self-conscious about wearing something that was, essentially, a long shirt and panties.

We hung out for a while longer, drinking but not to excess. A little before 1, Ed had to go to the bathroom. The moment he closed the door behind himself, Kait began removing her clothing. "Quick, quick!" she said in a whisper. I wasn't thrilled about putting on the panties she'd been wearing, let alone running around the apartment with half my ass exposed again, but I saw where she was going with this: we were wearing one another's clothing long before Ed returned to the living room.

He took a few seconds to take in the scene, then strode over to Kait and gave her a kiss that left the previous one in the dust.

"I know my own wife," he said when he was done.

We went into Kait's bedroom to change back. "He's going to be insufferable now, you know."

"I wonder, though," I said.

"Wonder what?" She asked. Then "Hold that thought." She went to her dresser and grabbed me a pair of her own clean panties. "Maybe you'd rather wear these than your own."

"What do you mean... Ewww," I said with a laugh.

"Sorry, Jo," she said, tossing my damp panties into the hamper. "That was a really good kiss."

"Ewww," I said again. Of course, the panties she were handing me were red, silky, and a damn lot sexier than anything I owned. Maybe I'd steal them when I left.

"You were starting to say?" she prompted.

"Yeah, I think I know his secret: He always pulls this stunt when we're together. As identical as we are, there are always going to be differences when we're side by side. Haven't you always been like a quarter inch taller than me? I think my hair's a little bit longer than yours right now. Maybe one of us weighs a pound or two more." I put my hand over hers. "And see, I'm a tiny bit darker."

"So he's a fraud," Kait said. "Okay, now that we know how he does it, we'll have to turn the tables on him. Somehow."

We spent the early part of the next day sleeping off the night before. Though maybe Kait and Ed weren't entirely sleeping. After lunch we strolled through the city, the two of us on either side of Ed like identical bookends. I like to think he was the envy of everybody we passed.

The following day was Sunday, and Ed went out to pick up the papers and some bagels. "Do you want to shower first?" Kait asked, and while I was showering I got to thinking, which is always dangerous.

I came out of the bathroom with a towel securely wrapped around my body, and another around my long hair, and headed for the guest bedroom. I wasn't going to tell Kait what I had in mind, just in case it didn't work.

And if I told her before I did it, she'd probably try talking me out of it.

If I told her instead of just doing it, I'd chicken out.

When I heard the shower starting, I pulled on Kait's nice red panties, then a t-shirt that barely came down past my waist, took a deep breath, and walked out to the kitchen. I was just starting the coffee going when Ed came in.

"Oh, that's a nice surprise," he said when he noticed me.

I would have liked to keep my back turned to him, less embarrassing that way, but he had to get at least a look at my face in order for this to count. "Jo just stepped into the shower," I said, "so she'll be a while. I guess I should put on shorts or something before she comes out."

"Or..." he said with a grin, " you can both leave your shorts off."

"I am shocked! You want to perv on my sister's ass?"

"Only because yours is so perfect, I want to see two of them."

"Okay," I said, "you're in a little less trouble. Anyway, I know you: You'd go on and on about how you could tell them apart." I mimicked him: "I know my own wife's ass."

The next thing I knew he had both hands on my ass, in a cross between a squeeze and a caress.

Lucky I didn't drop anything. I didn't see that coming. "Mmm," he said. "I always did like these panties."

What would Cait say next? Cait who was being fondled by her husband, not Jo who was being fondled by her brother-in-law.

This had all moved past "Funny story I'll tell Cait later."

"So," I said, my voice shaking a bit, "you'd only recognize my ass because of these panties?"

"Not at all," he said, grabbing the back of the waistband and yanking them down an inch. "I'll prove it."

"Stop that," I said. "Jo's in the next room."

"We'll hear her when she's done with her shower."

Wait, what was he talking about now?

While I was concerned about my/Cait's panties, Ed grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head and off.

"I know my own wife's boobs," he said, mimicking my imitation of him.

My brother-in-law was looking at my naked breasts.

No, now he had his mouth on them.

Nobody had done that to me in at least two years.

Any resistance, any sense that this was wrong, had somehow gone too far, was quickly leaving my body.

And then the panties were on the floor by my feet.

"Wait," I said again when I saw what he'd done, "My sister."

"If she's anything like you in the shower, we have time. Bend over the counter."

I could have said no, could have come clean, but... I bent over the counter.

He glanced toward the bathroom. "We'll make it quick, okay?"


"Holy fuck!" I gasped. I don't know whether I felt any different than my sister did, there was never really an opportunity to ask, but Ed's dick was certainly new.

And this was the first time I'd ever had sex without a condom, so that was also new.

He lasted a lot longer than I'd expected, actually: long enough that I was getting a little nervous listening for the sound of the shower turning off.

Was he also nervous? Who knows? Maybe he was turned on by the thought of his sister-in-law walking in on him fucking his wife.

He certainly seemed to like feeling and hearing me loudly cum.

The shower switched off. He started pounding into me harder: I guess he didn't want to get caught after all, and that relaxed me a little and I came again, harder than the first time. With a grunting sound he came too, and it seemed to go on forever.

I took a moment to catch my breath, then gathered up my clothing (what there was of it), used the t-shirt to blot up a small puddle of cum on the kitchen floor, and then dashed for the guest room door.

I looked back at Ed, as the realization hit him of what had just happened: a combination, I'd say, of both surprise and horror.

I gave him a wink as I closed the door behind me.


Kait never did have any idea what had happened. And it didn't really affect my relationship with Ed either positively or negatively. I think we both accepted it for what it was: a practical joke on my part that took a very unexpected turn, and best forgotten about.

The only time we discussed it at all was in October, just after I gave birth to Sandy. Kait and Ed had called me, and then Kait had to excuse herself to deal with her own month-old baby. Ed, very capable of doing basic math, said "Jo..."

"We're fine, Ed." If anybody had a right to be upset it was him, not me: he has no idea he'd been doing anything wrong.

"If there's anything you need from me, anything at all..."

"Ed, you already gave me the greatest gift in the world."

NOTE: If you've been reading my other stories -- and if you haven't, please do -- you might have noticed that the "Peach Picking" series is a prequel to the "Brenner's Lake" series. I didn't intend that. I'd almost completed Peach Picking 3 when I suddenly realized that the two series fit together perfectly.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well i like the story since im married to a twin. And i have many fantasies about sleeping with the twin sister or both at same time but who wouldnt want that.. Ive made out with the sister and played with her hot honey pot. I have even stole her dirty panties and sniffed and even tasted the crotch and butt area of several pair of her dirty panties oh and had many many happy days and nights while having fantasies about her. Incest or not i would give anything or pay any amount to live out my dirty little fantasy. And the great thing is that my wife often plays like shes the twin and acts out my fantasy with and for me and let me tell u it is so hott..she has even smelled and tasted her sisters dirty panties with me and its so hott kissing my hott sexy wife with her hott sexy twin sisters DIRTY THONGS IN MY MOUTH AND TASTE OH SO GOOD.. ESPECIALLY WHEN SHES HAD SEX AND HAS HERS AND HER MANS DRIED UP CUM AND SWEET PUSSY JUICE IN THE CROTCH OF HER SEXY DIRTY THONGS OH I HAVE SOME BOUT TO SMELL AND LICK THE DRIED UP WHITE CRUSTY STUFF OUT OF THE CROTCH OF HER RED SILK THONGS AND THEN BLOW MY HOT THICK STICKY LOAD BACK INTO HER THONGS OH YEAH LOVE THIS STUFF AND YOUR STORY TOO

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 2 years ago

Should have told your sister back when it was a practical joke that got out of hand.

RTR10RTR10about 3 years ago

This isn't incest. She's his sister-in-law, not his sister.

MemberXMemberXabout 3 years agoAuthor

Yeah, you're right. I'll add the tag (which will take about a week, because it means re-submitting the story)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
OK, but...

This was incest.

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