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The Dog Park

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He was willing to submit if it meant he could be an Owner.
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Dear Readers: This story was inspired by an unusually powerful flight of fancy.

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Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power! – Euripides

There are three things that cannot remain hidden for long- the sun, the moon, and the truth about one's slavish nature- quote attributable to Buddha and, of course, Otis!


Ortiz had everything a man could want by the time he met Chloe. At 32, he had completed his MBA, joined an investment firm, and was steadily rising up the ranks with reasonably good prospects for making partner.

Now he awoke to find himself handcuffed and shackled to the mattress in her guest bedroom.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she teased as she poured baby oil on his morning erection which left to its own devices would have needed no further encouragement from her.

It had been three weeks since she had persuaded him to enter this "arrangement" with her, eschewing his clothing and any semblance of dignity, permitting her to take incrementally bigger steps to humiliate him in front of her friends.

By now he had grown accustomed to her walking him naked through the "dog park" set up in Hermann Park in the early morning air while it was still cool. The "dog park" was a new attraction set up by Parks and Recreation for Dominants to display and train their leashed pets. The dog park also served as an educational facility for members of the general public who were curious enough to observe the transformation of admitted submissives into slaves and beasts of burden.

At first he felt terribly violated by the prospect of strangers, men and women, observing his turgid genitals bobbing while she was leading him around by the leash. But under Chloe's patient guidance, he was becoming comfortable in his nudity, not only accepting it but gradually forgetting how he would have presented himself in any other way.

And so on this morning, like every other morning, he awoke chained to this mattress, having to hear her mocking voice remind as she did every morning of his weakness of will and obvious inferiority of character as she slowly stroked his engorged cock to its inevitable orgasm before a pay for view audience watching on-line.

He longed to make love to her but she would have no part of it. She dismissed the idea, telling him she could not sully herself with the semen of such a wretched subhuman as he who had so easily allowed himself to be degraded by her.

To reinforce the point she brought men home on two separate occasions. These were free men, handsome, strong, and still worthy of a woman's respect. It gave her great pleasure to force him to watch her surrender to their unbounded virility while he was handcuffed and shackled and helpless to do anything but watch the spectacle forced upon him.

Ortiz could still remember how he had gotten into this situation. He had met at her at a single's party and found her irresistible. He had succumbed to the seething sensuality lurking behind her penetrating, mesmerizing brown eyes and vaguely dangerous countenance. They began going out going out to dinner, going out with friends, his and hers.

As he found himself looking forward to spending more and more time with her, she told him of her involvement in the world of BDSM and how it enriched her life. They would sit for hours on the sofa smoking reefer and drinking wine as she told him in rich detail of the men and women she had trained for a lifetime of slavery.

"Submissives find their freedom in slavery," she told him.

"And Dominants such as myself find their life's fulfillment in freeing a submissive from his or her inhibitions and relieving them of the exhausting pretense of self-respect."

He found the sexual charge in her kisses overwhelming but every time he pressed her for the next level of intimacy, she told him she wasn't yet ready to have that kind of physical relationship with him.

Ortiz remembered the first time she took him to a munch in Bellaire.

He was amazed to see a coterie of beautiful women unabashed in their nudity, sashaying around the house, wearing nothing but collars, leashes and high heel shoes, serving the guests alcoholic drinks, hors d'oeuvres, and, if requested, acts of spirited sexual submission.

Chloe introduced him as her current boyfriend to her good friend, Caroline. Caroline, who was hosting the event, was elegantly dressed and presented a demeanor of self-assurance and authority.

Ortiz imagined he saw Caroline smile and wink at Chloe. Through the corner of his eye, he saw one of the male guests lead a female slave upstairs by her leash, presumably to a bedroom.

He excused himself to go mix himself a drink. As he entered the kitchen he was taken aback to see evangeline leaning against the custom kitchen island, the crack of her butt flush against the corner of the marble counter. She had been the lead administrative assistant of one of the principals at his firm and had disappeared from the office suddenly and unannounced some four months earlier.

He had always been strongly attracted to her and had asked her out maybe on three separate occasions but she always politely rebuffed him.

Now she was standing before him, fully exposed and in all ways perfect, helplessly ensnared like a fish caught in a net. She was absolutely splendid in her nudity, her petite frame well defined, her body taut and firm, possessed of firm perky breasts and long flowing black hair.

She smiled when she recognized him and his loins began to stir as he considered the possibilities. He thought to shake her hand but threw all caution to the wind as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her, feeling the heat grow between them. She offered no resistance. At once he was intoxicated by her delicate fragrance, awakening his ardor.

Ortiz puzzled over the ethical and carnal conundrum laid out before him. He had been spending all of his free time with Chloe but she had been, up to now, clearly disinterested in his physical advances. And now here was evangeline, his former co-worker, who had consistently rebuffed him in the past but now appeared to be available to him.

At that moment, Chloe walked in and quickly sized up the situation.

"No worries, Ortiz. She's nothing more than a registered slave now, ready for the picking."

"But what about us, Chloe?"

"If you're going to run with me, my dear, you will need to give yourself permission to experience at least once what it's like to be an Owner, a Dominant, and this is just as good an opportunity as any.

"Now, take her into the living room so we can all watch her perform for you, or should I say perform with you."

Taking her leash in hand, Ortiz led evangeline, the once and future object of his desire, out of the kitchen and into the living room where the party had been congregating. The thought of being able to fully impose his will on her without apology generated for him mental images exponentially more powerful than Santa Clause bringing a cocaine equivalent down the chimney at Christmas.

The party's attendees became hushed as he sat on the sofa and she kneeled before him. He dropped his trousers and her lips immediately engulfed his cock.

Chloe sat down next to him and encouraged him by nuzzling on his ear and tussling his hair. evangeline's tongue felt absolutely heavenly on his engorged manhood. Caroline, nursing a black Russian, observed the unfolding event and smiled approvingly.

Ortiz yielded to his instinct to gently caress evangeline's upper back and shoulders as her mouth went up and down on his cock. Chloe immediately corrected him, instructing him to jerk on her leash instead.

She told him that if he wanted to be an Owner it was incumbent upon him to remind her who was in control. Chloe reminded him that evangeline was, after all, no longer a person in any real legal sense but rather an abject slave whose reason for being was now nothing more than to serve and obey.

Ortiz put his hands behind the slave's head and pushed her deeper and deeper down the length of his erect cock, quickening her pace as he bucked his hips to chase after his escalating sensations. Chloe was whispering to him how proud everyone in the room was to see him take control of this pathetic slut at his feet. Ortiz could hear muffled moans coming from evangeline as she greedily devoured his manhood.

Ortiz imagined himself becoming a Master, a practicing Dominant, owning evangeline or a woman like her as an object for his pleasure. As he exploded in her mouth, little did he know that Chloe had already made other plans for him.

Now weeks later as he lie chained to the bed in her guest bedroom, he saw only too clearly that it was Chloe's intent all along to take him to a future where he would be the one on display and he would be the one forced to perform on his knees just as evangeline performed on him.

The transition, of course, had come gradually, seamlessly. After their first munch together Ortiz exclaimed to Chloe how gratifying it was to force himself on evangeline, bending her to obey his every whim, and how he wanted to have further experiences with other slaves which would eventually ordain him as an Owner in his own right.

In his flights of fancy he conjured up visions of Chloe training him to be an owner so that they could humiliate slaves together.

Chloe suggested that for him to truly understand, appreciate and master the control he would wield as an Owner, he needed to experience first what it was like to submit as a submissive to a Dominant.

"Every constituent member of our BDSM community ultimately experiences themselves in both roles, as master and slave," she told him.

"You see, Ortiz, becoming an Owner is a life-long educational process, an acquired way of life. It is not a role one can rush into. It requires study and patience.

"One has to discipline themselves before they can ever hope to discipline another.

"Dominance is very much like any other spiritual tradition. It requires years to learn and a lifetime of practice to attain perfection.

"Knowing firsthand what a slave experiences as they lose their freedom, knowing firsthand what a slave experiences as they are forced to embrace their own degradation will enable you to profoundly enjoy your role as an Owner, Ortiz, and that joy will carry you through the rest of your life.

"It is only after you've walked a mile or two in their bondage that you will come to fully understand and appreciate the kink that will drive others to submit to you and, just like me, you will become the best and most compassionate Dominant you are capable of becoming."

Ortiz contemplated her suggestion with an equal measure of repulsion and fascination.

"Ortiz, do you trust me enough to guide you on your journey to wholeheartedly become everything you were destined to be?

"After all, every successful Dominant I know of has been trained by another Dominant."

"But what about my job? What about my career?"' he asked.

"Don't worry about that. Leave it to me to arrange for your leave of absence. Your job will be waiting for you after you've completed your training."

"Where do we begin?"

"First things first, I need for you to fully disrobe before me. Slaves by definition are mere animals and we can't allow the animals in our care to wear any clothing, can we?

"Your nudity around me and others will help you understand the entire range of sensations that the slaves you'll be training experience."

Ortiz figured that the short term embarrassment at the hands of Chloe was well worth a glorious life-long assignment as an Owner, using his slaves any way he saw fit, and then taking them to auction when he tired of them.

He was willing to submit to Chloe's training if it meant that he could be certified as a trainer, deputized as a slaver.

As he removed each item of clothing, she would take it from him and drop it into a burlap bag. Chloe stared at him mischievously as he hesitated to remove his cotton briefs.

"Come on, Ortiz, we need to go all the way if you're going to allow me to train you how to train your own slaves."

She smiled broadly as he reluctantly put his hands inside his waist band and pulled down his underwear, standing fully exposed and mostly erect before her.

"Very good, my pet. Let's begin your first tutorial, shall we?

"As an owner, you will need to be consistent and unambiguous in your commands while training your slaves.

"There's nothing more frustrating or confusing for a slave than an owner who is unsure of herself or cannot make up her mind while molding his behavior.

"Ortiz, I'm sure you've heard the old saying that you can teach an old dog new tricks but from experience I can tell you that it takes a lot of time, compassion and patience to get the job done.

"Giving your slave a treat as a reward encourages him to behave well if the treats are connected to good behavior. A proficient owner will use a variety of rewards- not just affectionate backrubs but positive praise with a happy voice and masturbatory massage.

"You will learn that a proficient trainer must condition her slave to respond to single word commands like "sit", "present", and "kneel". With extensive training, a slave will learn to robotically respond to your commands, both verbal and nonverbal.

"As an owner, you'll need to make sure your slave gets the exercise he or she needs to stay fit and healthy.

"Long walks outside with opportunities for play time will help to solidify your Master-slave relationship. Slaves with unspent pent up energy tend to become easily distracted and nonresponsive to your commands.

"As I'm sure you will discover," explained Chloe, glancing at his raging hard-on, "that what separates slaves from humans is their pathological need to be continuously exposed to sensual and sexual stimulation. The empirical data suggests that most slaves start off as unrepentant sex addicts before they come to renounce their personhood for slavery.

"It will be important for you as Master to control and choreograph your slave's release as it can be quite harmful for a slave to store up and stew in excessive 'toxic energy' for too long.

"Ultimately, slaves just like humans need outlets for their stress, boredom and frustration.

"Finally, you need to keep in mind that it is very important to regularly socialize your slave with other owners and with other slaves. That way he will learn to recognize and accept his place, groveling at the feet of humans. Encouraging supervised 'play time' with other slaves brings out and indelibly imprints the slave nature not only on your own slave but also in the slaves you make him play with.

"The slave laws require an owner such as myself to employ a leather collar and a chain leash as tools for discipline The collar and leash perform several noteworthy functions. For one thing, the collar and leash enhances the slave's awareness of his own nudity when in public and his recognition of himself as a lowly animal when among humans.

With that Chloe pulled a black leather collar out of a nearby draw and displayed it to her aroused disciple. Ortiz was shocked to see his name already inscribed in the leather. He was beginning to entertain the idea of backing out of this undertaking but she had already seized his clothing and even worse, he couldn't leave her condo unaccompanied without being arrested by law enforcement personnel mistaking him for a runaway slave.

"I want you to bring the leather up close to your nostrils, Ortiz, and inhale the bouquet of servitude. This is the scent your slaves will carry as their brand. To be a good Owner you need use all your senses if you are to relate to your slaves in all facets of their enslavement.

"Ortiz, I have no doubt that you'll get to see for yourself how the collar and leash little by little breaks down a slave's already underdeveloped ego and conditions him to accept and find comfort in his inferior status.

"The training you're about to receive will make it easier for you to seduce and enslave.

"After you learn what I have to teach you, we can work together as equals and together, we will recruit and entrap the wretched animals that live among us.

"Now let's put your collar on, Ortiz."

Together, they slipped the leather around his neck and she snapped the lock in place.

Chloe swelled with pride as her mischievous eyes assessed her latest pupil.

"I am so proud of you, my pet. Your curiosity and enthusiasm is truly promising," she said as she began texting several messages on her cell phone.

Chloe suddenly assumed a more professorial tone.

"Information without implementation is failure," she said.

"Your education today must advance from mere theory into more constructive action."

"What do you mean?" he asked her.

"We are going out today. After all this talk, I think you need to get some exercise."

"I can't go out there like this? What will people think of me?"

"It's ok, my sweet. You're going to have to trust me. If you don't give yourself permission to implicitly trust someone manifestly superior to you, how will you ever to be able to accept the trust, devotion, and obedience a slave would bestow upon you?"

Having said that, she clipped the leash onto his collar and took him outside.

It took them fifteen minutes to arrive at the "dog park".

Ortiz saw maybe fifteen males in various stages of arousal being walked by leash by fully dressed women around the space inside the fence. There were joggers, tourists and bicyclists standing around gawking at these men who would be dogs.

He felt so very strange to be outdoors like this with the fresh morning breeze caressing his exposed genitals. Chloe was continually tugging at his leash, telegraphing her natural dominance.

He heard laughter and cackling as one of the women commanded her slave to get down on all fours. She proceeded to walk him on the grass outside the fence perimeter to a mature tree whereupon he raised a leg and relieved himself just like a dog. Ortiz wondered aloud how anyone could allow themselves to be so degraded as to perform such intimate body functions outside in public.

Suddenly Chloe gave a shout out, "What have we here?"

Ortiz turned around to see Carolyn, the woman who had hosted the munch he and Chloe had attended together. His heart began to palpitate when he saw that Carolyn was walking towards them with a very naked evangeline in tow.

Chloe and Carolyn exchanged the usual pleasantries.

"Think of him as my latest 'work in progress'," Chloe remarked casually to Caroline.

"ortiz, why don't you go offer and say 'hi' to your little friend?" snickered Chloe.

ortiz froze in his tracks, beholding her beautifully shaped breasts, the curvy hips highlighting her pristine hourglass figure, her neatly trimmed pubic mound.

Sudden surprise gave way to a raging erection as his favorite female slave intently approached him, putting her arms around him, penetrating his mouth with her tongue.

She felt warm and vibrant and soft to the touch. Her buttocks were tight and supple. It seemed to him that she was somewhat buzzed and drowsily out of focus, giving off a vibe that was both languid and quietly euphoric at the same time, suggesting she was under the influence of some unidentified opiate.

She had no inhibitions at all, walking through Hermann Park totally naked but for a pair of white high heels, Carolyn leading her by the leash. Her delicate fingers began to stroke his leather collar, and she nuzzled against it to inhale the scent of his leather, her tongue burrowing under his leather when it was not in his mouth searching out his tongue.


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