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Retirement Home Massage Therapy Ch. 02

Story Info
Johnny and Nurse Adams discover a voyeur's secret place.
7.2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/12/2017
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All characters are over the age of 18 years old and all players are consenting adults.

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For anyone who feels like I do about big busty mature women my new position at the St. Ophelia Retirement Village is a dream come true. I am surrounded with a smörgåsbord of the most desirable females imaginable.

There were huge fat bottoms everywhere, maybe squeezed into tight-fitting Lycra gym shorts or colorful Spandex bike pants. And massive breasts flashed, hanging loosely in low buttoned shirts or big hard nipples popping out of straining cotton t-shirts.

There are skin-tight swimsuits around the pool or exotic lingerie worn by those you'd least expect. Maybe, like Mrs. Watson, it's a glamorous dress or light sexy sundress; its wearer laughing at a stray breeze blowing it up, flashing her legs and knickers.

Tall and heavy or short and buxom. Soft and gentle women or tough assertive matrons. Delectable women in their fifties and sixties and decades older, line up outside the massage room every morning, patiently waiting for their turn.

About half are only interested in a relaxing therapeutic massage. The other half was in the 'could be tempted' category. I hoped desperately that the last lady I was seeing today would be on that list.

Kathleen Higgins not only looked almost exactly like Betty White she was just about as sweet as well. Her fine peroxide blond hair had that same distinctive wave as the Golden Girls star and the same twinkling blue eyes, full of mischief. The first time I saw her I was smitten.

We hit it off immediately and she became my regular last customer on Friday afternoon.

Most of the residents at St. Ophelia Retirement Village have no idea about the seamy side of my services, assuming my popularity is because I'm such a good masseuse. Kathleen is one of those naive souls, though I'm hoping she finds out the truth soon.

One afternoon she invited me to dinner and I jumped at the chance. "A young mans body needs fuel Johnny," she said in that wonderful southern drawl she has.

Walking back to her place we were like a tentative couple out on a first date - really liking the other person but unsure how to proceed.

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I found the hidden room by accident.

It had been a lovely evening with Mrs. Higgins. She was an excellent cook and I'd wolfed down lashings of rump roast and baked vegetables with gravy and biscuits. And then there was pudding with ice cream and cream for dessert.

She wasn't going to let me do the washing up but eventually I was allowed to dry the dishes. Afterward we sat next to each other on her lounge and I repaid her kindness with a foot massage. We listened to The Platters on her record player as I got to massage her feet.

It was all very innocent I guess but I had to fight the urge to suck her toes and I don't think she'd have minded if I did. As is always the case on first dates, neither of us wanted to risk saying or doing the wrong thing. And what was the rush anyway?

When I left I got an invitation to dinner next Friday as well and a kiss that was much more than friendly. This beautiful old woman put her arms around my neck and, pressing her voluptuous body against me, closed her eyes and kissed me long and hard.

Happy and full and in a sexual haze I got all the way to my room before finding I didn't have my door keys.

Everybody has experienced that panic when you've tried all your pockets twice and your mind racing, trying to think back... I took a deep breath to calm myself and finally remembered I'd left them along with my wallet on the shelf under the massage table in the basement.

Sighing, I headed back down the stairs, past the dark library, through the empty commissary, usually full of happy gossiping women picking up a loaf of bread or milk, then out into the cool evening. At 11pm the place felt deserted. It was quite late by retirement village standards. My footsteps sounded loud as I walked along the footpath at the side of the old building and down the shadowy concrete stairs to the basement

The swinging doors were unlocked thank goodness and I flicked the light on the wall. Bright fluorescents flickered on bathing the waiting room/hallway in bright white light. My eyes squinted as I hurried to the massage room door.

I didn't turn the light on; just felt my way using the light spilling in from the hallway. I found my keys just where I knew they would be.

It was when I was turning to leave that I saw the glow coming from the big wall mirror.

At first I thought it was a reflection - the hallway light bouncing off the big expanse of glass - but no, it wasn't that...

There was something inside there.

I've drunk too much of Mrs. Higgins's wine, I thought. I can't be seeing this...

I stepped up close and, cupping my hands on the glass, looked between my fingers like Alice through the looking glass.

It was dim but there was another whole room in there. A room hidden from view nearly all the time - except when the light in this room was less than the light in there.

The faint illumination that had given it away was coming from a computer in power-saving mode. A colorful fluorescent swirl on the screen was casting the dim moving glow that had given the game away. There was light enough to show up a large professional looking movie camera as well, sitting up on a tall tripod. The lens was pointed through the glass at me, directly into this room.

I was dumbstruck. Somebody had been filming me. Me and Nurse Adams... and all the other ladies I'd fucked... My mind reeled as I thought back.

In a daze I walked back out into the hall and found the plain looking wooden panel door that must lead into the secret room. It was locked.

Frustrated and angry at this invasion of my civil rights I put my weight against it. I'd break it down and find the culprit. Nobody had the right to... but no matter how hard I tried it didn't budge. The old thick hardwood was like a brick wall. I needed the key and with a flash I remember Nurse Adams' mammoth key chain. It had hundreds of keys on it. My key would have to be one of them.

I ran up the stairs two at a time, back through the empty building, to the second-floor nurse's accommodation. I knocked and then pounded on Nurse Adams' door until she eventually opened it, holding it on a chain.

"What could you possibly want at this hour?" she demanded in her thick British accent. "It is nearly midnight!"

"Let me in," I demanded breathlessly.

Grumpily she undid the chain. She swung the door open and stood in the doorway. She didn't invite me in.

"Why?" she said with her arms crossed under her humongous tits.

Nurse Adams had curlers in her hair and was wearing a long shear satin nightgown - pale green and shimmery. Unlike the tight nurse's uniforms she always wore this nightie must have been the biggest size available and it actually accommodated her curvaceous body.

It clung just right. Falling loose down her legs it became tighter and tighter over her wide hips and ass. She had cleverly used the plus-size to support her huge round tits, tucking them into the folds of extra fabric, supporting them like a bra...

...her always large hard nipples stuck out provocatively... looking at me like eyes...

My cock had gone rock hard, my mission momentarily erased from my horny mind.

Visibly irate she suffered me looking her up and down. "What do you want boy?" she demanded.

I had to think for a second.

"Your k.. k.. keys," I stammered finally. "The big keyring with all those keys on it... Get all your keys and come with me nurse. There is something you need to see!"

"For god's sake, surely it can wait till tomorrow..." she bitched.

"I've seen something I cannot believe but I've seen it so I can't..." I babbled.

"Have you been drinking?" she asked. "For goodness sake, go home and sleep it off."

She's being her normal shirty self I thought. I might have to drag her down there against her will.

I realized I'd never seen her without her ridiculous thick makeup. Her face was completely different, smooth, and round. Her lips were full and really didn't need lipstick. High angled cheekbones. Quite surprisingly stunning.

I knew I was staring but I couldn't seem to stop...

"Do you want to do me again Johnny?" she asked huskily, her eyes hooded. "Is that what this silly game is about? If that's what you need, come in, come in... you can do me on the lounge..."

She began to lift her nightdress up provocatively over her knees... over her thick fat thighs... She looked so hot...

"No no no," I rasped. "I simply want you to look at something... please! Why do you have to be so fucking difficult all the time?"

"Oh for goodness sake..."

"Nurse Adam," I said, "I'm begging you. Please get those keys and come with me."

I must have looked sincere or desperate or both or I'm sure she'd have slammed the door in my face.

Rolling her eyes she gave me one of her trademark long deep sighs and turned away leaving me standing in the hallway. In what seemed ages later she reappeared wearing a modest dark brown dressing gown. With the multi-colored hair curlers still in her hair and the huge ring of keys in her hand, she closed her door and followed me back down to the basement.

We stepped into the dark massage room where I stopped her from turning the light on. Taking her hand I led her into the darkened room to the spot near the mirror.

"What are you doing? Why can't we have the light on? You want me in the dark don't you Johnny..." she hissed.

She pushed her big soft body against me, shoving me back against the massage table. I felt an animal heat rising, she smelt like old-fashioned Pears Soap, her flesh scrubbed clean.

"It's not a bloody game Nurse," I muttered, resisting the urge to nibble her ear. "You will not be able to see what I want you to see if there are lights on in here."

"Look through the mirror - like this."

Following my lead she cupped her hands on the glass and looked through.

Her sharp intake of breath told me one thing. Nurse Adams didn't know anything more about this room then I did.

"Wh... wh... what is all this?" she cried. "Did you know about... "

"Of course not... look close nurse... Do you see the big monitor in the corner?"

"Yes, yes, I see it."

"That's where we will find our answers. There'll be clues on that computer."

Like me she was deeply shocked but followed me back into the brightly lit hallway where we found the door we'd walked past so many times and barely noticed.

"I thought it was a broom closet," said the nurse.

We began going through the huge wad of keys.

There were hundreds. Some were marked and some had Mostly modern silver or brown pressed keys, there were also half a dozen big rusty ones of different shapes and sizes that fitted old barrel locks like the one in this big old door.

After a frustrating five or ten minutes of painstakingly trying one after the other, we tried the one right next to the massage room key and we were in.

I found an old Bakelite switch next to the door and flicking it a single naked bulb came on. It's pale orange light cast shadows in every direction but it was enough to see that we were in a part of the foundations of the old main building. Our massage room had simply been sectioned off, divided with the massive wall of window glass.

What a gloomy place. The mirror filled one wall about 30 feet long and the space was about the same wide. The wall onto the hallway was modern concrete blocks. The other two walls were rough stone blocks like you'd find in a castle, big and damp and hand-chiseled.

I felt the nurse's hand grip mine, something she would never do normally but I wasn't holding it against her. The place was spooky.

We stepped over the threshold onto the cold stone flagging.

To our left, facing the huge expanse of dark glass was the modernistic video camera we'd seen. So out of place. Opposite, to the right, set into an arch in the stone wall was a large iron gate with a massive padlock. There was just enough light to see stairs heading down. God knows what was down there.

We walked over to the far corner where the other anomaly sat - a modern computer workstation. The weird colorful pattern of the screen-saver was still swirling. I sat down on the black leather office chair and gave the mouse a nudge.

The screen-saver disappeared and the desktop was revealed, covered in large colorful icons with cryptic names.

I felt the nurse standing close beside me. We both knew what these were. I double-clicked on one with 'Brenda-Lee' in the file name and a movie opened up in full-screen and began to play.

Brenda-Lee was the cleaning lady I'd seen around the place, the lovely plump woman in her late 50's with huge tits and a big round ass. A tough life has left her dark and careworn but she's still extremely attractive. There were a bunch of icons with her name in the title. In the movie the nurse and I were watching she was still had on the colorful yellow and green scarf she always wears when she's cleaning.

Nurse Adams reached into the pocket of her gown, pulled out her thick, horn-rimmed glasses, and leaned over close to the screen.

The unknown cameraman had done a great job.

The camera had been placed carefully between Brenda-Lee's thick white thighs. The whole thing was shot looking upwards - past the thick silver vibrator she was pumping in and out of her dripping wet cunt, up over a cute round pot belly and through the cleft of her massive saggy tits, to her lined face. A human landscape of peaks and valleys.

The nurse and I watched enthralled as Brenda-Lee worked the vibrator deep inside herself or 'buzzed it' up over her prominent clitoris, arching her back when it felt particularly good.

I pulled my t-shirt over my head and pulled my pants down around my ankles. My cock, released, sprang up like a jack-in-the-box, massive and hard. I used one hand to fondle myself and the other to fondle the Nurse Adams' enormous bum through her satin nightie.

The buzzing of the toy was loud but we could still hear Brenda-Lee moaning, a happy little smile on her lips.

"Hells Bells," gasped the nurse.

As Brenda-Lee got closer and closer to orgasm she closed her eyes and her hips started a rhythmic rolling. We saw her nipples became erect, standing up like little soldiers coming to attention.

Then, holding her buzzing toy firmly on her clitoris she came... long and loud - laughing happily.

The perfectly placed camera captured her pussy contracting and a pale white liquid oozing out from inside her gapping, quivering hole, dribbling down over her asshole.

The nurse turned to me and ran a hand over my bare chest. "Let me sit," she said in an urgent whisper.

She discarded her dressing gown and, with her back to me so she could continue watching the screen, lifted her nightie up over her knees and straddled me, bridging my legs.

I lifted her nightie up further and, holding a colossal ass cheek in each hand, drew her down onto my lap, guiding her bulk carefully over my cock.

She spread her cunt with her fingers and began to impale herself over the big bulbous head.

"Oooo yessssss Nurse Adams... Oh, fuck yesss...."

Grunting happily she settled her glorious ass slowly, slowly onto my lap.

With my massive dick filling her cunt I fondled her vast round tits through the silky fabric. I could run my hands over them, lift and hold them, squeeze and pinch the big nipples. The nurse leaned back against me and groaned appreciatively.

"Now play another one," she gasped, rocking backward and forward over my cock, the office chair mechanism bouncing her up and down like a hydraulic spring. It felt so good.

There were too many to choose from, all with cryptic titles that I was too horny to try and understand. I clicked at random.

...there was the fat lady from last week who had slapped me when I had tried to touch her and finally begged me to 'fuck my ass, Johnny..."

...there were three naked ladies lying in a triangle, feasting between each other's legs...

...there was old Mrs. Macklin, one of my special regulars, who we watched deep-throat me and then proudly swallow every drop of my cum...

There was...

...this one started with a wide shot of our massage room, beautifully lit, clear footage of a naked couple entangled on the massage table.

MY GOD... that's us ..." cried the nurse.

It sure was. The video showed me on top, hoisted up on my arms in the missionary position fucking Nurse Adams plain as day. My rock hard nine-inch cock was clearly evident plunging in and out, in and out of the nurses' cunt.

"Oh sweet Jesus..." moaned the nurse. She began to rock faster on my cock and rubbing herself at the same time, her fingers flicking back and forth over the hard erect knob of her clit.

"We loo...k goo...d," I gasped into her ear.

We looked better than good. My young tanned body contrasted beautifully with the nurse. Plump and white, she was squirming with pleasure as my hard-muscled frame hammered her.

The Nurse Adams on the screen was gripping my ass and arching her back, lifting her big body up against me in perfect rhythm to my long slow thrusts.

"You have an.. an.. incredible b... b... body Adams," I stammered studying our performance on the screen.

She sighed, humping her big soft ass onto my cock. "Look how the skin around my pussy clings to your dick when you pull it out...."

I guess that was a big reason why these older women wanted me. My big thick donkey dick was made for their baby blasted bodies.

"... it fills me all up," she whined as we fucked on the screen and on the office chair.

We were momentary overcome and began rocking back and forth faster and faster. The nurse used the chair armrest as support and began bouncing on my cock.

"OOOoooo yeahhhh..."

"MMMM ooh fuck me...." she gasped... "you fill me up SO GOOOOD..."

The office chair squeaked in protest but held up.

I felt like I was about to explode but I desperately held myself back. The nurse was also on the brink but held off... Not yet... Not yet...

Gasping for breath, her big body shaking and sweaty from the sudden exertion, she inadvertently helped me by squeezing her cunt muscles tight, holding me still and preventing us from cumming.

After a few minutes of no movement from either of us I thought it might be safe to run my hands over her tits and brush over her nipples.

"Ooooo god..." she moaned as her cunt muscles spasmed around the shaft of my cock.

"Ooooo fuuuckk..." Her amazing pussy was holding me and releasing me.

I pinched her nipples hard and pulled them... "Ohhhhhh yes," she cried. "Pinch them... pinch them..."

We started rocking back and forth again more slowly and after a while we were able to continue looking through the movie selection.

I noticed a movie called JUST JOHNNY and clicked it without thinking.

So there's a camera hidden in my room as well. By the angle it was in the big round light fitting above my wardrobe and looked down at my unmade bed. My bedside light was on and we could hear the shower running.

Soon the water was turned off and I walked into the shot. I was still wet, the water sparkling on my skin, reflecting off my naked body. I was drying my hair with a towel.

I reached for the mouse to stop the show but Nurse Adams held my hand.

"I don't want to watch this nurse," I said, trying to click it off but she was stopping me.

"I want to see it," she said. "Let it play."

I was too horny to care anymore.

The me on the screen was drying my body in front of the mirror, which means I was facing the camera. I toweled off back and front, my legs, my ass, and my dick... I was spending longer than generally required to dry that. Looking at my reflection, I picked the big flaccid thing up and held it like a hose, squeezing and then stroking to get hard.


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