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All Comments on 'Melody's Open Invite Gangbang Ch. 11'

by OrpheusRadius

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

That is the saddest most horrifyingly brutal story I have read. It made me sick to my stomach to read about the continuously violent treatment of a human being, even during childbirth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I know it’s fantasy but this made me want to cry. It’s well written and I hope after everything she has been through she gets to be loved and protected the way she deserves to be. I feel a bit that rather than a inner-slut released liberation, she is being abused because of her desires with a strong slut-shaming theme (yeah it’s hot, but it’s frightening that literally no one is on her side). She is being treated as a piece from the gutter BY gutter dwellers and then judged for it. An expert depiction of an innocent undeservedly caught up in Hell on Earth. No real criticism from me, just hoping you consider at least giving this tragic tale a HEA. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Some people are new to the internet, I guess...

The fact that this story is ruthless, brutal and dehumanizing, is what keeps me reading it. I personally can't wait to see to what depths our erm...heroine(?) sinks to next!

tameez1985tameez1985over 3 years ago
It started off great but now it's just horrible

The premise was great and there was great potential but after 4-5 chapters it just fell off the cliff... It's just plain violence and horror now... Zero eroticism

PrincessAzula7PrincessAzula7over 3 years ago

So glad to see the next one finally up! Hope things aren't still too busy for you. The whole prison sequence was a series of ups and downs for me, some of it was super hot but I'm not really into the straight up torture. That's just my personal preference though, and I'm willing to read through it to get to the parts I really liked. The two officers at the beginning fucking her and cumming on her eyes was hot, that was a nice touch!

I do wonder - I don't recall any part of the series where Melody eats ass, other than the female prisoners and even then its just mentioned in passing. Is that something you're actively avoiding as you're not into it? No worries if that's the case, but I'd love to have a more in depth description of it sometime, preferably with her eating male ass, of course!

I'm almost sad in a way, since now I'm going to have to wait for the next chapter. Try not to keep me waiting too long!

-E x

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This story, man

Your dedication to writing this story is phenomenal. This thing is just on an entirely different level now. I couldn't bust a nut to this one, but I still applaud you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
You crossed my threshold

Well written, and I do look forward to the next installment. But this is a bit more than I could stomach. Even though it's a story, jacking off of this just conjured up too much guilt. That was… enlightening, in a sense.

I guess such escalation could only end up turning our arousal to dismay or disgust eventually. I even suspect this was your intent all along. Heck, I bet you'll reach everyone's threshold as some point.

Still, I'd like to witness how deep that rabbit hole can go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wow just STOP

This entry truly sucks, not ok, not decent it just sucks. Nothing erotic about this at all, its horrible. If your tired of witing these Stories then delete this entry and Stop. Truly Cringeworthy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Never miind the haters

This is by far the hottest story on Literotica. I waited ages for this installment and its everything I wished, and I am a straight woman by the way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

it's called literotica ergo the story should be erotic, this is just sick.

mirror_worldsmirror_worldsover 3 years ago

I was really happy at first, but I hated that you skipped so fast the abuse at the hood. Also the pregnant thing doesnt do much for me, cause even tho its fantasy, still I never saw the appeal in fucking a pregnant woman, somehow I can never get out of my head that there is another person in there.

I do wonder where you are going to take the story, and also I do feel that this chapter was more like a filler, and that you are going to spin things after that in some way. But you needed for her to pass through this torment for you to spin the said story.

Over all I did enjoyed it at first as I said, but found it a bit "meh" after it. Not because I have lost interest but because you skipped every really fast, so that you could show the passing of time.

I do hope that chapter 12 comes faster than 11. And also don't mind the people that dont like it. Some will not like it some will. But I have a question, do you have lets say a plan in your head for the next 2-3 chapters or are you just winging it?

OrpheusRadiusOrpheusRadiusover 3 years agoAuthor
To mirror_worlds

I'm not winging it. I have a fairly detailed outline of where I'm going, which might actually contribute to me kind of speeding certain sections up, because I'm trying to get to where I'm going without turning this into War and Peace lengths. This was, admittedly, one of the chapters I just kind of had to get through. I'm personally more excited about the upcoming stuff, but there will still be some kind of pulled back, long-view sections again at times, just because that's what the story requires. If you guys don't find it erotic, I get that, but this is just what it is.

People have been telling me to quit writing this since the first chapter, so I'm really not affected by those comments. I find it kind of funny that someone would keep reading this stuff, all the while hating it. Like, you know what you signed up for. Just dip out, I won't blame you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
more of us love it than there are haters

Fucking hot, mind-blowingly vicious, yes, but fucking hot. I know it's not real and I'm ok with you debasing her as far and as deep as your sick twisted mind can go. Throatfucking her as she delivers the bastard child? FUCKING HOT. Having her tits pierced Brutally? FUCKING HOT. Having her wide spread holes left open for 10 hours chained to a table? FUCKING HOT.

Ignore the haters and keep going. We'll keep reading.

honeydew4uhoneydew4uover 3 years ago
Not my favourite chapter

After such a long wait for this chapter I expected more eroticism. Not a fan of torture at all so this chapter is definitely not one I would read over and definitely not one of my favourites. Though it was well written, I just couldn't get behind the story at this point. Someone mentioned that it felt like a filler chapter and I have to agree with that - it seems sort of transitional to move her story to another point.

Don't make it a sob story. The story would be true to it's roots if you focus on the fact that Melody enjoys the shame of being used. If you had even mentioned that being used by the prisoners and guards bought her to several screaming orgasms that would have saved this chapter. That's just my humble opinion.

Keep writing.

whore4urwhore4urover 3 years ago

It's just so fucking hot! and it's so wrong that it's so hot, but I think that's make's it so amazing and keeps us coming back for more. Glad OrpheusRadius that you have the story going somewhere, because I was worried that you were getting tired of writing the story since some parts seemed a bit rushed and not to the level of detail of debasement and humiliation that we love so much (would have loved more details about everything, but I'm a pervert so...).

Anyway, we patiently await the next instalment, vibrators in hand.

For the haters, don't worry, we have our therapists on speed-dial.

(Maybe that's an idea?... She goes to see a therapist to stop loving the humiliation and he just makes her worse)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
To orpheus

Same as the guy saying that it seemed a bit fast forward. That's why I asked about the winging thing.

Yeah, the fact that she didn't cum would be good if there were more sexual detail and not so much horror stuff, not a big fan of her changing her appearance. Since it's a story, I like the reality to be true but with her staying the same beautiful girl we started with.

I do hope that the next chapter would bring more humiliation, brutal chain to a bench style Gangbangs and big dicks ravishing her.

Since you have a big plan and some times must pass faster I just hope we NEVER skip so many years Tha she becomes to old, not a big fan of that.

A bastard daughter would be better in my opinion, if we skipped some day a good 20 years, melody is a cougar in the streets still getting used and some how her daughter could get caught up in that, that would be something interesting. But a son.. Maybe you have a plan for him as well.

In any way, this filler or not chapter I believe it settled the base from where you are go take the story. So I just hope we see the next chapter soon enough.

Good day.

Mirror worlds

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
More ...

Keep going. More destruction. Tattoos, piercings, STDs, etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Keep Going

I really want to see where this is going. I’ve loved every chapter so far. This one got the closest to being too much, but in the end, I still enjoyed it. As for what I want to see, I don’t want to see a happy ending. I want to see her used like this for the rest of her life. I’d like to see more pissing, some double anal fisting and deeper fisting, like a whole arm. Some incest would be great as well. Also, maybe a scene with 1000 men using her brutally over the course of a weekend/a few days without any sleep. I don’t think you should stop until she gets to 10,000 men, or more. Maybe see some other countries too, where the whole world knows who she is, not just the US. Make her a totally worthless, used piece of meat with no humanity left and nobody willing to help her.

I obviously don’t condone any of this in real life, but as fiction, I can’t get enough. Make it more extreme and NO HAPPY ENDING. But in the end, it’s your story, so just do what you’re gonna do. I’ll probably still love it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I'm waiting for the next chapter. Btw Can anybody recommend story similiar to Melody's?

mirror_worldsmirror_worldsover 3 years ago

Lets hope the next chapter comes early in the new year. Happy new year

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Could be better, hope it continues. A few ideas

I agree with several people in that the latest chapter could have been more erotic. Show her actually having orgasms, or have her used in gangbangs every night instead of just one guy at a time. Aside from that, I never knew why but I like stories with STDs, piercings, tattoos, permanent stretching of the pussy and ass, hanging her by her tits until she needs implants for them to regain their shape, and degradation of the girl. Yeah, I don't wish that on non-imaginary people.

At this point I'd say her only hope is for her to get a sponsor. Someone who will see to it that she doesn't get killed or maimed, that she will be able to have 8 hours of quality sleep, eat healthy, plenty of exercise to keep fit and whatever beauty needs she has to remain as good looking as possible.

The person would make money off her, not just by countless videos of her being fucked (which could get old) but also other creative income sources that see her broadcast to the world as a public free-use cum-dump. Game shows where the contestants do creative things to her by themselves or in groups? Sexual obstacle courses? Have a special weird kink no one does for you like stuffing cockroaches inside her womb or dead rats? Contact her manager's web-site.

Perhaps there would now be a small charge ($5) to fuck her unless you're disgusting enough in which case she'll actually pay them to fuck her. The more loathsome you look the more she'll pay (out of her whoring profits).

OrpheusRadiusOrpheusRadiusover 3 years agoAuthor
To the above anonymous commenter:

I agree with the lack of eroticism in the previous chapter. That was my mistake.

As for your suggestions, not to give too much away but you've very nearly predicted my exact plans going forward. I still have some connecting dots to fill in before we get there though. I start writing and then can't help but draw some stuff out, perhaps unnecessarily. I will try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible. I am working on it.

Psylent21Psylent21over 3 years ago
Brutal Reality

I think the main point of this chapter and please chime in Orpheus, was to fully realize that she has no where to go now and to accept it. Being destroyed in prison during her entire pregnancy showed her that she is free use for anyone and is only good for being used.

The time frame of the prison experience and post child birth should set her up to be relocated by her forum’s biggest stalkers. I love the idea of a handler/pimp whatever you want to call it organizing the Melody Ainsley circus. She should go on tour like a music group and do private events booked through her fan forum. The fan forum is one of the highlights of this whole saga that has emerged a few chapters back. I would love to see some of the collective hive mind’s posts about what degrading acts they wish her to perform. She should get pampered a little bit before events just to doll her up and cleaned up after to return her to a semi clean slate. I would love to see her as a redhead again. Can’t wait to see what fucked up shit is coming next for her.

Orpheus, I think you do your best work when you slow down the events and let Melody describe her emotional range. Her chapter nine experience with the hooker and her body examination from chapter three were amazingly well written and I think the key is the dialogue directed towards Melody and her inner monologue that makes this series one of the best ever. I’m not going to quote from the story but adding lines like “Ever think that you’re pussy would be hungry enough for two fists, whore?” during her double fisting would really punctuate the depravity of her situation and gives her a chance to reflect on the moment.

From this chapter my favorite moment was when the guard gave her the hint that she was stuck in prison indefinitely. It set up how ruthlessly she was going to get treated for an indeterminate amount of time. What didn’t really stick for me I guess was the sex and gangbangs were just glanced over. I would love to read what happened the first night the guards left Melody with the two black inmates in your writing style. Six hours of brutal sex is left up the reader’s imagination but they don’t really have time to settle because she’s getting the same treatment the following nights. Maybe this style slows the story arc back but it’s the backbone of the series.

Thanks for this amazing series Orpheus, cheers!

whore4urwhore4urover 3 years ago
In complete agreement with Psylent21

In complete agreement with Psylent21. Really looking forward to what you have coming next Orpheus

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Keep up the good work

Not gonna lie I check your profile multiple times a day for a new update, can't wait to read the next part x

bittykitty869bittykitty869over 3 years ago
love it!!

i;ve been loving this story from the first chapter. i really do think Melody's Father should be the one to step in an be her "sponsor" like the other people were talking about. would be sooooo hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

When should a person stop checking in daily for the newest submission.... asking for a friend 😞

OrpheusRadiusOrpheusRadiusover 3 years agoAuthor

Honestly you should never be checking daily. Sadly I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to writing this, and even when I do I write in really short bursts, so it takes me a while. I'm fairly close to being done with the next chapter, but it could still be another month, easily. Or maybe I'll be done next week. It's really hard to tell and just depends on whether or not I get productive bursts or not. I can't force myself to write it if I'm not in the mood. Sorry. But I promise I'm still consistently working on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

now this is just becoming depressing.

Psylent21Psylent21over 3 years ago
Just accept the 6 plus month wait

The content Orpheus provides is amazing and well worth the wait, just expect it to be around six months or so for a new chapter. He could easily just not write anything else so be thankful that he comments from time to time letting us know he’s still making progress on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
While we wait...

While we wait, are there any similar stories on here where a girl is fucked by lots and lots of men or ones who just absolutely lose their humanity? Until the next time, keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Self isolation and chill

Hey orpheusradius, big fan. Not rushing you or bothering you, take all the time you need. Just wondering if there's a chance chapter 12 might drop in the next 2 weeks? It'd give me something to do while I'm in self isolation. Whatever the outcome man stay safe, wash your hands, stay indoors, maybe write a little haha. Thanks.

OrpheusRadiusOrpheusRadiusabout 3 years agoAuthor
Next chapter

I hate to make promises because I always seem to break them, but yes, I think it's very likely it will be up in the next two weeks. If not then, then very soon after. I'll try to get it done as soon as I can though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Are you about to end the next chapter? I hope you didn't/won't catch COVID-19, because situation in USA is serious.

honeydew4uhoneydew4uabout 3 years ago

Just when I'm on the brink of giving up hope, I check the comments and a lifeline is thrown out.

I had begun thinking this was the last chapter. In my mind Melody has gotten a job at the homeless shelter, serving up food in the daytime and sex at night to all those grateful homeless men; and enjoying herself immensely as she does it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Lawyer UP


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A good whore

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