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A Memorable Memorial Day Party


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"Under the circumstances I think ... and this is not a mandate, but merely a suggestion–-that the woman freely volunteer for this."

A murmur swept the room as everyone digested this. Two hands went into the air. Joanna's and Maria's.

"We have two volunteers," Jubal said and waited.

To Paul's amazement, Carol raised her hand, and moments later Kayla followed her, nervously waving her right hand in the air.

All eyes turned to Miranda.

"Et tu, Kayla?" Miranda said as her wrist fluttered in the air before her. "All right. I give up. I surrender. I had hoped you were better than this. Yet here I am willingly joining you. We will never be quite the same after this. But I tried. I really tried."

"You don't have to take part, Miranda," Jubal said tenderly.

"Thank you, Jubal, but I've made my decision."

The room was still for a full minute then Joanna spoke, weighing her words carefully,

"So we, both men and women draw–-what? Numbers I'd guess. Out of a hat? Yes, I suppose a hat will do. Let me also say that while the women draw the one time, the men will draw again after each woman finishes her time. That will eliminate the woman's knowing in advance just who her partner is at any given time unless of course she identifies her partner."

"Does it end there?" Downey inquired.

"Yes, if the woman wants to curtail it at that point. Or, she may prefer to finish the sequence—for personal pleasure or to make certain she has the right man. In this the lady might say, it was number three, or whichever number she feels her partners is."

Heads nodded in agreement at this, and they moved on the next issue.

"Okay, as for time limits ..." Don Roscony chirped.

"Yes," Joanna said, preempting him; "I think one minute per man. That way the man can go as hard and as fast as he can and hopefully won't finish ahead of his partner."

"Kind of like speed fucking, I like it." Don leered, much to the disgust of the others. However, no one disagreed with him.

"What about the woman? I mean," said Maria, "shouldn't she be given a chance to climax?"

Both Paul and Jubal began to respond at the same time, with Paul deferring to the older man.

"Thank you, Paul. I think the fifth man should continue until the woman is satisfied."

Several, 'Hear, here's' were offered up by the women.

"Sad to say I disagree," Paul said. That would render the fifth man out of the next round to say the least."

"Next round?" Maria said. "You mean the women–-all of them are included?"

Jubal replied, "Yes, of course. The men will keep changing their order, and the women ... well they will draw lots too, so that everyone has a chance to participate."

Joanna jumped up and pleaded for them to start the rules over so as to clarify them.

Paul did the honors. "The first contestant or woman will be drawn by lot number even though we have two volunteers. She will be blindfolded–-um, after she chooses where the act will take place."

"So she can pick Macy's Window if she wants?" Joanna asked sarcastically.

"No, Joanna. I meant for example, here, say on the table, or the couch, or we can all move to the master bedroom and do it there. We want the lady to be comfortable, but in any case the others will all watch each and every performance."

"Thank you for clarifying that," Joanna said with much less sarcasm.

"Let's see," Paul said, "What else?"

"The men," Jubal prompted.

"Yes, thank you. The rotation of the men will be by ballot for each woman. That is a different order of men will approach each woman and then mount her for one minute, during which time he will do his best to bring her to climax and the woman–-besides enjoying said climax, will endeavor to select her partner from those having mounted her.

'What if the woman cums before the men finish their allotments?" Miranda inquired, drawing laughter all around.

Paul responded to this with, "I think, and please overrule me if I speak out of turn–-the gentlemen should continue with their taking turns. If the ladies disagree, and want–-say the male causing their orgasm to continue, perhaps they could have that option. Opinions?"

"I think it should be ladies choice," Jubal said. "The men can resume their rightful turn with the next lady. Now I would like to answer a question...well, I don't know that it actually a question, but suffice to say, I will arrange for several blue pills to be available. That should assure everyone the prowess required to fulfill our manly duties. "

"That sounds fair," Carol said, with the other woman nodding in agreement.

"Then too, I think it only fair that each woman be given a–-shall we say, a warm-up by someone other than the first man in line as it were," Carol finished with a rush.

'"Definitely," Kayla and Joanna said together.

"How long would this warm up last? Frank inquired.

"That's difficult to say, Carol said. Women are not alike."

"What if a woman did the warm up?" Miranda asked.

"It might serve the purpose better," Carol agreed, "but some of us, and I include both sexes, might find that a bit much. Let's stick with a guy for this, shall we?"

And except for the fact that Paul now knew Carol went both ways that ended that.

"Perhaps the man starting the lady off will perform those heavenly duties, Mike said, only to be astounded when everyone disagreed with him.

The general consensus being there would be too much contact with the lady before getting down to business. It was put to vote and the ladies unanimously chose to have someone other than the number one man 'prepare the lady for coitus.


Lots were drawn, and it was determined that the first woman to participate would be–-


The men's initial pecking order was: Frank – Paul – Don – Jubal, and Mike.

"Carol, um, where would you prefer we do this?" Paul asked.

"Are you number one, Paul?"

"He can't answer that, my dear," Jubal replied as he walked up to her holding a bright red scarf, which he then tied securely around her head.

"I'll take the table here, please," she said nervously glancing at Paul.

Paul blew her a kiss and she smiled at him, gratified that he wasn't angry at her for taking part.

Jubal inquired gently, "Be totally honest, can you see anything?"

"No, I cannot."

"Then let's begin."

The words no sooner left Jubal's mouth then Kayla's hand wormed its way past Paul's waistband, turned it so that she captured his penis then pressed it firmly against his stomach.

"What ...?" Paul gasped in surprise.

"Tut—tut, Paul, the fun's just starting," Kayla chirped and unfastened his belt with her free hand. 'There, that's better isn't it. Not much fun being all cramped up like that. Now let's see what we've got." With that she tugged his briefs down, then as his fully erect cock sprang free. "Oh yes, I like that! Bigger than I thought ... and nicely shaped; a very nice specimen. And from the look and feel of it, I think I should try sucking it right now."

Not giving him time to answer, or object, she moved round to stand behind him and, reaching both her long arms around his waist, slipped one hand under his testicles and curled the fingers of the other around his turgid cock.

'Now let's see what sort of a performer you are, I'm sure you'll rate at least a 'good', maybe even an 'excellent.' I'd like to think so."


Miranda glanced nervously towards Mike Hunt with some trepidation after committing to take part in the sexual game. Realizing how she felt, Mike gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled reassuringly at her.

"I can't tell you how excited this has me," she said, and he felt her hand tremble in his. "Well as you can see, I'm kind of excited too," he said, still smiling.


With Carol standing blindfolded next to him, Jubal arranged several pillows on the floor in front of the table for the slender brunette to kneel on. He informed her of what he'd done and told her to rearrange them to her liking.

Then holding Jubal's left hand, Carol knelt down and leaned across the table."

There was an edge of inquisitive curiosity amongst the onlookers and the sexual tension mounted. The women still had no idea as to who was going to mount Carol first as Frank remained seated.

"You're going to be sore tomorrow morning, Carol," Maria crowed. Everyone, Carol included broke out laughing and the tension was broken.

Jubal leaned in and whispered in Carol's ear. "My dear I'm afraid we can't accomplish all that much with your dress still covering your genitals."

"Oh–-I'm sorry ..." But then she froze, unable to present her sex to the onlookers. "I ... I can't!"


Paul wasted no time in returning the favor by hiking Kayla's dress up and sent his hand between her legs which she parted as Moses had the Red Sea. .Kayla found his fingers knowledgeable and so extraordinarily sensual that she knew he would have her cumming in another minute or so.

Paul couldn't believe he was finger-fucking the same woman whose husband had done exactly the same thing to her at the dining room table and was already visualizing fucking her at some point in the evening.

Jubal's voice brought him out of his sexual state. "Paul–-Paul, I need you over here, please!"

Paul rose quickly, stepped out of the trousers clinging to his ankles, and still wearing socks and shoes strode over to the table where Carol knelt and bade her to lean over on her elbows. She did so without protest and he gently raised the filmy black lingerie she'd worn to in lieu of a dress to the party. Frank got up only to sit back down when Paul frowned and waved him away. Then he knelt behind her.

Carol repeated herself, "I'm so sorry ... I can't!"

Paul shushed her and eased the tiny black thong from her derriere to her knees.

"What? Oh ... you've stripped me? Then thank you," Carol said in a subdued voice he had never heard her use before. He ran his hands over her trembling flanks to help calm her nerves and then returned to Kayla's side.

"No–-no, Paul. You're needed here," Jubal said authoritatively.

"Excuse me," Paul said to Kayla, who nodded understandingly. This time Paul removed his socks and shoes, leaving then next to his black trousers and briefs. Then he glanced around the room, sighed and took off the remaining clothing her still wore and trod naked back to where Carol knelt leaning over the glass topped table.

Jubal's cock pulsed insistently at the sight as he glanced across to the others, curious if it was affecting them in the same way. Everyone's gaze was fixed on Paul as he stepped behind her quickly and spread her cunt apart then jabbed two fingers fully into her.


"Jesus Christ!" Carol stuttered. "This ... this ... this isn't right." But even as she said it, she felt a flood of juice seeping out around his thick, rough fingers.

The hand that was not busy pushing its way into her swollen cunt covered her mouth. "Can you smell her on my hand," Paul whispered. "Do you like it? Just her smell alone is could be enough to make you cum."

Carol whimpered, but inhaled deep. She could indeed smell the cloying, sweet scent of another woman on his fingers. Moaning, she parted her lips and tasted the skin of his hand, reveling in the rich, musky taste.

Kayla joined him and knelt down beside Carol and caressed the brunette's face.

"Kayla likes you," Paul panted into her ear as he continued fucking her with two fingers. "She wants you to stay. And I want what she wants, understand?"

"Let her taste that lovely cock, Paul," Kayla hissed.

Paul fed his cock to Carol's eager mouth and she quickly took him in, slurping away before Kayla reached out and took it from her, saying, "Not now. Maybe later though."

Carol's head drooped until it tapped against the table top. "Will you ... will you stay with me, Paul?" In response he added another finger to her sodden cunt and pushed her over the edge.

"Yes!" she screamed. "Fuck yes!" the last somewhat muffled by Paul's hand, by Kayla's scent, and by her own lust.

Carol twitched against him, repeatedly, like marionette with tangled strings.

Paul's hips were pressed against her ass, his hard cock upright and nestled in the cleft. She couldn't stop cumming. His fingers curled forward, brushing her g-spot causing her to convulse in another climax right on top of the first.

Kayla silently returned to her seat.

"Do you want my cock?"

Carol shook her head. "No...please...enough," she gasped "The rules of the game ... The rules, you know?"

"Later, then," he said.

He slowly pulled his fingers out of her. Looking down at the glass topped table she saw him reflected in the glass; saw him raise them to his mouth and suck them clean. Carol's legs began to tremble then, as the blood flooded back into her muscles, twitching as the little aftershocks raced through her body. It was all she could do not to collapse in a puddle on the floor.

The intently watching guests were obviously turned on–-Maria's head rested against Frank's chest as he ran a hand up and down her thigh. A wide-eyed Kayla giggled as Paul returned to her side and she quickly resumed using both hands on his cock, one around the shaft, the other concentrating on the more sensitive, already plum colored head.

The hand curled around the shaft maintained a sort of background beat, slow and steady, its rhythmic stroking punctuated with occasional much stronger squeezes. But to Paul, the other hand provided a truly virtuoso performance and the sensations her fingers generated were incredible, their movements fluid, yet purposeful, sometimes fluttering lightly, sometimes tightening almost imperceptibly as they caressingly teased the increasingly bulbous head. He had never envisioned a hand job being so exquisite.

Miranda sat alone on the loveseat. But she was close enough to join Jubal anytime she chose. She too had a hand discreetly tucked between her thighs, gently and subtly touching herself as she watched. There was no doubt in anyone's mind but that everyone was highly aroused.

Don Roscony reveled in the knowledge that he would get to fuck all five women before the night was out, and ever horny, wondered what other erotically obscene things they might be coaxed into. So engrossed was he in his own thoughts that he failed to notice his partner, Joanna lower her hand to Frank Downey's cock, which Maria, already aware he would be first to take Carol had just pried loose and into the open.

The two women looked at each other, smiled and began playing with Downey's manhood even before any further sexual activity took place in the middle of the room.


Kayla quickly turned something that had already been a full-sized erection into a massive one. The shaft was thicker and harder than it usually was, the veins darkly knotted and the head had turned a dark purple, the skin stretched tight and made glossier by the drops of pre cum that had started seeping from the eye.

"Ah yes, quite magnificent," she said in a low voice as she pressed her breasts against his shoulder. "You are going to let me photograph it some time, aren't you?"

"If you'd like to." Paul responded in a tightly hoarse voice. 'Handle me like this and you can do whatever you like with me.'

Tightening her grip around the base of the shaft so the volume of blood trapped inside made it quiver and throb, she paused for a moment then, using just the very tip of one finger-nail, she slowly dragged it down along the entire length. It was as though her hand was connected to a power supply, firing off each nerve ending in turn, the electric thrills surging up through his jolting body, and then exploding inside his brain.

"But we don't want you cumming just yet. You have a woman to test. Yes, that should be very interesting. Now tell me, Paul ... do you like going down on a woman?"


Downey moved toward Carol and gently helped her to sit up, while remaining on the glass topped table. He reached into the front of Carol's dress, slipped a hand inside and tweaked her already hardened nipple. She moaned.

Using the table for leverage, he leaned over her shoulder and kissed her softly, sensually on the throat.

"Hey," Joanna yelled out, "Nobody said anything about kissing!"

"No one ruled it out either, Joanna," Jubal replied to amused laughter from the others.

Downey slowly lowered Carol so that she now lay on her back. Dutifully she spread her legs for her unknown lover. He kissed her again, softly nibbling on her lower lip. Carol's hand drifted dreamily to Downey's hip and squeezed it. He took the opportunity to probe her open mouth with his tongue and she sucked it into her mouth.

It's Paul! She told herself. Is he to be first?

Does she know it's me? Downey thought; and as their tongues continued dueling he slipped one of his thighs between hers, and humped his already erect cock against her bared derrière and wrung a long moan from Carol. Downey wanted her more than ever. He thought about throwing away the game and slipping into what had to be a sopping wet pussy and satisfying them both; and to hell with the rest of them. Let them watch us, he told himself before brushing his fingers over her clit and slowly moving away.


"Who is keeping time?" Jubal called out. Maria held up her hand and showed him the time-piece that had been provided her.

It's not Jubal, Carol realized.

"Sixty seconds. Remember sixty seconds." Jubal admonished.

"I know, Jubal, I know," Maria said with a hint of lust in her tone. Watching Paul warm up Carol had set her loins on fire.

It was only then that Jubal realized Maria was last or next to last in line, and already smoking.

Holy shit, Downey swore silently, as he slid his cock into the wetness of Carol's cunt and began humping away with such vigor that Carol was almost tossed from the table.

Paul had done his job extremely well; Carol was already nearing her orgasm, and with thirty seconds left. Frank tried his best to make her cum before his allotted time was up.

"Ten seconds ... Five seconds ... Time!" Maria called and Frank rolled away from Carol, who murmured pleasurably as he departed her loins.


On another couch to their left, the recently engaged Roscony and Joanna were draped together, looking sheepish as if just discovering his hand was clasped to her left breast. And while they looked uncertain of what they were getting into, both were obviously willing participants. It appeared that while sharing was new to them their lust and bridled enthusiasm would see them through.

Paul was next and quickly strode toward Carol to have his turn. As he moved to her, the others had their first opportunity to see his formidable erection as it jutted out in front of him.

"My God, it's no contest! Miranda crowed loudly, causing several onlookers to laugh aloud.

Frank rejoined Maria, Miranda took the opportunity to sit beside Jubal and Mike Hunt and moments later both men were groping her huge breasts. She kissed Jubal hungrily as his hands urgently worked the top of her dress down to her waist. She wore no bra, nor did she need one. Mike was the first to take her nipple into his mouth, Jubal a close second. Kayla looked on chuckling to herself.


Sixty seconds, Paul kept telling himself. Make everyone count.

Carol was still bent over the table, panting up into the blindfold and resting on the cushions, her thighs akimbo looking every bit a slut pulling a train, which in a sense, she was.

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