by manyeyedhydra
Once again a fantastic piece. You are delivering possibly the best succubus story I've ever read, and you seem to be getting better with each story you write. The build-up to the victims moment of release is exquisitely written. Keep up the good work!
Your succubus stories are my favorites on literotica, especially this series. Things have taken an interesting turn in this chapter, you absolutely have to continue it. I'm also intrigued by what Verdé is up to, I hope it means that Phil isn't going to end up as just another dessicated corpse. Looking forward to the next chapter...
Your write some of the best succubus stories here at Literotica!
I'm loving this series! I actually don't usually read non-human erotic stories, but wow, this is awesome.
This is the best one yet. Keep up the good work! I'd love to hear more about the Succubus and the Old Man at the beginning of that other story. ;-)
A fan of M.E. Hydra for so long now, I somehow managed to overlook the Succubus Summoning stories until this rainy saturday Spring afternoon. Thinking all of the best of this genre had been written, I am pleasantly surprised to see that the master is still firmly in command of his pen, and by extension, with his audience as we hang, lovingly, on his every word...
I love Sexy stories about succubus, fantasy is one of my favorite even if i am not native english speaker. Your writing is really good, way you give picture of surroundings. Erotic actions and describe of them. This story series was one of the first that i read here and it inspired me to try write one of my own series about succubus and summoner.
I hope that someday i can also publish small series of my own here :) thank you so much for wonderful stories.
I hadn’t seen the first one which is a dumbass move on my part but either way I got to say this is fucking amazing